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Welcome to the 5th page!!

To celebrate, I'm going to be revealing one of the biggest Tamagotchi secrets ever... It all started about 15 minutes ago when I was playing Tamagotchi Cornershop 3 on my DS. I had just gotten my decorating shop up a level when the mayor came and said he had a very special surprise for me. I went with all my other friends (Memetchi, Violetchi, Mametchi, and Kutchipatchi) over to where the Mayor lead us. It was a dark purple room that had sparkles all over, numbers on the walls, and fans and jewels everywhere. A big banner at the top read (warning: real name alert!) "Hollytchi's Special Party!"


Everyone was having a blast, enjoying the awesome party that the mayor threw for all my efforts. Until Gypsitchi walked in...Little did we know, Gypsitchi was about to give us the most shocking truth about TamaTown that we had never know!


Her little crystal ball lit up, and an image flashed on its smooth, glassy surface.


Everyone stared blankly at the tiny glass ball that lay softly in Gypsitchi's hands. It has just revealed to us the biggest secret that the TamaTown kingdom held: the King had won his kingship over a game of rock, paper, scissors! After Gypsitchi left, the party continued, the air thick with suspicion, swirling with questions. But everyone was too afraid to ask the mayor if what they just saw was true because they all knew the frightening answer: yes, it was.





Missvioletchi, Bunny, and Avery


(PS How'dya like my writing skills? :) )

(PPS This is a true story)


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Yesterday at 4:06 I heard beeping, looked at the screen, and saw a cute little Shelltchi bouncing around! I'm on the right track to getting a Lovelitchi! :) If only I could get her training bars past 7....I think at this point I'll probably get Makiko or Memetchi because of the training point lowness-a Loveltchi requires 12 training points. If anyone knows the exact bathroom times for a Shelltchi, please please please PM me before 4:00!! I really want her to evolve already, but I like Shelltchi's and I'm going to miss having one! :( Also, Bunny went to Ponytchi's Shop today and bought a facial. She cant wait to use it later!

Here's Bunny just floating around the screen


She's so cute when she comes to the screen!


Say "Cheeeeese!"


Something tragic happened. Avery...Died... I put her in my bag, full happy, not hungry, for 3 hours while I went to dance class. Then I get home and what do I see?? A ghost hovering on her screen! I guess I can't leave a v4.5 alone for more than 2 hours...boo... I'm still debating whether to reset my v4.5 or start up my v2. Either are fine, but I kind of want a v4 to start up! But for now, R.I.P. Avery! :(






Missvioletchi and Bunny


(PS v2 or v4.5?)

UPDATE ON THE SPECIAL POST: It was a book then a movie, the spoof I'm making of

So yesterday was a little unexpected.

I waited anxiously in the car for Bunny to evolve. There was still a little Shelltchi floating around the screen almost 20 minutes after her expected evolvation time! But let me rewind a little bit. When I made my last post, I said that Bunny only had 7 training points. Well a few minutes after that, I saw her doing the pee pee wiggle dance, so I quickly pressed the toilet button, gaining 3 training points. Then I saw a "!" over her head, so I timed out her. +1 for Bunny! Then finally I saw that she had gone to the bathroom on the floor, so I quickly cleaned that up, bringing her to a total of 12 training points! I was so ecstatic because I knew this would lead to, combine with perfect care and full friendship hearts, a Lovelitchi-hopefully. Now let me fast forward, back to when I was in the car. I was texting Violetchilluvr3 about how she was about to evolve, and on about the third try of looking, I saw something that shocked me. No, not a Lovelitchi, but a Chamametchi! How did this happen?? I guess that all of the new TamaGo characters are just hard to get, proven by this. I guess I was a little frustrated because I didn't know how I could mess that up, but still, Chamametchi's are pretty cute, right? ;) After she evolved was even more exciting, though. After planning since she just became a Shelltchi, Bunny finally opened her resturant, Chez Bunny!! :) Send all your tamas-its really good food! And its only desserts! I even took a picture when she was cutting the big red ribbon! :) After a long day of serving food and making delicious cupcakes, muffins, and cookies, Bunny finally got the facial that she had bought earlier, took a relaxing shower, ate some dinner of hot dog and french fries, and fell asleep. Ahhh, vacation. :) Montague time!


No, I didn't restart my v4.5, but I did restart my v2! It all started yesterday at about 3:30pm, when Bunny's little sister was born! To celebrate the opening of Bunny's restaurant, the little baby was named Apple, and I'll be doing food theme. As soon as I unscrewed the back and slipped the battery in, I new a special little egg had been born. After entering all the times and stuff in, the pulsing egg shook, and out popped a little Shiropuchiti! I quickly entered her name and fed her some food and snacks. Then a little later I caught her bawling her poor little eyes out, and praised her. Then the poor little girl got sick and I fed her some medicine to make her feel better. It was only until she evolved into a cute tiny Marutchi that she was so demanding, though. I don't know how to play any of the v2 games (yet) so Apple weighs a whopping 34 lbs! :( Im trying to find a guide to play the games, and I think there might be one in my v2 package. I think I know where that is, but I'm to lazy to climb down from the top bunk of my bed to get it. I'll get it later, though, when I go downstairs to eat lunch. Beside that, I was checking out a growth chart on Tama Yama Wuv and I saw that Marutchi can evolve into Ringotchi, which can evolve into Waletchi and ChoHimetchi, two characters which I really want! I think the growth process is pretty random, though, because nobody knows how to aim and get a certain character on the v2, I dont think. If you do, PM me! Okay, I think this log is getting pretty long, so I'm going to end on some pictures:






Missvioletchi, Bunny, and Apple


(PS I'm thinking of making a website like Tama Yama Wuv, so more updates on that to come! ;) )

UPDATE ON THE SPECIAL POST: I'm editing the trailer today, so its coming soon!! :)


Not much has been happening for Bunny. She bought a Parka at Memetchi's shop this morning, and I'm trying to save up to buy her a wedding dress for her wedding! They're really expensive, though, and Bunny only has 14,100 Gotchi Points. Plus, she's already 4 years old, so I only have two days to get the money...maybe I'll just use the normal dress she bought a few days ago. Chez Bunny is going great-she's having a bunch of fun with all of her workers, and Austin and Memetchi are so proud of her! I noticed that the picture didn't upload yesterday of her cutting the red rope, so here it is:


Right when I got home yesterday, at about 8:00, I changed the time and woke up Apple. Her head turned to the left twice, and the screen flashed with dots. Then she went from a Marutchi to a YoungMametchi! Although this is a boy chracter, that doesnt really matter to the v2, and besides, she's really cute anyways :) I also made a mistake yesterday-I meant to say that I wanted her to evolve into a Whaletchi or a Pyonchitchi, which is still possible for Young Mametchis. :) ChoHimetchis are cute, but you can only get them on an even generation, so I meant to try for next or 4th generation, whichever I get a girl in. Also, I finally figured out how to play Jump! Yay! Now I can get Apples weight down from 37 to minimum weight! :)





Missvioletchi, Bunny, and Apple


(PS I started on the website, but its not that good...more details when its finished! :) )

(PPS Sorry for the lack of on-screen pictures; they didnt turn out so good this morning.)

UPDATE ON THE SPECIAL POST: It's not done yet, but I hope it will be by the extravaganza 100th post party! :)

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I just wanted to make a quick update, so here goes ;)

Bunny keeps getting "!"'s over her head and I keep pressing the A button. Then she comes up to the screen. Can anyone explain to make what this is/why this happens? Thanks! ;) Also, I just wanted to let you know that I'm on my TamaGo's 4th generation-I haven't mentioned generations in a while, and I thought maybe some of you got confuzzled because of the break I took for vacation. In other news, my friend and I are getting together soon, and she has a TamaGo, so hopefully there'll be a lot of connecting going on! Possibly even a marriage... :)

I forgot to mention earlier that Tamagotchi Connection v2s take 3 days to evolve from a teen to an adult, so it'll be a Sunday-night post when Apple does! Also right now she has 3 training points in counting, and only weighs 30 lbs, thanks to my new knowledge of Jump. It's actually a fun game when you know how to play it! And thanks to Memetchiluva464 for congratulating me on my YoungMametchi :3

To round off this post I just wanted to say that if you have a Moshi Monster, add me! I'm missicecream22! This may seem random, but its actually a really fun website: moshimonsters.com. If you haven't checked it out and enjoy virtual pets I suggest you do! You can't take it with you everywhere or have it evolve into different characters like a tamagotchi, but it has a lot of awesome features, too. I think anyone who likes tamas will like Moshi Monsters! ;) Click HERE to visit my room and (if you want to) make your own account! :)





Missvioletchi, Bunny, and Apple

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Hi everyone! I just got home from rollerskating and it was SO MUCH FUN!!! :D Time to log! ;)

I love having a glitchy TamaGo! I know what you're thinking: "Why would you like that, crazy?". Well its because for some reason when I woke up today, Bunny was 6 instead of 5! Which means chwat, you ask? She got married! I had wished so hard that she would get married to my friend's tama, but sadly, her Gozarutchi, Tommy, was only 3 years old...darn...I also said in the above post that she had a TamaGo. I meant Music Star! Anyways, back to the story. I got home, though, and quickly checked to see if the date place was available, which is was. I hastily pressed it and off dashed Bunny to meet the tama of her dreams! The first time she went, though, there was a Necktietchi. Cute, but not Bunny's type. I was crossing my fingers for a Urutchi because it would be like a sheep marrying a bunny, and yeah. :) Unfortunately, though, ANOTHER Necktietchi showed up, and Bunny once again refused. The last time was her last shot at love. She rushed over for the last time to the date place and met up with a Kuromametchi! They blushed and she nodded her head happily. Love at first sight! I pressed yes and watched Bunny and Kuromametchi kiss in front of the audience, which cheered happily. Then they showed up at home, happily wed. They're expecting a baby soon and hope its a boy so I can aim for Urutchi :) I wish I had pictures to post of their wedding, but the lighting was bad and the screen was all reflectery, so I only got detailed shots of my camera lense. :( I know I have to start getting back on pictures, and I will soon, I promise!! :)

Not much has happened with Apple lately. I've kept her at a good, healthy weight of 30 lbs, but I hope to get her down to minimum weight. I also made yet another mistake above-I said that she was going to be evolving on Sunday night, but it will actually be tomorrow night at 8, so you can look forward to that! ;) And I promise there'll be plenty of pics! ;)




Missvioletchi, Bunny, Kuromametchi, and Apple


UPDATE ON THE SPECIAL POST: I'm filming the rest of it today! :D

I'm about to go to Memetchiluva464's house for a sleepover (WOOT WOOT!!! PARTAAAAY!!!!! :D ), but I came on to post and I saw that this log now has 2,104 views!!!! OMG!! Thank you guys so much! I mean, that's totally crazy awesome!! You guys are amazing!! :) :) To celebrate, Bunny, Kuromametchi, and Apple all decided to get clean ;)






Missvioletchi, Bunny, Kuromametchi, and Apple


(PS "What did you put in the guac??" Hehe, iCarly :) )

Okay, this log is going to be jam-packed! I couldn't update yesterday because I was at SeaWorld with Memetchiluva464! It was AWESOME! We went on Journey To Atlantis 3 times, Shipwreck Rapids 2 times, and Abby's Sea star Spin 1 time ('cause we're cool like that ;) )! We also saw a dolphin show and an animal show that had an actual Kangaroo and two Ostriches!!! It was so incredibly awesome! And what a better way to spread the awesomeness than to share a few pics, eh?

See the dolphins in mid air? Yes, I took that picture! And since I was trying desperatly the whole time just to get one picture of dolphins in the air, this was a fabulous accomplishment!


Oh, lazy bear. See the paws?


Cute wittle penguins! It was actually National Penguin Day yesterday (I think).


Before we left for SeaWorld, Memetchiluva464 and I both set our tamas to sleep for a little while. Then when we got back in the car to go back to her house (I was soaking wet, btw ;) ) we turned the times back to normal, and guess what was on my screen??? A pulsing little eggy along with Bunny and Kuromametchi!! We both saw it and immediatly got excited and started thinking of names. We passed by a police car, so I said I would name the baby Police, if it was a boy. But it hatched and we saw a cute little girl there! In the dolphin show the man character person was named Marina, so I decided her name would be Marina Coral, you know, in honor of our trip that day :) I want Marina Coral to be a Shelltchi (hehe) to Violetchi, but that means I would have to get her training bar full and take UBER good care of her, which is hard when I have school. But we'll see how well I can do! In other news, my TamaGo is a millionaire!! Thanks to Memetchiluva464, who showed me a special "cheat", the happy family of Bunny now has 1500990 Gotchi Points! And I can keep getting more and more and become a billionaire! Finally I can get all the things at the shops, decorate my tama's room online, and get more remodel themes! And speaking of which, when do new remodel themes come? My friend keeps talking about this beach theme, and I'm just wondering when I'll get cool themes like that because for now there are just the old and boring ones :( A couple photos (sorry that they're a little blurry, they were taken in the car ;)

Bunny, Kuromametchi, and Marina Coral's egg


This is a terrible picture, but its Bunny, Kuromametchi, and Marina Coral


So yesterday wasnt as good a day for Apple as it was for my TamaGo. Yes, she evolved. No, I dont like the character. And guess what character she is. Hanatchi. Yup, the ugly blue worm thingy. Sigh. I was really hoping for something better! I guess I should've taken better care of her 'n stuff. But I'm starting to get a little sick of my v2, so it might go soon and continue on another tama. I just wish I had a v4...that would be the coolest thing ever!! But for now I'm stuck with deciding between a v2, v4.5, Music Star, or v5.5, none of which I'm too thrilled about. I still need to figure out what time and what day the matchmaker comes so I can get on a new generation! At least Apple got to visit with Agnes yesterday, Memetchiluva464's Music Star, the Masktchi. She chose the name on purpose to get an ugly character :) One unattractive character plays with a soon-to-be-unattractive character! ;)


In the end they all had a playdate together and had a fun time at SeaWorld! :)






Missvioletchi, Bunny, Kuromametchi, Marina Coral, and Apple


(PS I'm going rollerskating later today with Violetchilluvr3, so maybe if I get a girl next gen. her name'll be Lacey! ;) )

UPDATE ON THE SPECIAL POST: We kind of ran into some technical difficulties so everything is gone...hopefully I can get it up and running soon!!! :(

Okay, no pics, but small update on my TamaGo. I set the time and on the screen appeared Bunny and Kuromametchi. They floated up, and Marina Coral was on her own! I went to the shop and saw awesome new themes!! There was one with columns and it looked like Atlantis, so I decided to get it for Marina Coral. :) She was pretty demanding as a baby but I played games and fed her a bunch of food that I got. Soon she evolved into a Hoshitchi and I played more games with her. Then she went to the bathroom and I caught it, but she didn't get a training point! I feel cheated...On a happier note my TamaGo now has 3,783,250 Gotchi Points! Yay! :) I redecorated the room on Tamatown, and took pictures, but I cant upload them because I need to go to bed right now, so next post I make will probably have pictures. I might not get to post tomorrow because its my first day back at school and I have 4 tests. But I will when I get time! :)





Missvioletchi, Marina Coral, and Apple

Can you believe its Wednesday already? Time flies! I meant to post yesterday, but I didnt get the time to. :(

I was so happy to wake up yesterday and find a Shelltchi on my screen! It fit her name so perfectly, and I was even more excited about what she would evolve into that night. But night fell and the evolving beep sounded. At that very moment, when I saw the Pipotchi floating in place of the Shelltchi, I realized that the characters are all dependent on training points. Marina Coral has only 1 training point, which made me not-so-surprised to see that she evolved into a Pipotchi. Well a new generation will be upon us shortly and that will be good! :)

Just a minute ago I set the time to 6:59 and the matchmaker popped up one minute later! I was lucky to catch the whole thing in pics, so enjoy the wedding! They had a baby boy which, continuing the food theme, will be named Basil! :)

Hereeeeeeeees Matchy! :)


I'm not sure what that character is, but I'm in a bit of a rush and cant really look it up now. I'll have it later, though! :)


He's cute, so yes yes yes!! :)


Aww, look at the heart! Insta-love!


"'Cause Baby you're a fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirewooookkk!!!!" (Memetchiluva464 :) )


Yay! Basil and Apple!






Missvioletchi, Marina Coral, Apple, and Basil


(PS Finally-pictures! :) )

UPDATE ON THE SPECIAL POST: I dont really have one tonight...sorry!

Hola! Happy Cinco de Maio! :) I just wanted to make a quick shout out to RubyKuchipatchi98 for the really nice fanmail! :) I knew it would make me smile the moment I saw the title "Your Log Rocks!!! :D ", so thank you so much! I love fanmail!! :)

Yeah, not much to report on the TamaGo side of things. Marina Coral kind of reminds me of a crab in a way, so I guess her name and character sort of match. She's 6 right now because I kept setting her to sleep, but the Date Place option hasn't opened yet. I hope it will soon, though, so I can get on with my next generation! I'm also looking for the Violetchi and Ringotchi figures, so if anyone knows where to find them cheap, that would be great! Thanks! :)

I came home just a few minutes ago and saw a skull above Apple and Basil! I quickly fed them medicine and they were happy again. I fed them steak for dinner and an apple for dessert. And no, Apple is NOT a cannibal! Then I set the time to 11:59 pm. The lights flashed on a minute later and Apple, 4 whiskers spread apart, was staring at little Basil in his crib. A few moments later, Apple put on a sour face and flew up into the sky, to Tamatown. Her little baby remained with the lights on for a few more seconds and then the lights turned off. I quickly set the time back to normal and named the little baby Basil! He's still a baby, so there may be a short update later when he evolves! :) Pics time!

Sadly, the last time I will see Apple on my screen :( (Quick accomplishment note: Apple got to 5 training bars before she left!! Whoo!!)


All alone, here's Basil!


Woken up, missing his mommy


Also, something really exciting happened today! I am now the proud owner of my very own v4!!! I kept ranting and ranting and ranting about wanting one, and now I can stop because not only is it a v4, its also the same exact design and stuff as my old one!! Now you may be wondering how this all happened. You see, I came home for a few minutes after school to my dad's house. I got tired after trampolining for a bit, so I logged onto my dad's laptop downstairs (my laptop was at my mom's) and got an idea. My dad logged into his ebay account and I looked through all the v4's. And there it was. The same design I used to own. I got so super excited that I ran to my dad, and we bought it!! YAY!! :D It's arriving next week on either Wednesday or Thursday, so soon you'll be seeing a log with a v4!! :D Now, I'm very sorry to say, my v2 is going to be shut down. I just dont exactly want to run three tamas-even twos a little much for me. But I really love my new v4 and I really love my TamaGo, so yeah... Well thats it for tonight! Thanks so much for reading, and 'till next time! :)





Missvioletchi, Marina Coral, Basil, and on-its-way v4!!


(PS Did I mention I'm REALLY excited????)

(PPS When I tried to post, it said I had too many emoticons! Hehe...)

UPDATE ON THE SPECIAL POST: I have to re-film everything. Gr...

Sorry, second reply of the night. Just wanted to say a quick thanks for 2,244 views!!! OMT (Oh my tamagotchi)!!!!!! This is super fantabulous and you guys are totally the best!! I love you!! :) Also, I wanted to say that since it will be 7 days until I get my v4, I'll be going through my last gen on my v2 until he's an adult. The next one will continue name wise, so it will be Candy or Corn :) Have a fantastic night and thanks SO much for reading! :D





Missvioletchi, Marina Coral, Basil, and soon-to-be-v4

Hi everyone!!

Marina Coral got married this morning! Whoo! :) I'm just one step closer to getting that new baby and, hopefully, a better character! Before the wedding, though, I went by the stop to pick up some food because Marina Coral was hungry and I didnt want to waste the big pizza they were having, and she finished off the last of the Omletes for breakfast yesterday. So anyways we picked up some food, blah blah blah. Then I decided to check for new remodel themes, and I found a super cool one!! Violetchilluvr3 and Memetchiluva464 both think its a hotel, but to me it looks like a castle, so Royalty is born! :) After getting the remodel (It was, like, 450,000 Gotchi Points I think!) and eating a yummy breakfast of scones and cherries, Marina Coral dashed off to the Date Place, ready to meet her groom. A Necktietchi showed up first and I just thought no...then came a Gozarutchi and I was like "Are you kidding me?!". Then, finally, a Mametchi showed up. Sure, not my first choice, but she had to be married TODAY!!!! So they kissed, a crowd applauded, and they were back at Marina Coral's. Now I'm patiently awaiting their child to be born, who'll have a prince/princess name, so they can be royalty in there newly makeovered house! :)

The happy newly-weds! :)


Them sleeping in their castle! Tell me this isn't adowable!


Last night Basil evolved into a Hitodetchi. I guess thats okay. They are pretty cute, even for a boy. I've been trying to take really good care of him, but because of school 'n stuff, he's been asleep all day. Now I have the weekend, though, so I'll try harder!! He currently has no training points, but that will end soon. Trust me. I want him to be a really awesome character because I always seem to get the bad characters on the v2, and since this is my last v2 generation for a while, I want to make it count :) Also, my v4 is on its way!! The one I had wanted got bought, so I sent my dad the link for a slightly more expensive, but still the same style, one. I think this tama might be the turning point in my tamagotchiness because I'm actually considering showing people I like them...I know, crazy, but it probably wont happen. We'll see when it arrives, which should be May 10-16. IM SO EXCITED!!! :D

This is how I found Basil when I got home! Poor Basil!! Should've switched off the lights! Its so cute when they breath in their sleep, though :)


I haven't done a drawing in a while, so I'll get right on that. Thanks for clickin'! :)







Missvioletchi, Marina Coral, and Basil


(PS I apologize for the bad pics today my camera is, once again, out of battery :p )

Happy Mother's Day everyone! :) My tamas are getting quite spoiled this weekend...yesterday they got perfect care and watched Despicable Me with me, then today I took them to this super awesome buffet place to celebrate Mother's Day with me, my brother, my mom, and my grandma. Those lucky little tamas!! I think they enjoyed there pampering. :) Also, if you read my screen name, its MissVIOLETCHI, which is kind of funny because today I really did feel like Violetchi! Chwhy, you ask? I started my very own garden!! :D Its on the porch at my moms and its super cute! I'm growing a bunch of different stuff, but I'm sure you're more interested in my tamas ;)

6 generation already...time flies! Yesterday I woke up and found, along with Mametchi and Marina Coral, an egg! It hatched a few moments later, and a princess was born! I named her Rapunzel, because that's the only princess name I could think of at the moment. Then, this morning, there was only baby Rapunzel! I took care of her without letting her leave my sight, and I caught all the times she went to the bathroom. Soon she evolved into a cute little Belltchi, and I got her 2 training points (so far). I've been taking absolutely perfect care of her, but ALWAYS miss when she goes to the bathroom...gr...I decided I'm not going to "aim" for any more characters because it will probably, as usual, result in failure.

Basil evolved into Oniotchi on Saturday! I'm not really sure what character he's going to be yet, but he's evolving on Tuesday morning. I really he becomes a good character. He only has 2 training points, so we'll see. There's really not much else to report on him. My v4 is coming on Wednesday, so the logging for that will start then. I CANT WAIT!!! :D It's actually the striped pink version, not my original. Its okay, though, because I really like that design :)





Missvioletchi, Repunzle, and Basil


(PS No pics because my webcam ones turned out awful...sorry!)

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I have a disclosure to make: the TamaGo's growth is all dependent on the training bar. Violetchilluvr3 proved this by getting her tama, Brittany, to full training bar, then ignoring her through her teen stage. Yup, bad care, low friendship, the whole thing. And guess what she got? A perfect care character: Violetchi! I wish it depended more on care, though, because its hard for me to get training points but its not that hard to keep my tama at high friendship, 5/5 hungry and happy hearts, and low weight. Oh, well. Rapunzel has 3 training bars now and evolved into a Shelltchi at about 12:30! I miss my little Belltchi...I think next time I get a girl I'm going to take awful care and try to get one of the other teens because I need to fill up my TamaTown roster and I just think they're cute :)

Rapunzel wanted to try out the coat she bought, but then she got too embarrassed. :)




Not much to report on Basil. He's still 3 years old and an Oniotchi. Tomorrow morning he'll be evolving, and probably that will be the last post with him that you'll see! :( According to TamaYamaWuv, Basil can evolve into a Toratchi or a Urutchi, so hopefully that's what he'll be!!





Missvioletchi, Rapunzel, and Basil


Today was a miracle day when Rapunzel evolved. My friend said I was bragging (ugh :p ), but since I found out that she doesn't read my log...RAPUNZEL'S A MAKIKO!!! Yayay!! *Continued from lunch happy dance*! It was so weird because with 6 training points I thought that she would evolve into an Uwasatchi, but instead I got the character I wanted! Isn't it so fitting that a tama named Rapunzel is a Makiko?? Well I'm so super happy!! :D She decided she wasn't shy to wear clothes anymore, so she tried on her coat and came close to the screen! :)

My little Makiko!! Yay!! :D


Coming close to the screen!! :)


Look at that adowable face!!


Time to try on the coat!


Taking it out of her Memetchi dresser


Yeah, work that coat! ;)


Today has been a day of much evolving! Basil evolved into a Dorotchi! The fat ghosty character! I'm super happy because I FINALLY got a good character that I like and as an added bonus, its a boy character and Basil is a boy! He tried out his shovel which he bought at the store a while earlier and found some yummy cake! :)

Ahh! Fat little ghosty!! :D







Also, two more exciting things to report! 1) My v4 is coming tomorrow (hopefully)!!!! :D I am seriously really excited! 2) Today at lunch Violetchilluvr3 thought of the idea to try to connect all three of the tamas at the lunch table (Mine, Memetchiluva464's, and hers), so we all pressed the "B" button simultaniously and guess what? Rapunzel, still a Shelltchi, showed up on BOTH of their screens!!! :D How awesome, right?! I suggest trying the 3 way connection with your friends-its a lot of fun! Maybe even a 4-way...hmm....





Missvioletchi, Rapunzel, and Basil


UPDATE ON THE SPECIAL POST: I haven't made an update for a while, but it might be happening this weekend, if I get to it. :)

Boo! Happy Friday the 13th! Special thanks to mimitchi^o^ for the awesome fanmail!! :)

I'm going to miss having a Makiko when Rapunzel is gone! :( She was 6 today so I decided just to go to the Date Place to see the bachelors and see if Prince Charming was there, which he wasn't. First came a Kikitchi, and Rapunzel was NOT interested. But he showed up AGAIN! She got really mad, but still went one more time, when a Kutchipatchi showed up. No...I think the Royal Wedding will take place at later today or something. Rapunzel did try on her Wedding Dress in hopes of finding Prince Charming, though. :) Also, after the sad trip to the Date Place, Rapunzel went to Ponytchi's shop and bought a wig. She loves its flouncy blond curls!

Beautiful wedding dress :)


Cute wig, huh?


We also went on Tamatown and she loved getting new clothes!! My roster is slowly filling up...


Welcome to my v4!! It was a normal Wednesday-I couldn't wait until the weekend, but since the weekend wouldn't be here for a while, I was just looking forward to after school! I wasn't sure if my v4 would've gotten here today, even though it was supposed to arrive then. And it did! I climbed in the car and saw a package from Amazon! I was so excited! I went to go get smoothies to celebrate and after I got in the car I ripped open the package. There inside was my striped pink v4, just as promised, in awesome condition (although used). Later I got home and started my tama up! The seller included a battery, even (aww, so nice!!! :) ) and so I put the battery in and pressed "download" at first, just to see what the seller had on there. There was a first generation Ponytchi named Max who had a baby boy with her. Then I pressed "reset" and Candy was born! She soon evolved into a Harutchi. I played my favorite game of all time (Jumprope) and after a bunch of games, Ms. Frill showed up to give Candy her preschool offer. She rushed off and received it happily, then came home. A day passed where she had to sleep all while I was in school, then she was turned back on when I got home. After a little while she evolved into YoungMimitchi! I'm going to try to raise her beauty points and hopefully get Maidtchi. She'll be evolving tomorrow at 9:00 pm, so I'll have a Sunday post for y'all to see what she becomes! :) Candy's life (besides toddler) montague time!











Missvioletchi, Rapunzel, and Candy


UPDATE ON THE SPECIAL POST: Let me see what I can do. I think its going to be stop motion, and not what I originally planned. So sorry about some updates-they might be a lie...well, hopefully it'll be up by tomorrow. :)


I should've gotten Rapunzel married yesterday! When Prince Charming didn't show up, she fell asleep unmarried last night. Then I wake up this morning, she goes to the Date Place 8 times, and every single time an Ojitchi showed up! So Rapunzel is still waiting, alone. I'm here to keep her company, though, and we went shopping together and to TamaTown this morning, so I hope she's feeling happier and tomorrow or later today she'll get married.

Not much to say about Candy, besides that her skill points are 13/1/8 and she's evolving today...yikes! Better get to playing dance!!!





Missvioletchi, Rapunzel (alone), and Candy


UPDATE ON THE SPECIAL POST: It's done, edited, and a little short, but its cute! I used 3 of my figures so film and finished filming last night. It will hopefully be up today or tomorrow, depending on how much I post today/tomorrow! :) I'm REALLY excited!!! :)


I just built a cute portable hangout for my tamas! The directions and topic will soon be posted on the Tips and Tricks section! Here's a pic:


Rapunzel is a sad little Makiko. :( Nobody suitable showed up (Ojitchi came every single time over and over!) and so now she's all alone--again!! She went to the Date Place a bunch of times! I lost count after 15, no joke!!! This is frustrating. I decided, though, that tomorrow if she gets married I'm going to film it and post the "Royal Wedding" video right here! So lets cross our fingers!

Still waiting for Candy to evolve. She should be evolving at 9:00 or something tonight and since I'll be at a party, I'll probably come home at 9:30 or something and see what she becomes! I finally played enough Dance to get Candy's Beauty skill points the highest, so I'm hoping for Maidtchi.

I saw both my tamas brushing their teeth simultaneously! Yay! :)






Missvioletchi, Rapunzel, and Candy


UPDATE ON THE SPECIAL POST: Its coming right now!!! Get excited!!! :D
