;_____; i'm so sorry for not updating yesterday guys, we had people over. (and back to back...-__-") then i had to go to a birthday dinner at a vegetarian restaurant. it was pretty good, except i got a bit of a stomachache since the restaurant used ginger in everything...(long story about the ginger, don't ask)
anyway, i have LOTS AND LOTS of photos!!! (as a treat to make up for my absence yesterday...

) okay, so what happened?
whitney evolved into a furawatchi!
hiro left his baby boy with me!
and claire evolved into...into...uh...horoyotchi. i think she's beginning to drink, she walks around with a martini glass in her hand ALL THE TIME.
it is SO not my fault! it was you who turned me into a horoyotchi!
i'm a furawatchi, flowers are pretty!
my daddy ditched me and left me with you guys. NOT FUN
don't make assumptions, dahling, you're only an hour old.
blluuueee show them the flower pictures that you took at the park today!!!
noes! later.
so, what shall we name hiro's kid?
not hero.
hiro II?
i wanna be named....uh..i dunno, jamie. ok. jamie.
jamie. that's cool. ugh, i'm so confused with colours.
jamie=cyan, like j...ha! that's funny! the last tama that used this colour had a j name! james....xD and he made tristan jr throw my phone out the window where it was smashed into bits.....
o.o that's...cool...
o.o yup...really normal...
did you keep the buttons?
why would i do that?
a souvenir.
yes, yes! i would LOVE to keep the buttons of my broken home phone!
(the phone never really was broken.

i have sitting in front of me right now. :3)
anyway, the photos FINALLY UPLOADED HOORAY!
this'll be a two (three? part post. like a bawz.
i took too many photos, this took up an entire page on my photobucket album. <_<
we'll start with iD L, i guess.
all dressed up! zachary totally wanted me to take this. really. he insisted on buying this suit especially for his wedding.
knowing zachary, i really, really doubt that.
i pick neither of them. girls have cooties. yuck yuck yuck!
*everyone* EWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!
grow up, go to the other room and play monopoly or something.
with pleasure. come on guys, let's go.
*everybody leaves*
whew, they're gone.
finally, the boy proposes for once! xDD
having fun with his daughter.
playing ball!
then, whitney evolved into kingyobotchi. i took her on a trip to melody land and even promised to take her to a concert featuring meloditchi and lovelin! but we'll get to that later.
having fun on the plane.
it's like disney land!

the sleeping beauty castle, you know...?
talking to..uh...her name slipped my mind...jioou queen or something. xDD
more talking.
**post continued below**