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Hi everyone! I have some exciting yet unexciting news. So first, PariS got married!!! Woo!!!! Only about 12 left with her!! :) but she had a girl....5th gen in a row? Really? But I guess it's not so bad... Her name shall be Dawn, thanks to the fabulous book I had to read in studyhall! Nobody name was dawn, but I came upon the words and, well, it stuck! Anyways Im happy to report that I finally know what I've been wondering dormant posts: about what the parent's effects on the child are!! Thanks so mug to my friend, who told me that watever family the character that the matchmaker brings is in that's what family the chil will be in! I don know what family or the name of the character that cam was, but I'll look it up later and post some more. Ok, that's it for now! I'm going to go look some thing up and report bak!




Missvioletchi, Paris, and Dawn


(PS might be starting up a new version soon in addition to my v4.5! Stay tuned for my decision!!)

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5th gen.!!! Woohoo! Im so happy that Paris is gone....I mean, no offence, but drunk peanut? Really? Im a little sad to report, though, that Dawns father might have actually been in the Mame family, so if Memetchiluva464's prediction is correct, Dawn'll probably be in the Mame family and I'll have to get Tsukkomitchi.... :p It was a demanding first hour of Dawn's life: She got sick, went to the bathroom like twenty times, was ALWAYS hungry and unhappy, and I even caught her crying!!! Thank gosh she's a tamatchi now! I couldnt take the demandingness anymore! ;) We'll see tomorrow at about 8:00pm what teen she becomes, and if its NOT in the Mame family I will be so-o happy! I really am hoping for a UraVioltchi. I mean, how cute! A UraVioletchi named Dawn! It works in my mind. And speaking of "in my mind" I just saw this adorable video of kittens and the song was called "A Pile Of Kittens (In My Mind)"! Yeah, I love kitty cats! But back to Dawn. I cant believe its fifth generation already! She played climb a few times and her skill points are: Intelligence: 6, Beauty: 1, Humor: 4. Just in case your wondering why I got a tamatchi, also: She's sort of 21 lbs...I know what your thinking: "Thats crazy!" and "21 lbs?!" and "I thought she was a toddler!" Answers to those: 1. Yes, it is. 2. Believe it! 3. Well some may refer to her as an infant, but, you know, 's all good. Oooh! I just noticed that Dawn has 32380 Gotchi Points!! Thats awesoommee! The king kindly gave me a lot of money yesterday. I dont know how much, but its a lot! I think I might go buy something. But for now I await the Kindergarten offer! Also, I REALLY want to start up my v5 just for a little bit (maybe one gen. or so) before I sell it on ebay, but there are no batteries here, and I cant go buy them because my mom broke her arm today and cant drive :( I would just walk across the street to the drugstore, but its cold, late, dark, and Im too lazy. Your probably facinated in how Im stretching this post out by adding my life story, so Im going to go. Thanks for 1,000+ views!! ITS AWESOME!!! :D




Missvioletchi and Dawn

My friend was right-Dawn evolved into urayoungmarotchi. Soon came her "!" mail and I chose Ms. Flower. Because Tsukkomitchi is the only character in the Mame family I haven't gotten, that's what Dawn'll be. I'm a little dissapointed though because it's going to be annoying having a tama who has their arm sticking out all the time...also, I wish that I got stuck with the Meme family for 3 generations in a row instead of Mame, which has pretty ugly characters... At least it's not 3 generations of Kutchi family!!!!!! Hopefully next time Ill get a boy! Also, today I was looking in my drawers of my room for a bag of markers that I had lost, and I came upon some of my old "obsessions"! Let's see there was Virtual Littlest Pet Shop, My Meebas, a Blinky, and a journal for Kooky Pens (long story...). Blast from the past! :) Ooh, and after dinner today I took my dog on a walk over to the drugstore across from my house and bought a battery for my v5, which I'll start tomorrow morning and log about! Well Im very tired so Im going to bed. Bonsoir!




Missvioletchi and Dawn (and soon to be more!)


(PS Have you heard about the March 19th SuperMoon??? If not, you should look it up! It's super cool! :) )

(PPS As you may know, an 8.9 earthquake hit Japan yesterday, and aftershocks as high as 7.0 have been breaking out all day. Tsunamis have also left the island I ruins. Please, reach out a hand and help your Tamagotchi's homeland!! I'm making a project to help, so more news on that later, and how you can help them!!)

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Hi everyone! I have a very exciting post today because it features updates on not one, but TWO tamagotchis! :D


Not much has happened with Dawn today because she's been sleeping since, well, 8 in the morning... :/ She's evolving tomorrow, though! :) A robber came and took 100 Gotchi Points, which isnt SO bad...Ok, thats pretty much it for her!


It took me all day but I finally have a v5! At about 7:15 or something I unscrewed the back, put in the battery, and then BEEP! The Addams family was born! Well, technically the Addam family...the "S" wouldnt fit, okay? So anyways, after a couple of seconds there were three little babies on the screen! The first, Pugsley, is currently a Futabatchi. Then his sister, Wednesday, was born! She's a Omututchi. Finally, Pubert was born! He's a Mimifuwatchi. Now youre probably wondering why I named them those names. Well, if you havent watched The Addams Family, those are the children on the show! Thus I named them names like so. Trust me, Im not a big fan of the name "Pubert"...Anyways, whenever I press "C" they stare blankly around. I have to raise their bonding so this little problem goes away! They have full happy and hungry right now! :) I'll have some pics tomorrow.




Missvioletchi, Dawn, Pugsley, Wednesday, and Pubert



Hola everyone! Me again. Just wanted to remind you to set your tamas forward an hour before you go to bed tonight! Its Daylight Savings time or something...Remember to do it so your not confuzzled tomorrow! :)




Missvioletchi, Dawn, Pugsley, Wednesday, and Pubert

Happy Sunday afternoon! I was going to post sooner, and I had started one, but I couldnt finish because I had a math project to do. But now its all done and I am free to log! :) I noticed from past posts that I dont have that many pictures, so I'll try to update with pictures more. I just got a new phone today and it has a really good camera, so Im going to try to take pictures and send them to my iPod so that when I update on my iPod, there can be pictures! :)


Not much has happened today so far. Dawn got a heart in the mail, which seemed to fill up all her happy hearts but lower her hungry hearts... weird! :) Im patiently awaiting her evolvation and (hopefully) job offer. It should happen soon, so I put the sound on. She's probably going to evolve while Im eating dinner, though. I'll try to post some pictures after dinner! Her skill points are all really low, but her Beauty points are highest, at 12, so Im planning on getting a Tsukkomitchi.


They evolved last night some time and they're evolving super soon (I think)! Pugsley is a Mattaritchi, Wednesday is a Belltchi, and Pubert is a Mousetchi. They are the blended family, which I forgot to mention yesterday. Also, they have 0% bondage right now, but thats all about to change because I finally got the Uchikun password!! And for those who dont know what the Uchikun is, its this rubber-duck-slash-banana toy that, if you play with it A LOT, raises bondage. I caught the 10:00 bondage call this morning but thats it so far... Ok, as promised, here is a picture. Sorry, TinyPic was being weird and only let me upload one... :p Here's the Addam Family's family portrait!





Missvioletchi, Dawn, Pugsley, Wednesday, and Pubert



(PS I forgot to mention that Im only running my v5 for this week and its going on eBay this weekend. You can watch for that sale and maybe bid for it if you like it! :) )

Hi everyone!! I'm so sorry I haven't been posting!!! I know you guys deserve a looooong post with tons of pictures, but this is a quick one on my iPod. Tomorrow I promise I will have a bunch of fun pics and more updates!!!


Dawn is already five! They grow up so fast! She's getting married tomorrow so I will post pics of that for reals! I wanna wait until 7 and be a good girl without settin. The time for once. Yup, it's shocking. Anyways I've been thinking about next generation names and I think for a girl I'll do Carly and for a boy Cole. She hasn't gotten her job offer yet, but hopefully she will before she leaves!!!!


The Addams family is evolving tonight! Into adults!!! Pugsley is currenty a Korokotchi, Wednesday is a Shelltchi, and Pubert is a Mamekatchi. They're mixed family and still 0% bonding, sadly. I haven't really had time to use the Uchikun. Sadly my v5 will be gone soon, so enjoy these double posts while they last... :( Unless I get a TamaGo because I was playing with my friends earlier today and they're a lotta fun :)




Missvioletchi, Dawn, Pugsley, Wednesday, and Pubert


(PS My dad told me that there was this operation to help save Japan and it was called Operation Tamagotchi!!!!! (at least that's what he thought it said. He doesn't know for sure))

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Dia duit gach duine! What does this mean? Hey everybody!! In IRISH!! And why am I starting off this fabulous log in Irish? Its St. Patrick's day, of course! Im in the spirit because today I wore these really cool knee socks (well they sort of were shin-socks...) to school with leprechauns on them! Today has just been getting better and better. This logs pre-post might be a little long but I have some stuff to talk about. So first off I wanted to say a big thank you to enchantedtomeetu for sending me a really nice fanmail letter!! Read enchantedtomeetu's log by clicking HERE! It always brightens my day to come home and have a message waiting for me, especially one complimenting on my log, so thank you SO much!! I hope to get more in the future!! Also, I dont think I've posted the number of log views I've gotten in a while, so I just wanted to thank you all for an outstanding total of 1164 views!!!! For a log with only 46 posts (well, after this one is posted, 47) that is so incredibly awesome and I wanted to thank you all for that!! Let the logging begin ;)


This has probably been one of the best days ever for me regarding my v4.5! I know, I know, I was going to be a "good girl" and wait until 7, not setting the time, for Dawn to get married. But she was 6 and I got tempted...I quickly set the time to 6:59 and waited. Then the matchmaker appeared!!! I pressed "A" and she brought out a UraTogetchi. I was like: HECK YEAHHHH!!!! and pressed the "yes" in love immediately. There were hearts, fireworks, and a baby boy!!! F-I-N-A-L-Y! As mentioned before I think I'm going to name him Cole. It was so exciting to finally get a boy, and as an added bonus, get him in the Meme family! I want him to be a UraTogetchi, but then again Celebtchis are pretty cool. We'll see how I feel when he's a teen. Now, one of the most exciting parts of this marriage is that I actually made the effort to take pictures of the whole thing and post it here! Enjoy! :)

This is a pre-marriage photo of Dawn because I realized I hadn't posted any. Sorry about the glare on this one!


This is The Matchmaker at a little bit of awkward timing because she's just coming into the screen.


Here's Matchy happily bringing in the UraTogetchi


Me happily pressing "yes" (I wanted to include everything...)


Here is the happy couple meeting for the first time


Insta-Love! :)




Here's Dawn and Cole really excited! :) I was, too :)


I cant believe it took 6 whole generations to finally get a boy, but now that I have one Im not complaining! :)


The Addams family evolved! Pugsley is a Mukugetchi, Wednesday is a Potetchi, and Pubert is a Hatugatchi. They're actually really cute characters, except for Pugsley...So basically just Wednesday and Pubert are cute! They're blended family right now, and after using the Uchikun multiple times I FINALLY got their bonding up to 10%. I know, its not that much, but its better than 0%, right? Also I was wondering if anyone knew when they get married. I tried to go to the Dating Place earlier, but The Matchmaker just made a really angry face. That lady's got some issues... I know only one will get married, but I was wondering who that was and when, because after the second gen starts its going on ebay. Look out for it on the 19th (*laughs hysterically*) or 20th! ;) Here's the Addams family's new family picture!






Missvioletchi, Dawn, Cole, Pugsley, Wednesday, and Pubert


(PS Send me fanmail (I LOVE IT!) and maybe your name/link will be posted right here! I also like hearing feedback about my log, so PM away! ;) )

Derkenshnaww! Today was the best day ever-I went rollerskating!!! It was a lonely skate for me, though, because all my friends are only able to hobble around... :/ My brother showed me a really cool trick, though! :)


Before I get into other good news I wanted to say that Dawn finally got a job today!! See, I dont bring my tamagotchis to school usually, so I set the time so they sleep all day. But today I forgot to...At least it was a half day so I got home at 12:30. When I looked at the mail, there was a star one, mail one, and a "!" one. I decided to be patient and I pressed on the star one, then the mail one (which I got 1500 Gotchi Points from the kind, btw!). Finally, Dawn went to Ms. Flower who gave her a graduation paper, blah, blah, blah. Then it was off to the job center! There was Singer, Hairdresser, Banker, Teacher, and Doctor. I went to Hairdresser because I really like the game! I only got to play it twice, though, before she left. Now the awesome news: As of 6:02pm today Cole is finally on his own! Obviously, I set the time to 11:59 and waited for Dawn to wake up. She did, then waited, then left Cole! I set the time back and named him! I even took pictures of (sort of) the whole thing! Here they are:

Here's Dawn and Cole before I set the time


Here are the them sleeping :) See the two little "z"'s??


Here's Dawn sitting next to Cole! Her last picture... :(


This is the name bar!


This is me entering Cole's name! :)


Here's the first pic of Cole!


Sorry that the pics are a little glarey and stuff! I'll make a short update later telling you what he evolves into :)


Last night I was talking to my friend and she said that Sesame Pudding could evolve Pubert into a Kuromametchi. I wanted to see if it was true, so I put in a code for Sesame Pudding and fed it to them. Sure enough the screen flashed and there was a Kuromametchi there! I was a little sad because I like Hatugatchis. I didnt really think it through...its ok though because I really like Kuromametchis, just not as much as Hatugatchis. I'm also really excited because, after using the Uchikun like 7000 times, I finally got their bonding up to 30%! Now which I press the "C" button, Pugsley (my least favorite character... :p ) comes up to the screen! :)





Missvioletchi, Cole, Pugsley, Wednesday, and Pubert


(PS I love rollerskating!!!!!!)

Happy March 19th!!!! Look out tonight for the Supermoon, which is supposed to be this rare, huge moon! Also, Im very sorry to say that this is the last double post Im going to be making in a while, but you'll read more about that later.


I feel like a bad parent. Last night Cole got 4 headaches. And he has 0 happy, 0 healthy. The worst part, though, was that I don't have a good excuse for not taking good care of him. I didn't have homework and I was home most of last night. I plan to be a better caretaker! He evolved into a Kutchitamatchi at about 7:05, which I was going to log about but I decided to wait for the morning. He also got his PreSchool offer last night! :) Ooh, I also came up with a way to decide between getting a UraTogetchi and Celebtchi. If Cole evolves into a Diayatchi, he'll become a UraTogetchi and if he evolves into a Kujokutchi, he'll become a Celebtchi. More updates on what he evolves into later!


Welcome to, sadly, the last post of the Addams family (*snap snap*). Sorry for the lack of pictures, I couldn't get to my camera in time. This morning I went to the Dating Show and was SUPER surprised to find that Matchy wasn't screaming at me. The screen said "Select?" so I scrolled to Pubert, the Kuromametchi. Then a sign with "The Dating Show!" and hearts came on the screen and Matchy brought in a Hotteatchi!!!! I love Hotteatchi SOOOO much!!! I immediatly pressed "Love" and they joined together. Then Hotteatchi moved away and Pugsley and Wednesday came to say goodbye to Pubert. Then they left, crying. After that, Hotteatchi rejoined Pubert on the screen, they kissed, and then they transformed into adults! Hotteatchi became ugly ( :( ) as Mamapatchi and Pubert became a Papamametchi. Then they left and two eggs appeared. Im sorry to the daughter and son who hatched from those because they are about to get the battery taken out. Speaking of which, Im about to go on eBay and check out the scene. I think the starting price should be $10, which is pretty cheap for a v5! Later today I'll do a quick post with a link to the bidding place for my v5 in case you are interested. Now you might be wondering why its going on eBay and Im not keeping it. You see, I used to have a v4 which I loved SOOOOO much. Then my 4th grade English teacher took it away from me-and never gave it back! She said she would give it to me at the end of the week. So I checked back in with her at the end of the week and she had lost it! I was so sad because it was my favorite version of the, like, 5 tamas I used to run!!! Now, with the money I get from the v5, I can FINALLY get another v4!!!!! After that I might stop my v4.5, but I wont make a new log because, if you recall at the beginning of this log, I said I'd stick with it and not give up on it!! Please bid for it or buy it from me because I REALLY want a v4! And you're not just paying for the v5 itself, you're paying for the v5 played with by your favourite logger (me) ;) ! The very same one you read about many times! :) SO BID FOR IT PLEASE! :)





Missvioletchi, Cole, and a batteryless v5


(PS please bid for it! ;) )

Happy 50th post!!

This is a special post because it has absolutely nothing to do with whats going on on the screen of my tama! Ok, so you all know that Im selling my v5. Instead of putting it on eBay, I'm first putting it up on tBay, right here on tamatalk! A moderator has to review my post before you can see it, so there's no link to it right now. But I'll post later with the link once its approved (which I hope it will be)!(Edit: it was just approved, so click HERE if you wanna check it out! :) ) I wont give all the details right now because I really dont feel like retyping everything I just typed into that post on tBay, but I do have some pictures! Here's a bit of a sneak peak of what you get when you buy my tama :)

Note: these pictures were taken by my camera, so they're not very glarey! Maybe I should start using my camera instead of the webcam on my laptop for pictures on here...






Missvioletchi and Cole


(PS Yes, these pictures WERE taken on a white napkin, in case you're curious. I thought it looked clean and non-contrasting, okay? :) )

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Happy Sunday once again! :) We're still alive after the March 19th Supermoon! Who would've guessed? ;) Funny, though, something shocking did happen this morning. My v4.5 is officially glitched. So you know how Cole was supposed to be in the UraMeme family? Surprisingly he evolved into a Kometchi, of the UraKutchi family! I guess I am a little disappointing, but that's okay...at least he can become a Tenpatchi, right?? Those are cool, I guess... I think it might not matter, though, later because of something I can't reveal yet. I dont know if it's going to happen or not, so I dont want to say anything/let anyone down. Just know there's a secret to be revealed in the next log! I have to go to a Carnival right now (with a 100% chance of rain today? Reeeeaaalllly, sky??), but as soon as I get back I'll log a bigger post. By the way, I think I've only gotten 3 offers for my v5. So check it out please! And if you have an unwanted v4, check out the section "Want to Buy" and under my topic (Wanted: v4). To round off this short log I have some pictures! But first I wanted to bring up something I haven't mentioned before: the *****'s that rate this log! Thanks so much to the 3 people who voted my log 5 stars!!! I didn't notice it until this morning, so thanks so much!!! :)

Here's Cole, far from the screen, then up close! I took these pics with my camera, and they turned out awesomely, so I think I'm gonna use my camera from now on! :)






Missvioletchi and Cole


(PS If you didnt notice in the pictures, I got a new charm! I found it jsut laying around my room :) Its a movie marker that says 12! :) )

Sigh...I'm cold, tired, and wet. And you're probably curious as to why. It all started this morning at about 10:00. There was this Carnival that I was going to go help out at. Afterward I wanted to go to this really awesome store, then Target to get a TamaGo. Well, since there were no Targets near where I was, I had to wait until later. Then, after I got home, my Grandma called me and told me she was coming to our house because she had to go to Target and I could go with her. So I go there, and they just have Itchigotchi and Ponytchi figures...then we went to Walmart, and guess what? No TamaGos, just a Memetchi Figure (which I bought... :) ), then we went to both CVS and Walgreens, and they had absolutely nothing! I was so confuzzled...so I asked somebody at Walmart why I could only find the Memetchi Figures and she said that they were going to stop carrying them for now!! :( Now you're probably wondering why I bought the Memetchi Figure. Well, my dad is about to order one online, or my Grandma said that she'd stop at the Toy Shop tomorrow and see if they had it! I have some pics of the packaged/unpackaged stuff in the Memetchi Figure pack! :)

Heres the package... Then the figure (see the cool pattern in the background? Its my new purse!!), then the faceplate!


Not much happened since my last update on Cole. He did get the mail, though, so I have pictures!! Also, I don't think I've updated on his skill points in a while, so here they are: Intelligence: 39, Beauty: 35, Humor: 21. Okay, picture time!! :)






Missvioletchi, Cole, and soon a TamaGo!


(PS If my friend brings her v4 antennae tomorrow, I'll have a semi-v4!! :) )

It happened!! It happened yesterday! What happened, you ask? I GOT A TAMAGO!!! Its true chiz!!! You'll read/see more about that later. This is probably the last double post you'll see in a while, so enjoy it! :)


Cole isn't evolving, weirdly. He's two and was supposed to evolve this morning. Im holding off to stop my v4.5 because I really want to end on a Tenpatchi. As I mentioned in the last log, my friend brought me her v4 antenna. She doesn't have a v4 anymore because she broke it, but she kept the antenna. It looks SO much better to me-I like the balls more than the stars...and it reminds me more of the v4 I *sniff* got taken away...I'll make a mini-post later if he ever evolves... Here's the "makeover":



Woo! Today's the first day of TamaGo-ness!!!!! It all started yesterday when my Grandma went to Toys "R" Us to see if they had TamaGo's. Originally I had wanted either a purple or white one. Lucky for me, they had a white one there! I was so uber excited!!! Then my dad brought it to me after school today. I couldn't start it immediately because Im going to the AMA-ZING school next year and they were having a Welcome B.B.Q.!!! Free meat and being at the best school in the world? Yes, please! Then after that we went home and I opened the package, took out my TamaGo, and put in two AAA batteries. Finally I had it! White came with Kutchipatchi, so the package had Kutchipatchi on it. It was really cute! After I entered all the info for my TamaGo, a little egg was on the screen. It was so cute because there was a big fat bunny in the background for Easter! :) Soon the egg hatched and Mandy was born! After this I changed the faceplate into the cool butterfly one for the Memetchi figure. I also switched from the Kutchipatchi Lite figure to the Memetchi figure. I haven't really played any games yet, but soon I'll try out the games and figure out more about it! :) Also, on my friends', the screen that pops off is a lot higher up than the screen, but on the Wave 1, which I have (they have Wave 2's), the screen is nice and smooth. I think this is the main difference between the two. Here are some pictures! :)

Here's the package on the outside, then on the inside


Here's the Kutchipatchi figure and background


Here's Mandy's baby pictures!! :)


I'll try to post a mini update later with her toddler evolvation and stuff, which should take place around 8:30pm, in about 15 minutes.





Missvioletchi, Cole, and Mandy



Hey guys. You may know about this "youtube wonder" that's been sparking the 'net lately. Her name is Rebecca Black. And if you haven't heard of her, she's this wannabe chick who tried to make the big time with her auto-tuned song "Friday", which apparently got over 6 million views in its first week on youtube. I know this is off subject and all, but I thought I'd let you know because I got a good laugh out of it, and all the hate videos, and I thought maybe you would, too. I dont mean to be mean (hehe... :) ) to her because I actually respect her for putting herself out there. ClickHERE if you want to watch it. And if you like her songs, that's cool, too. Now to the logging! Sorry for the lack of pics-my camera needs new batteries.


This is the last v4.5 post you'll see in a while! Its pretty short. Sorry about that! Cole turned into a Tenpatchi this morning, and immediately after the battery was popped out. So long, v4.5!


Not much happened today because I've been at school. Mandy evolved into a Hoshitchi, which is cute! I have to look up the times of evolvation from toddler to teen, which I'll do later. We only have one friendship heart, which my friend claims is "depressive" (she uses that word a lot). Also she has no training points or coins. I did take her to the park once, though! I'll become a better mother after homework. ;)





Missvioletchi, Cole, and Mandy


(PS Happy last post, Cole!)

(PPS I'm going to see The Addam's family on BROADWAY when I go to New York in April with my friend Gaby!!! How ironic, right? I CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D )

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Aloha! Sorry for the lack of pictures again. I still have a batteryless camera! Last night sometime Mandy evolved into Shelltchi! :) I also learned from a post on here that you need certain training points to get certain characters. Makikos are 9/10 training points, so I think Im going to aim for a Makiko. Here are some more:

Lovelytchi: 12 training points.

Violetchi: 15 training points.

Chamametchi: 10 training points.

Pipotchi: 8 training points. (was mistreated)

Morotchi: 3 training points.

Kikitchi: 9 training points.

Shimashimatchi: 4 training points.

I think I want Mandy to be either Makiko or Lovelitchi, but we'll see what she evolves into. I couldnt find how long it takes for Mandy to evolve, but I'll find out later. Also, I went to look at the games on the Memetchi Figure and theres one called Panel Change and its EXACTLY the same thing as the game Shapes on the v4.5!! :) I have $2000 more points until a house remodel!! :) Ok, sorry for the short post, but I might post later, possibly with pics! :)





Missvioletchi and Mandy


(PS Its weird having only two names on my signature!)

Another weekend! Hooray! And what a kick off weekend to find out that I got 100% on one of the tests I a) hadn't studied for and B) thought I failed!!! :D Plus, I think I'm going to live 100 more years because I was crying of laughter in gym today!! Always a great way to start and even greater two days, right? But anyways, Mandy finally evolved! Into a Pipotchi! I actually like them because they are very cute. But if you read the post above it means that I took horrible care on Mandy. Well guess what? Im not over obsessive. I like balance in life 'n stuff. I guess it just means it can only go up from here, right? Always look at the glass half full, even if there is no glass. Ooh! I got a remodel job for Mandy's house and its UBER cute! It has a dresser, curtains, and a clear floor. You'll see pics below! I decided that for every new gen I get on they are each going to have their own house to symbolize how they are their own tama. I think thats a cute idea. I also checked out the Memetchi shop and I really wanna buy Mandy a Parka!!!! I also took her to the park earlier and she met a Mametchi and they played on the swings :) She used to have full friendship hearts with me, but at lunch today one of my friends wanted to see her so they set the time so she would be awake and never set her back to sleep, so now we only have 2 friendship hearts :( I know its kind of sad how I said I wanted a Makiko because I only have 1 training point now, but I intend to be a better caretaker next generation. Ok, thats about it for now! I think later I'll feed Mandy until she's 99 lbs and she gets all fat! I'd love to see that on a Pipotchi... :)

Here are some pictures of her. You can kind of see the background! :)


Also, here's the purse I keep my TamaGo in during school! :)






Missvioletchi and Mandy


(PS Pipotchis are kind of like a mix between a crab, Tamatchi, and UFOtchi, huh? ;) )

Wow! Time flies fast because I can already say Happy Sunday again!!! I wanted to bring up something this morning that I havent really talked about yet, and that is Reputation. I just found out that people vote you to have a reputation, and now that I have two I want to thank those two people so much for seeing me as rep worthy! ;) After starting this log I've had an overwhelmingly nice response to it and to me, so thank you so much!!! I also wanted to say thank you for an outstanding 1,310 views!! Thats so amazing and I want to thank all of you for getting my log that much popularity. It really does put a smile on my face! :) And guess chwat else? This morning I woke up and Mandy was 6 years old!! Time flies so fast, as mentioned above! Anyways I went to the store and bought some lobster because after I got her married I wanted the happy couple to have a luxurious b-fast of something unbreakfasty. I bought it, played Panel Match with Mandy once to fill her 2 empty happy hearts, then it was off to the Date Place! There, first, she met a Necktietchi. Cute, but I passed. Then she met a Gozarutchi, which is my least favorite character next to Masktchi (even though he is a ninja and ninjas are epic). Finally she got a good partner: Nonopotchi! I thought that Nonopotchis and Pipotchis make a good couple, so I pressed "Yes". Then there were hearts, the couple kissed, and a huge crowd below them cheered! Then they arrived at Mandy's house and were fed some lobster! It was so cute to finally see a marriage on my own TamaGo...Now I think I have to wait 2 days or something for a baby to be born. I haven't really come up with any name ideas yet, but in my next post, which will probably be posted when the baby is born, I'll defiantly have an idea! Sorry for the non-step-by-step pictures; it was my first wedding on the TamaGo and I didn't really want to watch it through a camera screen, ya know? Ooh, and Im also going to make a custom faceplate today which will probably have either plaid or polka dots, my two favorite patterns!

I do have one picture of the happy couple:






Missvioletchi, Mandy, and Nonopotchi

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Hi everyone! I have dome excitingful news! Today, at about 8 A.M., Mandy and Nonopotchi had a baby boy!!! I was so excited especially because me friend's had a baby girl this morning, too, so they shall get married!!! The baby boys name is going to Blake, just 'cause I like that name. I'm also in the process of making a new faceplate. My friend showed me her custom one and it was so cool!!! I haven't had much timeto do it, though, because Ive been busy with school and other stuff. Sorry for the short, pictureless post, but Im tired and need to rest up for my math test tomorrow! 'Night!





Missvioletchi, Mandy, Nonopotchi, and Blake


(PS Blake is going to be marrying a girl named Courtney! :) )

Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't been posting in a really long time...you see, Im writing this book and Im through the first chapter already! It's hard work to create a masterpiece like my novel ;) Todays been really exciting and not only because I got a 91.7% on a test I didn't study for! :) Today was mostly awesome because of the fact that my class raised over $200 in one day to help the victims of Japan!!!!!!! We are selling beanies, which is really cool! I think we are really going to change the world :) Blake is under my care now! He actually has 3 trainig points and full happy and hungry! For once, I might be a good caretaker. Although he evolved Ito Mattaritchi, which is supposed to be a bad care charater. Then later he evolved into a Monpatchi. Those are not very cute, but I won't judge. Also, right when he was under my care I headed to the remodle shop and bought a new house theme for Blake, the one with checkered flooring and a couch. I also got a ponytchi figure yesterday (and as my PE coach would say, yesterdiy ;) ), but it's acting like a Lite figure so I am goig to return it for a new one. All it does is play one game. That's it. Ok, I promise pictures later or for next post!!




Missvioletchi & Blake


(PS In a happy mood right now ;) )


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