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Holalala!! I'm listening to the Beatles right now, and they are probably my third favorite band along with Paramore and The Plain White T's!! And ironically, the lyrics were just "Got to be good looking 'cause he's so hard to see". Why is this ironic, you ask? Well, Blake evolved into a Gozarutchi. I might have expressed my distaste for those earlier in this log, but if I haven't, I dont exactly like them. I mean, they are OK, but just not my favorite character. But thats what I get for being a bad caretaker, right? It's my fault... :( If you didn't get the above irony, its that ninja's are hard to see and that they should be good looking, and a Gozarutchi is a ninja, just not very good looking (to me). Hate to be mean or anything, but I don't really like them. I also don't know if me and my friend's tama are still going to get married. We haven't really hung out much lately(ish) so they have barely connected. They would have to connect a BUNCH tomorrow at lunch if we really wanted them to get married because then its the weekend, and we cant do anything about that. I'm also going to go return my Ponytchi figure tomorrow at Target and see if they have another one I can get. I think they will because there were only Ponytchis on the wall. My friend told me that other people have reported the same problem as I had with my figure, which is that it works like a Lite figure. Hopefully they will give me another one in it's place!! Also, today at lunch, my other friend debugged my v3! There were a list of characters and she decided on Hamburgertchi, which was named, originally, Hammi. ;) Then, during P.E., when I got to listen to my iPod and talk with my friends (HALLELUYA! IT WAS AWESOME!), Hammi decided to come close to the screen a couple times, and it was so cute!! :) :) Okay, this log is getting long, so I'll finish it up with some pics (finally)!

Here's Blake...


Here's my Ponytchi figure, in case you are curious to what it looks like






Missvioletchi and Blake


(PS "...Come together, right now.")

Hey guys... *sigh* I have some really sad news...you see, I have a convertible, and today after school I was driving with the top down, enjoying perfect SoCal weather, playing on my TamaGo, when I lost my grip on it and it flew backward onto the street!!!!! I'm so sad!! :( I'm really really really sad right now...and Im sorry because this is going to be the last log post I'll be making. :( :(













APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)





Missvioletchi and Blake


(PS No TamaGo's were harmed in the making of this joke!)

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Its Friday, which can only mean: IT'S TIME FOR THE WEEKEND!!! No homework, party tomorrow, bracelet making, pie testing...Ah, what a weekend! And speaking of weekend, is it just me or did v4.5 logs get REALLY popular this past weekend or what? I mean, there were like three or four when I started mine, but recently a bunch of new ones have sprouted up!! I don't want to be self centered or anything, 'cause I TOTALLY don't mean this like that, but was I the one who inspired some more people to start up their v4.5's and make logs? Because if I was, that's SO AWESOME! I've actually been reading a lot of them and I like some of them! So keep up your logging everyone! ;) And I'll keep up mine! Blake might not be marrying Courtney... :( I would like her to, but that would mean probably having to bring my TamaGo to a party tomorrow night, and I don't usually bring it to parties so people wont see it. It might be pastable (hehe...pasta...get it? ;) ), but I'll have to talk to my friend first. I think we're either going to Target tomorrow because I'm really tired right now. I don't really have anything else to say right now, so I'm just going to end this log. ;)





Missvioletchi and Blake


(PS I drew a fish on my knee in First Period this morning and his name is Kaneval :) )

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Grr! Sorry everyone for the double posts I've been making a lot lately...Tamatalk has gone spazzy when I try to upload some stuff. Thought I'd let you know ;)





Missvioletchi and Blake

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Hey hey hey! Sorry I didn't post earlier. I watched the Kid's Choice Awards! It was so fun to watch! One day I want to be up there as one of the nominees...watch out for me! ;) I dont really have much to say about Blake right now. We still haven't gone to Target, so I still don't have a working Ponytchi figure. It is back in all of its packaging and ready for returnage! I think that Courtney and Blake are still getting married. An tomorrow I PROMISE I'll finish my custom face plate and I'll post pics! Also, Blake has 4 training points! I think thats pretty awesome because it is my record for most training points! Even though it is only my 2nd gen...

In other news, I made a bet with my friend that when I reached my 64th post, which this is, I would have more views than her log had, which was 9,000. Well, to Violetchilluvr3, I HAVE 1,400 VIEWS!!! Thank you so much to all my log viewers and to everyone supporting me, to help me reach over 500 more views than my friend thought possible at this time! (Wow, I feel like a nominee making a speech! Look, the KCA's are rubbing off on me already ;) )





Missvioletchi and Blake


(PS If I do get nominated for a KCA, vote for me!! ;) )

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Aloha everyone! Today I'd like to kick off my log with a special shout out to Miiku, who sent a really nice fanmail!! She even read my whole log in ONE DAY!!! Do I have the best fans or what?? Miiku doesn't have a log right now, but she's making one, so when that happens I'll be sure to post the link here! It always makes me super happy to come home to fanmail! And what a better place to come home from is Target? I finally returned my Ponytchi figure and got a new one, then they got a shipment of new TamaGo figures (there was Ponytchi, Itchigotchi, Kuromametchi, and Sebiretchi). I really only want certain figures for my TamaGo, so I just got the Ponytchi and Itchigotchi. When I got home I was really sad to see, though, that the Ponytchi (old) figure still stayed on my TamaGo, so technically I have 5 figures plugged in now... :( Blake seems to be aging slower than Mandy, which is a little weird, but its probably because of the bad care I've been giving him. I promise (and this is a PROMISE) that I will get a good care character for my next generation!!! I think that Blake will still be marrying his fiance, Courtney, and they will probably be connecting all of tomorrow at lunch. In other news, I finally finished my custom faceplate! It really only took me 10 minutes to go down to the big computer downstairs, look a pic up on google, print it out, cut it out, and pop it on. I'm so unhappy, though, because tinypic.com is malfunctioning right now, so I can't post any pics, even though I had a bunch. Hopefully I'll have pics for next time, though!





Missvioletchi and Blake


(PS My friend and I are making a webshow called iCupcake-more on that later!)

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Hi-i! I don't really have much to say today, but I do have some pictures for you! First of all, thanks to the 4th person (Edit: ANOTHER person just voted it 5!!!! Thank you so much!!!! 5 5 stars! :D ) who rated this log 5 stars!! :) It means a lot! :) Blake and Courtney STILL haven't got married. We did connect a bunch at lunch, though. Not enough to be able to marry, though! And Blake is turning 9 tomorrow...jeez...he's going to be, like, 13 when he leaves! That's okay, though. I don't mind. As long as Blake gets to marry the Memetchi of his dreams. Today I fed Blake a buuuunnnncchhhh and he became all fat 'n stuff!!!!! I took pictures 'cause it was too cute!!! :D Okay, I think that's all I have right now. Here are some pics:

Here's the new Ponytchi figure and new Itchigotchi figure:


Here's my little collection:


Here's my custom faceplate!


BLAKES SO FATTT!!!!!!!!!! :D


Courtney and Blake both decided they would go to the Date Place just to see what there was, but they said no to all of them. Blake got an Uwasatchi and two Lovelitchis! Here's his little journey: (Note-I only put the pic of the first Lovelitchi because if I put the other one, I would have to start a new post because of exceeding picture limits)






Missvioletchi and Blake

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Hi! Sorry for the quick post but I just noticed Blake and Itchigotchi playing with the Easter stuff! I would edit and put this in my last post, but I already have 10 pictures there. Also, thanks SO much to repeat_offender for the really nice comment on my log! I love getting fanmail and I've been getting a lot lately, so thanks so much! Read her log: click HERE!

Here's the picture of Blake and the Easter fun:






Missvioletchi and Blake


(PS My camera takes really good pics, huh??? ;) )

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Hi hi everyone!! I'm sorry I haven't updated for two days. But it happened!!!! Blake got married to Courtney!!! Unfortunatly I didn't get so even see my own baby get married...after 9 whole days of waiting, I don't even get to see the wedding!!! It's a long story (short story: My friend who doesn't know I play with tamas came o where we were eating lunch and saw my TamaGo in plain sight and I ha to get her out f there before things got suspicious), but at least he finally got married, right?? And now, the little baby is on his own! I didn't meanfor this to happen, but I had to keep my tama asleep all day and to do that I had to set the time an now he's on his own. Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention he's a boy! :) And his name is Austin. His twins name is appearantly Skylar, which I thought was a girl name, but you learn somethig new everyday, right? ;) Also, just a heads up that next week I won't be logging from Wednesday until Sunday because Ill be in New York baby!!!!!!! Ahh, yeahhh!! It's going to be an amazing trip AND I get to miss school! Win win! Unfortunatly, though, Austin in going to stay paused for the whole trip. Sorry about this, but I have to. I don't really wanna leave my tamas in the care of others...again!! Okay, well, that's pretty much it. Byeeee!





Missvioletchi and Austin



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Hey people. Austin evolved into an Ahirukutchi and I've been giving him pretty good care. As usual, I bought a new room design for him. It's sort of like Blake's, but it has a different couch and stuff. he floors are checkered and there's a closet. He should be evolving later today, so I'll try and make a quick post about that. I really hope I can actually get a good character this time! No offence to Blake and Mandy, but they were bad care characters. Okay, I dont really have much to say. I'm kind of in a really bad mood, so sorry about the short post. I do have pictures, though.

Here's Austin and his room:


Here's my Itchigotchi figure:


The only bright part of my day was that I got some new really cool shattering nailpolish that I've been dying for. If you didn't already know, I'm a nail addict. Here's its effect (It dries and cracks):






Missvioletchi and Austin


(PS Todays too sad of a day for me for a PS. Sorry.)

Hey hey everybodayy! Sorry about my last update. It was sad. Anyways, Im sort of in a good mood right now! Sorry I didnt update either Friday or Saturday. I'm really busy packing for New York, catching up on schoolwork that Im going to miss, and doing placement tests for my school next year. My Friday update would have been: YAY! Austin evolved in to a Kilalatchi, which means I'll get a great character for sure! I went to the store and bought him some sushi, which he liked. Then we went to the Itchigotchi arcade and played Knock-A-Note, which I realized is the exact same game on the Music Star (the one where you match up the notes and they pop. I forgot what it was called...). Now he only has one training point, sadly, but 4 friendship hearts filled in. He's minimum weight and has full happy and hungry! I BETTER get a good care character. But we'll see tomorrow night. Todays update: Reaaaaly? I think that TamaGos have glitches because I took absolutely PERFECT care of Austin, and guess what character I got? Gozarutchi. Again. My least favorite character and I got him twice in a row. I want to be a good mother, still, though. I took him out for Bearclaws in Itchigotchi's restaurant for breakfast this morning, and he seemed happy when we got home. Then I took him to play some games at the arcade, got $3000 Gotchi Points, and spent it on stocking him up with some food at the shop. After he had a full refrigerator and full happy/hungry hearts, I took him to the park. There he met up with a cute Makiko and they swang on the swings together (spell check is saying that "swang" is wrong. Is it even a word?? Questions, questions ;) ). After we returned home, Austin had to go to the bathroom, so I pressed the toilet button and he appeared in the bathroom. Then he was hungry so I fed him a scone. Right now he has full happy, full hungry, full friendship hearts and STILL only one training bar! He's also minimum weight, currently, which is 30 lbs. He's only 3 years old right now, but when he turns 6 (the first second I see him at 6) Austin is SO going to the Date Place!! Sorry for my lack of pictures right now. I want to plug in my Ponytchi figure and take a pic with him with overalls on! ;) If I have time to get back on the computer later today I'll try and upload some pictures. But if I cant, I'll take a bunch and upload them all hopefully before I go to New York on Wednesday!





Missvioletchi and Austin


(PS Does anyone else get the second-gen-in-a-row glitch?? Thats another thing I don't really like about the TamaGo.)

As promised, I'm back with pictures! Above I wrote that the overalls were in my Ponytchi figure, but they are really in my Memetchi figure. I popped it on and clicked items, then took pics of Austin with his overalls! I just got home from a concert and I'm kind of tired, so I dont really have much else to say. Enjoy my pics! ;)

Here's Austin in his overalls:


I felt bad about leaving Austin home alone instead of taking him to the concert, so I let him go to the park again! He met up with a Shimshimatchi! :) They built a sandcastle together:






Missvioletchi and Blake


(PS A very special log is coming up soon...stay tuned!! :) )

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Hi everyone!!!! This is the last post Im making for a little while because I'm going to New york tomorrow!!!!!!!! Whoooo!!!!! So what if I have to be at he airport at 5:30am? This is my first trip to New York City (Ive been to Albany and Buffalow) and, if you haven't noticed, I am SO excited! And I have more good news! Austin got married!! :) To chwat, you ask? A Memetchi! :) They ar so cute together! I'm hoping they have a baby girl, which I wan to name Lanie. Cross your fingers! Right now the happy couple are a my dad's house, paused, awaiting my return from my amazing trip. Prepare for an ambush of pics next time!!!! :)





Missvioletchi, Austin, and Memetchi


(PS about that "special post", I'll probably be doing it the day after I get back or something)

(PPS Wish me luck!!! ;) )

Hi everyone! Sorry if you read that last post which I deleted...I was tired and upset 'cause my plane got cancelled after waiting for it for 6 hours and I didn't think I would be able to log until a couple weeks and so I just didn't think before making that post. But that's behind us because this log WILL continue!! :) Im finally back home (sort of) but I won't get my tama until Friday afternoon...that's probably when I'll be making my next post, which will have plenty of pics and updates! Also, speaking of updates, I decided that every post I make leading up to the special post will have an update on it! That unique post will be made on my logs 100th post which may seem like a long ways away, but time'll fly :) Anyways Im making this post to tell you that I'm bac to stay and this log will continue! Until Friday...





Missvioletchi, Austin, and Memetchi


(PS This log will not end soon, sticking to it's original plan! :) )

I'm ba-ack!! And what does that mean? A super long, picture filled, super exciting log! Thank you so much for letting me have a little spring break, but now Im back and I promise to be posting more often and regularly. Also, I decided to add something new to my log...DRAWINGS! I'll mostly be using Paint on my laptop, but sometimes I might actually draw something. Ok, on to the logging!

Finally Austin and Memetchi are happy to be unpaused! To be fair to them for being paused for so long, I took them to Itchigotchi's restaurant for turkey. Then I played a couple of games and made them happy. They should be having a baby tomorrow or something (I lost count while I was gone...) and I can't wait to see the baby! I took one picture of them, then drew one! Okay, so maybe the drawing isn't AMAZING, but Im working on it ;)


Guess what everyone?? I am no longer a liar! Now you may be wondering what relevance me being a liar has to this log. Well, for a super long time, this whole log has been a lie! I mean, you click on "My v4.5 log", but it doesn't feature a v4.5. Now Im no longer a liar becaaaaause: I started up my v4.5 today!!! :) I got to my dad's house about 7:00 and my grandma was there, so we celebrated her birthday! :) (Her birthday is today! She has an earthday-birthday ;) ). Then, after the cake, I got tired and went upstairs, took a shower, and got ready for bed. As the final thing I would do tonight (well, besides logging, of course) I decided to grab a battery from my drawer, my trusty little screwdriver, and my v4.5. Twisting the back off, I slipped in the battery and it beeped super loud. I looked on the screen and there was a little egg shaking! I pressed reset and entered all the info, blah blah blah. Then I waited until the cute little hatching beep sounded, and a baby girl popped out of the patterned egg! Avery was born! I decided that I would do names in alphabetical order as I couldn't come up with a theme for alphabetical naming. Anyways I've been keeping the sound on so I can tell when Avery needs attention or gets hungry or something. I caught her crying and now she has one training point! :) I'm super super super tired right now, so all I've been doing when she's hungry or unhappy is give her food. I did play climb with her once, though. Right now she weighs 22 lbs, sadly...I'll get her weight down back down tomorrow. I haven't been taking that much care of her, but tomorrow will be better, I promise! ;) Here's some more pics! ;)

My bad, bad care of poor Avery...


I did play climb with her, though!!!


An extremely lucky shot of Avery moving!


My image of Avery






Missvioletchi, Austin, Memetchi, and Avery


(PS My nails are cupcakes and, yes, I did do them myself :) )

UPDATE ON SPECIAL POST: It's going to be a "spoof" of something very popular ;)

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Good morning everyone! Finally it's Saturday...time to relax and unwind! ;)

I woke up at this morning and grabbed my TamaGo to check what time it was. But when I saw the screen, there was a little egg between Austin and his wife!! I got so so so excited, but I still had to check what time it was. And then something shocking happened: my TamaGo FROZE!!!!! The buttons reused to work, Austin, Memetchi, and there baby stopped shifting, and I couldn't do anything! I panic-texted my friend who had been having some glitches with HER TamaGo, and she told me to take out the batteries, reset, and download. So I did, and it was STILL frozen! So I decided to do the only other thing I thought might help-email Bandai. But then my friend told me that they don't reply for 3 weeks or something. Well, I guess I'll just have to wait, because my TamaGo is still frozen. I really want the baby to hatch!! :(

It was a better morning for Avery than it was for my TamaGo. I fell asleep before she evolved, but this morning I found out that she was a Hitodetchi!! And then I got happy again because Avery got her preschool offer! When I saw the mailman bring the "!" mail, I grabbed my camera and took pics of the whole thing!

Clicking on the "!" icon ;)


Miss Frill coming to invite Avery to Preschool!



This part was sad because it was the ONE picture that was blurry, so I couldn't post it. It was Miss Frill handing Avery her admission gift! :( Miss Frill was super happy that the she got to admit Avery to her school, though, and so was Avery!






Missvioletchi, Austin, Memetchi, Baby, and Avery


(PS Did anyone hear about the new Tamagotchi v7.5? Is it true or fake? I'm confused at all these fake tama rumors...)

UPDATE ON SPECIAL POST: It's not what I said in that...aweful...post

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Today actually turned out to be a good day for my tamas despite the hardships I had with my TamaGo! Sorry this update is coming so late...me and my grandma got caught up in super fun Easter baking! Anyone heard of coletz? Its Polish and super yummy! :)

The screen finally unfroze! I was so excited to see this! Finally the egg would hatch and there would be a new baby in the house! :) The egg wiggled, moved and then...Bunny was born! :) Why Bunny, you ask? Well, she will begin her life on her own tomorrow; Easter! Isn't that adowable? Austin and Memetchi were so overjoyed with their daughter-they hope she will become a world class chef! Here are some pictures:


Not much happened with Avery since my last update. Tomorrow morning she'll evolve and I'll update when that happens.





Missvioletchi, Austin, Memetchi, Bunny, and Avery


(PS Sorry for the short update... :/)

UPDATE ON THE SPECIAL POST: A trailer will be coming soon! :)

Happy Easter, everyone! I woke up this morning and smelled the delicious ham cooking downstairs, and was instantly in a good mood. How's everyone's Easter going? I really appreciate mametchifan1996's cute little Easter bunny post on my profile! Thanks! ;) Also, a special shout out to sakura-san123 for mentioning me in their log (which you can read by clicking HERE) and for the nice comments 'n convos! :) Always appreciated! ;)

In just a few short hours, Bunny'll be on her own! I'm letting her say her goodbyes and then I'm going to take her Easter egg hunting! Then maybe later we can cook something together, because Austin and Memetchi are really pushing for her to be a chef...I think maybe she'll own her own restaurant when she grows up! We'll see ;) I saw the whole family dying eggs together, and it was adowable! Then I was looking around my room when I found Bunny's Birth Certificate! Here it is:


Avery evolved this morning!! Into my favorite teen character...Urayoungmemetchi!!! I'm so so so so so (did I say SO?) excited because this means that she will become a...UraVioletchi! One of my all time favorite characters (just look at my user name ;) )! I can't wait until Tuesday morning! Also, she got her school offer today! I chose Mr. Turtle so she'll become a UraVioletchi. Her skill points right now are 18/16/22, so I have some work to do. ;) I have a bunch of pictures to post because I was lazy last night and posted only for my TamaGo, so this post might have to be split into two... First is Avery's acceptance to preschool, then our little trip to tamatown, then my drawing of her! Enjoy my (As my friend calls it) montage!



Also, I found my Tamagotchi Cornershop 3 Game the other day, and its actually really fun! I have to keep getting every shop to the top level, though. ;) I took a couple pics! Yes, I do have a pink DS with a green foam flower sticker in the middle :) And sorry about the bad pictures-my camera doesn't have a picture-of-tama-game-on-ds setting. ;)






Missvioletchi, Austin, Memetchi, Bunny, and Avery


UPDATE ON THE SPECIAL POST: It's going to be a video! :)

Hi! I want to say a few things before this log gets started. One: I'm going to be posting earlier in the day today and tomorrow, and then it'll go back to my nightly posts. Just a heads up ;) Two: A special thanks to the 3rd person who gave me a reputation point! It's so exciting!! Thanks so so so so much!! Three: Three special shout outs this morning (my fanmails been increasing a lot! Thanks everyone!). I'd like to start off with a link that I've been meaning to post forever, but never got around to it. Remember how I said that I would post Miiku's log once she made it? Well, now you can finally click HERE to read it! Next I'd like to say thanks to littlemissy15 for the super nice letter about my log! It really brightened my day! Last but not least I want to than OldSchoolTama for helping me get my pics better and for complimenting my log. It was really nice and helpful! :) Okay, one last thing to say before I start logging! I just want to thank you all for an outstanding 1,800 views!!!! I mean, I haven't even reached my 100th post yet!! I really appreciate all the views and cant wait to see more! :)

Bunny is now a cute little Hoshitchi! I woke up this morning at 7:30 to find her 1 hungry and happy heart low, so I played Long Jumper with her and fed her some corn. This woke her up! Then, later, I took her to the park and she met up with the most adorable little Lovelitchi! I had decided a while back that I wanted her to evolve into a Lovelitchi, so now I'm really aiming for it. The one trouble I have is that she refuses to get up in training points. Right now she only has 2! A record for me, but still. I've kept her minimum weight, filled all of the friendship hearts, and I regularly check to see if she's hungry or unhappy. Perfect care. But if I cant get her training points up, my dreams of a Lovelitchi will slip away. :( On the brighter side of things, after I ate breakfast and finished some homework, I took Bunny to TamaTown! We went to the flower shop, bought some new furniture, and visited the beach. Here are some pics:


Avery is the most adorable Urayoungmemetchi soon-to-be-Uravioletchi I've ever seen! We went to TamaTown again for a little bit this morning got some coins. She now has 10350 Gotchi Points! I think that's a lot for a first generation. Anyways, Avery went to the store this morning to stock up on food. She got some tacos, cheesecake, and a pear. Mmm! I think she's going to enjoy lunch today :) In other news she has 5 whole training points! Yay! That's the best I've done in a long time! Keeping the sound on really is helping me a lot. That's another beautiful thing about spring break, right? I think both my tamas will be sad when I have to go back to school, because I'm spoiling them right now ;) Here's a drawing I made of both of them together, enjoying spring break :)






Missvioletchi, Bunny, and Avery


UPDATE ON THE SPECIAL POST: *music* Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun *music*
