kuchipatchi.is.blue's log of random tamaness


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:eek: 2000 views????!!!

you guys are so awesome!

oh yeah, and page 10 already!!! thank you so much for sticking with me from day 1, where i used text talk... -_- but you kept reading anyway! (and if it wasn't for ZuZu, i might've kept using text talk for a long time! and we can't have that.) whee! page 10 and 2000 views! on the same day!

happy! *gets human happy symbol*


for real this time! i suppose a lot of you have heard about my relative's Palm PDA thing, and now i have my SD card (with all the downloads on it. ;) ) so i'll be beaming over a bunch of stuff tomorrow! my iD L's IR sensor will finally be used. xDD

my week has now been awesome. and it's only monday.

it's always awesome for tamagotchis! sleeping all day! oh yeah!

it's not awesome for me! why can't i get married yet, blue? *whiny*

blegh! who wants to get MARRIED?? not me! yuck!

tomorrow, whitney, i promise. after you're majokko furawa. you'll look even nicer for all the boys at the omaiai party. (matchmaker)

the henshin jo dress up look is really popular right now, whitney.

okay. i can't wait to be majokko furawa now! i'll be a really cute witch. ^.^

i'm a kilalatchi. blue doesn't want me to be one.

that's not true!

oh yes it is. you were like "oh. a kilalatchi. AGGAIINNN????"

sorry. i wanted a different teenager. i'll neglect you a lot and make you...uh.....whatever.

so, now what?

what was up with you guys watching titanic again today?

it's cool, what can i say? it's HISTORY, TOTALLY EDUCATIONAL, 100%! *as if*

that is not educational. that's junk food for the mind. you know what's educational? food network and TMZ. very, very educational.

au contraire, mon frere, TAMA weekly is the best thing that you will ever read! and it's always right! 100%!

what does this week's issue say? "kuchipatchis, beware! by midnight on march 25, you will have produced 1000 clones and they will run rampant on the streets of tamatown!"

did that come true. uh. no.

you know what you guys should watch? discovery channel.

no. it might be a bit too...er...graphic.

as in, NOT SCHOOL FRIENDLY. gee, claire, you went to school, you should know better.

i'm sooorry if mr canvas believes in teaching through the arts, and ms flower shows documentaries, but what does mr turtlepedia do? "okay kids, let's go through the text book, word by word! so educational and FUN FUN FUUUUUNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and he never shows us documentaries, so what should i know?

but you're online in TiMDB, Tama international movie database.

you should know ratings.


you know who's creepy? the guy who gives you presents when you put in passwords on the V5. o.o now that's creepy and not fun.

how would you know? you're an iD L.


okay, no need to get snippy.

ugh, exams.....mr turtlepedia texted me saying exams are coming up. time to hit the books. *drags feet through door*

o.o how does mr turtlepedia know your number?

student directory. and he jacked my TamaPhone.

oh. go and study like a good girl, then.

bye bye! don't forget to make flashcards, claire! and i'll be giving you a quiz during dinner! *waggles eyebrows*

uh, you have no eyebrows.

details, details. *waves hand/paw/thing...*


so, how's it like as a kilalatchi?

i hate it.

o.o okay.

cool story bro, tell it again.


just chill, itssa all fine.

fine? FINE???!! i'll show you what's FINE! *jumps up and pounds on keyboard*

flakj dfjaofja eofijawoiefjoiwur9283 5r8˚≈ƒdss,GJFHSJKIhdfjsldijgij3837592387#$#$^#$

get offa the lefjawl efjwaof


board! jaslfjakfj

*pulls jamie off the keyboard*

we better go now, see you all tomorrow! PM me with any questions or comments, and have a great night!

ow, jamie, not the flowers! not the flowers!

*emo* *depressed*

why so sad?

i waited so long for this day...AND MY SD CARD DECIDED THAT IT SHOULD BE AN SDHC CARD THAT'S NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THE PALM AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH *headdesk x 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999* <-----okay, that's a little dramatic. but still. I WANTED MAJOKKO FURAWA ALL I WANTED WAS TO BEAM 5 SIMPLE THINGS AAARRRGGGHHHHH

who's the drama queen?

not me, that's for sure.

might as well get you married, whitney. let's go to the omiai party.


mommy? where are you?

*everyone* d'awwwwww soo cute!

mommy? *panicked* mommy?! mommy????!!!

your mommy's not here, we are. i'm your auntie claire!


i'm your uncle jamie!

...hi uncle jamie.


hi blue.

*blue and jamie* HA! IN YOUR FACE!

let me, yet again, blame blue. do you know why? if i weren't a scary horoyotchi, whitney's daughter would probably love me.

so, whitney's daughter, is, yet again, a momoirotchi. i'm trying to get rolutchi so i can get hineontchi and then i don't know, agetchi or something.


good! now say cllaaaiiirrreee.


see? she can say my name! bah hahahahaha *richard moore laugh*


*comforts crying baby* it's okay, blue's here, auntie claire is very scary.

especially in the morning. *shudder*

*swats jamie* shut up.

since i'm still wallowing in depression and emoness, i'm going to go now. PM me with questions, comments, a box of chocolates just kidding, don't give me that. :p have a great day (i bet your day has been better than mine, the universe decides to make tuesdays suck majorly for me)!

sorry for the derp update yesterday, i have photos but not much conversation as i shouldn't really be spending much time here...not much narration with photos so just look. ;) sorry, i feel tired and i don't want to spend more time on the computer.



uncle jamie is crazy. and he snores like a dead pig.


*throws pillow on jamie* that's much better.

very. thank you, claire.

*pouts* what happened to auntie claire?

that was so 2 minutes ago.

*pouts again* i feel out of place. must go and read fashion magazines! *sprints to the nearest 711*

:eek: ditcher! you left me with the human!

gee, uh...uh...uh...i forgot to name you. violet, then. *random*

gee. thanks. i'm going to not talk.

want a burger?


okay then. go and leave me, the human alone typing at the computer like a hunchback and checking chat.

photos, then i'm going to go. like, to bed. or something.

uugh, i feel too lazy to. i'll do it tomorrow. *procrastination much* sorry for the short update, i feel pretty tired. PM me with questions and comments, blah blah blah, have a nice night/thursday/friday/whatever the next day is in your time zone and i'll be more awake tomorrow. xD see you!

helloooo, peoples! i have photos! whoo!

and i evolved into a-

*claps hand over violet's mouth* not now, it's a surprise!

i got married. to a i don't know what.

i'm still a necktietchi. borrringgg.

but you get to wear a TIE! and ties are cool. to the max.

*cringes* stop it, you sound like some old person trying to be "hip".

<_< i'm sorry if i'm not perfect.

ugh! you're so defiant.

i'm an adult. i have opinions.

i'm not an adult. i have opinions too.

my brain is 50% food, 30% games, 10% tamas, and 10% duh.

there's no sections dedicated to moi? la gasp!

of course there's no section dedicated to you, blue, get with it!

don't speak so disrespectfully to me! your senior! who is like waaay taller than you!

we're the size of small flies, blue, that's only too obvious.

gee. thanks for enlightening me, claire. really helpful.


what do you put in the toaster?

beef jerky!

but that's dried already, so if you toasted it, it would become powder. or something.

wrong! you put toast in the toaster!

you put bread in the toaster, smart one, then it becomes toast. DUH!

d'oh! i knew that!

i've known that since i was like three. or two.

stop rubbing it in, we know you are having a good education with good teachers.

anyway, on to the pictures!

let's start with V4.5.


it's not nice to scream at your teacher, claire.

i'm sooorry! can i help it?


claire aspired to be a singer! will she make it?





what about a banker?


<_< like that's not demented.


they do appreciate craziness as a quality. o.o never knew.

hmm...it seems that i haven't uploaded the pictures of claire's marriage. -_- oh well. next time.

okay, tama go!


celebrating easter with bernie


practicing good hygiene! hey, how come i never see violet brushing her teeth, hm?

i take showers! unlike these people. *evil eye at jamie and claire*

don't hate on us, we like to have fresh breath.

and it would be kind of hard to tell if we needed baths. we would be, like, a black pixel blob.

oh yeah. good point.

let's move on to whitney's marriage!


who will it be? who will it be?


hirotchi! that's who! (lol herotchi xD)

(sorry if the next few photos are blurry, using a bad camera that can't handle motion and the iD L was moving a lot <_< )


it's a momoirotchi! yay!

**post continued below**

....oops. i found violet's least favourite food. *facepalm* she won't be dining with mark any time soon.

oh yeah, i forgot to mention, violet is my 20TH GENERATION!!!! this is the highest generation i've ever gotten (that's not saying much, it was lucky if i got past 1 xD) and you guys have sat through 20 generations! thank you!

okay, next photo!



that's really dangerous! she tossed me up in the air like that?

no, you jumped that high.

i saw it too.

i obviously saw it.

okay, so while i was on chat about 45 minutes ago, i was like "iD L EVOLVE NOW SO I CAN COMPLAIN" to ayan300 and then violet evolved!

she evolved into...


MORIRITCHI!!!! <3 <3 :wub: so cute!

it's so weird with these heavy ears hanging down. *tugs on them*

at least you don't look like a lump.

and you're not wearing a tie.

and you can wear clothes.

but you can wear clothes too, claire, blue just hasn't bought any yet.

oh. right.

ayan300 and some others were there with me (on chat) so..yay! i got to celebrate an evolution with someone! :)

i can't wait to get violet's happy symbols. i promise i'll use a good camera. and, the best thing, TAMAMORITCHI! (or whatever it is) moriritchi's henshin jo character! so look forward to that!

i'm in a super good mood now, thanks for staying loyal through my rants, apologies, conversations, and new additions to my collection! feel free to PM me with any questions or comments, and have a great week! (saturday...come to meeee)

;____; so sorry for not updating yesterday everyone, i was really tired and didn't feel like writing anything SO, here i am! and iphoto is totally not cooperating and now i want to scream, because i have to pick through tons and tons of photos just to get to the ones i want to show you guys, and i have a treat: a video! no, it doesn't use my voice, and no, you can't see me. ;) except in one video. -_- i might not show you guys that one, because your image of me might be ruined....xD anyway, on to picking through photos! (iphoto, i don't like you. really. i don't. a LOT.)

okay, i'm going to try windows. (it won't work, with my awesome luck...) derp, it didn't. my brilliant brain realized i wanted to get them on iphoto, and to do so, it'd be to use the mac.

oh well, i picked through them anyway, but no videos because i'm not entirely comfortable with showing you guys one. :( but it's of jamie's honeymoon, courtesy of makiko's travel shop. :) they went on an unknown tour and went to the gotchi king's castle, where the gotchi king wasn't there, unfortunately. :( basically, the unknown tour is being abducted by a UFO and going to dance with a dinosaur. really. that's it.

mommy? where are you?

mommy is at tama planet, daiki.

and we're here!

what's that, uncle jamie? *yanks jamie's tie off* oooh! cool! i want one! *tries to put it on*

*clutches at neck* my tiiieee!!! i will never get one like it!

*opens jamie's closet* uh, i beg to differ. *gestures at wall covered in ties*

oh. right. *grabs tie and puts it on*

i'm tired. i have photos to narrate. forget the narration, i'll just put them up, with a few notes every now and then. tiiirrreeeddd and it's not even late yet. -_-



from fruit salad with...uh.....i forgets. pompomtchi, i forgot who. *memory is fuzzy and cool like that*


okay, this is the mori scrunchie, right? well, after the fruit salad, i was like "duuuhhhh what could all the other happy symbols be? oh. right. *headdesk*" it's all the items with "mori" in their name. moriritchi. tamamoriritchi. *points out the obvious much*



decorating for the holidays...uh, violet, christmas is over.



decorate my house for christmas, violet!


when she's happy, the hearts turn red!



sorry for the lazy post and not much talking, i feel tired even though it's not really late right now...PM me with questions and comments, and have a great weekend!


married to a...i don't know what.




yuss, same as above. sorry i feel incredibly tired even though it's nowhere near dinner time so sorry..... :(

Thanks to ayan300 for your comments and telling me that jamie's wife is a pipotchi! (i'm a tama go character noob xD)

hey guys! so, violet got married to...sunopotchi, i think. i'm such a dedicated tama owner, i woke up at 7:20 just to get her married! (and i look really tired and irritated in the morning, and i can't smile properly. o_O) no, it's really because i can't stand late evolutions, because i have to WAIT, AND WAIT, AND WAIT SOME MORE. so, after getting married and going out to dinner and leaving me home (forever alone face) and then she came back with an egg, it cracked open, and there was a nittobotchi! okay, there. done. a t name...hm...(skipping u, it's hard)...uh...

i don't like being the only one from before here now. i feel so old!

i'm a DIAMOND! i'm worth more than your house! i sparkle! i'm a diamond! whooooo!!!

you. are. weird.

look who's talking, you're a bowl of fruit!

you're a diamond!

*jumps in* and i wear a tie! *jazz hands*

....not cool.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA *falls* ow! *thud* ooohhhh nooo!!!!!!!!!! i got CHIPPED! agh! agh! agh! agh! *repeats a million times*

*claps hand over screaming diamond's (whoa, that sounds weird) mouth* SHUUUUUTTT UUUPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\

who's the immature one?

*withering look* you're not even twelve hours old.

i don't wear uncool ties, unlike SOME necktietchis i know!

these ties are from...uh...a long time ago! so there!

mmmm mmmph mmrmmph!

oh. *releases hand* sorry.

*evil death glare*

ooh! funny! hahahaha! do it again, daiki!



*awkward silence*

welll this is a good time for me to jump in and sound incredibly stupid blathering about who knows what! yaaay! *claps hands*

so...yes, as you've heard, violet got married, and daiki evolved into a daiyatchi! i'm aiming for a celebtchi because we all know that daiki wants to look as girly as possible. ;)

i do NOOOT!

that's a lie and you know it.

i'm lying and i know it!

see, you're influencing the kid! stop being such a bad influence!

you guys are being a bad influence, fighting like this! now, stop fighting so i can just go and get a drink already!

i'll say sorry if HE says sorry.

no way! YOU say sorry first.




....come on, you guys know what happens if you don't say sorry.

NOOO!!!!!!!! please don't make us sing sorry sorry to each other!

then say sorry! and mean it! and put some emotion into your words!

fine. sorry.


sorry! hahahaha

you don't need to say sorry, be quiet.

okay, that's it, PM me with any questions or comments and enjoy the rest of your weekend! (which is slipping away...from me...nuuu~)

yay, over 2100 views!

wow, i was looking at some old photos from my sd card that i cleared just now and i have photos from when carrie was around! O.O weird.

anyway, i'm not sure if you guys really read this part, but i'd like to make a note of it now:

the "tchi" at the end of every tamagotchi's name is actually wriiten as "tsu chi" as in "tsunami". so mametchi would become "mamaytsuchi". ("e" sounds in japanese are pronounced as "ay".)
i'm totally wrong there. it really is "tchi". so "mametchi" is "mamaytchi". really.

so, with that cleared up-

my daddy left for tamatown and left me heere! with my weird uncles and blue. *pouts*

le gasp! no, really?

don't be mean, you weren't that bright either when you were a child. (no pun intended)

*squints* that colour is really hard to see, don't you think?

<_< fine. is this better?

very. ^_^

now, i'm just going to pick through photos to upload this fine evening...O.O that's a lot of photos. i might not use them all.

anyway, how's life, you guys? oh yeah! i have to name two of you!

i guess i'll continue the alphabet thing, even though i never...really...did with the tama go..oh well.

kaede! maple leaf! (however you pronounce that <_< it looks like ka-ay-day, to me if you write it in romaji.)

PHOTOBUCKET! i command you to upload faster...NOW! uh....NOW!

*cough* fail *cough*

that must be a major fail, if kaede is telling you you're a fail, blue.

thanks. my self esteem rose, like THIIIIISSSSSSSS much.

that reminds me of a shirt i saw!

shh! don't tell-

how have you seen it before?


oh. i have GOT to start limiting your internet time. which reminds me, if you've noticed i'm not online AS MUCH as before, it's because i-and my parents- want to limit my time on TT. i mean, i'll still be online and everything, just not as much, especially on weekends. which is really ironic, since weekends are the time when most of us have free time. okay, iD L, your name is tex. no buts.

*snicker* butts. *snicker*

don't go around acting like a minion!

you're so immature!

where have you been learning words like that?

*holds up dictionary* i've been reading this fun book! it has lots and lots of words like bite and food and *%$@#!

don't say words like that! it's bad, rude, and will get you into real trouble.

nuuu....i uploaded duplicates....*facepalm* what a fail! oh well.

PRO OF WAKING UP AT 7:20 IN THE MORNING ON A WEEKEND TO GET YOUR iD L MARRIED: incredibly clear photos with the notoriously blurry camera. ;)

ok, you guys, go and do something fun or boring, whatever. just get away from the computer so i can do photos in peace.

let's play monopoly!


she married a character that looks like a bull! whoo!




shiny diamond! gimme so i can sell it for money


O_O the diamond smiles? that makes it even more valuable! MIIIINNNNEEEEEEEE

okay, prepare for a long string of photos with absolutely no narration! *everybody cheers (not)*







**post continued below**

sorry for being all lazy, it's almost time for dinner...so...






^ thought he looked funny when he was surprised. xD

thanks for reading! feel free to PM me with any questions or comments and have a great week!


yes! it's true! i have downloads and everything went swimmingly. ^_^ i got all the henshin jo items, a new destination, and lots of foods and seeds and items!!!! squeeeee! *runs around room in circles*

observe the blue. see how its happy dance looks like a chicken running around without a head.

the blue is insane.


well. thanks, guys.

but thanks for beaming over all that stuff for me. :)

you're welcome.

anyway, i would list off all the stuff i beamed over, but it's A LOOOTTTTT of stuff, so i won't.

i evolved. into a celebtchi. i look really girly.

*kaede and...let's name the iD L tanner, whatever, look at each other, then burst out laughing*

;___; you guys are so meeaaannn.

*wipes tears away* i'm sorry, but you bahahahah look girlier than ME!!! hahahahah!

hahaha! hahaha! hahahahahahahaa!

*puts pink princess dress on tanner*

did i mention tanner is a sunopotchi? PENGUINS FTW

hahaha! now you look even girlier than daiki!!


*takes princess dress off* gee. thanks.

i have to go now, i promise to take pictures of tanner's happy symbols and downloads! feel free to PM me with questions of any sort (within certain limits, mind you) and comments! have a great week, everyone!

hiii! i'm watching an ebay auctions with eyes like this: O_O and making my dad help me out with the bidding. so. i might have a new addition to my little collection, if i'm not outbid..... :( with my luck, i will be by like three cents. LIKE A MAJOR BAWZ OOOH YEEAAAAHHH

i wanna evooolllvveee.

you're going to be a kunoitchi for sure, blue has terrible training for you.

gee. thanks.

i wanna get a jooobb. and be less girly.

that's impossible. the second one. unless you get plastic surgery, which will mess up your face FOREVER, AND EVER, AND EVER, AND-

*slaps hand over tanner's mouth* stop. you're going to pass out if you keep doing that.

*passes out*

congrats, daiki, you made him pass out because you made it impossible for him to breathe. your fat, swelled hands covered his nose.

he doesn't have a nose.

*screams in tanner's ear* WAAAAKKKEEE UUUUP!!!!!!!


*whacks daiki* way to go.

you're the one who said that i choked him!


O_O eewwwwww


*facepalm* sorry, you pooped on the floor too much, kaede. congrats, you're a marotchi.

ewww!!!!! nooo!!!!! *leaves room sobbing*

i feel sorry for her. did any of us want to be the characters we are now?

i did. penguins. and i get to wear a cool hat.

i look like a girl.

*from another room* AND I'M A FAT, UGLY GEISHA!

let's move on with photos, shall we? no, i will NOT post photos of you, kaede.


kaede when she was cute.




you're so mean. :(


that's from his boss goggles. aren't they nice?


yummy, a sundae just for mimitchi! spacytchi's brothers visited for an icy treat too.


after that, he whipped up a creation for himself. yummy!


who doesn't like ice cream?


after that, he decided to get a taste of a frappe made my mamalovelitchi.


he liked it a lot.


i was outside again and couldn't resist. my camera was in my hand anyway, because i wanted to take a photo of them:


they were playing with the jumprope, then rested because it was just too huge. xD

that's it for tonight, thank you so much for reading, you guys all deserve wonderful log posts every single day (but alas, i can't give that to you :( ). have a great evening and i'll see you all tomorrow!

and please donate to The Daiki and Kaede Sympathy Fund, so we can make them feel beautiful and manly!


*is feel like derp* tired. but happy. weird emotions, yup. anway, hiya! i've got photos (ooh, love photos) but i don't want to upload them today out of sheer laziness.

so, big news! tanner got married! to...uh...nachuratchi. he likes photographers! *feels loved* he had a baby boy, yurapatchi. i don't know what i'll try for yet, i'l just go with the flow and see how it goes, because i'm okay with either hanikamatchi or bokuhoshitchi, since i want to complete hanikamatchi's lineage (but i'm putting it off because i don't want to rant like "KSF JALKJDSLFKA SJ i got hanikamatchi no new characters for me"), but i got downloads and i want patchizaurusu. <3 so cute! so, either one is fine with me. ^_^

ewwww! i'm still an ugly marotchi!

you need to go to one of those dove self esteem workshops. fast.

auntie, you're super pretty!


uncle, are you really a boy?


;___; yes. i'm really a boy.

oh. i thought boys don't wear pink.

boys can wear pink. there's no law saying who can't wear what.

that's how anti bullying day started (well...they tell us some guy in canada was bullied for wearing a pink shirt and everybody showed up wearing pink shirts and then the day was started...i dunno. whatever.)

okay. pink looks good on you, uncle.

thanks. it really complements my skin tone.

it makes me think of pink lemonade. ugh, everything makes me think of food! is this a marotchi thing?

i wonder why marotchis are chubby, then....*strokes chin all smart like that*

stop bullying me! it's so mean!

play with me, blue!

*plays lovelin choco*

^_^ thank you.

now, about the ebay bid....my dad was like "oh, it's kind of out of your budget, isn't it?" SO, i will be using my (really not pro) negotiating skills and try to get him to let me bid. a tamagotchi at that price doesn't come flying out all the time.

tamagotchis at that price just aren't there, period.

you were $4, kaede, you can't say that.

i was...uh...a lot of dollars!

i was....umm......i don't know. $20?

i don't remember myself. DERP.

oh! i changed my iD L's living room wallpaper to an easter theme! (download) it looks awesome, with all these eggs and flowers and stuffs. sweet! <3

okay, plant a seed, uh...sam! i'll name you sam, after that sunnytchi i had. we had fun together. actually, out of all the V5 characters, he's my favourite. LET'S ALL REMEMBER SAM:


that's the....second photo in my photobucket! *lolwut pointless fact*


that's a very pointless fact. the baby laughed at you.

he did not, he's napping!

anyway, thank you so much for reading, giving me the occasional piece of fanmail, and telling me what i should keep or fix (yes, i do have flaws. *la gasp* xP) feel free (but not obligated) to PM me with any questions or comments, and have a great long weekend! (and please, for the sanity of all people, eat your vegetables, brush your teeth, AND ASK if you are going to use someone's ideas or anything, be it formats, sentences, ideas, and pickles. we all want our own ideas, formats, and cookies to be our original works, and think before you copy! *end pointless rant*)

hello! long weekend, oh yeah! i got a lot of homework though.... -_- no matter.

anyway, kaede and daiki are the same, and sam evolved into.....HANIKAMATCHI! (aka wannabe tennis player)


well, you do look like one.

that's really rude, daiki.

everything you guys say is rude, be quiet.


stop, my ears hurt. ow ow ow ow ow ow!

those are sensitive ears. when did they get so sensitive? i like that word. sensitive sensitive sensitive sensitive sen-

please. stop.

everyone, give a huge round of applause to Sensitive Ears Boy!

gee. thanks.

anyway, i was reading mockingjay and i found out that finnick dies (of course) and i was like "O_O kajf aslkdjf finnick should NOT die!" come on. really? finnick cookies. that's all we need to know.

*end yet another pointless rant*

so....yeah, i've gotten kind of sensitive towards copying (no, really, blue? first sign of insaneness: talking to yourself) and i'm trying to keep my ideas original. yerp. so i try not to rip off people's ideas, sayings, photos, photo ops, whatever. just trying to do a good deed. and my conscience hates me so i usually feel tremendous amounts of guilt when i do bad things (which you would think is a good thing) and now i feel bad because i forgot to email somebody...oops. >_<*

ah well. *end second pointless rant in one day*

you have a lot of pointless rants.

it's my way of dealing with things. DEAL WITH IT BRO

you're going to starve me nearly to death, how can i DEAL WITH IT BRO?

you just can, blue will get an ambulance and the ambulance will knock out the ghost when it gets to the hospital.

(the hospital animation is really quite funny xD)

hey! that's my LIFE at stake there!

your lifespan is four days, and even if you left me, i get to keep all my happy stamps, items, food and gotchi points. (i don't know about destinations) YET ANOTHER GLORIOUS FEATURE OF THE iD L BAAH HAAA

just post the photos already, i'm tired of you going BAAAH HAAA



*right in sam's ear* BAAAAAHHHHHHH HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA that's for saying i look like a girl!

ow! my sensitive ears! *cover ears with hands*

wait, do you HAVE hands?

blue, we don't have to go there, hands and arms are a very touchy topic with tamagotchis.


;_____; meanie.

so, where did we leave off in terms of photos? *scrolls up* ah, tanner's marriage. i liked his wife. :3


okay tanner, take your pick. a cheerleader in training, a mermaid, or a photographer. i will totally not pressure you into who you should pick. (PICK THE PHOTOGRAPHER! PICK THE PHOTOGRAPHER! PICK THE PHOTOGRAPHER!)

i bet on the mermaid, pichi...pi..pichi..pi-

don't try to pronounce it, all of our ancestors and blue had enough trouble. i thought he would pick pompomtchi.

i'll bet on...one of them!

you already know who it is, seeing she was your mom.


he picked...uh...nachuratchi....the photographer! I WAS RIGHT! now daiki and kaede owe me a sandwich, a bag of gummy worms, a foot massage, and $12.73.

what kind of a bet is that?

it's our kind of bet, kid.


he swiped some of the extra gotchi points when i wasn't looking to get this huge stone. :angry: but he promised to pay me back. eventually.


out pops a yurapatchi!


so happy together~

^that's a song lyric, sam.

oh. good.


someone said to me "whoa! it has two faces?!"

i suppose i owe you guys some download pictures, so here we go:


this is lovelin choco. you have to move the dish to catch the layers in the order that they're shown. it's actually really hard.


this is hot and sweet. all you do is pick a donut and the patchizaurusu will eat it. if it's sweet, he's happy, and if it's bland, it disappears in a cloud. POOF! but if it's spicy...

flames will shoot out his mouth! it looks hilarious!

this was from an item we grew from a pack of seeds. i forget which one. >.<


he insisted on buying this keyboard. he might be a maestro one day!

so, that's it for today! thank you so much for reading! feel free to PM me with any questions or comments, and have a great easter weekend!

Two words: COMPUTER OCCUPIED. That means a no conversation post, unfortunately. :(

So....sam evolved today into peintotchi! This means I have all the characters from hanikamatchi's lineage. Yay! ^_^

Daiki got married yesterday and brought home a baby boy. Another boy....

Kaede got married this morning! To...Er...someone.....

Yup. And has anyone noticed a lot of karma has been given out today? I did.

hmm...I wonder why...*cough looks at blue's karma cough*

<_< wow, kaede. Anyway, this is it for today unless I magically get access to a computer. :( sorry for the lazy post. Feel free to PM me with comments or questions (*creepy voice* you know you want to!) and have a great weekend!

EDIT: I can't believe I forgot. Thank you so much for over 2200 views, guys! :D

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yay, another 5 star vote! thanks to whoever voted!

Thank you to ApertureGotchi for your nice comments!!

fi-na-lly. i can finally talk again. and i feel great about being a marotchi, my husband thinks i'm the prettiest girl on the planet. <3

well i think-

*stuffs pillow in daiki's mouth* shut up! don't make her go all "oh my self esteem is so low i need lots of chocolate to up it nobody thinks i'm pretty blah blah bladdy blah blah". you know how emo she gets!

mmrph mmmff mmrph.

oh, right. sorry. *removes pillow*

what i was going to say before you stuffed a pillow into my mouth, sam, was that i thought that looks don't really matter and what's on the inside counts. *evil death glare*

awww! thanks!

actually, i think he's just saying that because the V4.5 characters can't really be judged on looks, or else all they would be marrying would be ura memetchis and ura violetchis.

*pout* gee. thanks for the lesson, blue. as if you knew anything about what tamagotchis look for in a spouse.

i'm only a human, a poor stupid human. oh great tamagotchis, educate me on what is attractive on tama planet!

first of all, we judge by personality.

i judge by looks. i don't exactly have a lot of time to get to know girls, now do i?


AAAAGH!!!! *runs to bedroom to get a paperclip, knocking over a chair in the process*

i'm going to go to tama planet! *death beep*

*stabs reset button with paperclip*

oh hi! what did i miss?

what did you miss? you should know! you tried to leave us! DITCHER! D:<

i'm sorry. this V4.5 likes to die randomly, what can i say?

every single generation i have (except for bean, which is a bit odd) wants to die on me. seriously? what's wrong?

*cough* you give me care misses every day *cough*

le sigh. i think running three tamas might be a bit much for me. i've dropped tamas more frequently now (when i have to travel around my house and i don't want to wear a hoodie, i have to balance a tama go in a crocheted cover, my iD L that i've dropped at least 6 times this week and now it makes weird beeping sounds if you listen carefully, and my V4.5 that likes to die randomly on me, and usually a book or a ball of yarn/crochet hook/2-4 knitting needles.)

hmmm....i'll think about it. i do have a few projects on my plate that i have to finish before june. they're all big....>.<"

la gasp! don't deactivate me!

don't take my batteries out! you've only had me for a bit!

i'm your iD L. you can't take MY batteries out.

i'm just thinking about it. gosh.

i'm tired. i'm going to go to bed. *walks out of room*

*cough* lazybones *cough*

i like your wig, man.

thanks. it really brings out my creative streak.

you painted a sun on the sky. or attempted to.

it's not MY fault that the sky can't hold paint!

it's the sky, it's a billion gazillion kilometres away from you.

kilometeres? i prefer miles.


fine. kilometres.

*daiki's baby, i can't decide on a colour just yet* ki-lo-me-tre.

good! you're learning how to pronounce words! look at how genius he is! look at him! *goes into adoring parent rant mode*

nobody cares.

-and the baby einstein-gotchi tapes i've been showing him really helped, i think he's ready for flash cards,


he should be reading soon, isn't he a smart boy?

observe, what having a kid does to you.

they're kind of cute, though.


i suppose you guys don't want to hear the rest of daiki's rant, thank you for reading! feel free to PM me with any comments or questions, and have a great night!

you know, my boy is extremely smart,

you know what'd show that he's a genius? put a palette in his hand and he paints the sistine chapel.

hi! happy easter! i was going to take a picture of my tamas in an easter basket for you guys...then i realized i have no easter baskets right now...-.- *epicfail*

i wanna leeaavvveee. i wanna leave your log so i can get out of your place and back to tama planet.

you make me feel so loved, kaede. thank you very much.

i'm not going to leave..until...i don't know, maybe tonight.

i'm going to get married tomorrow.

and i will stay here.

like a human!

oh wow, thanks so much you guys.

....wait! i've got a great idea for a (slightly weird) easter shot. i just have to finish uploading and then i'll take it. ;)

does it have something to do with eggs.

no, really? does this have to do with eggs? *totally sarcastic*

no, it doesn't! it totally doesn't! *as if*

you guys are confusing. of course it does.

it's called sarcasm, kaede, ever read the dictionary before?

*disgusted* no way, who would do that?

a few of my ancestors. that's who.

i'm just an uneducated marotchi, don't criticize me.

you are very uneducated.

i am too.

*wails* but you can paint beautiful pictures! where did you learn that, huh?

it's natural talent.

o_O you have TALENT?

hey, guys, let's not start a fight here-

i do so have talent! of course, you wouldn't know what talent is, seeing as you don't have a drop of it in your tiny little mask.

we all have talent, let's move on and resize the photos okay okay!

...oops, no easter shot, i can't find what i'm looking for. maybe next time. :(

i have to hurry photos up a bit since i have so many. :( so...

let's start with V4.5.


really, V4.5 tamas can't judge on looks AT ALL.


a baby boy! whenever i show this to people, they're like "clean up its poo, did it poo?" and i'm like "uh, that's the tamagotchi's baby."


she got married on top of one of the most romantic places ever: my homework! xD



on a train to the king's castle!


i have no idea what that means. xD


o_O ONLY 200 gotchi points?


i love his expression. xD


beautiful, dahlink!


no way, i didn't know he liked painting THAT much! ("peinto" is a literal translation of "paint" from japanese to english.)

start reading the post down there! *points finger down*

are you done reading the post above?


he liked those old overalls from a month or two back.


he also really likes ochazuke.


okay, so remember the easter wallpaper we put up in celebration of easter? no? quick refresher:


this afternoon, sam insisted that we needed to change the wallpaper, so i let him pick. since he's a guy and really likes fast food....


he made the builders turn our living room into a mcdonald's. really sam? of all things?


and here he is giving them fistfuls of my hard earned gotchi points. 1000 gotchi points, down the drain for a fast food joint. -_- tsk tsk, sam, when will you learn?

that's it for now! thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read my ramblings and have a great easter/sunday evening/whatever it is you celebrate around this time! xD

EDIT: any PM's with questions or comments are very welcome! :)

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Ugh, I was reading over some old entries and I don't like them. >.< but I think I'll soldier on instead of making a new log, because I was (a few months) younger then, and this is now. And if those posts have attracted loyal readers like you guys, so be it. Besides, I'm notoriously self critical. xD and we can hope that people who don't like the first posts will take a look at what I'm posting now, right? *everybody agrees with me* right. So thanks for reading, everyone. You guys are why I keep logging in the first place and you guys keep me from being too vain about logging. Now, on to reading some new logs because for some reason, I automatically dislike new logs which is bad, so I should start enjoying them. -__- thanks again! (I'd love to list all of you guys off but I feel too lazy to. XD)

hellooo, good people! so, do i owe any people shoutouts?

oh yuss, i do.

Thank you to ayan300 for your support and comments!

now, i don't have photos (because i'm a bit short on time) and it's very likely i will NOT update tomorrow because...i has to bake tomorrow. now, i know you all are thinking "ASJFAL KFJ THAT'S NO EXCUSE" and it really isn't, because i can't bake. very well. but there's a bake sale coming up, and since i can't help out at the actual bake sale (i have a mandatory event to attend. wow, that's a fancy word xD) i wanted to contribute some cookies or something. if i can, i'll take a picture and show you guys! okay? okay.

that's done. anyway, since i'm a very good tama carer, my tama go has been asleep for almost 24 hours. i'm not even joking.

sam is a bokuhoshitchi! O.O scary eyes.

eddie (daiki's baby boy) is now a crackertchi! he...uh...looks like a cracker.

has this colour been used yet? i don't think so.


i'm so glad i don't have to use pink. blugh!

so. blue is now going to look up an iD L growth chart! yay blue!

okay, i'm going to make you a gozarutchi, uh....uh.....uh....ross. *random name from friends xD*

ross. you're naming me ross.

be glad it's not eddie! or robert. that's too serious.

every single name i can think of is too serious, and the ones that aren't remind me of people i don't want my tamas to share a name with.

i've seen some of those people. *shudder*

how? i've never shown you before.

*headdesk* you idiot! you revealed our secret! O.O OOPS!!! *claps hands over mouth*

*evil death glare* what secret?

absolutelynothinglet'smoveonokayokay! (absolutely nothing let's move on okay, okay!)

*evil eye+evil death glare-you can't lie with this combo, no?* TELL MEEE!!!

wesneakoutofyourbackpackatschoolandgotoyourclassesandlunchandwe'rereallysorry! (we sneak out of your backpack at school and go to your classes and lunch and we're really sorry!)

oh. *dismissing hand wave* pssh. everybody does that.


oh yeah. a bunch of you guys's ancestors did that.

oh. phew!

but they didn't get off scot free. they had to give me a foot massage, three and a half bags of gummies. $20.36 in canadian dollars, and a gift card to starbucks. oh, and they had to sing the calvin and hobbes sorry song and sorry sorry by super junior. since i'm really cruel, sing sorry sorry for me now! right here!

nooo! i don't wanna!

*evil death glare*

sorry sorry sorry sorry naega naega meonjo

nege nege nege ppagyeo

stop! i'll get you guys to sing it again later, because i don't want to get sued for copyright or anything.

okay, and now A big thank you to CheesyNoodleTama for letting me use this idea!

so, since i am on my 200th post, i decided to thank all of you guys, name by name! (here's to hoping that i don't forget anyone......)

huge, huge thank yous and big hugs to:

-CheesyNoodleTama, for being my first fan, follower, 5 star vote, and the continuous support!

-kuromametchifan123, for following and your wonderful comments!

-ayan300, for your awesome comments and following!

-Tamacake, for your nice comments and following!

-Eternal Mametchi Fan, for following!

-The Ultimate Doomer, for following, your comments, liking my lazy posts, and telling me that no posts are bad. =) (within a certain extent...)

-ApertureGotchi, for your comments and encouragement!

-ZuZu, for my first piece of constructive criticism, telling me to get rid of text talk, and your comments and support!

-FunFunMametchi, for your comments!

-kittywitchy, for your comments!

and to everyone reading right now, THANK YOU!!!! (and if i forgot you, sorry. -_- i should be singing sorry sorry to you.)

feel free to PM me with any questions or comments! my mailbox is always open. ;) thank you so much for reading and guiding my log to what it is today. if i did forget you, give me a shout and i'll make sure you're on the list! have a great night everyone and i'll see you...tomorrow. maybe. if not, then thursday for sure!

oh, and one thing: A GIANT (virtual) HUG TO YOU IF YOU'RE READING RIGHT NOW!!!! *overcome with girliness and giddiness*
