Obama vs. Mccain


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My cousin actually told me she believes that you should only have the baby if you want one. that why go through all the pain of child birth if you don't intend to keep the child anyway? plus, it would end up in foster care, and some foster cares aren't very safe. they could be abusive because some people just take in the kids just to have the money. I hope that explains it a bit. :)
Well you could give the kid to a family/couple who can't have children...


We need this country to take a jump into the 21st century.

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i'm on Obama's side. By the way, Obama was born in hawaii and McCain was born in Panama. So Obama is born in the U.S, not McCain. My social studies teacher told my class that. I was like, wow.

If I could vote, I would go for Obama, no doubt.

When I look at McCain, I see another George W. Bush, and these last four years sure have made the United States look great.

If I could vote, I would go for Obama, no doubt.When I look at McCain, I see another George W. Bush, and these last four years sure have made the United States look great.
I couldnt agree more.

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We are having a mock (Fake) Election at school, and I am voting for McCain.

When I look at Obama, I see raising taxes.

We are having a mock (Fake) Election at school, and I am voting for McCain.When I look at Obama, I see raising taxes.
Well you arent seeing enough then. he's raising taxes for the RICH and lowering them for the middle class/poor, to me thats a good idea.

Well you arent seeing enough then. he's raising taxes for the RICH and lowering them for the middle class/poor, to me thats a good idea.
But why should the rich suffer just because some people have less money than them? That's not fair.

To me they aren't suffering. They have MONEY to pay those taxes.
Yes, but if they have to pay more taxes than everyone else then soon they wont be rich anymore. Everyone should be treated fairly. You can't have some people pay more money than others.

I'm from a dif country and I though Clarke VS Key was bad.

'John is crazy!' 'But Helen is worse'

Hehehe. I love it when they fight!

But from what i've seen Palin is a crack up "I can see russia from my house!"

Ahh. How I love her =D

I want to adopt her.

Yes, but if they have to pay more taxes than everyone else then soon they wont be rich anymore. Everyone should be treated fairly. You can't have some people pay more money than others.
Yes but when those people arent rich anymore, it wont really make a difference. If they become middle class they will have lower taxes anyway. Plus usually people are rich because they have jobs. People having taxes shouldnt affect their jobs. If they keep up their jobs they will still be rich.

I'm from a dif country and I though Clarke VS Key was bad.'John is crazy!' 'But Helen is worse'

Hehehe. I love it when they fight!

But from what i've seen Palin is a crack up "I can see russia from my house!"

Ahh. How I love her =D

I want to adopt her.
Why do you like Sarah Palin O_O she kills moose and eats them O_O;; thats one of the main reasons i dont want Mccain, is because of her.

Yes, but if they have to pay more taxes than everyone else then soon they wont be rich anymore. Everyone should be treated fairly. You can't have some people pay more money than others.
I'm guessing that you aren't old enough to pay or understand how taxes work. Not to mention have a job in this economy and see how ugly capitalism is to people on the bottom.

Try this, our country is in the economical toilet right now. To get out and not bought by some place like China (who we owe TONS of money to) we HAVE TO RAISE TAXES. This is the only way to start to balance our budget.

SO, do you raise taxes on the people on the bottom of the money scale? No, because you'd have to raise it pretty high and these people are dieing in the streets already. If you raise taxes on the rich (who have had a lot of tax cuts right now thanks to the current government leaders) you get a LOT more money with a small amount of tax raising...

It's kinda like if you have 1,000 dollars, one dollar isn't very much to you, but if you have 10 one dollar is life and death... Does this make sense? You can take a few thousand dollars from a multi-billionaire and it won't make too much of a dent on their bank statemnet... but you take one thousand dollars from someone who only makes twenty-thousand a year and they can't pay their bills anymore. That's why we already have in place a tax bracket system, that's why if we were to raise taxes anywhere it would have to be in the top tiers.

Plus, in this crisis, lower tax bracket people are losing their homes and going bankrupt... do you see those big companies run by all those rich people lowering their profit margins so that poor people can afford to live? Or do you see prices going up? Capitalism is a cold, cold system, where big fish prey on the little ones. People are cruel to other people in this system. This system isn't designed to be fair. Life isn't fair. Is it fair to be born into a poor family get kicked out when you're 18 and not be able to afford an apartment? No. Is it fair that qualified people get fired from their jobs that they've been working at for years because there's a less qualified person that they can hire for less to take their place? No. Is it fair that medical costs are so astronomically high that most people cannot afford it even if they have a life threatening disease? No.

If you want fairness in government, we should all be communist (or socialist which means the same thing but a lot of people don't understand what communism actually is).

It'd be great if generally in this society people were good people. Really, it would be great. However, one must operate on the principles of reality to make a good judgment of reality. Idealism has its place, but not applied to this situation. :)

Why do you like Sarah Palin O_O she kills moose and eats them O_O;; thats one of the main reasons i dont want Mccain, is because of her.

Don't want her anymore Ick!

I just want to lol at her face,

I'm being real immature about this so don't take my opinion seriously. I hardly know about these people

But I have a question, why do women abort the baby instead of putting it for adoption?
Having a baby is a big undertaking. Imagine, nine months of your life in pain, uncomfortable, unable to do lots of things, getting sick just because... Not to mention doctor bills, taking time off of work, emotional turmoil... it's life changing. Even if you give the baby up for adoption...

Some girls are victims of rape. This is traumatic in itself, but should they be subject to carrying this child to term? In this case it's like punishing the victim even more to carry the baby.

Sometimes birth control messes up. These people take measures not to get pregnant but end up getting pregnant anyways. It happens, but often times these people are not emotionally or financially prepared to have a baby. In this case the baby's future is at stake. Would they really want to bring a child into the world that they can't care properly for?

Some people are dumb. These people shouldn't be mating anyway but they do because dumb people have less self control. These people abuse abortion like they abuse drugs. Do we really want their children in this world?

Sometimes, it's life threatening for the mother to have a child. Should the mother die just to bring the baby to term?

Really there are lots of reasons why someone would opt for abortion... not to mention that not all kids get adopted... imagine what it's like knowing that your own parents gave you up and nobody wants to adopt you... :)

Well, I was independent. Both of the parties are bluffing, a lot. Neither one of them really has the power to "save the economy." Half the things that they are saying probably won't get past the senators. But I do perfer McCain if I have to choose, because I don't like Obama's tax policies. I said that at school, and I was verbally bashed. People started calling me a racist, for not voting for Obama. Other people screamed that McCain is going to start more wars. some even said that he's gonna take everything away from the poor and give it to the rich, and he wants to put us back into the depression. And a bunch of other rumors. After about 15 minutes of that crap I stood up and screamed, "Alright, you wanna play that way? Then FINE. Obama is a terrorist. He is going to rip babies out of their mother's stomaches and kill them all. OBAMA EATS PUPPIES." I made a good portion of them laugh, but then a fist fight broke out, so I left. (BTW, I don't actually believe any of that that I said. I was just tired of all the stupid lies) And so now, just because of them, in the mock election I'm voting McCain. Also, something I noticed in my school (it's not anywhere else, just there) is that everyone who is really kinda stupid, and has no idea what their talking about, or vote depending on rumors they heard from their friends, is voting for Obama. The most reasonable people I've debated with are McCain supporters. Again, this is just in my school, it isn't anywhere else. I'm really independent, but I guess I'm voting for McCain.

Edit: when I say I'm voting, I mean we're having a mock election at my school.

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