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Holalala!! I'm listening to the Beatles right now, and they are probably my third favorite band along with Paramore and The Plain White T's!! And ironically, the lyrics were just "Got to be good looking 'cause he's so hard to see". Why is this ironic, you ask? Well, Blake evolved into a Gozarutchi. I might have expressed my distaste for those earlier in this log, but if I haven't, I dont exactly like them. I mean, they are OK, but just not my favorite character. But thats what I get for being a bad caretaker, right? It's my fault...
If you didn't get the above irony, its that ninja's are hard to see and that they should be good looking, and a Gozarutchi is a ninja, just not very good looking (to me). Hate to be mean or anything, but I don't really like them. I also don't know if me and my friend's tama are still going to get married. We haven't really hung out much lately(ish) so they have barely connected. They would have to connect a BUNCH tomorrow at lunch if we really wanted them to get married because then its the weekend, and we cant do anything about that. I'm also going to go return my Ponytchi figure tomorrow at Target and see if they have another one I can get. I think they will because there were only Ponytchis on the wall. My friend told me that other people have reported the same problem as I had with my figure, which is that it works like a Lite figure. Hopefully they will give me another one in it's place!! Also, today at lunch, my other friend debugged my v3! There were a list of characters and she decided on Hamburgertchi, which was named, originally, Hammi.
Then, during P.E., when I got to listen to my iPod and talk with my friends (HALLELUYA! IT WAS AWESOME!), Hammi decided to come close to the screen a couple times, and it was so cute!!
Okay, this log is getting long, so I'll finish it up with some pics (finally)!
Here's Blake...
Here's my Ponytchi figure, in case you are curious to what it looks like
Missvioletchi and Blake
(PS "...Come together, right now.")
Holalala!! I'm listening to the Beatles right now, and they are probably my third favorite band along with Paramore and The Plain White T's!! And ironically, the lyrics were just "Got to be good looking 'cause he's so hard to see". Why is this ironic, you ask? Well, Blake evolved into a Gozarutchi. I might have expressed my distaste for those earlier in this log, but if I haven't, I dont exactly like them. I mean, they are OK, but just not my favorite character. But thats what I get for being a bad caretaker, right? It's my fault...
Here's Blake...

Here's my Ponytchi figure, in case you are curious to what it looks like

Missvioletchi and Blake
(PS "...Come together, right now.")