Thank you to Kuro Rocks! for your comments and support!
I can't believe you read my log 5 times and up to page 7.

I think that's a bit of a feat, considering my lack of capitalization back then and my moaning for followers. xD
In response to your question, I'm not sure if I can say. I think my favourites out of the ones I've run is the V3, V4.5, and the iD L. Out of ones I haven't run, the Entama, the Uratama, the Keitai Akai, and the 15th Anniversary iD L.
The matchmaker came as usual, during my dinner. -.- I ran to get my camera and snap a photo, and saw that she was greeted by a loveable Hanatchi (Trivia: Hanatchi was my first adult EVER on a Tamagotchi. She was named India. <3). There were fireworks, and what was the baby's gender?
*dramatic music*
*dramatic pause*
Girl! she is paused. -.-
I'd go unpause her, but there's something going on right now that I don't want to disrupt (if I don't keep my Tamagotchis' sound on, I'll forget all about them. Really.). So, no.
I'll go unpause Will, though! (Yes, I am actually going right now to grab Will and unpause him)
Ihavetogotothewashroombye! *runs away*
Tee hee. Daddy is funny.
I can't believe it. I am at the same stage of life as my niece. This is the most embarrassing day of my life.
Oh, it's okay. Don't worry, you're much older in terms of maturity (wellnotreally) and in days.
Thanks. ^_^
(Oh good, she didn't hear me) So...uhm...hi.
Hi Blue! *waves like crazy*
Wanna go to the toy store?
Yeah! Can Blue and Auntie...Nina come?
*Blue and Nina* ^_^ We'll be good,
Daddy. Ba hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
Yes. They can come.
*in the car*
PUNCHBUGGY NO PUNCHBACKS!!! *punches Nina and Will*
Ow! I'm driving!
No way, that's so not fair.
It is SO fair. I totally saw it first.
Quiet down, kids, or else I'm not going to buy you that teeny ball of Play Dough I promised.
Pinching pennies now, are we? Aren't you going to buy me a giant teddy bear or something for taking care of you, buying your food, taking you to games and stores and renovating the entire house and making you an adorable Shimashimatchi instead of a Necktietchi like your ancestors?
Fine, Blue. I'll give you the teddy bear.
Hey! What about me? I'm your (kind of) sister.
I'll buy you a bubble wand.
The toy store! The toy store! We're here!!!!
*in the toy store*
O_O Mommy works here! *runs to mom* Hi Mommy! Aren't you supposed to be at Gotchibucks getting a latte and getting a pedicure there while 6 and a half Spanish Kuchipatchis sing Black Eyed Peas songs to you?
Um...Mommy wanted to come here as a...surprise to you so I can help you pick out a toy! Yeah, that's it!
*whispers to Nina* She works here. She owns the place.
How do you know, genius?
I own the Gotchi figure, which has a giant Chamametchi on it.
Daddy, I want the teddy bear! No, I want the duckies! No, I want the bubbles! No, I want the slide! Nooo, I want the playhouse! I CAN'T DECIDE I WANT EVERYTHING ASDFGHJKL;
How about this, sweet pea, I'll get you two things. For free. And Daddy will buy you one so he can support the starving toy store workers and maybe give them a chance to afford to get a pedicure. *evil eye* How about that?
*whispers to Nina* Man, she's good.
Okay!! *runs off*
Bring me with you! *runs after....Will's baby*
5, 4, 3, 2, ...1...
I want the playhouse and the slide and the teddy bear and Blue's getting a matching one so we can be twins! YAY!!!
Sigh...*buys all the stuff*
Thanks for paying more than you needed to.
Wha....? Hey! Give me my money back!
No can do, sir, you don't get the money unless you're returning the items.
I thought you were my wife!
I am.
I love scones!
*drives back home*
Yay! I'm going to set up the tea party in the playhouse with our bears, Blue. You and Nina and Daddy wait here! *runs off*
I love my niece. <3
Me too. (except the niece part)
Thank you for reading this extremely long post! I figured I owed you guys for the lazy snail posts with absolutely no action for the past (unfortunately) few weeks. I'm starting to feel like how I did when I started logging: eager and ready to write awesome posts. xD Feel free to give us a shout in our (fine. It's OUR PM box. Happy?) PM box and have a great day!
Blue! Nina! It's time for the tea party!
Tomorrow (if I have time): The Tea Party.