Marshmellow Delights


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You know I'm playing with my Linkrun. You know it. I love the little guy. I almost want one of my other Precure toys on... Like my Cure Mo... to see if it can randomly talk with my linkrun... (Doubt...) I'm curious though if it would. I saw someone got one of the Splash Star fairies on the linkrun so................ Maybe. Or they randomly showed up on the linkrun. Weirdness.

Oh... I bought out the MLP Blind figures from my Walmart again. Muuhahahaaha! I have a few doubles now, but... Don't care. I love 'em. I got 3 the other day, no doubles... Today... half were doubles. One was Rainbow Dash. I need Applejack, Normal Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and a few other characters I don't know off the top of my head. I will probably buy out the store of these little things again... Did it twice, what is a 3rd? Derp, Much.


Behold! I stopped playing long enough to take a picture of sleeping Chiffon. The pink is shiny... My passion card (That goes in front) isn't sparkly... I need to remedy that. Muuhahahaha! Its behind the Peach one. It needs some TLC yet. The silver paint, the funky scrape... I added the star to it. I was looking for a random charm and remembered I had a little chain ball key chain with it on it. I thought it was perfect, not too large, not going to hit the screen and I can't hear the tap if it does.

Here is what the pouch looks like. Mine has writing on it... Um... I can't read it so I don't think I will be posting it. I'm assuming its not bad since I think I see a heart on it... But still. I think I am going to try to figure out what it says before I go blinging out the case. hahaha.


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That's random... Go to see what has gone on last night.... Someone shipped an item I got. Nothing too big. Just a sound drop. Nobody has bought that thing and I kept looking at it so............ I did the duty of buying it. I haven't gotten a sound drop before so this is my first one. I know they are only sound bites though.

I wonder what 2000 watts given to pikachu would do. I've been saving them. I think I'm closer to 3000. I gave him two amounts of 999, He flipped in joy.

Chiffon is being perky. I think I should give him more cupcakes........ Make him pinkie pie perky.

Merge! Win!

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Since I don't really have much to say today...

NOT my video... But see all the pretty Precure before you add smile in. (5 cures.... not in that... err.... 6.... Union.)

And some people are like.... Not another DX movie. But, its a great money maker so... they are told to shut up. (They people who don't want it... Enjoy it anyways.)

Got to episode 4 of Smile Precure though. (watched 3)

Suuuuu... I had a Pinkie-Keen since last week.... Seems I was VERY correct. Lol! Last week I was saying to someone... Its about time for MLP at McDonalds. I look at the website... confirming it. Go today. Nabbed two for myself. Muuhahahaha! This FIM is addiction stirring.... They only had two pony for today. Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy. I got them both.... I wonder how long they have been giving them out. Let alone T=3 and F=4.... So I wonder if 1 or 2 is gone? I didn't look at the numbers, I just know the ones I got.

I want that Rainbow Dash! She looks correct and doesn't have a hummingbird nose or a woody the wood-pecker nose........... Remnant of a bird regardless to me.

I said something about an Anime Convention.... I think I want to go this year. I have the money, The car, the freaking (expensive) gas.... I know where it is... Moo! I wish I thought of it sooner so I could cosplay or somethin' but... all I have is accessories. (Wands, Henshin items, small toys....etc) Maybe someone could actually translate the text on my linkrun pouch. hahaha. Next question is... 1 day or 2 day... I mean, I could go 3 days but.... Parking around there.... eh. I'll figure that out sometime soon. Its next weekend so, I have til then to decide. Other thing is... How much do I want to be able to spend? Hummmmm...... I'm just not too sure.

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I'm still not sure about how many days I want to go. I'm thinking 2 of the 3 would probably be what I am going to do. It was pretty fun last year. I could only afford to go 1 day so I did have a fair amount of spending money. I got so much little crap... I sparkled with little crap. (Good stuff) I even picked up a "Not Figuart...." figure. I'm not sure what directly it was but I was after some sort of figure that was simmilar. Its a singer character with a cat tail and wings, In black... Reminds me of Precure or Sailormoon... so. Not the one school girl in blue who frequents band/preformances. (Its a popular anime I totally can't think of that one, nor spell it... Mana-somethin of Haruhi....Not her or from that show)

I will OOOZE of happiness if they have ANYTHING Precure. (If I can afford it, I will buy it, come home, Die of happiness. ((Again)) I figure some Sailormoon stuff will show up. (More then last year) Not an Anime Convention without SM now....

Um ya... This is being treated like a normal blog. Neh.

My nephew is going to go with me. Yay! I'm going to have so much fun with him. Whoo!

So Pikachu and I have walked miles together. We are "friends" All his little animations are really cute. I love the surfing one. Hence, Surfing pikachu did exist.

Chiffon, Love him. I could squeeze him all day long. I wish I had a plush or something so it didn't seem so weird to hug plastic. Lol. I'm very much in love with it. I went to ebay to look the other day. I finally saw one for sale... for roughly $240.00 and I got mine for like.... $10.00 seriously. So proud of that find, not to mention its rare and working.

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Neh... Neeh... How long does it usually take HLJ to ship items.?. (I'm looking at FedEx or EMS)

I know some of you have used it for the tamagotchi... Which BTW, They have the Spacy version... (Atleast I think I saw it there....) I want something there and its not really anywhere else, if so its back ordered. @_@;

I am nearing my IDLs. I might bring one to the convention with me so others can (gently) foam around it. I want to bring my Linkrun and I'm fairly certain Pikachu will be on my belt. I'm debating over my linkrun because of how lucky I was to find it, own one... Replacing it, not even an option due to rarity and price now. Even when Fresh was out, these suckers were rare. (Last I knew) I will probably take Pika and let Chiffon sleep....

Man I hope Precure are there... Cosplayers, Stuff to buy, that sort of thing.... They are like starving me here in the USA unless I randomly find a California store with evil shipping prices. (EVIL, Not cheap....and it the basic shipping) I know Canada shares time to time now, but the $10 flat plus... Eh. Shipping plus the stuff I do buy. I'd rather buy from Canada then Japan in most cases though, WAY faster shipping. Hur. Michigan.

Brony and I know it. Hahaha. Maybe a Paga-Sister too. *Eye shift....* and I bet that dude at McD's is still confused.

I went to get lunch since nothing here suited my fancy. I of coarse chose McDs. I wanted a Happy Meal and would take nothing less! I was thinking on the way there... I want.... humm... Rarity today! Go inside... See a little girl holding a Pinkie Pie. I was like, Yay! They have Pinkie Pie! So the Store Manager takes my order. I want 1 Happy Meal (my order....) then he asked if I wanted a girl or boy toy. I said a girl toy. Boy, was he on-to my Brony. I asked him if he had 2 pony to choose from.... He started digging in the container full of Pony.... He found Rarity first... Then dug down for Pinkie Pie. He was going to dig more but I told him I had "The yellow and purple-ish one" ... hahaha. I told him I'd take both. He's like... Okay then. *Updates price* Meanwhile the dude who gave me my extra pony the other day is standing there going... "What the....again? " with his facial expressions... Meanwhile, the Store Manager was totally cool with me buying an extra pony with my Happy Meal.

SO. That was my little trip today... I was SO wishing a heard of Brony would come in as TamaMum said... I think they were there during the weekend though. I missed the confusion. Dang.

I might have pictures of 'em sometime soon.

Nuuu... I hit the back button or something! Ruuurrr!

I think I just got lucky... The item I was hoping to buy... (Did) Is now "Out of Stock" I'm glad I got one... Timing is everything. I bought FedEx shipping... Which said 2-4 days....No 3-5 days... That will be a shocker when it gets here. Lol. Maybe it will be here before my convention..... HUR. That'd be funny to wear.... I don't mind.

I hope it gets here by Friday. That'd make the convention so much cooler..... Since I'd have something fairly new, imported... and people aren't likely to have it. (Well, duh, its precure though) I will laugh super hard if they have it at the convention. (In which, I would probably consider buying another... I'm dorky in that way)

Had some Tornado Warnings out.... It was quite windy here. I think everyone around it okay... Just really windy.

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Smile! Darn it! Smile!

This Precure says to... Or else... Haha, I love this season already.

"I don't understand, but I will try"

*Que Henshin*

Smile: CureName: Go,Go.

Repetitive much...?

I didn't know this was Yes! Precure 5...... No... Not GoGo, Yes!

Speaking of... I didn't mention. I am wearing my PinkyCatchu around until my new watch arrives... Poor thing got dis-colored! La-Gasp! Its more the bottom part rather then the top pink parts.... but I hope magic happens and it vanishes. (The dis-coloration) Yup, still bigger then my wrist.... and yup, just about on as tight as it will go. I didn't put a battery inside though. So the watch is sorta just for show I don't care that I wear larger then life watches.... I think the Smile Watch is going to be even bigger. XB Whoo!

My new watch shipped. I have a tracking number and... Estimated shipment date, as of now is the 19th. Monday. I hope it gets here sooner then that.... Atleast I know it will be moving as I sleep tonight. HAR. My finger are crossed it gets here sooner..... Cross yours too? I'll toss some random good luck towards you.....? I don't know. I'm excited.... Less then 72 hours... Nearing 48, my bad til my Anime Convention.

What the heck does "Clearance Detail" mean...? Kinda Worthless item but not a gift because you don't mark things as gifts? It must be code for "Something cool, but we are totally keeping it a secret from our governments"

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Its now in transit..... whoo. Doing the Over the water shipment. Then maybe.... Maybe... ToMo! I will crap my pants. I'm not sure how lucky that would make me if it did... but atleast I know Fed Ex doesn't give up shipping until at night. They will do circles around my house, meanwhile.... USPS will do one shipment and hold stuff until the next day unless you go pick it up. (Which apparently, you aren't directly suppose to...They are suppose to hold it until next day) I've bypassed that a few times.

Next question is.... HOW early do I want to go to the Anime Convention. It opens at 9am... Maybe I'll base it on my tracking. I think I want my package more then I want to go to the convention right now. Other side of that, someone has to sign for it. (I completely forgot that....) I figure I'll still go early, but I would be so happy to have my package too before then. Something on the tracking said 3 days to/from the USA to Japan/HongKong... Jeeze, I hope I get super lucky ToMo.... It looks as if it would come in tonight. (Probably Chicago) Then minor customs check, then flown/driven to my location. Then be ready for Delivery ToMo....

Awkward... Mom's Ipad3 is comming on Friday. People have to sign for that too..... I wonder if.... *Eye shift* people would get the "Leave it without signage" thingi.... It would work in my favor too. If it wasn't here ToMo..........

BTW, I've decided to bring my precious Linkrun and Pikachu.



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Thats new... Same location, but 12 hours after in transit? (To the USA?) I hope its in the USA, cause, I would rather it be "Here" not over there still. I'm pretty sure the thing said "Left FedEx Origin Location" ...So it left. *Confused* They must have weird tracking. I could dig a bit deeper to see where it really is though. I'm good at that crap. Someone could have scanned it incorrectly too. hahaha. That is way easy to do, I'm sure.

I just looked at a mapping thing... It island hopped? Wha.....? Be in the USA and have a dummy that didn't update the tracking correct. There are tons of 'em in the USPS section... why not?

Less then 24 hours! Anime Convention.

So, I've been doing random designs with "Fancy" thread.... I got a few random things. It looked like mutliple things then.... I saw a lion face. Like Mufasa! I was like, OMG, Not intentional. So I kept with the lion face and made a body and mane. Oooh normal mail is here.

I caught pikachu looking at the stars last night. Pretty cute to look at him like that. Chiffon makes me squeal when I look at the little cutie. He has to be related to Tart.... When some of the animations go, He looks just like him in the face.

Canada...? Really...? Uhhhhmmm..... That's a wacky path.... More confusing. Well huh.... Let us see what it does tonight.... FedEx is weird... I would wonder if USPS would have it that close right now too... Why must everything have a 3-5 hour delay? Oh well, atleast it updated.

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Its Anime Convention time! Its nice and foggy outside though. . .

So my item is in Indianapolis... So close, yet so far.............. Next question. Does it come today? Maybe.... Nobody will be here. Atleast people have a FedEx tag thing on the door.... except its for my mom's Ipad. BLAH. They are going to see my box and go... "Shes nuts, Anime convention in town.... and she got something anime." Too bad its slim chances for Precure to be there. Thats how it was last year. I guess maybe I should go daudle my way into town and cross my fingers for a free parking spot. (Likely... Not to get one)

Stalking the flying box... It says "End" Well, not likely today then.... Chance ToMo I guess..... It was last updated in the middle of the night so.... They deserve sleep too. Still looks like Monday is my estimated. I know people will be here ToMo though. Playing with the Ipad3..... Hurrrr....

Waiting drives me nuts. I wonder how late I am going to stay tonight. Mainly, I want to go Shoppin'! hahaha, Duh! I'm going again ToMo.... " For My next trick.... I will be saving some of my money..... for ToMo...." LOL. I bid myself good luck. I didn't have much last year when I came out.


Calling all Precure, Beat up call, The Nega-nerds are attacking.............. oh wait, Negaverse is Sailormoon. Well crap, Calling all of you guys too! You guys really didn't represent last year either............ I will be counting!

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Oh yes....... Day 1 of the Anime Convention was awesome. Dare I say.... Expensive. :newmametchi:

I found Precure keychains! I got 4 from Suite Precure. Melody, Harmony, Beat and Hummy. Then I got infected with Madoka Magica. I bought a figure of Madoka. I found a midjet Figma ... I'm not sure who it is... But I think the girl might be from Madoka too. I need to look for her I guess. Then I got a Cat hat.... Then a pink wig. har. I wanted a pretty wig...I got some random Dvds too from a grab bag. Don't want any of 'em... Humm. Shorter then I thought.... I'll have pictures of my stuff up eventually. They are pretty neat.

The figma looks like the long haired girl from Madoka, With the Dark black hair. Although, I believe it is brown...Her outfit is army green, but looks like a school uniform. It has something that reminds me of the charms they wear/have... It looks more like a grief thing though....

Okay nope... It looks like this. (The top figure) https://actar.wordpre...and-exclusives/

Her name is Shana. So... The name is in the Anime. Apparently, she has fire color hair too..... Hummm.

I really want to open my Modoka figure.... Shes so pretty.... I must watch this show in my spare time. hahaha. I already know the base of the show... Magical girl... but the down side of it.... in a contract with.... It seems very interesting. No wonder why the Precure livejournal was going nuts over it on our Friday get together. I should have watched it THEN. I saw a Kyubi plush.... and I almost think I should have bought it even though it was sorta expencive.... Uhhh theme of the day perhaps?

I am going again ToMo. I think I might get 1 or 2 more small things. I wonder if there will be any sales... or mark downs. They had tons of stuff... but I almost think they had a bit more last year? Last year I was looking for Precure (Duh), Sailormoon, LuckyStar... and Figmas.... I'm not sure about the amount in the room, but I certainly like the Precure keychains I found. I was going to get those in a set anyway online. Look, saved on shipping... Or did I...? Hahaha... Probably not. I probably saved myself the painful (For me) waiting though.

Meanwhile.... My item should be arriving. Like ToMo or Monday. That sucker needs to update. hahahaha. That thing is *Still in the next big city to me...? Wha........? Does being that close mean I will get it ToMo... Or does that mean I will get it by Monday as Scheduled....? If its in my city next I look.... Well, I would guess that answers that question.... But I would much rather know now.

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I'm getting ready to go to the second day of the Anime Convention. (Not quite since I'm typing this)

I opened my Modoka Magica Figure.... Suuuu pretty. Then I tried to have my midget figma to stand... with the stand. I wasn't able... So I had one of my pouches for my tamagotchi hold her up. Oh ya... Her hair is sorta longer so she can't really sit... I'll figure that out later. Then I moved my last year's convention figure out by them. They look pretty nice together.

I put my Suite Precure keychains on my Precure lanyard. The lanyard is from Max Heart... Came with a bow. I plan on wearing that today too. Then my Cat hat I got yesterday too.

Bringing my Aywas Puppy Fox with me today. Suuu.... Its mine. I will bite you if you touch it. I found me more money in my purse. Yay.... More money then I thought. hahaha..... I love my twisted confused brain on Anime Convention....

I plan to update on what I get today, later.... of corse.

It was so much fun. I saw some little figmas I wanted today.... They were still $50....... I didn't think I saw them yesterday. Oh well. Thats okay, I probably spent more then I should have anyway. hahaha. Today's loot included.... a Grey Rose ring, a cute cat.... (The Lunch cat.... I forgot his offical name, its the one that came in with a frying pan years ago), Then I got some Modoka Magica trading cards, one of the soul things, pink (full transparent) some stickers.... and later a book from a bookstore in the mall. (More later)

It was a blast. Yup, the ring is turning my finger. Ooops. Oh well. It cleans off. It was too pretty to put down.... It reminded me of Rozen Maiden so much. I saw a Sugintou. Her outfit was so good. I saw TWO MewMews. (Tokyo style not any of the 4kids crap) Mew Ichigo and Zakuro. Saw some people from Modoka. Modoka(Pink), Yellow, Blue and I think I saw the purple/black one. Tons of memorable characters.

BRONIES. TONS. Of them. They had a table of MLP stuff... Tons of people dressing up like them too. It was awesome. I wish I could have thought of dressing like a brony..... dang. Most famous, Rainbow Dash.

Oh my package didn't come so... Monday it is! hahaha. I hope people are sleeping when it gets here... makes the world a little bit easier to have another anime thing come in the mail. Lol.

Anyway, back to the convention... I want to go back. I really didn't want to leave... I truly didn't. I love that place... even if I did probably stick out like a sore thumb. Funny thing about today... Golf convention.... in one room. While we had the whole rest of the building and the hotel next door. (The company rooms) Their faces... When they realized many people had outfits on and were acting in the ways of... they were confused. Its was funny to sit there and watch. I should have taken pictures.

So I also went to the bookstore in one of my malls. This was after I went into the Anime store there because they didn't get a table at the convention this year. They were giving out a 10% discount if you had your badge with you. I did, but I didn't buy anything.... I saw stuff, but I knew I planned to go back to the convention....... so I stopped. I did get one of the books I was after so... It was a used (Nearly new) book... Like $2 for it, so I got it and I left it in my car............ so I need to go get it.

Ya, I still need pictures. I will do that sometime soon. My feet hurt... Too many stairs... Long walks on the sky-walk and circles of everything.

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I love using both the computer and laptop.... hahaha. Horrible. Oh well.

Right now, I'm just going through my old crap from 2009.... some of its still interesting... Other stuff... I'm like... whoa... stupid came through.... I should show some of the better AMVs off again... Although youtube had them............. Can't show the precure ones unless I upload them someplace else. Man I wish some of my AMVs were this good... Otherwise, not doing much.

Spoilers ahoy, Madoka Magica. You've been warned.

12 episodes, go watch it. Bring tissues.

So, its not everything but it is the bulk of. I didn't feel like taking more pictures.


The purple dog, it wasn't from the convention... but he did go with me. Not directly a good picture of my stuff... but its better then nothing. Oh the cure aqua sound drop I had already too. I'll probably get a better picture of the precure keychains when I get a chance.


I think this might have been the favorite thing I bought this round... I bought the soul gem too. I choose pink. Kyubey... Cute and... twisted? They had metal soul gems, I almost think I wanted a metal one... I think they only had 3 though. I might get one later...

If you had a wish to fulfill... one wish that could be anything you wanted.... would you do accept the wish in exchange for your body and soul? Forever?


Then here is the little figma I got...

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Here is a better picture of my Precure keychains. Aren't they cute?


And because its so darn cute... Madoka.


Oh... I haven't really been reporting on any tamas... or digital pets. Pikachu has been walking around with me like crazy. All around town and in the city.... we might have gotten lost once. (I got lost...) I didn't bring anything but pikachu with me as a digital pet... but my aywas melo did. I felt that I had to bring my Melo... Maybe find another aywas user... Which I didn't... told a few people about aywas though.

I'm thinking of making a Kyubey plush... I kinda wish I bought one... but the prices were just a bit much. In a way, I am still wondering how I feel about him.... Those eyes. Creepy, but the rest of him is cute... Maybe I'll make something that looks pretty close, but not quite him. I just don't want to rush to get it done.... That and I want it soft plush, not fleece (my normal) I doubt I have any of that laying around to use. I think the only white I have is closer to cross-stitch stuff then normal fabric....Don't know, have to look. Corse, who said it had to be white? I might have some pink around somewhere.

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Getting used to having a huge screen again... Got real used to my laptop... and now I'm using an Ipad too... Although I didn't sign in on the Ipad.

You guys post the weirdest things sometimes....

Playing on Aywas for a good chunk of the day on the Ipad was cool... Made money a bit faster... I might have if I was on the computer though...

After all my computer just got a speed update too... Not to mention some of my old music (Hugeness of it all) got deleted (by me) I can get the stuff back, way smaller... I swear I pulled a stupid the last month or so using my computer. Oh well. Atleast I got a good laugh for some of my old stuff. Stuff I think is horrible now, I thought was awesome.... (Paint versus photoshop in most cases)

I haven't even been on chickensmoothie yet... Nearing the end of my night. I better... I wonder if anyone is freaking out over a pet yet. Lol. Eventually they will... GAH this keyboard!

Pikachu and I, and a few others went on a long walk today. Like 3-5 miles? I'm not sure... People are telling me two different distances... I think 2miles each way... so... 4... but I don't directly care.

Man, I need to turn a tama on....

Kyubey inspired me today. I was originally going to make a plush of that.. but I just turned it into a normal-ish cat. With wings... The size wasn't big enough for the long ears... I put the ears on like a normal cat, forgot to put them sideways... oh well. Still turned out cute to me... It wasn't a total fail, I did give my cat a kyubey tail. People ask why it isn't a normal tail...... Well, In some cases, I'm glad I made it normal. Then they'd be asking about Kyubey and I might feel the need to dish on Madoka Magica. I swear I'd get a worse effect then CardCaptor Sakura.... (The cards aren't veiwed well..... Long story...)

Oh well... It certainly is something different to what I'm used to watching. I'm sure they are wondering where the "Soul Gem" gashapon came from (Show wise) and why its been on my hip since I bought it. I know it caught someone's eye...

Thoughts on that... I think I know what I would wish for if I needed to make a wish of the sort. ...

Basically, I made that cat plush for most of the day. Didn't do much else... I know I should but I really felt good making the plush today. I just wish I didn't chose the fabric I did. Lol, atleast its super soft.

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