Marshmellow Delights


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My IDL has since last log has changed....

I now have a Blue Star dude on my IDL while I now have the little character I got last time on my 15th Anni. (Either are NOT adults yet.)

I don't currently have pictures... They are blurry and its beginning to get annoying. I hope I get a new phone for C-mas.... Atleast I know I can basicaly get a new one for free with another 2 year agreement.... blah blah blah.

I have been so busy... Yesterday, 3 hours, in a toy store, by myself. They all equal scary. With all the kids out of school, plus adults being out.... All on top of the crazy 3 hours.....


Pet's name: EllaDoo

Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!

I might have over adopted... LOL. Pictures, apparently there IS a limit. Lol. Sorry. But there really isn't much to report on my tamas today. I have Paletchi on my IDL and the Flower again on my 15th Anniversary tama. I'm trying to leave them alone a bit so I don't get repeat characters... Lovelitchi in particular since they are both girls right now... I was thinking of marring them, but I'm not sure what the selection was if there was one... (The last generation! Jeeze!) Otherwise, I figured I needed to connect them more.... Well I guess there was some to report... If you couldn't tell, I am offically addicted to chicken smoothie. Muuhahahaha! My secret code name is DitzyPrecure ... My first... not few had Doo at the name... I stopped now... But I feel like I should adopt more. Weee! I was enjoying myself.

https://www.chickensm...php?id=55536688 (Rat)

https://www.chickensm...php?id=55536828 (Brown Dog)

https://www.chickensm...php?id=55536954 (Green/Pink Spot Dog)

https://www.chickensm...php?id=55537216 (Grey Malk Fish)

https://www.chickensm...php?id=55537380 (ButterflyWolf, Yellow, White Balloon)

https://www.chickensm...php?id=55537479 (Rat)

https://www.chickensm...php?id=55537082 (Card Dog)

https://www.chickensm...php?id=55537723 (Black Rainbow Bunny)

https://www.chickensm...php?id=55537861 (2nd Gen Dog)

https://www.chickensm...php?id=55538032 (Rat)

https://www.chickensm...php?id=55538195 (Brown/Purple Rabbit)

https://www.chickensm...php?id=55538269 (Tribal Rabbit)

https://www.chickensm...php?id=55538950 (White/Brown Rabbit)

https://www.chickensm...01&adopted=true (Brown Hue Dog)

https://www.chickensm...45&adopted=true CU-CUM-BER

https://www.chickensm...02&adopted=true (And its named love....Pufft. Lol)

Doubles, RANDOM

https://www.chickensm...15&adopted=true (Ran over Horse...)

https://www.chickensm...46&adopted=true (Malk Spider)

https://www.chickensm...61&adopted=true (Brown White Dog)

https://www.chickensm...80&adopted=true (MALK KITTY! Or wolf...IDK)

https://www.chickensm...53&adopted=true (Rat)

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Suuuuuu. I had a REALLY long day today... My feet hurt like crazy right now. Needles, but I'm sure they aren't asleep.

Companys have a return policy for a reason. We can do even exchanges.... (But not cash in return, unless you are the manager, which we aren't)

Very long story. Always read the signs. Listen to policy.... and take the free crap when its offered to you. Then LEAVE.

(I was going to let them keep the thing they wanted to return anyway. They wanted cash. Couldn't. Didn't. I personally didn't care what they did with the one thing.)

I'm sorry they didn't have the things they needed, but I can't amend (Change) the rules for one person. ALWAYS check things you need on the day. (Like if they need batteries or stuff like that) I can see why the somebody was wanting to rush. Wife was fairly decend but...the dude was a huge butt. I'm not one to call someone names normally... But this dude. He was.


IDL Is Cactus girl.

15th Anni is the Moon Girl... Mizukitchi or something...

I'll add more...If not....

Merry Chirstmas!

Happy Holidays.


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My IDL is Violetchi and my 15th Anni is a Makiko. (Haven't had her yet on either....)

Makiko's items: Purse (Given) White with red text food... (No idea what it is) Then Pink Dress from the IDL.

Um... You can grow stuff... But it might be WAY easier to obtain certain items with a regular IDL. Otherwise, you could possibly download and make an item to be a favorite of a item you are missing with the IDL item creator.... Which, BTW, The same items work on 15th Anni, including game downloads.

I haven't ran into a growth chart or favorite chart yet... So I am just kinda sharing what I know. Lovelitchi has the same favorites on both IDL and 15th Anni. (Atleast I'm fairly certain....... )

IDL is a boy. 15th Anni is a girl.

Same directions, both ways.

Why do I feel more responsible about work but I'm not there? I feel I should be since a certain dude is comming into work ToMo. I am just hoping something hits a persons head tonight... That it could be their job on the line. I was at work open to close yesterday because of this dude.... Its kinda crazy. (I was only suppose to work half the day...)

I was cake powered all day yesterday. 4 large pieces later (last at 3:30pm-ish) didn't eat anything else all day long. We have crazy amount of cake in my house. Crazy. If I could, I'd ship it to anyone who wanted a piece. (Because its food, and probably wouldn't survive the shipping... shipping rules about food....blah blah blah...)

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Here is Mimitchi on the 15th Anniversary tamagotchi. Looks more fatter... chubby then her previous versions. I like her better though. Lol.

Um, my IDL is a Kutchipatchi. I was trying to get a worse character... but oh well. It happens too. He is generation 39, That's crazy... I might have had more if I didn't keep certain tamas longer...

I find it real funny that Mimitchi is small on the IDL... Mean while, on the 15th, she looks bigger. I was using an item to see, she is like half of her size in the IDL and the 15th she is twice that. Its crazy. Shame my picture chose not to be clear.... Its better then nothing I guess.

I'm trying to decide if I marry Kutchipatchi off today... With Mimitchi or not. I have to find her items yet... Kutchipatchi hates to jump-rope. I found that out today....

Mimitchi has a slight issue with the dress-up items. Lol. (Main outfits) I haven't really gone food shopping or played with the larger items. I'll figure it out fairly quickly. I have many items to try... I've bought most of them I think. (Items)

Mimitchi. Her items. Food. . . The bread thing that looks like an apple pie. The Green thing in the dessert plaza... Then cooking, Yup. Those utensils.

Atleast I'm pretty sure, I was playing with multiple items though. Great guesses.... they lead to irony don't they? (In this case, for the IDL 15th Anni)

So I'm infected. Joy. Cold I think... Could be the weather... I don't know but I don't generally get sick unless its a headache... I do get colds but I'm thinking not this time around. BLAH. I still function however.

*Insert Crossed eyed image here* Yay.

Want a side of what the tomato today?


That wasn't it, FYI.

So I've had a cold.... thing the last two days. K' right... Here is the random part. I ate Chips and Dip while watching Ninja Warrior. Seriously, I'm feeling.... Better. (Not 100% but better then what I have been) Is that random or what? It must be a magical Ninja thing... I have no clue.

*Points* Time for the Log part!

I have a Purple Plum girl on my IDL, Shes new to my characters. Yay! I just need to find my character list again........

Then on my 15th Anni... I have Chamametchi. She is super cute!

I'm trying random different things between both of them. Its a party. Deal.

Very sudden urge to turn my Nano on right now. I have a slight urge for my Tama-Go too.... But alas, those tend not to stay on long enough. They generally sleep if anything............... Shame on me. (When they are adults, they nag....)

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Aww. I love you people. :wub:


Purple plum got all her happy things yesterday. I am totally not sure what they were... They are on a list somewhere here since its the IDL.

Don't feed Purple Plum girl the Rice, She will be on fire......... or maybe I was just crazy.

My15th Anni has Chamametchi.... Jump rope. The flat cake thingi.... I completely forgot the other one. Maybe fruit? Puffft. I don't know. Long day. But she is spazzled. Yes, Spazzled. to be in the Angel wing outfit.... although I'm confused why it isn't a happy item.

Use that word... Its hilarious.

Yes, I am highly aware that all adults hate the rice... Some hate it worse then others. Plum girl has totally shown me that.

I got something.... I think might be completely random for me. A Box of awesome tissues... They feel good on my noes! Its all red-rudolpho from the other tissues I've been using... Next, I got a Tangled Wig. I'm almost certain it won't fit, but here's to a random fitting (child) wig. If not, I have people around me who can. Then I got a Tangled coloring book. Larger then my pocket sized one.

I love Tangled and I haven't even seen it yet. And you guys are like... Hold up, wait a minute... Wha? Yup. I plan on watching it very soon, someone has had to of post a digital copy by now. (Not like I've looked though, I saw Camp Rock 2 online before it was on Disney Channel... )

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Why you no share Tama-Zone(E Ans?) I still love you but I've been looking.... For the 15th Anniversary tama-growth chart. I found it now but... Blah.

Oh, I see, Ra wants it to stay there... Only look then. :newmametchi:


I've been trying this new bag... Has my IDL/15th Anni inside it. Coloring things. My Digivice (season 1) and my random Leafeon figure I had to show someone. I put my Hatsune Miku and the Twins key chain on it. Looks cute. I need to put my Miku/Luka pins on my bag too. Not sure if I really want to put those on it though. Find more key chains I think.

SO, Now that I can learn the names now...

I have Green Blobby- Hyurutchi on my 15th Anni.

Nest Seed child on my IDL.

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IDL- Mr.Potato

15th- Teddy Bear dude with Hat

Muuhahahaha, Name fail!

I got Sonic Colors for the DS. I figured I'd play it more on the DS then the Wii. That and its portable....

Hi guys.

Turned on one of my older digital pets from the past. (White with orange paws and a random bone, Also noted, My bottom has dis-colored to a creamy white) I'm fairly certain this is one of those handful of pets that came out in 1997/1998.

Its suppose to be a dog and I really don't see it yet. This thing is Way moody. It doesn't want to play much unless its on its own terms. It doesn't want to eat either... even if its starved. Yes it eats, but again, on its own terms. At least it is letting me discipline the thing... Not to mention the different buttons I'm not used to.

Funny thing with it, I put batteries inside it at first... Showed an Adult dog. This sucker hasn't been on in a longtime... Let alone grown to adult. I've tested it a few times... But the confusion is, why was there an adult dog anyway? No wagon animation, just boom, adult dog. I'm surprised at all it saved that data.................... I did reset it though.

Nothing really to update about my Color tamas though.

Have my Season 1 Digivice out again too.

I want my package! Ruurrr! Its from Honolulu dude... It will take that extra day.... Its not ironic at all that I know people going to Hawaii very soon. It should be here tomo or Friday, the 13th! Muuhahaha! I have no clue what I am going to do............. I need more digital pets on obviously. More random to talk of.

My cat-thing came today.

I was told it doesn't work. It had a little bit of batteries erosion on it. It was green, kinda clay-ish... Scraped it off... It now works. Its very cute. "Tee Tee Kitty" (as its called, the name on it) Works fine now. Pretty close to my Dog I just turned on, as I thought. Although this kitty is WAY more flexible then my dog. I did get the plush with it. I noticed it doesn't have a tail... I must sew one on. Har. I might not, and it does have a pocket for the pet part of it.

My Dog aged a bit in pixels. Still stubborn... Refuses to eat. This one has to have a schedule. I know I can play with it at 11... even though it doesn't match time to my clock. I figure it eats at certain times everyday.

I really haven't played with my IDL and 15th Anni tamas..... They have been sleeping all day. They are due to marry and I haven't had much time where I could begin another generation. I will probably start another generation ToMo. It was a busy day.......


IDL-Leafy boy

15th- Moon girl

My Cat I named Hummy... She is all magical......... She can change herself to be young again. (Nope, its resetting itself) Apparently, it doesn't take to moving in my pocket well or being set down.... Oh well, I will probably open it up and make sure everything inside is tight. (The general fixes)

um... Chicken Smoothie

Someone offered me something I'm having a hard time refusing. I want both of what they are offering, not so much the rat... but they are all very rare on Chicken smoothie... 3 pets for my 2008 pet.... 2 are Store Dogs (very rare) and a rat (Re-release, I think) So... I'm trying to debate if its fair without using the fair trade topic there.... EH.

I love the dog they want..... If I had two... it wouldn't be such a big deal, but it is. Let alone, I think they might be over-paying for the dog I have. I think I traded a rat for the dog ironically enough..... I don't EVEN think I can manage how that came around... Rats aren't worth a dog, even if it is multiple ones................... that are rare. (From what I hear)

Its one of the 2008 designs I really like too.... I eyed that dog the first day I saw it. I guess it would make since to keep it. I think I got lucky with my trade for it....... Re-release (Original pet that I wanted, but accept happily since that was a long shot)

Which leads to the next question.... WHY did they offer anyway since its Disabled for trade. *Face-Desk* ect...

Started yet another generation set of tamagotchi.

IDL is on 43, 15th is on 7 I think.

I'm trying so hard to get random (new) characters... But its sorta hard when they sleep a good chunk of the day... Since I've been a bit more busy and not thinking of them as much.

Meanwhile, Hummy stays now... Is 3 years old. I fixed it a pinch more. It was the batteries coming loose...

Then I got some of those Bizu beads. Some BFF ones... (White Cat and Purple Dog pair) then I got a Pink Cat with an Aqua Pony/Horse.

I splurged on some pokemon cards. Got a random code I don't plan on using... Those were sorta random. Not really good or bad... I did get a halo-card... That was a good waste of money since I didn't get any pokemon I "liked" Oh well, someone will trade me cards. I'd rather get a bunch of cute commons then the ones I got...

Yay. Fight the power!

Mine probably won't update in time...

But tons of people are doing this so. Just know I'm in support too.

Random Fact: My cottage cheese doesn't taste the same since the last time I ate it. Boo.

New pudding character on my 15th Anni... Leaf boy on my IDL.

My Hummy is four now. Almost seemed ticked for some reason? Maybe its the block out thing going on. Yes I know what is up... But how did Hummy? >.

My mom's cat keeps looking at me like I did something.... Well until this afternoon... I put catnip on a toy I bought for them the other day. Whoop. She can't find it... Maybe she will calm down... My cat, meanwhile, is staring at her trying to figure her out... Yet again.

Hey! I posted earlier and it didn't update! Ruar!

Thats not cool. Funny how people make changes to the internet/wifi and then leave.... (for a trip) Its been so buggy..... Yuck.

IDL: Spacytchi

15th: LunLun Character.... Precure dudes, "Go Google It"

I'm so tired... I'm questioning why I'm still up? It will probably be a late night full of irony.

So my Tee Tee Kitty Hummy... Its a Siamese cat? Really? I didn't expect that... I wonder if its different each time.... Doubt it, but it was random.

My IDL/15th Anni have been sleeping all day.

If I work, tamas are generally sleeping... Which was so. But I had time to color in my coloring books... I did yesterday too. (Lol, Snow/Ice, Thank you!) My mornings are usually slow... but increasingly so with the snow and Ice outside... Which means, if we have stock... It gets out. We really didn't have anything to stock and what we had to stock... simple to stock.

Wipe-out is a fun show to watch.

.hctaw ot wohs nuf a si tuo-epiW.

.tuo-piew si a unf to tachw.
