Marshmellow Delights


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My IDL is a girl... My 15th Anni is a boy... Hummms...

I found a very cute plush... I hope its worth the cost... But I was thinking... If I pay that much sometimes for a tama, why not a plush I fell in love with? I hope it gets here quickly............. I want it horribly. I'm going to Maul it with love when I get it.

I think maybe I should watch some of my "saved episodes" I have the time....

My Tee Tee Kitty is off... She was 8 years old and didn't die... I removed the batteries. The game requirement was getting a bit boring/annoying... I'm not very fond of the game. (Left right... chose a side)


I've been all over playing pet games. Hahahaha. I think I found the winner though.

So... I have the teen version (Really ... a teen?) of the oldies for my 15th Anni tama.... While I have the one that looks very close to Ponytchi... Hanetchi comes to mind... but with all this random in my mind, I tend to forget... Yay me....

I put another thought to the plush I ordered yesterday... The neopet plushies were that much to begin with... Dur. I mean, they did go down when they became a more "randomly seen" toy, not just a limited too toy... Yus, the Justice place now... Lame-o's.... I wonder if it was mailed at all or if I get a number or anything. I feel hard for it.... I was like... Do it..... Duuuu it.... I broke and did. As I said... Cute plush, resistance is futile...

I want my Nano or one of my older connections on.... and I could have the volume on... But I have too many to chose from. Lol. Maybe I will, maybe I won't... But I have yet to check on my IDLs... so maybe not?

I went full on Brony today (And yesterday...sorta) The Blind packs... (Or the set of 24 ponys from TRU, which are in the blind packs) Um... I bought 11? Hehehehe! Horrible. I got 5 yesterday... Then went back and got the remaining 6.... Which come to think of it... I wish I bought yesterday. Lol. I sorta bought out the store's Blind packs. That's funny.... I will load images of the cuties I got.... NO Doubles! Whoop!

Then I figured since I was loading those pictures, I would get a "current" picture of my FIM pony. I flipped over the Cutie Mark Brigade set. I bought that on site, no questions asked. (That was a few weeks ago) That set came With Cheriiee. Then I have HoneyBuzz now... No, I haven't bought them all yet, but, I will probably soon.

To the IDLs!

My 15th Anni is now an "Oldie" Adult..... Which I sorta don't get.... Because of the teen thing and all... No, it wasn't the Nut-dude.

Then my IDL is the Mushroom girl... I will add candy to her head later.


Found an SM book in my grocery store? It was random to me... Didn't expect it. Let alone to be cheaper... $8.34 so... It just came out? Didn't know that either? I used the book to hopefully show Pinkie Pie in glitter form better... She is one of the special edition ones... Even the card said so.

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I didn't order this weather, Send it back to sender... Immediately.

That what is in my head right now... I come outside from work and then I go... WTH... Didn't quite expect it. Just one or the other... Not half and half. (Rain and snow...but not sleet) Its weird... I was crossing my fingers that my car hasn't frosted yet. It didn't, but it wasn't far from it. Guess I'm bringing my deicer with me tomo... EH. Oh well...

Shoot its cold in here. I'm tempted to raise the temperature here... but I'd rather not get into trouble from forgetting to switch it back.

Other news... My tamas can Marry, Whoop! Who? I don't know... I could marry them together, but ... I haven't connected these two together yet. It would mean tons of connections which I probably won't want to do.

I want my thing to come in the mail... Like NOW! Yes... Late at night in the crap weather.... Hoping I get it ToMo, because the wait is killin' me. Its so cute....

OHS. I got another Music Star. Lol. *Dies* Like I didn't have 5 already and one still in the package............... Which I might open because my brain tells me to... Even might put a design on it. Like put Hatsune Miku on it... I'll get cleaver. My new one is the Red Piano with music notes on it. Bundle Pack... Backwards date. Whoop! Its a girl btw...

Okay... We go to the tamas today.

IDL: Girl, Paltchi

15th: Boy, Ahirutchi

MusicStar: ChaMametchi

I had a pretty good day for the most part. I had gotten lots of stuff done... I really wish people wouldn't hassle me though. (Long and short, I sorta was... but they left after I attempted to explain to them... Blah blah blah....) This job really makes me want to hit people in the head some days.... Or atleast imagine me hitting them with a nice metal bat. Maybe not a bat... That'd be messy ....

Ahhh. That makes me feel better. Atleast we are changing a few things so people don't bite/hassle me anymore about the same crap. *Gag*

My plush hasn't come in the mail yet! NUUUUS! No! I think people were at my house today? Those weren't my shoe/boot print? I didn't see anything left... I don't have a tracking number or anything last I knew so.... Hard telling when I'll get it..

I remember why I don't run my Music Stars very often.... All the games you need to play if you don't have the money for the snacks... Or the store doesn't have any. Blah.... My Chamametchi might be off tomo....

My IDLs will probably be sleeping most of all day ToMo... They changed again, but I don't know who... I've not been paying much attention to them... Feeding them and hoping they don't need anything.I felt sorta bad they've been sleeping a lot lately...

Got woken up by my phone this morning.... It was random... Then stayed up afterwords.... Part of me wishes I went back to bed. Oh wells.

Been watching Wizards of Waverly Place all day... Its been on all week... I missed "Some" of the last season so, it was okay. One of the few shows I enjoy.

I don't want to be up today... Atleast the sun is out this morning... Oh look windy... Eh. Better then the crap we have been getting. It was very suckish. I don't want any more snow, Fine with what we have. Joy.

So Nopotchi and PitchiPitchitchi (Okay Mermaid Melody.... Hur) They are sleeping... I had a few favorite items found though. Can't remember, I'll figure it out again, I'm sure. They look really cute. I think Nopotchi is pretty cute, seems larger then I'm used to. Then MM.... She looks so cute, I love her... I wish she had a shorter name. Call her Mermaid Melody. ahahaha. Its an Anime, Go google it. Singing Mermaids, Slap of Sailor moon in the mix... You got Mermaid Melody.

I got my Wizards Wand out. Lol. I think its cool, but I'm not 100% if I like the sounds playing... Ha, Like that would matter to me anyway. I like the show tons, I had to get the Wand... I have the movie too. Although, Disney plays it almost every time I want to watch it.... So it gets slim use. Got it with the Wshing Stone keychain. I turned it into a necklace. Much cooler that way.

I will probably add more to this later.

Welp... It just gets weirder from here I guess. (Yadda yadda stuff)

I married my IDL characters today. They both had baby boys. They need to be played with... I fed them happiness this morning and then had them sleep. Yes... I feel bad about it.... I wish I knew if there were more IDL games to send to my IDLs.... I want a simple game like what is on the IDL (The Jumping game with Mametchi) That way I can play quickly and not have to use multiple buttons. I have the heart tossing game to the pets on both IDLs... that is the one I tend to play on my 15th Anni version. I like the slider game, but its not always a game I can play quickly. The jumping game is primary on my IDL.... Blah.

So I have my Nano on... Its a girl... I had my tamas out the other day. I was looking at my Nano and pulled the tab out again by accident. I store it in the pouch I made for it. (Nice and snug) Welp, been meaning to turn on another tama anyway... So she is a Lovelitchi now.

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Wow... New place has a mini window. hahaha.... Um yes.

Random.... Because they weren't sleeping all day.I did check em... My IDL pair are boy Spacytchi. Its weird... A while ago I would have a huge issue getting them. Now I'm getting the lower characters. Oh well... I need them too. Meanwhile, My Nano Lovelitchi... She poo'ed 4 times. She got dizzy... I just fed her so she is all good now.


Another thing I think I need to say... Since when did we "Enlarge" the signature text? Seriously? I've seen some people stretching the page way down. Yes, they were nice words but.... That's why we have an image size limit too? That way we aren't directing TOO far from the actual topic....... The videos aren't allowed, for that same reason... I think its stretches twice that in some people's signature... Now. I'm just annoyed how long it is when I just want to read posts. The text limit means nothing if you push enter each line either.... I'm not meaning to offend anyone but there are other ways you could show off your work... Link it in your log or in a new topic?

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I will marry my two Spacytchi ToMo...

In drops a random bomb just waiting to go off in your lap. Although, it has a timer, you do not see when it will be planned to go off and if it is even set to go off. What is this... Really? People won't know for now.......... I will be so miffed if it happens.

Meanwhile, I still haven't received a thing from Aywas. Plush Melo. I loved it so much, I bought it... Catch is... I don't have it yet.

This week is sucking so hard.... and its only Sunday! Whoop.................

No Melo plush yet. Dah, They better be customizing it! Muuhahahaha... Well... I just hope they forgot to mention, they are making from after the orders.

I started another generation set on both IDLs. Both are boys. I saw the cute bunny character..... Did we just about hit Precure again? Its Pink, Its in one of the movies, I think... Dah. Just a long tail..... Bandai better be glad they have a foot in the Precure stuff too.... TV Asahi would be toasting their butts by now. Okay, I just re-looked... Not quite the rabbit in Fresh Precure's Movie... but it does remind me of her.... *Cough* Bandai.... *Cough* Make.... *Cough* Potpourri ....*Cough Cough*

I have an urge to play one of my V3s.... But.... I have two now... Hard to choose....... BLAHsss. Maybe my Pink Balloon one.... Oh, Pinkie Pie! Random...... Wait, no... Its Angel Wings that remind me of Balloons. *Dies laughing*

I wish my Walmart would get more MLP:FIM blind packs in.... So I can buy them out again. Muuhahahaha! I really want the others.

I don't mind if I get doubles even. I even have a Lily Blossom.... If I get two, one is defiantly going to be Ditzy Doo, Derp.


THIS is PotPourri. Linked because Zero-Chan is cool like that.

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Oh gee, It was a longer day already then I thought?

I just said" Fwuee, not Three...." Like a child would... Of maybe 2 or 3.... Hahahaha!

My tams have been sleeping all day. I only ate pop-tarts this morning and I did a ton of up and down stuff... So, If you can imagine, I'm hungry. I knew I should have eaten again. Lol.

I wonder if people recognized my squinkies bracelet... or my wizards necklace.... or for the love of me, My Powerpuff Girls bag. (YUSH) Muuhahaha. I will get Deminshita here! Watch! Actually... I need help with that. Maybe I will wear my Bubbles Dog Tag I have tomo.... hahaha. I was NUTS over PPG, then I think Tamagotchi kinda had some mix into that.

This isn't much about my tamagotchi lately eh? Just random stuff? Yup... I think I might have had just a little too much Tamas recently... I just can't put my colors away. I can't do it.... Why get another tama if you barely care for the IDLs you have on? Too late dude. Too Late. I might have to reduce my tama intake for a while... (Pause my Colors... ) As much as it might pain me to do so.... I'll atleast let these guys grow up to adult before I make up my mind. My other tama should be here by then................................. Which I will only have one tama on at that point, the new one. (If I make up my mind to pause the IDLs....)

Not knowing if that bomb is a real working one or not is killing me. (Um, no pun intended...)

I said I think I hear it ticking yesterday.... Oh, I still think I hear it. Which isn't a good thing, just an FYI. Its more like a metaphor that is going on now... (Metaphor is something like what you feel could/is happening... if I remember it correctly) Lots of random crap is going on right now... I think I will probably know if the bomb is just ticking and it can be dis-armed or if its got a set time to explode......... Bomb=Metaphor.....(Later today....)

Boy, I hope it can be dis-armed.... My tams need me.

Meanwhile.Not knowing... EU. Just E.U.


BTW, My tams are adults, but I think I will just leave them on for now... let them get to age 4 so I can marry them next time they are on.

MAIL! Whoop! *Dashes off*

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*Eye shift*

I can't believe I just did that.... but it was near perfect.... and I sorta missed it.(Enter flash back) I had a chance to get it, got multiple small things during the week before I saw it. Probably stuffed animals or a Barbie.... HA. In a way, I hate that week, I wish I went into that store.... first? Likely Stuffed Animals, Probably from the Disney Store....

Anyway, Launched into a Freaking Color Pikachu! FINALLY, on a "normal....ish" buy it now price! IN the usa too. Muuhahahaha! I hope they mail it ToMo and all of that. I will be so freaking excited to get it. It will be mulled like crazy too.... My Puppy-Fox isn't here yet..... Ruuur. (Melo of Aywas, plush...)

I've been dieing to find one. Either Iffy-Good care or better. I found it for sure.......... I can now die happy. Except its still Ash's Pikachu... I'm near certain.... but then again, not EVERY Pikachu back in the day was his... They had fat versions... My favorite. (Blue, Red version pixels, Only, Not yellow) It will love it either way, but if it opens fat, I will be ecstatic. No pun intended.

I will keep my IDLs on for now. The boys got married to Madonnatchi I believe. Both of them. Girl-IDL/Boy-15thAnni.

My lovely newbie... I am running the old download character. Precious.

Pikachu Sprites in honor.

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Yay! My Pikachu GS has been shipped... with a tracking number. If it was food, I'd be drooling on it... not directly eating it. (I love tracking numbers) It should be here quite soon. That is SWEET! I'm very excited.

I actually took both sets of batteries out of my IDLs for now. With as busy as I've been... well. I did. It was sorta sad to pull them out, but sorta relief when they were. I think they were driving me nuts I wasn't really playing with them. Maybe in the morning... later in the evening when they woke up again... Then back to bed. They will be back, but I think I need a break from them for now. Then the Newbie is still very cute, very red....... Its currently a favorite because its just different. Different from what I have ran. I have a chance to get to know it better with my IDLs off. Maybe I will do it with my 15th Anniversary too.... but after a break.

Meanwhile, Pikachu 1 is on today. I've walked a lot... Many Watts to gift... I normally gift 500 once I get it, then 1000 later.

Newbie needs a name.... She is a girl so.... Humm. I must not miss the matchmaker tomo! She told me she wanted to marry today but.... she didn't. Yes, I love her. Iro is yellow isn't it?.... Oh... lets listen to Heartcatch theme again.... I will remember.

So... Pikachu GS (2) will be here ToMo. Yay! its in the next to last stop before it gets to my city. Whoop! I'm very excited. Still can't believe how much I payed for it though. It was perfect.... I need to watch the mail so it doesn't get cold out there.

My puppy fox isn't here yet.... I got that on the 23rd! Urrrg. I want it! Its so adorable.

So my Newbie turned into an Oldie.... Alas. Sigh. I need to find her somebody to love. I missed it yesterday... blah.

I am SO thankful I didn't wait up for Chicken Smoothie, The time said Half a day...yesterday... It should have been in the middle of my night but... Who am I to complain about it? Shrug. I get a chance to get a pet now. People need to stop offering on my pound pets and my gifts from somebody... Seriously. I locked that one at least. I labeled them as a gift for a reason, wouldn't it be simple to assume I don't want/will not trade gifts? BLAH!

I swear I keep hearing the mail.... But get this. We have 3 separate mail trucks... why can't mine just come? Urg. They have Pikachu.... I'm sure they are buggin' to get out of that poke-ball.... The pikachu still has the tab. *Insert Dizzy image here* I'm thinking it has instructions, the cardboard part of the box.... like totally there. I am so perky this moment.

Pikachu came!!! YAY!




*Is Alive again*

I love this thing! I am sorry I waited the 10-13 years for it! Drool... worth it. very.

Does anyone have a .... Nook Tablet? I'm thinking of getting one, nice little investment there. That way I can read or browse the internet at work.... I can totally leech off the B&N Wi-Fi... Which could mean my DS could trade. JUST realized the DS part... Humm. I like that. The fun part is trying to figure if I am buying from Best Buy or B&N itself.... They are like... neighbors here... So, no distance issue. I wish I knew where I'm going to buy it (same price too...)

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Well, I was doing some thinking last night. *Gasp*

I can buy an Ipad... Its been offered to me. Since they want to upgrade to the 3... (Since I have no crazy dreams to buy something which is bound to be expensive) Then I'd be helping them. I've been told by some awesome Best Buy dude that they are about even. (Nook Tablet vs Ipad 1) Just the Ipad1 doesn't have flash, but there is a funny named App for flash now on the Ipad1... which intrigues me. Not only would that save me money... (Not buying accessories, memberships, etc...) Not to mention you don't NEED that stuff for the Ipad that we already have.

I have a feeling... (Since epiphany...) I would be using it WAY more for the internet over the reading. I just know I would read more, but the screen on the tablet is smaller... and doesn't rotate. Which I'm sure would bug the crap out of me. I was on the Ipad on a few of my sites I didn't think would work.... they worked. I am insane trying to get around the flash.... Seriously... That seems like it could get past that with some Apps... I'll just ask people to buy it first before they sell the Ipad to me! Muuhahaha *Cough cough*

With my minor/major-ish talk I had with myself... I now want the Ipad I already pretty much have... Otherwise, I think it would be sold to another person others know or sold towards an Ipad 3 for roughly half... I know people want the upgrade so I better speak up if I want it now. Big selling point now, I Know my websites can be accessed, viewed without any (major, or little...) irritation... and I know I will have WAY more memory... I will spit all my anime image on it and STILL have room. LOL. I have alot... but WAY more on the computer I haven't been able to use for... 2-3 years.... That amount might kill it. (The computer anime image vault) It needs a cpu fan..... BLAHK! Probably not, more like a few of my favorites that could be wallpaper on it.

Another awesome thing... I KNOW I can get free games and such on the Ipad... not so much on the Nook. I looked and it seems when I dig for Apps (Which I would want) its harder to look unless you search... Which normally, I go digging and forget the search which I'd forget with it perfectly viewable... HAHA. Only down side, I would need to wait until they get one or at least until the end of the month or beginning of March to have it.

OH and My Birthday is comming up... so............ I might get it then.... (But I need to pay for most of it to get it then.)

My pikachu is Adorable! I love it! Then I need to remember to check my oldie to marry her today.

No Puppy-Fox as of yet!!!! Ruuur! I hope they are making it as orders are comming in. Jeeze.

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The Nook Tablet rotates. My bad.... I played with one in store... I tested Chicken Smoothie on it... Its looks So tiny on that screen. Given, it shows the whole screen (well, one would hope) but the way you'd hold it, up and down... I can't read the text right away. Ya okay, settings could change it... I figure it has a zoom on it too like the Ipad. Now, I've looked a bit harder online. Talked to a few people... It would be dumb of me to pass up an Ipad of that stature. Probably get a few things that can't (Riiight) be used for the Ipad 2 or 3... (There was talk of an Ipad 2 instead of a 3....) I just hope people don't change their minds on selling it to me.

So... to the Tamagotchi.

Oldie isn't married. I'm afraid she will die from hunger before she marries... I nearly had her starve today by accident. I was fairly busy...

Meanwhile, Pikachu has been on my side. I love it so much... It was in the sand today playing, and a Diglett was under there. Lol. I saw it pop up and laughed because I was expecting a sand castle to be made like Pikachu 1. Whoops, tossed a fast one at me.
