h34r: I'd just like to start off by saying that it's been great talking to you. You have such a different viewpoint that it really keeps me on my toes! I'm not really great at making solid points and stuff but I think this topic alone is helping me to improve. I do get a bit emotional but I hope I'm making good conversation.
Here's an article about Sarah Palin and the helicopter hunting from
The Huffington Post's website. :/ I guess she does hunt elk and moose too.
I can't find very much information on his church that isn't biased in some direction...

why is it so hard to just find some facts? Ugh, but what I did find out is that it's a black church. Eh, so what? There are lots of those. There are lots of other churches that don't let certain kinds of people in based on dress or whatever. It's a private organization. There are lots of different kinds of Christians. Very few are tolerant of each other but in the end they all believe in Jesus, right? They still read very much of the same book?
I never said anything about lying in court, I did say that the people who need to go to court aren't going. That is totally against the law. At least Clinton
went to court. Maybe if the democrats in power would have the balls to prosecute these people would just get arrested. Anybody else would. The law should apply to everyone in the same way. For some reason it isn't and it smells funny to me. Although you could be referring to that weird post about McCain and the four wives which just seems ridiculous. I didn't really follow where you were going with that though....
Our news media has been retarded for years... It never reports on what is important. It's always gossip and local whatnot. :furawatchi: I don't even watch TV anymore I listen to talk radio and read the news paper... but even then it's hard to find something balanced and worth listening to. Uh, but Cuba is not part of the US last I checked...
Um, and this country has been surviving on socialist policies to help protect hard working Americans for many years. Remember the New Deal? Those policies
were socialist. Socialist policies in our government are things like Social Security, Welfare and, Labor Unions. These things help when people are in need and keeps greedy people from harming the decent. In fact, wasn't it socialist policies that got us out of the great depression? True hardworking America needs socialism to protect it from immoral corporate America. That's what it's there for, that's why it's so integrated into our system. We wouldn't have stuff like public schooling if it wasn't for socialism.
Just remember Socialism is not Stalinism nor is communism Stalinism
I think what Biden was meaning that the tolerance of the American people will test Mr. Obama for the duration of the election (6 months). A lot of people spout intolerant things and they have. Even McCain is guilty of it. With that not shaking Obama's hand and calling him a terrorist... it's sick.
It's kinda like why religion is such a hot topic at elections. Most religious people are very intolerant of other religions. It's a policy built into them. A person can be moral without being a Christian just as a person can be amoral and go to church every Sunday (like those boy-raping priests). I see that there are beliefs that go along with religion but I've yet to see a Catholic give me unbiased reasons why Muslims are bad or Wicans are evil.
Our country is supposed to have a
separation of church and state for a reason. Electing people based on religion is like denying the constitution. Denying people that are different from having their opinions.
... Israel is it's own country isn't it? We have our own problems, don't we? Our country is nearly dead from trying to police the world instead of trying to fix internal problems. People are losing homes and can't afford food. People can't live on their incomes anymore. People can't even go to the doctor when their sick! We are a mess! We can't just march into Israel and help out! We need to start fixing things here! When this country began we had a policy of not dealing with other nation's problems. I think we need to get back to this. If you want to go help Israel, go right ahead and go! Just don't drag the whole country down there with you. We're trying to bandage our wounds here already. <_<
This election is gonna be tense. I can't wait to see what comes either.
And FOX News is about as reputable as this video.
We have to have government - yes, I totally agree with that. My problem with Obama's plan is that I don't think the government should control every aspect of our lives. It should not control our paycheck, our schools, our health care - yes, we need to pay taxes but I don't think it's right that we must give so much to the government just for handouts in "spreading the wealth around".
People should not be babied by the government. Sometimes, people need help. That's what welfare is for. Sometime it's for a long time. But it should not be just given away for nothing. Welfare is to help people get on their feet - not for them to just live off of it forever. It may take awhile, yeah. But as a people we cannot be dependant on our government for our total well being.
Maybe accept for the fact that he mentions both "world testing" Obama and an "international crisis".
"Mark my words
it will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don't remember anything else I said.
Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy." -Biden
[For the link, you can just google the quote and it'll pop up.]
It's not intolerant to point out that Obama has radical associations. I'd like to see your basis for the not shaking hand deal and calling him a terrorist.
Now, again, I don't know your religious background and I don't want to use the word ignorant in the bad light so I hope you don't misinterpret my meaning here, but if you haven't had a religious background, it's hard to understand why it really does matter.
I'll say, first as you've mentioned it, that I'm not a Catholic and I disagree with some of their theology a good bit. Christians are humans too and so we make mistakes. But a few bad apples, like the child-raping priest [which is NOT Christian like at all. If he could do that, though I'm not a judge, I SERIOUSLY doubt of his relationship with Christ

] doesn't make the whole religion a terrible thing, either, unless their basis is actually such things.
Muslims and Jews have been at war since the beginning. Actually, a whole bunch of civilizations and peoples have had major problems with Israel. Personally, I believe that Israel is God's nation [and to save space as I've typed a book, lol, I won't continue that point] and that they need protection. It's also mentioned in the Bible about the end times and the Muslims vs the Jews and the like. A Muslim is going to obviously be for his Muslim groups in the middle east. I'm not saying they approve of terrorism but choosing sides between Israel and the other Muslim countries is a huge deal. It also impacts our safety as well because ultimately, we will have to choose a side and their will be consequences for which side we choose.
I have to disagree with you on that you consider America almost dead. People
die to come here. The economy may be down right now [actually, McCain predicted this such happening but the democrats did not listen] but it will pop back up. Our economy is not dead - it's much better than most countries in the world even! Obama wants to tell you that the only thing that will safe America is himself and that's just not the case! For instance, his new infomercial. He shows a woman with 7 kids. Yeah, seven kids is a lot! And you have to make sacrifices, sure. But also notice, she has a new looking SUV which is expensive.

Anyway, people had to make sacrifices and scrape the bottom of the bucket at times 40 years ago - we're never going to have perfect harmony monetarily wise - but did America die then? No way! We've had low points, but the American people are hardcore. Some do better than others but we'll make it.
Life is tough - yeah, it is everywhere - but America is not dead. Oooh no, we aren't dead yet.