Moonlight War


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He paused, and glanced at his family for a second. "You wake up the others, and Ill wake them up." He murmured, before heading over to them. He glanced over his shoulder. "And, for gods sake- put that pink haired kid down somewhere before you wake everyone else! Hes been whimpering like crazy."

Dani nodded, curling up in the cloth they had there. "Okay."

Kyouri leaned down, and his expression imidiatly changed as he laid eyes on his wife, sleeping so soudnly. He hesitated, then shook her a little, to wake her up. "Hy, Sari... Its me, Ky. You gotta wake up, love."

He stroked her hair. "Theres a big mountain cat, Isaac says. Three times bigger then normal, and it almost got him and Dani, so he wants to make a big deal out of it." He kissed her forehead. "We need to look out for it."

He nodded, and slipped over to gather be babies out of their sleeping area. He picked them all up and carried them back to Sorrow, and sat down beside her.

"... You gotta get the others up. There's a large mountain lion coming here looking for some people to eat. I'm warning you guys- It tried to get me and Dani. We need more people to beat it away."

He sighed in relife when he looked over and saw he was fine, the nodded. "Okay, so Ill wake these two up and you get the others." He turned, and started to shake Elda.

Jade closed her eyes, but she couldn't sleep. Not at all. She felt something wasn't right, and her nightmare had freaked the crap out of her.

Avi was perched in a tree, listening to the sounds of the night. "Alli, something's moving very quickly. It's not natural."

Isaac nodded, and then walked over to Terra. He gently shook her, instead of Everett, out of fear that Everett would attack him.

"... Hmmn?" Elda whispered, getting up.

Alli's eyes narrowed. "It's... It smells like me."

(You play Terra, silly)

"That guy... Danis new boyfriend, or whatever... He says theres a big, way big cat running the forest."

(i know, obviously)

"... Oh really. Sounds like food to me." Elda yawned.

Terra didn't wake up though, so he shook Everett instead.


"He says its three times the size of a regular mountian lion, maybe more, and that it hunted them. I think, maybe, he is exxagerating though.

Everett mumbled something in his sleep, then grunted out a 'what.'

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