x.Chasing Sunshine


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xDD It's okay to cry at Disney films :3

You'll cry at the ones I make when you're older, mark my words xDD

"I knew it!" he said, grinning at her. He took a moment to stare out towards the sea, where towards the horizon was painted with washes of pink, orange and yellow from the evening sky as the sun was getting low in the sky, and was amazed by the beauty of the sight, though he felt Avery could beat it hands down all the same.

Really? What do you wanna do?

I swear I will do anything to direct movies.

"I'm sorry for being hypocritical." she giggle slighlty and hugged him, as if to say sorry.

Well, I've wanted to be an animator for Disney for years. It's either that, or something musical.

"It's okay. I forgive you and your hypocrisy," he chuckled, and hugged her as well, as if backing up his words, not to mention the fact that he was quite content with hugging her anyway.

That's fabulous. :) it'd be fun too.

I always wanted to act until I assistant directed the musical which was fabulous.

Avery pulled away slightly. "Sorry. I'm getting your clothes wet."

She frowned, wishing she hadn't fallen.

Yeah.. Drawing all day long. I'd absolutely love that <3

And then to see a film and think, "I did that.." would be so cool.

You could do both, if you wanted. It's not unheard of :)

"If that's all you're worried about, then allow me to help you stop." He smirked and stood up, beginning to run into the ocean and diving in, completely submerged. He swam back to her and chuckled as he seated himself back on the sand next to her. "So you see, getting wet really isn't an issue for me, even in these clothes."

Well, I'm off. Nighty night :)

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Haa. That would be nice. I haven't drawn a thing for years.

Maybe. I'd have to be extremely good at both. But honestly, I find directing a bit more appealing.

Good night. I'll be at school most of tomorrow. ):

"That makes things easier for me. Thank you." She smiled and shifted closer to him before kissing his cheek gently.

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Ah, I see. Well, I'll look out for you in the future :)

I made a ton of terrible typos in that last post.. You can tell it was late and I was using the wii xD

"You're very welcome," he replied with a smile, returning the kiss. He was quiet for a moment, and then put an arm around her gently and asked her, "Did I really only meet you today?"

Ahh. I won't be home till like 4ish my time(maybe 10 your time?) and I can't use my phone in school because they changed the policy--first time it gets taken up isn't a warning. D:

"It's strange." She replied "Because it feels like I've known you for a much longer time."

So you're in the same time zone as Janna and Feebee, then?

That's cool, I'll still be up around then :)

"My thoughts exactly.." He nodded in agreement. "You've made moving in here for me today a lot easier, more enjoyable. I really wasn't sure what to expect at all."

Yep. Dallas, Texas. :)

For the record we ride buses not horses to school.

"You know, I feel the complete same way." Avery nodded her head in agreement. "I was kind of nervous. Coming here. Totally against it. It's much better now."

xD Okay. British people don't seem to have assumptions like that for Americans, really. Most just seem to have the general idea that you all eat too much and do too little-- apart from talking, which you should do less of.

I am one of the minority who actually knows better. Whoever believes that crap is quick to stereotype and make us all look like hypocrites, because lots of British people fit that description perfectly -.-

"You might just make that excuse for a town livable," he laughed a little.


Most people here do eat and talk too much. I know I do. The only reason I can get away with it is because I barely gain weight and only talk to people I likeslashknow, and until then am very quiet. But I appreciate your nonstereotypical ways.

Though I know quite a few people who fit the catagory perfectly.

Actually I lied. I onlyeat toomuch chocolate and too little of anything else. Same difference.

"Well, that's terribly nice of you say that." Avery giggled.

Yeah, but more in the sense of "obese and loudmouths, or really in your face when they talk to you." Both of which do not apply to you at all, Diva. :)

"I know. Charming, aren't I?" he snickered. He ran a hand back through his damp hair, causing it to resemble something like how it normally did, but it was hard to make wet hair look tousled. "On a serious note, though, I'm glad I have something-- or someone, rather-- who'll stop me from going crazy and to make living there.. Nice."

Oh. Well, obese is a pretty typical way that the world sees people here. So if anyone had that in their heads, I honestly wouldn't blame them.

Haa. And to be honest, you don't seem like the tea and crumpets kind of person. :)

I'm not even sure what crumpets are but Ive heard people say it in reference to the UK.

She smiled, lying down on her back, looking up at the stars. As it got darker, more became visible. She hadn't seen an actual starry sky in New York--that was new to her.

"Now that I think about it, the place isn't bad. Just underpopulated. But you most definitely make up for the lack of people. I'd pick you over them."

Too right. I hate tea xDD

Crumpets... Hmm.. I'm not exactly sure what they're made of, but you have them for breakfast. They've got loads of holes in the top of them, and you put them in the toaster so that when you put butter and jam or syrup or whatever you want in them, it all gets soaked up into the crumpet :) They're delicious.

Brandon hadn't seen stars from London, either, due to the light pollution from the city. He'd at least seen them when being on holiday in somewhere more remote, but he did know people who'd never seen a star in their life. "Well, the beach is enough of an attraction for me. But you're right, it's not bad in a sense that it's.. Run down or full of the wrong sorts of people.. Just a lack of people or interesting places to see." He sat up for a while longer, looking at the dark sea until he lay back as well. "But what's a city's worth of people useful for when you only really need one?"

If I had to say you were tea or coffee, I would have to say coffee. But at the same time, not one of those I-Live-Off-Coffee people. I'm getting to deep into this. This is something I do subconciously. I analyze people.

They sound like waffles. And here I was thinking they were croissant like objects.

Aver rolled over, so that she was on her stomach, looking down at him. "You really are too nice to me. Don't you realize that?"

I'm a hot chocolate kinda gal :rolleyes:

But coffee over, tea, definitely. Somehow it's much more laid back than tea, which is me all over.

Well.. In somevways they are like waffles, and in some ways they aren't. They kind of look like mini Swiss Cheeses 'cause of the colour and the holes.

They don't taste like waffles at all.

"I think you'll find it balances itself out considering you're being far too nice to me, too," he chuckled. "What is not balanced, however, is how beautiful you are, and how distinctly average I am in comparison."

I kinda want one now, even though I'm full. Are you still on summer vacation?

I don't know why I asked now. xD

"I was so wrong when I said you weren't a liar." She laughed "You're amazing and you should know that."

Yeah, until next Tuesday. Don't even wanna think about school right now, though. I just don't know where this holiday's gone to..

He smiled up at her, his signature crooked smile once again present. "Even if noone else in this world believes that, if I can be amazing to you, then nothing else matters.." He put a hand up to her cheek and caressed it gently.

Well, I'm off. Nighty night :)

It's unfair that you get two more weeks of summer than me. I started last Monday. But say what you will--I love school. :)

Did I really make your day--well, yesterday for when you see this?

Niiight. <3

Avery reached for his other hand intertwining her fingers with his. "What you just said...that means so much to me."

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