My parents are legal immmagrants and they have been here for a while..but now a days its really hard to get papers. And um..if the United States wasnt a free country wouldnt there be laws on what culture or what religon you could practice or what kind of clothes you should wear. There has to be laws to protect people, like murdering, stealing, kidnapping, etc. Well thats my opinon so whatever.
Limited freedom is not true freedom. By wanting the government to protect you, one must give up certain freedoms. You don't have to give up all freedoms, but you are not free if you are restricted. This is not a free country, yes we are allowed to do most things and are sometimes protected by law to be able to do them but we are not truly free. Not that it's a bad thing, it's just it gets on my nerves when people say that this is a free country when obviously it's not... we even have restrictions on looking at certain materials.. it's not as bad as other countries... but there are countries with more freedoms than we.
Frankly, I also don't care about illegal immigrants but I do expect people to obey the set laws if they are here and to be able to communicate enough to get by (even if just by gesture). People don't HAVE to come here to escape some unknown evil, (which I've never heard of in this decade), and they certainly don't have to come here illegally. I have no sympathy for anyone who breaks the law. Not even those bicyclists in California who ride on the sidewalk because they're afraid of the drivers who don't bother to learn how bicyclists are supposed to ride in traffic (people break the law all the time in California). Many people see this as a bit extreme but if you are breaking the law, YOU'RE BREAKING THE LAW! and you deserve the consequences of that.
This is something that the McCain campaign doesn't seem to care about because even when people associated with them are called in for trial, they don't go... ::cough Palin cough::
I dislike politicians in general but if anyone is gonna fix the mess we're in it would probably be Obama. If you side with McCain I beg you to do some research on reputable news websites.. hell, check out all the wonders Palin has circling
around her. Have any of you McCain supporters read about his political stances before running for office and then after he started running? There are lots of flip-flops there... just do some research... there are some SERIOUS bad stuff surrounding McCain and his people... and all they got on Obama is oh, this guy who did bad stuff when he was six... oh he's a Muslim even though he's not and in a country that supposedly has a
separation of church and state it shouldn't matter even if he was.
I'm not saying anyone has to agree with me, but before you decide, get informed. Don't let emotions and close-mindedness cloud your judgment... y'know?