Marshmellow Delights


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After a week or two of waiting.... I can finally work like normal! Yay! (Store moved, I helped move, took longer then it probably should have... but its done) Toy store is Open for Biz! Whoop. I hope my boss brought back stuff from the New York Toy Convention......... Maybe Tamagotchi? (Doubt, I'm in doubt....) We also might have Webkinz soon in the store... Whooo! I love Webkinz ...For the plush, I still have UNused codes, I just need to find them... ( White Fluffy Cat from years ago, A Husky, then a Lynx Signature code, I have Zumbuddy codes too, Purple dude and a keychain pink dude) as I said... I need to find them. Ha.

So Pikachu is comming to work with me. My oldie, I hope to marry her... but she was already fairly mad at me this morning... I don't know if she'd make it to marry. I can set Pikachu to remind me. Hur. Which I am not sure how to set the tune for alarm... I'll figure that out eventually.

Oldie died of old age today.... Sadness. But I pushed the A & C buttons and got a new egg. Hatched into a girl.

Pikachu was rolling on the floor sorta bored. That animation was so cute.... so was the hula-hoop. I saw it watching fire flies this evening too... Not sure if that is what it was or if they were stars... which now makes more sense to me... It works both ways I guess...

I woke up this morning thinking about a few things...

Jack and Jill came to mind. So did Rocky Balboa. "Come-up-pins" (the Mummy, Always...)

If the story behind these was known.... Well... These would make more sense.

Lighter, (Much happier notes)

Pikachu is eating lunch... I found the Alarm Tune thingi. Haven't used it yet.

My other tama is being very cute... Heck, I don't know the character either.

Today, I got in a better mood... I was looking online for grins... I finally found another thing I was looking for.... Um. In the Philippines. So, no biggy yet except... This is how you pay...

Anyway... I haven't hit the buy it now cause... Well I can't figure out the site... I'm guessing it isn't a PayPal... Its a money order like thing. Pick up the receipt and the money... I read somewhere you can add PayPal money to the thing... but no account... (no idea how anyway.... I saw the download thing, but my phone isn't that cool...) Oh well... I guess I have to let the thing go. That SUCKS. sucks. I see the banks or businesses get 5% of the profit in most cases... pufft. Why can't they just use Paypal too... This one person... Jeeze.

Oh well........... If I want the Ipad, I probably shouldn't buy anyways.......... The only way I could possibly get it is if someone who could buy (From Philippines) it on my behalf... and I bought it from them... Probably with an extra attached. (From me, not the seller...) I know some of you are from there though.

But as I said..................... I guess I need to pass it up and wait for someone on eBay to have one for sale.............. (That could take years........ *Dies*....)

*Excited Flail*

I got a reply and they are working on a compromise... As long as it isn't sold by the time I get to hitting the buy it now thingi. Muuhahaha! Yay! I need to figure out how to send the money to them the other way.... Much more simpler then the other thing. Whoop. So... I'm thinking I should hit that button. Fairly soon... I think I'd pay my arm for the thing too. I'm horrible....

Ringotchi got sick a few times... I hope she makes it to adulthood...

Whoo. I'm so excited... I will get an Email of who to send the money to... With Shipping rates too.. Then I choose how they will ship. (They said EMS or Registered Airmail.) I will probably do EMS because the find is so darn good. Then have it sometime next week if people are on the ball. (Me and the seller) What a find... 2 years of looking... Boom. The only thing that could make it better is if I already payed for it and it was on its way to me like normal. Oh well. I'll deal with it... Oh please, hurry. The weekend, it nears...

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Muuhaaa! Now I need to send the money... Whoo! I wonder if I have that cash on me..... HA, Doubt it. Oh well, I can break something I put away in my room... For just the occasion me-thinks. I just hope it doesn't take long because I'm busy all day. HA. Poor tama ... I can see her having an issue with me...

Oh the weather looks funny this week... My Birthday is on the 25th. If you share, well... share cake too. I will share virtual cake or something.

Will edit random stuff in later.

Okay... I sent the money. I just hope the seller is awake to get it all squared away for their day. (Mail it ... today) Boy I'm excited... Truely, I am. I didn't think I'd find that thing... Let alone for that price. I don't think they realize how badly I wanted it. They will when I get it.

Other things... Ringotchi died........ Sadness. I was really busy today. I feel bad about it... It almost makes me want to take out the battery for now... All my tamas I feel are being abused. I didn't adjust the time because I felt bad about doing that to my IDLs. I might just play with Pikachu. Atleast it can take care of itself as long as it walks with me or I hit a button every once in a while.

WHOOP! They got online and they are going to ship it soon. Yay... I'm so happy. Happy Birthday prezzy to me. From me? How sweet... Suite Suite Pretty Cue AHHH.... I couldn't resist doing that. This is so cool... Still plenty of time during their day to send it out. Probably wont be here on my Birthday, but there is a chance since I got EMS....

No Puppy Fox. Ger.

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Dah? Really?

*Waits impatiently*


*Makes snowball to toss at weather channel people....*

No snow, Take it *Prepares toss* back! *Tosses*

I see, we are "used to snow" so we aren't important.... So they play some dorky weather channel show while normally any other place gets full coverage of snow/storms... Somehow that is fair? No.... I swear it happens most of the time... Drives me insane.

To make it worse... The show is a RE-RUN. *Dies*

No wait... *Turns off TV* I win!

I'm going to bed...

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Today was good, So I thought.... But someone had to go ruin it for me. Apparently, they think I am rubbish or not capable of certain things. I'm sitting on a ledge trying to decide if I should jump, toss bombs on the people below, or get up and play along.... I think I like the bomb Idea today... but I figure I will play along until I decide what I want to do. I'm thinking this chapter might need to end. The writing has scratch-outs, red ink and misspellings a plenty. That or it needs to be plain Re-written.... I'd much rather stop writing it..........

Otherwise... This crap needs to end or I'm going to end up doing something I regret. Me being mad over certain people do not help....

Oh, that bomb that was ticking about a week or two ago... Its ticking again, louder then before...

Pikachu on the other hand seems like they had a better day. Lots of music, Loved to hula hoop and tried some new things too. Very cute little guy... I love him. Right now, he is the only pet I have on. I feel bad the others are off. The tamas needed a break.... More like I needed a break.

I should go to bed... But I'd rather hang out with you guys. Maybe we aren't talking... but I enjoy your company. Shame I need to work ToMo when I asked for it off completely.... I am really hating this job now... Its like they want me to quit. Ya, all that crap at the top involves my job... Funny, I loved it before this random crap started happening... And man, is there a lot changed.... Trust me, I am considering the job and thinking of looking elsewhere.... as much as I hate to say it.

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Got this for my birthday from Aywas... Yay. I really like it. Then they gave me a Metal Custom Crystal... Thats good cause I've been making Melos like crazy... They are still sorta basic (Which for this custom its okay) but they look better each time I paint another in photoshop.

That bomb, It went OFF. In my face, direct hit.

I've been pretty much hating my job since the move. Hating it. I used to LOVE it. My (Probably, pretty sure) Ex Bosses are both... I don't know... Abusive? One talks very DOWN to me... while the other one... Well, I guess he only wants best for the store. He for the most part is nice, but he has a rather dark side.... I think I pretty much quit the job. I'm sorry, no IDLS for sale if I'm not there. I was hoping to do that.............. I don't think I should have been treated like they've been treating me. Like an ant that just got stepped on and someone stepping on it to make sure its dead/juice is out... If I come home like that nearly every night like this, I don't belong there. I am just not good enough for the store's standards. I saw the Applications going around... Wanted to replace me... If I am just a problem for the store... Have the balls to tell me I'm not working out for the store anymore. Sure, I am sad about this crap... I can get a better job. I will probably get treated better too. Maybe not, but atleast I can be away from those two abusers. Not only that... I felt Harassed all the time I worked. Atleast from one in particular.... Gosh, I don't need this. Yes, they had some issues with me... Sure, I can have an attitude... Look in the mirror lately king-boy?

Don't make me laugh dude... I heard you in the back yelling between the lines. He needs to know what I am going to do... Uhh, told you. Re-read the speak-easy on the texts. I don't want to go back.... That is SO unhealthy to be around anyway. Weather the one realizes he is doing it or not... I feel for them, but I am not a robot. Nor do I want to be.. I want to be ME. I haven't been able to do that since the change....Sad thing is... I haven't realized how much I wasn't being me until a few minutes ago. I've always been taught, respect, trust and reflect. Respect the people around you, hope they respect you back... Trust, fairness.... Reflection, If its not you.... Look again... Then remember who you are, if it doesn't match... well, revert. Sadly, Reverting means quitting. That's pretty tough here, but I know I can find a better place.............. My actual happiness is being effected here.

Meanwhile, I'm missing family things for that place. Today is my birthday of all days. I miss hanging out with my parents. (I do that) My wonderful nieces and nephews... Some I haven't seen since the holidays or even longer then that. I am a very family oriented person.... They make me who I am too.

One thing that has always been important to me...

BE Who YOU are, Nobody else. If someone tells you are lame for it, let 'em. At least you will be Happy.

Be who you are, Everyone else has been taken.

Be LOVED for who YOU are.

One more thing to say. NO. Good Bye, I bid the store luck.

My god I love my parents.

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Suuuu.... I quit my job. I no longer work for the people who make my blood boil. I'll start looking again soon.

Better notes. My thing I found... Its ready to be shipped. Apparently, I sent a number wrong. I resent them the number. I can't wait... I think they might have shipped it but, not sure. Otherwise, its tonight I expect it to be shipped to me. Atleast I know I will be getting something nice for my B-day. Much better then my actual birthday.

Pikachu must be bored... He and I have been sitting here watching TV and playing on Aywas/ChickenSmoothie.

EU, Gross... I forgot about that part of the movie!!!! *Barfs or something*

Um, Ya... I didn't go barf.... but I did put food in the oven.

I feel like I could start up a tama again. I have the time now... Jeeze. I miss having my colors on especially. Maybe I'll turn one on I haven't ran in a while... V1 or V2... I'm not sure... I have so many to choose from. Maybe I will just keep it to Pikachu for now. Because my mystery item... Its a digital pet too. Its Awesome...............

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I just pulled out my Season 1 Digivice... Seems like its been forever since I played with it. I might have had it with me, but I wasn't playing with it. Its sitting next to GS Pikachu and my plastic pink digivice that came with a figure. I have a green one too. The pink is my favorite. It might be red...? It looks magenta though, I know Kari's is more... whitish-pink. I don't recall a plastic one in her direct color, just a rare digital pet version.....

I feel like playing with some tamas now atleast. Not playing with them feels weird. I did need a slight break from my IDLs though. I'm thinking sometime within the week atleast one will be back on. Probably my 15th Anni. I am getting my other pet so...(Digital pet as well) I'm not all sure what will be on. Some will just be on... Some will require care. The new one, I'm not sure if it will need care or not.... but I'm sure my IDL would. Pikachu can be pretty much left given you shake it a little bit every once in a while during the day. (Walking, one would hope to do some during the day anyway) My digivice usually gets shaken when I am the only one in the room. Tends to annoy some people due to the sound it makes. (As with most of my pedometer pets)

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I'm so glad my mystery item (Mystery to you guys... unless, of corse, I did tell you) It has been officially shipped. Yay! This makes me so happy........ You make me happy from Fresh Precure comes to mind. Lol... Love. So I should have it by the end of the week? I have a tracking number so that makes it all the better. The code is slightly different but its shorter... Less for me to remember. I tend to try to remember them so I can check on my retro-ish... phone.

Then, Yesterday... I got an email back from Aywas. They skipped over my payment by accident. They get tons of things going out/in between... I figured that was the case. I'm glad I got to them. They will be happy to send it out to me, quickly. How busy they are... I could see why. They even offered me a little gift because of that. Awww.... That so sweet. I won't leech what until I get them but... I'm thinking they will be very cute.

So two things are comming my way this week. My mystery item and my puppy fox. The name might just stick for the plush. Lol. I might even name my mystery item. I'm not sure of that... I did name my White IDL Marshmellow... My 15th needs a name then..... Maybe just Anni.... Its fits...

Confetti of good news for me.

I won a really cute Melo just now... I might have over paid but uhh.... Not caring. I won it. Whoop!


Just won a custom too I think. A Bumble Custom.

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If I had enough energy... I bet I'd be skipping. Alas, I do not. Suuuuu.... I am just waiting for the update of the tracking number. Waiting to possibly be notified of my Puppy fox being mailed out. (Doubt though, which is okay)

I'm trying to figure out if I am going to make a mini pouch for my mystery item. I kinda want to... Its a guess on size though since I haven't really seen many pictures of it. I'm good at guessing though. Maybe I'll make a simple one to see how close I get to actual size.

I can't wait.... Nyuuuu.!.

A down day. Finally....

My tracking number updated. Whoooo! Its being prepped for shipment to international land. The origin post tracking slightly sucks (For tracking) but Usps has it updated already.

News is talking about food health... Tell the Oreo guys to stop making more delicious combos... That will help. Tell the Little Debbie peeps to make the smaller boxes of junk food averaged 90's food size... More fruit, less cheese... more Yummy Ice Cream....

Uhhmm..... m'kay. Pikachu was at the table, but the little guy wasn't eating? I was shaking him to see what would happen and he shocked me? Or something...? I don't even know. But I do know we are buds based on the level scale thingi. Maybe it was how active I was... I am not sure.

I can't wait for my mail! Its possible my Puppy fox might be here Tomo... While I would think my mystery item Thursday or Friday... But, That could easily change. (Sooner, I would hope) For such a crummy weekend... My week is getting much better.

On Chicken Smoothie, I got a Smiley. Whoo! Those tend to be slightly fought over. I think I might have been one of the first adopters too. Happy to know I got one of the things people really like getting.

Blahhhh! I can't wait. Squeel of delight.

San-Fran? Ha, Random cutsoms I think.... Well, it went into customs... and now its "Outbound" from customs. Whoo. ToMo. Yay! Atleast I would think ToMo...

I finally got my Puppy-Fox from Aywas. Its SU cute and squishy..... Then, for it being shipped way late and such... They send me a custom figure.... Like... Really. I can design it to my content. But I was expecting one, not Two. I will happily accept though. I think I like 'em white? I don't know... Those things are adorable too. Otherwise, they were offering up another plush.......... But I'm happy I got the figures.

This is totally awesome.... Two things... Finally coming. One in which I was digging high and low for for the last 2 years? Don't worry... My mystery item will be unveiled soon enough. To some, its not really a secret.... It is the special to me already and I haven't received that item yet.

My mystery item is nearly here.... by 7 miles. But that isn't our post office... Its the larger before the smaller. Jeeze.... I hope the EMS Mo-bile grabs it and delivers it today.... If it changes to be delivered on March 2nd... someone is going to see me I just hope its my post office, not the one its at. (Easiest way to that one is the highway, not to fond of that highway) If it doesn't and it is at my post office, I hope it comes though.... Sometimes, the mail comes later and they will wait for some packages. (Mainly mine, LOL)

*Slams head on computer*

I. Don't. Want. To. Wait. Anymore. Please.


I truly don't though.

My puppy fox is so very cute.... I'm trying to figure out what I am going to do with the blank-slate figures they sent. (White Plastic Vinyl) I've never designed on a plastic toy before. Which reminds me... I have a Metal Custom Crystal.... Custom Melos... I'm comming. I have a very cute St.Pattys design... But I don't know if I will use that one. I want to precure-ize the melo I make custom... very carefully so people don't get eaten by TV Asahi or Toei.... or even Bandai Japan..............

They JUST dropped off my Mystery item. Whooo! It was very awesome of them to do so! Otherwise, I wouldn't have gotten it today. The dude must have had Italian food with him. It smelt delicious... hahaha. I was asking for a direct drop off... and I... got one... directly. Did they read my Tamatalk status? I highly doubt it... but the thought still lingers. Now I need to find batteries and I hope I have what it needs. Apparently, its needs a bit of TLC (Paint-wise) but other that that, it looks pretty good. I can't wait to turn it on. I think I will wait so I can have the adorable volume on it.

Man this is so cute. Its nagging me every two seconds though.............. I'm just trying to clean up the bag it came with. I think I need to figure out how to remove (or lack of seeing anyway) some marks on the screen. BLAH. Oh well. I will figure this too out. This is so..... lovely.

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And I just whipped out my..... AKurun! It now has a home! (Actually had it, but a slot to enter into....)

The mystery item... (If it wasn't nearly obvious where its from atleast...)

I finally got a LinkRun from Fresh Precure. Chiffon is so freaking cute. He likes naggin' me for stuff. That's okay.... I figure I ignore it like the other commune/precure pets... I will get the same thing... (Bypass of lots of calls..... We missed you... ect) He is sleeping for now... I can't wait to have him awake to play with Akurun.

The Linkrun had a battery in the little pouch with the silver clover key. I just didn't see it. I still can't believe I have one now. I'm trying to figure out a simple way to get some scratches out... I haven't tried Toothpaste, CD Scratch Remover... I have tried rubbing an Eraser on it (Which has helped some) I'm thinking I will be moving on to the other things next... But I don't want to get too (or any) abrasive on it. I don't plan on buying anything though. I can live with it as is, but if I can get it a little bit better off.... then yay.

Need Heartcatch and higher... I think the next thing is the Toilet.... hahahaha. Yes its a toilet. With a pet on top of it. The Kokoro Pot.... I feel sorry Moonlight transforms with the toilet top equivalent... I just hope its not and its a compact that looks similar to the top. I want the Perfumes to be a pet too... They aren't. I eventually will get those too. I don't think there is a pet for Suite Precure? Not unless its a computer like one (Similar to the Splash Commune....) I think I might be slight brain dead to remember if there is one or not.

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Chiffon... Wow... Resetting yourself... like 10 times in 2 minutes? I figured it was the battery in the back popping out enough. So I put some foam over it. That seems to help. I just switched that battery, so its okay. Not to mention many Japanese toys will tell you when they are half... almost dead... (They still work in my American Tamas another day or two so......As long as I don't connect or have the sound on)

I unlocked Cure Passion in my Linkrun. Having the Akurun inserted when opening... Then you henshin like normal... then she is unlocked. I'm not all sure what Akurun does otherwise with the Linkrun... I know she has some sort of "Walking Adventure" just as the key.... Collecting stars or something too... Its been a while since I've played with it so I'm fuzzy. Its a perfect time to play with it eh?

I can't find my silver marker... I'm wondering if I should get a permanent marker instead.... I think there is a silver in the house though... Can't find it. The silver in some places needs a little help. Its not that bad though.

Pikachu is loving Chiffon... I think he has come over a few times... Adorable together... I want the IRs to communicate for real though... They my have a slight talk, but nothing more. Language barrier and different IR codes.... Oh and age... (Actual years old, Pikachu in particular)

Seriously? Nobody wants to those webkinz codes...? I will need to find 'em but I know I won't be using them... *Shrug*

A eraser is doing the bulk of scratch removing... I am confused. It was a normal pointed eraser you put on top of your pencil... I might break out my white gum eraser for my Linkrun.... I did use some toothpaste for the scratch... that helped a bit too. Although I don't like the idea of it being Minty Fresh.... (Lol, pun not intended) I have also tried some stainless steel cleaner. (Stove top stuff....) That helped a tiny bit but I doubt I am trying that again.

Any ideas for getting pen (Possibly permanent...) off a foe leather........ like thing? Its shiny. I think I can get it off with lots of rubbing from an eraser too, but If I can use something easier... well... ya.

Rummaging though the cleaning stuff is annouying.... not to mention.... annouying. oh wait... Just said that. Reading all the ingredients and such... Windex my be used on the bag. Windex works on lots of stuff.... Its magical.
