Marshmellow Delights


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So been on a trip...

First day... Not even out on the road yet... I dropped my gs pikachu.... Its okay but it really worried me. The screen was safe though... Thank god... Then we spent 8 or 9 hours on the road. Then got to the hotel... Weird but still nice.... The internet was on and off... But we had it...

Second day was crazier... More people... More one track mind people.... We walked nearly all day. Had a ginormis corn dog.... It was awesome.

The third was pretty much the same with way more people. I had another corn dog. The food was pretty good had others... But the corn dog was the best.

Then we came home.... I got some pretty cool things. I do wish i got something I saw there.... But we might have those here anyway. I know what they are. I could buy them online if I really want to...

I have my gs pikachu on and my golden compass on... I turned the compass on today... Suuu... Otherwise... Not much for today?

I've been looking on ebay... *Holds breath* found lots of little finds there. You guys are so lucky I just went on a trip... hahaha. Hopefully you guys will get to see/buy them. I want to buy them all... but I wouldn't separate from them to pass the saving on to you guys. -_- I love all my tamas...

So I was just looking... I think I will turn on my Akai later. Maybe my (tama) Nano too. Those pictures of the ones selling (Well the v3 and the nanos) made me want to. Along with my Golden Compass and my GS Pikachu. (Pikachu forever!... or until my batteries run out....)

Hi guys. I'm really excited to be a guide now. I really hope I do well.

My face turned red when I got the PM. It really made my day. It really did.

Suu, I turned on my Nano, My Akai and my Golden Compass and GS Pikachu is on... too. If you are interested... My cat is also laying on my knee leaning on the computer. hahaha.

My Nano is a girl. I wonder who she will be. My Akai is a boy this time. I'm really not sure what I named him... or who he is yet. He did win some swimming races....

Golden Compass is like a mini arcade to me. Games available on demand. I really enjoy them. Pikachu, I believe he wants me to give him my watts I gained over my trip.... I have tons. Did a ton of walking... I just hope it didn't stop counting watts yet. I did give him some on the trip, max 999.

I really like this Pinkie Pie Icon I found. I added the color to the background. Its the 4th Wall image. (Which is large enough for a whole computer screen.....) Tempted to put it on my parent's computer as the wallpaper. That would be funny.....

My nano is chamametchi and my akai is a ringotchi. Super cute. My compass is a snow lepord. I like that one and Pan's ceature forms.

I mowed someones lawn.... Boy was it deep.... Turned me green! They have a spraying mower... Sprays grass everywhere. So I had to brush it off outside....

Made a pouch with a wolf on it. The snap didnt snap at first but now it does. Looks like it would fit my ancestors or chibi.... Maybe my nano. Tried to get my akai in there... But I figured I better stretch it out more before I try again. It was one of those leather kits, yes. I made it a little different but not to effect the size.

Man I would certainly like to add pictures. They aren't on my ipad though.... Which I got new wallpapers btw.... Rainbow Dash and Sailormoon. Whoop! Not on the laptop.... The fixed computer doesnt have much memory to save my nice pictures. Memory blahs.

Turned on my V3 from Kentucky. The one I found in a Walmart off the highway. Its a girl, yellow star design. Akai Ringotchi hasn't changed yet and Chamametchi wont since she is grown. I set my GS Pikachu for an alarm and set my own tune. Its like the flight of the bumble bee then a few other notes.... I was just messing with it. I wonder if there is anybody with more tunes they made. I think I found some somewhere..... Humm.

Happy meal lunch means another toy. Currently... Its Victorious from Nickel...or Teen Nickel... Got some bags today... Plan on using them but most likely to change the look... I also have some rings that my neices will probably enjoy... Might put a sticker on the star ones... They have no clue who Victorious is...ur Victoria Justice. The bubble ones, Im not sure since people are on the rings and I can't cover threm. I want the bubble off so I can put somethng else in them... I really don't care to wear people on my stuff... Never have. Then this weird music thing with Victoria's Freak the Freak out two lines. Not for kids, maybe? Umm...

Guys... Signatures still have a rule. Small image and a LIttle bit of text... Not a huge list.... Not a story... Link to your art, lists instead! Pushing enter per line streatches more then you think... Okay? Rant done. Just a friendly reminder!

Also, youtube standard size is way too big to begin with to be in your signature. :)

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That made my heart jump... Lol. My mail came as the tornado seirens test came on. Must have been announcing my package arrival! Ha! They test here 1st Saturday of each month at 1. So you could imagine how funny it was... That and me forgetting what time a day it was. Lol.

My tamas turned. Ha.

Akai is some duck with buck teeth. Then my V3 is a ghostly grin blob? They make me smile.

I just saw a bird tama on my V3. Reminds me of Natu the pokemon.

Corse the little flame dude reminds me of the little fireball digimon... Some sort of maramon or is.

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Urg... I want a tama profy again. Sigh... Amongst other things... I just wish they weren't all in japan. The bulk of things are... And ya, they are precure. Time to go diging!

So my idl 15th is now on. Giving it another go. Its by itself... Well beside my nano. I couldn't see where my tab was. Same place as I thought. Its an Ahirutchi currently. Not sure where I turned it off in its growth. My v3 and akai is off for now.

My 15th turned into a Sunnytchi. A dirty one... I forgot to have him wash before bed. Ooops.

I did some digging... but it wasn't regular digging. I came across my GBA, then followed my GBC.... and then the GB Brick... hahaha. But I felt like playing my GBC. My 102 Dalmatians game was inserted. I find that game nice and addicting.... HAHAHA. I love that game. I play as Oddball. Maybe turn on my 101 Giga because of it. Ha. That is one of those games I play until I beat it. Its fairly easy. One would wonder why..... Its made for a 3-8 year old? The adult is playing it... Wonder again? I did turn it off after a few minutes of play.

I'm trying to figure out how I can use my new planner thing... To make it be more like a carrier or protector for my smaller tamas/gigas...others. I want to get some of the fabric of precure online.... *Dies* I don't do CM/centimeters people! Do inches.... Probably a fat quarter (25% of a yard/meter)

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This morning I woke up to greet my 15th anni... Batteries needed changing. *face palm / face hoof* lucky me, not finding my stash of AAA batts. So its off until I find more or talk someone in to getting some on the way home... I'm fairly certain I have some, just can't find them. So sticking with my nano all by herself for the moment. Might turn my akai or v3 back on for the duration.

Speaking of which.... Those with v3 and a tamago... I think the pixels actually look better on the v3... Which makes me think of my lower tamas... The screen is almost better on all of them. Given the greyscale... It almost lessens the look of the tamago to me.... I'm reverting to my older tamas over my newer ones... They seem really fresh right now.

I bought a gbc game from japan yesterday. I bought CardCaptor Sakura. The game, not the episode 10 one... Thought they were the same but one had mini games.... Relief. So i will be getting that shortly. Those who recommended games, thanks. meanwhile, Im playing with my Dalimations! Muuhahahaha! Maybe pokemon puzzle challenge a little too. I got into that league once.... Humm. Must be faster.

But first, I need to mow because my grass is pretty tall.... And I'm must certain it will smell like fresh banannas... Very fresh. The pollen and stuff bugs me... I just hope we dont have evil ants again. They are evil.... Evil I say.... Maybe like..... An Evil Entrantress. Yup. I am currently singing it as Pinkie would.

*poofs away*

I love my neices. Balloon fights, tag at random and those eyes when you say dessert. Lol. Late night babysitting is so much fun. If I could I would steal them for the next 24 hours... They are so sweet. We played a memory version of eye spy... Like those books for an hour... They were pretty good... One matched the wrench unknowing what it was. I'm not sure how she did that. Nobody talks tools over there....

My cat finds it funny to stand on my stomach while Im laying down... While typing on the ipad... She isn't the lightest cat in the world. But her legs make here feel so much heavier... Muscles.

Pikachu was caught surfing! Thought it was cute since I just was messing with the watering hose. I was goofing with the sprinklers we had too... Welp. I choose this kid toy one. It has wiggling noodles that spary everywhere. To cut time for watering... I used that. Was trying to fix part of it after I moved it a little... Moved in closer and managed to soak myself with one little move. I had to burst out laughing. It was cold, not to mention on my bottom half... I dried quickly outside.

I think I might have a tama on again tomo. Might go for my first tama. Sounds like a great idea to me being mothers day Sunday. It being one of my first digital pets to It does have that extra special part of my collection being my first.

I ate my stylus! Nuuuu! Nevermind... Under my cat.

That's a ton to read.... Sorry no readers digest version... No cliff notes... Um... Good morning?

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My ipad is fighting my words! Raaaar! Its all its fault!

I turned on my p2. I love its look... I have my teal back on it taped to the back. With the sound on.... rare. I hope I get something other than the one I normally get. Anything but that one... please!

I want to go see the Hunger Games... Given I just saw The Avengers today. I'm not sure I want to sit through another being the same time frame.... That and the theater I was planning to see it at now doesn't have it. *Sigh* The next theater isn't too far, but I don't really want to drive out there. EH. I could go back to the one I was just at but ... that's a little far considering the next one is shorter (to start soon) then the time it takes to get there. Choices. Oh.... I think I shall.

My CCS game didn't come. Did donate some food for our post office collection. I am so excited to be getting that... I did have the rom to try. I might have been playing the GBA version... Not totally sure what I was playing this moment. I wonder if it was one of those games that was on GBC and GBA.. Like Mystery Dungeon for GBA and DS... Well, sorta the same thing.

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Mothers Day was good for once.

I got my mom a few things... One I wouldn't normally pick up. She loved it and I was so happy she did. Then I got a beanie baby bear she likes too. I always try to get her something...

Then I was on here and Aywas all day... Catching drawing... scribble pets. Those are so funny... I am trying to get enough money for another "Rad Crystal" but I doubt I will considering before-hand we had 3 other events? Few other things and I bought other custom items. (For custom pets) I'm not as good as some users there, but I certainly love to see the art they made. Jeeze. I am lucky when I feel I got half of that skill in one pet. I guess I could be tons worse... I can play in paint and blur in paint... many people don't have enough patience to do THAT without a blur tool. (WAY easier)

So my Firstie is sleeping. I'm not sure what its growing into. I haven't counted it and I am trying to leave it alone more. (HARD) My "Temp" back is taped... But I need more tape since it keeps trying to pop off... Which isn't good. I'm too chicken to put screws inside the holes. I could use my Japanese p2 but, its not my firstie I love.

I checked my firstie this morning... The back was pretty close to popping off. I fixed it but I'm just hoping the tape holds since I don't know where our duct tape is. Its the floating teen I believe. He didnt grow legs so... Different tama maybe?

I was outside a good chunk pf the day. It was beautiful outside. Mowed 2 lawns... Weeded a bit... Managed a burn on my shoulders. Hurts but not as bad as the day I burnt my legs.... Toasty.... Oh well, I felt I had to be outside. I just wish I rememberd the sunblock...

My CardCaptor Sakura game should be here anytime.... Possibly today. More likely tomo. I love tracking numbers... Lol.

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I'm so tired...

Wonder where my Gbc game is...? The tracking number stopped on the 14th.... It must be one of those that tracks until it gets process through customs. Atleast I know its in the Usa.... I hear one of the mail trucks...


My firstie didn't change yet. I broke down and put normal tape on the back. I don't like it but for now.... It's doing the job.

Can't wait for my Ccs game. It seems so fun.... My guess, if I go for the Gba would be cool too. I went retro game though. Cheaper and I have been looking for Gbc games for a while.... Gamestop in person, no luck... And if so, I already have it. Lol. I would be playing these in the gbc games in my ds if they fit.... Sad face... But I still have my GBC systems.... Pokemon and teal.

My firstie turned into my little keychain dude! Whoo. The red and black keychain that comes in a white shell from McDs. Whooo! He has character, alas, my names I'm forgeting terribly. I would post a picture but... Can't currently.

I really hope I get my game today. Sometimes when these tracking numbers stop, they are just sitting in location. Terribly annouying. I might be okay though. I want to play it so badly right now.

Meanwhile.... Need a good reason to hide from Saturday.... Garage sales. Then again........ I could go hunting for digital pets. Not likely to find any...but maybe I will.

My cat just buried herself in a vera bradley bag.... Lol. I had to take pictures.... They aren't the best though. Oh well. She is surrounded by more vera bradley too... Which makes it so much funnier. But yes. She is IN the tote bag. Like a sleeping bag.... I hope more people see her like that... Its quite funny in person. My mom just sent the picture of my cat to Vera Bradley in the bag....

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Way cool weekend so far. I won a fairly rare item on Aywas. The Vion berries! Which means I can make my own custom of the Vion specie on Aywas. 50% edits! The specie is pretty rare... So I nearly died of my winning... Not to mention it was way late for me to be online... I also got the first post under my win. Lol. I'm not sure how I will design it, but I know I have to make it awesome.... I had thought, how could I make it have another image on it...? Like A Starry Night, the painting. Overlayed on the Vion. In photoshop, elements.... I normally use elements 3 btw...

We had garage sales... Found nothing of value to myself. Oh well. No tamas... Speaking of... My tama went home. Zuutchi? Maybe...? But I did give him a nice life. Sorta. So, I'm thinking of playing my other one or another oldie tama. P1 or p2... If I pull out an angel, I might do both. Corse, I could do that with my p1 and p2....

They are onto us! Muuuhahaha!

They are unknown, you're welcome!

Have my blue tamago on currently. Its a girl, shelltchi. I have 11 figures loaded.... Seeming I don't have that many.... I got lucky. My kutchipatchi goes mexican and turns to a lite figure....with pattern shoot. Lol. Not sure all I can unlock with my figures.... Would be awesome if I could get makiko and shimashimatchi. I'm waiting /hoping/ big lots gets them.

Got my CCS game in the mail. I opened it... Found it in a classic Gameboy game case. Sweet! Then opened the case and put it inside my gbc. Took a few tries to get it working correctly. I think the customs might have played with it and sent it in a new envelope. It might have gotten cool or the bag got moist... It took a few more days then normal... I wouldn't be surprised. My items rarely stop in New York.... Usually Chicago. But anyway, game works, its fun.

Suuu... Pipotchi on my blue tamago. Mostly sleeping due to the 4 extra days with it..... Ehm. Gave pikachu gs some watts... Had the limit of 9999.

Been playing my gbc cardcaptor sakura game. I might of had a five minute save when I got it. Figured it might be anyway. So... Yesterday, I went looking for a gamebit or security bit... But a reverse hex shape or sunburst shape... I didn't find one.... Not one I could use...I got a funny screwdriver set... I used one thing... It helped, failed...broke. Lol. So, I didn't give up... I used pliers, but I also had to cut around that evil screw thing. I was gentle and no Its okay. Once my pliers fit, I twisted that sucker out, easy. Oh... I used my dull cutters for wire. Huuuurrrrp. It had great skills of grip... That or make a larger hole........ Yup. So put the battery in... Tested, worked fine. Now it saves. Man I wish I knew what people were saying in the game. Derp. Euho. Leef.

This game is like... Hide and find Sakura for me. Occassionally, finding a card... But I'm not far in at all.... Oh well..

Frogger, want for my dreamcast. Yus, it is fully functional. But my sonic is scratched.... Sadness. Dead/broken is toy commander, but I didn't play that. Blah, me and my classic sega stuff... And you wonder how far I go back? Atari dude.

I got into one of my older Moshi Monsters accounts.... But its not a Katsuma I was expecting.... Little devil dude. Lol. I see its not happy... I will get him back to happy... I might stick with my newer account. Im not crazy over my username though. Its what I came up with on the fly.

I was trying to make a pouch again.... Looks funny. Not what I thought it would look like at all. I want to make a felt image but I can see, this will be a pain...

Have my Season 1 digivice with me again. While playing my CCS game.... Confusing as it is, I think I got further into it. I guess its all on timing when you turn your game boy color on..... Yaaah.....

I am so tired! Yet I'm listening to Hatsune Miku....Fail.

I was painting on felt today.... I painted CC Sakura in her pinkish red dress. My Kero, i'm not sure how he turned out yet... He is still wet. The yellow I used didn't come out normal... More watery then anything, mixed well even. I will probably end up with another kero and keep that one for a magnet or something. I plan on putting Sakura and Kero on a bag. Need to find an cute bag or make one. Looking at purple? Out of my fabrics, that seems to bring out the Sakura best. I do have my fuzzy white fabric I made false Kyubey out of... But that stretches I think. ( pain to work with too )

I have a Katsuma plush now... Had the keychains and some moshlings charms. I almost lost my pyrimid one... It was in the car, thank goodness. Its not going to hang on my bag anymore. From the Katsuma keychain looped in the charm holes.... Those hooks on the charms don't seem to be as perfect as they say on the packages.... Btw, I wasn't able to get into the old account. Moshi monsters... Blahhhh.

Couldn't find my LPS dog planner... It was put away somewhere other then with my other large digital pets... The ones that aren't Precure anyways. It was in my fabric bin.... Why there, I do not know. When I got in there earlier, I set off my moon spiral wand sitting on top of my fabric bin and small sewing stuff bin... Like 3 times. I set off the attack sound. Lol.
