Moonlight War


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Well, school's been a pain in the rear. However, in 12 days, I will officially be a senior! which is scary and cool at the same time.

How about you?

Jade said, "I have no idea what's wrong with me. but... I... I don't care. As long as I know that Toby is safe, I'll be all right." It was strange-- he seemed to be growing up faster than she remembered. He was asserting his independence much more. Perhaps that was the influence of the guys from camp, like Adam and Jackson. Jackson....

She hoped he couldn't tell she was sick. At camp, she put on a pretty good show.

YAY!!! ^^

are you super pumped?

Aviance was looking for Alli again. She sighed, pushing her hair from her eyes. She couldn't remember where she had last seen him... when he had transformed. How long had it been? She couldn't recall that either. She clutched at the necklace he had given her. Where could he be?

i'm happy, but not too-too excited

my friends gonna come over, so i can do her hair and make up too

Alli suddenly appeared, walking from the shadows. He slowly took a breath of the night air in, and then exhaled just as slow. "Hello, my dear." His voice sounded smoother, more adult. His eyes were still in the form of a cats, the sharp green reflecting off of the sun. Like when you shine a light on a cats eyes in the dark. "Aviance, Come to me." He offered his hand, standing a good ten or so feet away.

Yay! Do you have a date?

Aviance hesitated, then slowly stepped forward. She reached out her hand, placing it in his. She wrapped her fingers around it, squeezing it gently. "Alli..." She murmured. That's all she could say. She looked up at him, her eyes questioning him. But she smiled, if only a little bit.

What happened?

Alli tilted her head, still looking up at him. "You're...?" She wanted to know what he was going to say, more than anything.

he ditched me for a seventh grader.

stupid Brian. he's still my friend, but that hurt.

"I'm changed." He whispered. "I missed you, for those hours."

what a stupid thing for him to do. >> boys don't know anything.

Avi pulled him into her arms. "Alli... I missed you too." She whispered, her voice cracking as tears flooded her eyes. "I love you."

he's just stupid, and i don't get what i saw in him >_>

"I love you too." He held onto her. "Am I too different now?" Alli's hair was starting to get longer, curling.

*hug* I'm sorry.

But don't worry, you're still young!

Avi shook her head and smiled up at him. "Alli, you're talking to a cross between a muderous vixen and a blood sucking monster. No matter what you become, I will always love you." She ran her fingers through his hair.

I love going to dances with my friends.

you can dance with anyone you want.

Aviance smiled and kissed him. "Well, forever is a very long time, love. But yes, I will love you forever, as well."

Love to pop in when no ones here, thats me!

I might get off soon. Theres been a lot of room for me to pop up this weekend.'

Hope you have fun at your formal, love.

Catalin let out a soft whimper, but he seemed to be looking a little better. Vinn waited, scribling something down on his paper.

Croy sighed, keeping his hand on her cheek. "Jade..."

i did have fun <3

haha, people kept staring at me.

i had one of the best dresses, everyone said.

and the guy i like keeps staring at me and talking to me <3

i think tyler likes me~!

and Brian never showed up at the dance, the idiot.

and Ben tried to get me to grind on him and some other girls.

i slapped him <3

this girl, Kim, one of Tyler's friends, kept glaring at me.

i think she's jealous that a lot of her guy friends like me better,

but she's soooo mean to them.

like, kicking them in the nuts and stuff.

Willard bit his lip, silent waiting for Vinn to speak.

Alli grinned, "I love you."

Yay! Jinxy was being a foxy lady!!!!

xD tyler had better like you. Or I'll go all Kim on him!

that was uncalled for, my bad.

Jade took a shuddering breath. "Y-yes...?" She coughed once, but it was very quiet, subdued.

Avi chuckled and ruffled his hair. "By the way, I love your hair."

-wolf whistles- I wouldnt want to be caught up in your web!

Way to go!


I think im off ground....?

At least, no ones kicking me off my computer. Butch hooked it up last night.

Vinn paused, then turned around, proping himself up on the desk. "....Willard." He murmured. "Do you have any idea why Catalin, a human boy, would be taken here, or to other testing facilities, instead of, say, an orphanage? Or the red cross? Why they would put one of their own kind through customs instead of just bringing him back into the human world?"

Vinn had a knowing look in those sharp green eyes.

"Dont die. Please. Dont let anything happen to you. I can save you from... everything... everything but this." He murmured. "I dont want all my little runs to get you or your brother to be in vain. I...I, well. You know. I cant leave because of you two." This was the most gentle, the most kind his voice had ever been. "My sister, more wise then me even with her younger years, made me realize what I had to do."

Yay!! ^^

Man, I have to go to dress rehearsal at 3. I'm so nervous.

Jade's eyes filled with tears. "Dammit Croy, you're getting me started." She wiped at her eyes vainly. "Croy... I don't know what's going to happen to me. But.. if I do die.... just make sure that Toby has somewhere to go."

Ohh, for what? -is curious-

Croy knew, and so his other hand swept away what rolled down her face. "Love? Love. Hey. Ill be here for him. I just want you to be here... You know. For him too."

There was a long pause.

"I want you to be here for me."o

yayz for Axie <3

and it was a funny night.

we went to Friendlys after.

that was a mighty good burger.

dress rehearsal for whaaa?

"... I was wondering that too." Willard whispered.

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