x.Chasing Sunshine


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Yeah, but we didn't finish school until the 19th of July so that would explain why.

Although, I got two extra weeks off at the end because I went on the German exchange. But a normal summer holiday lasts 6-7weeks.

I got a picture of crumpets for you x3

Yes, you did make my day :)

Brandon squeezed her hand. "I'm glad.." Was all he could really think of to say to that. "Just you being here with me means more than I could express to you."

You feel as though you have a rain cloud floating above your head.  

In your world, things are just not going well. Your friendships have disintegrated leaving you an outcast. Your family is having major problems that don't seem to be getting any better. Your love life is either terrible or terribly non-existent and while you're worrying about all of this you've got the ranks of popularity weighing on your mind.


To top all this off, you're parents have decided to make a sea-change and get out of the big city, assuming that leaving your home will magically fix all your problems, and move to a small town in what seems to be the middle of nowhere.


You feel like you've lost everything. Moving is a traumatic experience for everyone.


You enter the small town of Ivory Bridges just as Summer vacation starts. You're life might not be great right now but can a sunny little town change all that?


You can finally start to pick up the pieces of your life again and start anew. In this town nobody knows who you are.


Maybe it's time to get rid of your rain cloud and start chasing sunshine.



Age: (15-18)









*Keep it literate please.

* Make good quality posts.

*No using the same name as another person, even with spelling variations. It gets confusing. (Eg. No Katie and Katy. No Joe and Jo. Not Hayley and Haylie)

This is my first RP. Sorry if it's not that great. :)

Age: (15-18)16



Personality:fun,bubbly,you cant really dislike her

Background:Was very popular, but lost it all when she accidently dumped some girls birthday cake on her lap due to clumsiness

Family:Her mom,dad, and pet cat

Crush:the first guy to be nice to her and accept who she is

Other:not really

Ahh. That's pretty late.

And those look scrunptious.

And you saying that made my day. I feel accomplished. :)

Avery smiled and lay down next to him again, her hand still in his. She kissed his cheek again, hoping that as an answer would suffice.

Ahhk. The Hogwarts Express leaves today. This will be the fourth year I am missing it and I may cry.

And now I feel equally accomplished :D

xDD You'll make it one day.. Maybe.. I'll say no more x3

"Tell me some more about you," he finally said, after a moment of just holding onto the silence.

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Today, I noticed how many Americans believe all the English do is drink tea and eat crumpets. I was shocked at how they could judge us like this. Then I realized I was drinking tea at the time and had crumpets in the toaster. I apologized. MLIA.

Needless to say, I laughed so hard. At the bus stop.

"Well. Avery Jaden French. Also seventeen. Grew up in New York. I've always wanted to travel. I never really got to obviously. I think I grew up in a nice place. It wasn't bad but it was never enough for me. I always wanted to go somewhere else. And when I get older, I think I either want to act. Broadway would be nice, but I'd prefer other places. Maybe it's because I lived in New York that I don't find it as magical as I should." She paused, unsure of what else to say.

How ironic in so many forms xDD I love that one :)

Brandon looked thoughtful for a while. In some ways she was like him, and, as they'd already established, were completely different in others. Where he grew up was neither nice nor awful-- although, needless to say, there was a lot of crime problems in the area--, but he'd never wanted to be anywhere else. "Would the West End hold the same sort of interest for a career, or is it too like Broadway?" he asked.

I'm in second period algebra now. :)

"I think I would like that. It'd be somewhere else. Somewhere different." she replied.

We have seven different classes.

My schedule is chemistry, algebra, English, tech theatre, AP World History, theatre, and French. You have to take the basic four, but you pick your level. And three electives--but there are some requirements you have to meet such as at least 2 years of foreign language.

"I wouldn't say this counts." Avery replied. "The place, itself, alone, doesn't feel important. But it is, at the sane time. Because of you."

That's almost completely different to how it is here xD

Maths is just one subject including all the types you study as separate subjects, as are Biology, Chemistry and Physics, which are all just within Science.

"If I'm what makes it imporant, then we might as well be anywhere in the world right now.. That's what I think. We could be in the crappiest place you could possibly imagine for all I care, as long as you'd be there."

Oh. We do bio in ninth, chem in tenth, and physics in eleventh and one of our choice in twelvth. All the classes progress like that.

"Really?" she asked softly. It was almost as if she didn't believe him and needed a confirmation.

That's so weird to me.. I can't imagine having that.

"Would I lie to you?" he asked with a chuckle. He rolled himself onto his side and rested his head on his arm, which was holding up most of his body weight too.

Does it make it weirder when I say I can't imagine not having that?


"I doubt it." She smiled, turning so that she could face him.

No, because it's basically saying the same about any other school system as I'm saying about yours. So mine is weird to you, and yours is weird to me :)

"Mmm, but just in case you still don't quite believe me.." he leaned forward-- though he wasn't without the tinest hesitation-- and pressed his lips to her gently.

Awh. Darn it. You're right. D:

I just wish there was a global code of education. That way I could all the smart TT people for help. :)

Avery was surprised at first, but she honestly didn't mind it. She kissed him back and moved her hand to his arm. She pulled back slightly, not more than a few inches, and smiled.

xDD That might be useful. I though of a ton of different ways to say what I was going to say, but they all make me sound big headed, which wasn't my intention at all, so never mind that.. xD

"You're smiling. Thank god," he chuckled softly. He honestly hadn't known what she'd make of it.

Well. I honestly don't care how concieted anyone sounds. I'm the kind of person who says "Thanks, I know." when someone compliments me.

This reminds me. There's two hot guys who I see every day. O:

Avery wanted to reply, but at the same time, wasn't exactly sure what to say. She kissed him again instead.

Really? Spill xDD If there's talk about hot guys, I know I wanna hear it xD

Brandon probably wasn't as surprised as she must have been when he kissed her, but he couldn't say he'd been expecting it. Still, instead of sitting there like a lemon, he kissed her back, smiling against her lips.

I guess I'd better be off now :)

Nighty night <3

Is a lemon a common British slang word? I giggled.

Ohhkkay. If you insist. XD

Well. There's guy número one. And he looks hot. Like he has awesome hair and pretty eyes and his locker is like three away from mine. No clue what his name is. He doesn't spend much time at his locker after school. Like it's open, throw what's with me in bag, close. So I secretly race him to see who can finish first. One of my friends is I think friends with him, according go my facebook stalking. But I honestly don't care to find out more about him.

The second guy isn't as hot as the first one, but cute nonetheless. He's in my WHAP class so I'm certain he's decently smart. He also has the samemath homework as me, so I know he's in honors algebra 2. Which is for pretty smart kids. Like, 11th grade math. And that makes me happy. He's also very nice to talk to. However I have been talking to him for like a week before class starts and I don't know his name but I am determined to figure it out tomorrow. D:<

haha. I went on and on.

Goodnight. :)

Avery smiled and shifted closer to him, somehow managing to do it without moving her lips from his.

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