Moonlight War


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Halfway through the night, Jade woke up, screaming. Her body was bathed in icy sweat, and she shook. Irregularly, sharply, she took in as much air as she could.

Isaac landed on the roof, and then climbed down the wall of the hut with Dani still being held. He huried into the hut. "GUYS- Be ready! There is a mountain lion coming this way, like, and its huge! 3 times the normal! It tried to attack us!"

Croy was already awake, and didnt even jump when she jerked herself awake- he had been feeling her move all night long, and been anticipating it. All the same, he was worried. "Jade?" He murmured. "Jade, love, are you doing okay?"

Kyouri was one of the only ones awake, and he glanced up with disdain in his cold, purple eyes. "You said a big cat was coming this way?"

Jade's eyes, although he couldn't see them, were filled with a frenzied terror, one that she had never fully experienced before. She could feel her heart thudding furiously, pulsating against her ribs. "I... I think so. I just... h-had a nightmare... that's all...." She replied, gasping.

Croy Sat up, and pulled her into his lap. "Well, it dosent sound like just a nightmare." He murmured.

Kyouri's eyes flashed for a second with an emotion that went by to quick to identify, to be replaced with determination. "Well, if it gets near, ill kill it." He said. "And anyone who wants to help. Its just a big cat."

With the word cat, that emotion crosses Kyouris eyes again. Was he afraid? Only a few people knew, but he was, after all, allergic to cats. And he never was fond of them to begin with.

Jade wiped the sweat from her brow, panting slightly now. She was starting to calm down, which was definitely a good thing.

Croy kissed her head. "Just relax, girly-girl." He murmured. "Go back to sleep."

Kyouri sighed. "Antoinettes got the only working guns right now. but if its as big as you say, guns wont be doing much against it."

He shrugged. "How do we know its going to hurt us anyways? Were a bunch of humans- no matter how large this kitty may be, theres still that ingrained sense of 'fear-human' in them."

Kyouri frowned. He could care less if the two of them never came back, but decided to hold his tongue- things could get bad for him, and his family. "Okay- well keep watch for it or something. I mean, really-"

He stopped. He was going to say, This isnt my job.

But whos job was it now?

Kyouri stood up then, his face cold and bitter. "Dont you dare question my relationship with my wife." He spat. "Just because you guys p*ss me off dosent mean everyone does."

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