x.Chasing Sunshine


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Sorry about that. Dirty Dancing was on TV <3

"I'm not sure how well it would work out.. I'm scared of nothing but also of everything at the same time, and it's stopping me from getting there. Like, I've always got 'what if's' in my mind, even though I'll do anything to have something I love."

Ahh. O:

That's on my to watch list.

"Maybe you're just nervous. Like before something huge. But you shouldn't worry about that. You could defnitely do well, you would. You shouldn't let it stop. Just...ignore the what ifs." She replied.

You really have to, it's amazing. I first saw it this year when I was in Germany, but I honestly cannot believe I hadn't seen it sooner.

"I'm just a shy person, you know? I'm always afraid of what people think of me. I guess that's why I don't have many friends, because I think that if I talk to someone, they don't want to hear it. I wait for them to talk to me first.."

I'll record it. Because my dad is like anti renting movies that nobody else wants to see. He wouldn't let me get Rent but I found a copy at home and watched it on my laptop.

Actually Rent was a content issue but same thing really.

"You're like the exact opposite of me." She laughed "The way you describe yourself...we couldn't be anymore different."

My Dad just lets Mum and watch what we want and he'll go and do something else if he doesn't want to see it.

"I wouldn't know exactly how you would describe yourself, you haven't really done that," he shrugged. "But I've always been like this. I don't know if I was born shy or if it's my upbringing, or both. I just know school was always tough and made it worse. I only remember people except my true friends talking to me when they were girls in high school, and I know it was because they liked the way I looked more than anything else." He chuckled suddenly, "Well, you know what they say, opposites attract."

Ah. I love the way British people say Mum. It totally makes people in America look lame. :)

"Yeah, I guess they do." Avery smiled. She was quiet for a few seconds. "So when you said that part about girls talking to you in high school...wasn't that you admitting that you are good looking?"

She was definitely teasing him now.

Well, I always right Mum, but I usually say Mom, actually. It's a strange thing I do, because of living in South Africa and here.. I use a lot of South African terms for things, many of which people don't understand xDDD

"No, it wasn't. One girl actually told me once she wasn't interested in me as a person, just how I looked, and that's why she talked to me-- she meant it to be a compliment, but it really didn't sound like one," he had to laugh a little bit. "And whenever the others talked to me, after that experience, I could tell exactly who wanted what from me when they came over. I doubt I will ever admit that I'm good looking."

That's sort of confusing. The closest I've ever come to someone not understanding me is cussing in French.

"Fine, but you're still wrong about the way you think you look." She replied. She looked out of the window--there were a few lights in the distance, but nothing that looked bigger than where they had come from. The one thing that caught her eye was that the road they were on was kind of hilly. She had just noticed it, but there was an ocean or some body of water to her right.

"I didn't know we were near the beach." She stated.

It was great, though, because there were two South Africans on the cruise, and I finally got to use a term that someone understood! xD

"Well, even if I still don't think so, I'm at least glad that you do," he smiled. He looked surprised, his brow then furrowing slightly. "There's a beach out there? I had no idea," he said.

That's pretty cool. :)

She nodded, looking out.

"Well, it doesn't seem like it's been designated as a beach. It's empty. Do you wanna go?"

Ahh, this is like deja vu. This is what Tyrin and Nox did in Innocence, except they walked to the beach and took days to get there xD

"Sure, unless you're in a hurry to get dinner. I don't mind waiting a while, though," he replied, slowing a little bit in case there was a turning nearby and they hadn't decided.

Really? Is it physically possible to walk so far? Ahh. My feet would fall off.

"Neither do I, so I suppose that's fine." Avery nodded. She felt excited--she could barely remember the last time she had been to a beach.

Well, they made it, in any case. It was a really cute part of the rp, too. Ahh, the good old days xD

"Beach it is, then," Brandon smiled, and began searching for a turn off. It was about five minutes before one appeared on the right hand side of the road, a small, wooden sign that was painted white-- though it was flaking all over-- had the word, "Beach" painted over it in black. Brandon doubted anyone would notice it if they weren't looking. It took them over a hill, and the beach became more easily visible on the descent.

Awwh. :)

my sister and I are watching Coraline. I'm not sure if it's good or not. But I love Dakota Fanning's voice. It's so cute.

Avery waited for the car to stop and when it did, she jumped out of the car, to the shore. The water was cold, but she liked it. From a distance, she might have even looked like a child. She faced his direction, about to say something, when a wave knocked her over. She looked slightly surprised to see the dress clinging to her wet skin.

I haven't seen it, actually. My friend says it was good, but then she also loved Bolt, which I really didn't xD

Brandon had slipped his shoes and socks off in the car and had left them there as he began to ran after her. He laughed when she got knocked over, and at her expression afterwards, coming up to the water's edge as it lapped over his feet and caused the ends of his pants to become wet. "You okay?" he asked, unable to hide his amusement.

Ahh. I cried when Bolt was about to die. XD

Avery nodded, laughing.

"I'm great." she replied as she sat down by the ocean "But you shouldn't laugh at me. That wasn't nice." She was having a hard time not laughing.


The last time I cried at a film was at Marley and Me..

"You'd laugh if it was me," he said, raising an eyebrow at her as if challenging her to say she wouldn't. He sat down next to her. "But I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!" he exclaimed, faking a pout.

I bawled in Marley and Me. The book itself was bad enough. It's like my favorite movie inthe world though. And I got watery eyed at the end of The Wizards of Waverly Place Movie at the end. But only because the whole movie I was comparing it to my relationship with my family.

Basically, I cry for dead dogs not dead people.

"Fine." She said "But only because I like you. Otherwise I would still be very angry."

I was on the school bus as I finished Marley and Me, it was so embarrassing! I was just sat there crying while there were still people on it xD

Haven't seen that film, actually. Haven't even heard of it.

"Yay." Brandon chuckled, his smile returning. "You didn't answer, me, though. You would have laughed if it had been me, wouldn't you?"

It's on Disney Channel. XD

I felt like a three year old...

She nodded "Yes. Actually, I probably would have."

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