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Hi everyone! Im SOOO sorry I haven't posted Ali's wedding yet! Wanna know why? It hasn't happened!!! Im really freaking out because Ali isn't even 5 yet, and its 4 whole hours after when she was supposed to age!!! Ok, this MU-UST be a glitch, because I've never paused Ali once, yesterday at exactly 1:27 she turned 4, and I haven't done anything that would affect the growth!! Its actually kind of obnoxious because I keep checking every hour, yet the age hasn't changed!! GRRR!! Your probably thinking that I'm overreacting, but I wanted the next baby to evolve sooner than 6!! But now that wont happen... :( :( :( WHY WON'T SHE AGE?! In other news she's doing very well as a Hairdresser and recently got paid! :) Also, even though I hadn't played Shapes or anything, Ali's beauty points raised up 1. How random, right? ;)




Missvioletchi and Ali


(PS Have I said: WHY WON'T SHE AGE?!?!?!)

Editing: 2nd page! AND over 200 viewers! Thanks so much!! I love all 200+ of you!! :)

Last edited by a moderator:
Hey everybody....*sigh*....I have a very glitched-up tama. Unfortunately, Ali, even though she's 5, refused to get married!!! I reset the times over and over and over and over!!! Im going to have to wait until tomorrow morning I guess.... :( well I'll just get up super early and log about it...WHY THE HECK WONT SHE AGE OR MARRY QUICKLY?! yes, there have been many glitches.... :( But anyways, my friend and I are having a bet that I can get 900 viewers by 68 posts on here, so wish me luck, and keep reading!! ;) Right now Ali just took a shower, ate some Steak for dinner, and went to the bathroom. She's just relaxing, NOT getting married.... why meeeee???? just kidding :) Her skill points are: the same as the last post. While setting the time I got many mails. The king came 4 whole times!!!! :D Ali got a chocolate heart, 400 Gotchi Points, Steak (which she had for dinner :) ), and 300 Gotchi Points! Score!! I also got 2 hearts!! She's kind of heavy now, though....27 lbs!! And the UraMemetchi low weight is 20 lbs...Ok, I am SO playing Shapes!! I want to raise the Beauty points still. Other than that there's not much to report! I'll log later or tomorrow morning. I want to get more posts and more viewers! :)




Missvioletchi and Ali (and SADLY not the next gen... :( )

Hey hey heyy. Im a little dissapointed because Ali STILL refuses to get married!!! Its been, like, 10 hours since I've tried, and I dont want to wait one more second! I set the time a little while ago and I got the mail. Then I went to read my mail and guess what?? A robber came! And stole 400 Gotchi Points! Ali could at least get the King bringing money or something...well, Im super sad now because Ali's been robbed, not able to marry, and hasn't received her pay at work yet... *sigh*....seriously, does anyone know what might be up with my tama? Please please PLEASEE PM me! I'm really confused and need some help... :(




Missvioletchi and Ali

Editing: OMG!!! 497 views!!! Thank you SOOO much!! Keep reading! :)

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Hi everybody! I just want to apologize for the last three posts-they were super ranty 'n stuff...but this is a happy post :) No, Ali did not get married-I'm waiting until she's six to try. This is a happy post because this log has 522 log views!!!!!! Thats a LO-OT!!!!!! Thanks so much everyone!! :D It means a lot to have so many viewers after such a short time! :) Ali just got paid at work, so now she has: 15390 Gotchi Points!! I think thats a lot... ;)Also, I went onto TamaTown earlier. I wanted to share a tip with you! If you want to log onto the old TamaTown with your v3+, just go to tamatown.com, scroll almost all the way down, then click the little tabby thing that says "Open". It'll give you the links for the old tamatowns! :) Right now Ali's stats are: Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3, Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3. Skill Points: Intelligence: 48, Beauty: 149, Humor: 38. Training Points: ||||| (Still...yeah...). Also good news: I just finished my complete hand-drawn v4.5 character chart!! Colored and all! It is now hanging in my room :) Ok, I think thats about it for now. I might update later, but maybe not. We'll see if I have dance later today ;)




Missvioletchi and Ali


(PS going to Target soon! I know I said I'd post what I saw a little earlier, but I haven't had the time to go...)

Hi almost 600 viewers!! :) I am SUPER happy about that!! Im coming with some sad news, though... :( I dont think I will be able to continue with my logging regularly until Thursday, and this weekend I have another dance competition this weekend, so I'm going to ask my friend to watch her again. Sorry about this!! Soon I'll log more and be a better log! So if I dont get to posting soon, thank you so much for reading my log and I'll be back soon! Lat update for a while on Ali: Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3, Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3. Skill points (see post above, they havent changed ;) ). She's turning 6 in a little bit and getting married, so I'll try to update later today. See you soon! :)




Missvioletchi and Ali


(PS AHH!!!!!!!! 600 VIEWERS!!!!!! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Bonjourno everyone!! I know I said I might not be able to get in the computer today, but I actually found some time in my busy scheduel. Yes, its surprising ;) Anyways, After two whole days of REFUSING to get married, the matchmaker finally came and Ali was wed. It was so shocking to see the matchmaker pop up on the screen (after many failed attempts), looking as if Ali was interrupting her in the middle of a seizure. I pushed the "A" button and, eyes blinking furiously, the matchmaker brought a Celebtchi!!!! I was SOO happy, and greedily pressed "Yes"!!!! Suddenly fireworks flashed, bouncing around the screen, and, next to Ali appeared a small baby girl!! I'm naming her Skye, as promised in a past log :) Yeah, I know, your probably like "Why dont you just get a boy already?!", but in my deffence, I was told that if you pressed the "A" button when the matchmaker showed up that you would get a boy. But, as you can see, either that theory is proven wrong or I have a seriously glitched up tama. And here's some more shocking news (sort of). As you may have guessed from previous logs, I am a time-setter. Whenever something is about to happen in my tama's life that requires a certain time, I set the time to that. Confuzzling? Let me just get to my point. Despite my own protests (with myself, I know ;) ), I WILL NOT be setting the time for Ali to leave Skye. I could set the time right now and Ali would be gone (which, let me tell you, I am VERRRRYY tempted to do), but I shall not for one main reason: I want Skye to evolve in the morning, not at 9:00 at night, when she's already asleep and cant evolve 'till the morning, delaying the growth and blah blah blah. So we shall see if I can log tomorrow, and if not, I'll post a long post (like this one is getting to be) Thursday, when Skye's already a teen (they grow up so fast!). Ok, before I round up this log, I just wanted to say also that I'm aiming for Universal Family (Violetchi) for Skye and that Im so happy that now when she goes to Tamatown she can visit Cat!! :) And, when she's an adult, she can call Cat! :) I think thats it for now! :)




Missvioletchi, Ali, and Skye


(PS I like signing off with three names :) )

Hi everybody! As promised I'm logging! Ok, so not much has happened to Skye. Yesterday morning at about 8:00 she evolved into a Hitodetchi (big shocker). Then today she evolved into a UraYoungMarotchi. When I got the school offer I chose Mr. Canvas because I want a UraZukytchi. I dont think I spelled that right, but whatever :) Her training points are three right now, and skill points: Sprirtual: 11, Beauty: 25, Humor: 35. Tomorrow I'm asking my friend to babysit Skye for the weekend, so I wont be able to log and tell you what adult she becomes until Sunday (maybe). Sorry for doing this a lot, but I've been doing a lot of dance competitions lately! This is the lat one until April, though, so this is the last post like this for a long time. :) Ok, thats pretty much all I have to say for now! Log back soon hopefully!




Missvioletchi and Skye

Good news! :) I decided not to give my tama for my friend to take care of :) I'm not going to log tomorrow probably, but if I do, it'll be with the updates on what Skye evolves into (Urazukytchi, please please PPPLLLEEEEAASEEEE!!!). Hm...thats about it for right now. She's been sleeping all day while I was at school. Sorry for the short post! I'll probably log back late :)




Missvioletchi and Skye

Sorry for the last update, the short one. I didn't really have much to write then. But now.... Ok, so the king has visited Skye every time she got mail!!! Isn't she one lucky little Urayoungmarotchi?? :) He's been so generous!!! I mean, 1500 Gotchi Points a visit? Yes please!! And free food? Even better!! Right now Skye has 20390 Gotchi Points, which I think is a lot...I haven't been spending too much of it lately because I want to save up for really cool and rare items in the shop (Im not really sure what they are yet....) and I want to see what the maximum amount of points is. Ya know, curiosity and all. In other news, her skill points are nowwww: Intelligence: 19, Beauty: 33, Humor: 48. Her training points haven't changed because Skyes a little goody-two shoes and doesn't ask for attention or cry. I some ways thats a good thing, but in other ways I seriously want a tama with full training points! She's gone to school twice now and I've played Manhole with her once. Ali set the standards high for her and she's working her way up there. Also, we went on Tamatown a few times together and played some games, visited the Patchi Forest (or is is Kutchi Forest? I forgot...) and visited Cat! Finally, being a 3rd gen, we can visit Cat in the grandparents home! I can't wait until she's an adult so she can call Cat-whenever she wants! :) Dont you think that any-aged character should be allowed to use a cell phone? I do... And speaking of adults, Skye's evolving into one tomorrow! :) From previous posts you can probably guess what character I want... :) I'm not sure whether she's evolving at 8:00 am or 12:30 pm, because she had originally been supposed to evolve into a teen at 8:00, but since I had school I set her to go to sleep until 12:30 (lunch) when I set the time for her to wake up, and she evolved almost immediatly into a Urayoungmarotchi. Confusing? Bottom line is: I dont know when she'll evolve, but I'm posting later in the day anyways, so it doesn't matter. Ok, this post in getting to be super long, so I'm going to end it with some pictures! :)

Here's Skye when she's just on the screen, then going up closer to the screen, then closest!





Missvioletchi and Skye


(PS Thanks everyone for 640 views!!!! Keep reading!! :D )

Hey Tamatalkers! I just got home from my dance competition: 1ST PLACE!!!!!! And I got Urazukytchi!! She's actually pretty cute.... :3 Skye's been sleeping all day. I just woke her up and now we're going to play some games. I know tomorrow she'll get her job offer, after ranting and ranting about it (see previous posts). I want her to become a circus performer person! I think that would be a really fun job! We'll see how it goes. I just wish that job offers would come immediately, dont you? OMG, I just figured out I can call Cat!!!! :D Ok, Im going to call Cat, then Ali. See how they're doing :) This is so exciting!! Also, I'm trying to figure out what effect the previous parent has on their child. If you know, help me out :) Ok, thats pretty much it for now. Sorry for the short post! :(




Missvioletchi and Skye

Hi everybody! Sorry I haven't been posting as much as I want to. I'm pretty busy. Anyways I'm just doing a mini update for now on Skye's job offer which finally came like two minutes ago! I looked through the opions and there was doctor, banker, cook, or circus performer, so i obviously picked circus pernormer and now Skyes one! :) I think I mentioned in an earlier log that I wanted her to become a circus perfmormer, so that's good! :) Also, Skye's getting married today so Ill log later about the wedding. Cross your fingers that I get a boy!!! What should I name him? I'm thinking Danny.


Missvioletchi and Skye

(PS Im on my iPod so sorry about the lack of color!)

Skye just got married! Yay! But I DO have some sad news...keep reading to find out...Ok, so I was just looking up definitions for a vocab. test in English tomorrow and my tama beaps, so naturally I go to check it, right? Well Matchy (what my friends and I call the matchmaker) was there on the screen!! I quickly pressed "A" in hopes of FINALLY getting a boy after 3 generations of girls! Matchy leaves and comes back with a Uramametchi, so I press "Yes" and they move closer together, with a heart over their heads. Fireworks go off and I cross my fingers for a boy. Then Skye reappears on the screen with a GIRL!!!! I was so shocked and confused (Note: I don't really have emotions about my tamas I just felt it needed to be dramatic...), but decided to take this as an opportunity to try and get a Uravioletchi. At least that would be a bright spot in my otherwise gloomy 4th-gen-girl. I decided to name her Paris with some help of a friend, so thank you! And I have to remember that at 7:58 Paris was born! In other news Skye went to her job today twice so far...I like this game a lot! :) Right now she has 21990 Gotchi Points and her she only has training points...Her skill points havent changed because I was too busy to play any games lately, so if you want to know what they are theyre the same as the last post that I wrote about Skye's skill points. Im too lazy to go check... Ok, thats about it for now!




Missvioletchi, Skye, and Paris

He-ey log readers! As of about an hour ago Paris is on her own! I was finishing up my math homework when suddenly I realized that it was time to set the time! I quickly put away my math and changed the time from 8:06 to 11:59pm. Then, one minute later, Skye was on the screen sitting next to little Paris' bed! Then she left and the screen went dark. I put the time back to 8:09 and on the screen was baby Paris crying her little eyes out! I named her and fed her for the first time. She soon went to the bathroom and got sick, like all babies do. I reallyized he was already 19 lbs so I played a game of Climb with her (now she's only 15 lbs which is still a lot but better than 19!). Her skill points are: Intelligence: 1, Beauty: 2, Spiritual: 9. I'm now waiting for her to evolve into a toddler... Let me explain: see, I know it's been an hour (past, actually) but I went to take a shower and decided to pause Paris just so she would have too many problems, like most babies do. I think she was paused for like 10/15 minutes, so any time in the next 10 minutes she'll probably evolve. I'm really tied though so Im going to bed... Log back tomorrow!


Missvioletchi and Paris

(PS two things: 1. Once again, sorry about lack of color! I'm on my iPod again... 2. Gen. 4 already?? Alright!!! :) )

Good afternoon everyone! Thank gosh its Friday, right??? Paris is happy its the weekend, too, because it means that she wont have to be asleep all day! I know you may think that I'm probably a bad owner...but I cant risk others seeing my tama! Anyways, Paris evolved twice in the time I wasn't posting! First, as no surprise because of how much she weighed, Paris turned into Tamatchi. Even that not my favorite toddler, it didnt really matter because I barely got to play with her when she was a Tamatchi. She never got her pre-school offer because she was asleep all day, and soon she evolved into a Zouritchi! That's cool, 'cause I dont think Ive ever gotten a Zouritchi! :) Im still unsure of what she's going to evolve into, being in the Uramame family for two generations in a row...can she become a Urazukytchi? I dont want her to because I want to "experience" new characters, but the other two adults in the Uramame family are kind of blehhh... If I HAD to get one, I guess I would want to get Horoyotchi because Tsukkomitchi would be super annoying with her arm sticking out all the time! I dont really want to play many games, but I'll try to play Apples a few times to raise intelligence points because they are dangerously low! Right now I'm waiting patiently for the School offer for Paris. I'm going to pick Mr. Turtle, but probably not go to school much... ;)I can't wait until Paris becomes an adult at 9:30 tomorrow night and then I can call Ali and Skye! :) Ok, to round of this amazing log, I have some pics. of Paris! Its cute how I did the same thing for Skye as I did for Paris and that they're both in the Uramame family! :)

Here's Paris just on the screen, then up closer, then the closest! :)





Missvioletchi and Paris


(PS Need help on what the effects previous parents have on their kids!!)

Shalom! Yes, I can speak Hebrew :) And why am I starting off my log like that? Well todays my bestest friend in the whole wide world's bat mitzvah! :) Congrats!! :) Im just logging to say a couple updates: first of all, I wont be able to post because the party for my best friend's bat mitzvah is tonight when Paris is evolving. She'll be asleep and at home so she wont evolve tonight... :( But tomorrow morning she should evolve and then I'll log all about it! Second, I was wondering why Paris hasn't gotten a school offer yet? Ive been playing (yet losing) at Apples, so her Intelligence points are up to 9... I know, it isnt that high, but still... Her skill points aaaaare: Intellingence:9, Beauty: 9, Humor: 20! After a visit from the king, too, Paris now has 23950 Gotchi Points! Thats a lot! :) Ok, I think thats all I have to say right now!




Missvioletchi and Paris


(PS Happy Bat Mitzvah, Dansipansi!! :) )

Happy Sunday everyone! I hope everyone had as AWESOME of a Saturday night as I did :) I got home at around 10:30 from the party and quickly went to check if Paris had evolved, and indeed she had. Into a Horoyotchi. The drunken peanut. This was no surprise to me because of her skill points and family, but it still came as sort of a shock. I wish there were better Uramame family characters!! UraZukytchi is pretty cute, but the others aren't really. I think her job offer will come tomorrow, so stay tuned for that update :) We went on Tamatown for a little while this morning and Paris won a few times in Rock Paper Skissors (my was of saying scissors :) ) against Memetchi. She also donated some money she won to the king and visited "Ali" in the grandparents home. Aren't the random talking objects so cute???? Below I posted some pics of Paris calling Ali! :) Also, I wanted to say thank you to kuchipatchiluver for my first piece of fan mail!! It was so nice to wake up to someone complimenting my log! You can read kuchipatchiluver's log by clicking HERE! Thanks so much and I hope to get more fanmail in the future! :) Ok, to finish off this log I have some more pictures! Only this time they aren't HU-UGE! (Sorry about that in my last log...I clicked the wrong option and was too lazy to redo it... and sorry about these pictures-theyre kind of hard to see)

There's Paris getting the mail, it being the king, and the king giving her a present! The present isnt shown here, but it was a jar of honey!!! :D


This is Paris normally, close to the screen, and closest :/ Yes, she is drunk... :p


Here's Paris talking to Ali, then Ali saying "BYE"! :)





Missvioletchi and Paris


(PS Thank you SOOO much for over 900 VIEWS!!! Thats so incedible for a log with only 35 posts!!! I love all 900+ of you!! :D )

(PPS I love fanmail!! :) )

The weirdest thing just happened!! Ok, so Paris got the "!" mail, so pressed "B" and it said she was away. I pressed "B" and it just showed Paris on the normal screen!!! After it showed her coming back, and that was it!! What just happened...? Then I didn't get another "!" mail!!! I think it has something to do with the fact that she never got her Kindergarten or School offer... :(




Missvioletchi and Paris

How is it three o'clock already??? Only 6 more hours until I go to bed then its back to...school... :/ Im logging to say that Paris appearance has no talent, despite her semi-highish skill points...She got the "!" mail a few minutes ago and went to the work choosing place, right? There was Flower Picker, Gas Station Worker, Travel Agent, Singer, and TV Actress. Naturally I go first to the TV Actress job, but Paris got all "X"'s. Then I went to Flower Picker (maybe she would be like Cat! :) ), then got all "X"'s. AGAIN! Ok, now I was a little upset. Those were my top jobs! But I kept going and went to Singer. Once again, she got all "X"'s. Then Travel Agent: XXX. Finally, because I had absolutely no choice, I decided to go for the Gas Station Worker. XXX. Why did Paris have to get rejected for everything?!?! I think it has something to do with the fact that she wasnt in school or kindergarten, like I mentioned before. Hopefully, though, before she leaves, Paris will get a job and have a chance to raise a nice family :) More updates (maybe) to come later. If anything exciting happens!




Missvioletchi and Paris (the fail... :p )

Yeah, its true...4th post today (I think), and 3rd post about job offers! Paris FINALLY got a job, after three "!" mails came! There was Kindergarten Teacher, Gas Station Worker, Circus Performer, Travel Agent, and Flower Picker. I went to Kindergarten Teacher first, with no hopes that a drunk peanut would ever get the job as a teacher for toddlers. But, as the wacked-up day continues, Paris got three "O"s! Well okay then...At least she has a job. I think after a lovely lobster dinner and a night of rest Paris'll go to work. I think Im probably gonna take her to school tomorrow, so she wont have to be asleep all day :) Ok, last post of the night! :)




Missvioletchi and Paris


(PS Shes getting married either tomorrow or Tuesday! :D )

Today's been a long day so I might now have such a long post. Paris is 5 now, and refusing to get married, so I think I figured something out!! On the v4.5's, you know how your tama gets married at age 5 or 6? Well I think all girls get married at 6 and boys at 5! We'll find it out, hopefully, if I get a boy next generation! I want to marry her tomorrow at lunch when my friends are there! :) Speaking of friends, lunch, and tamas, yesterday at lunch I fed my friend's TamaGo until he was 99 lbs and he got all fat!! :D It was so magical! We also did it today at lunch with my other friend's! I'm sure you want to hear about Paris, though. She got paid today at work. I've only gone like twice, though. Also, I'm going to be super busy with all my Bat Mitzvah preparation, even though its in 4 months, so I wont have much time to post or play games with Paris. Ill try to do the best I can, though! I'm definitely posting tomorrow on Paris' wedding, though, so stay tuned for that! In other news I added a new charm to my tama! Its a little cupcake! My friend wants one, so Im making her one, too! Until next log...




Missvioletchi and Paris


(PS What does "PS" even stand for??)
