Well-known member
Welcome to the log's 100th Post Party!!!!
Here's what used to be:
But now, this log has 100 posts!!! Yay!!! For tonights party I made a special video for you all! I've been talking about it, and you've seen the little notes at the bottom of my post. So now, with further ado, a short video of what happens when you leave your figures home on a rainy day, and they feel like dancing!
View My Video
So I know its short and probably not what you expected, but its the best I could do in order to have it done by now.
Fun facts:
*This video took 90 pics to make!
*Yes, I DID actually have chicken wings after completing editing.
*This was "preformed" on the magical stages of Hollyway, which is a mix of my name, Holly, and Broadway!
Happy special post!! Thanks so much for reading!!
Missvioletchi (A.K.A. Holly)
Here's what used to be:

But now, this log has 100 posts!!! Yay!!! For tonights party I made a special video for you all! I've been talking about it, and you've seen the little notes at the bottom of my post. So now, with further ado, a short video of what happens when you leave your figures home on a rainy day, and they feel like dancing!
View My Video
So I know its short and probably not what you expected, but its the best I could do in order to have it done by now.
Fun facts:
*This video took 90 pics to make!
*Yes, I DID actually have chicken wings after completing editing.
*This was "preformed" on the magical stages of Hollyway, which is a mix of my name, Holly, and Broadway!
Happy special post!! Thanks so much for reading!!
Missvioletchi (A.K.A. Holly)