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That's true. It's always easier to watch a play than to read it

XD I'm surprised that THAT is the part you remember. I remember the aliens peeing out of their fingers xD Oh, and the hershey kisses hats

I saw the exact epiphone that I wanted at a store up north. I was sooo mad, because I wanted it so much, but couldn't afford it

Sweet! Sight reading is key to being able to learn music easily, and clearly it works for you! =D

Prudence gave a sigh as she waited in her cell, combing out her long black hair. Had he understood what she'd meant? That day was special... but it also had a new meaning to her. I hope he got what I was trying to convey... please... let it have worked... She got to her feet and was led to a room with a priest. She hasd specifically asked for one, to condone for her sins. And so they began a long session of prayer and confession. Prudence's mind wandered to her friends and family, and how things would change for them.

Cosette tried to peer into the kitchen, scooting on the floor on her stomach. "Baba?" She cooed, looking up at him with curiosity, drooling as she did. She was sure Ysi was right behind her, to make sure she didn't get hurt or anything, so she wasn't afraid.

Mikey pulled her into his arms, burying his face in her hair. "Angie... I love you too much to ever let anything bad happen to you. I would destroy myself before I would let something like that happen." He looked at her, his face grief stricken. "Angie... always let me protect you. I want to be there for you, no matter what happens."

It was a long time ago, and it was also because my cousin was snorting with laughter. That's why xD

N'aw, that's a shame. It's worth saving a little extra to get the best one, though :) I should warn you, though, you might want to work your arms out if you get one, I picked one up not too long ago and was amazed at how heavy Les Pauls are xD

It's definitely helped me with a lot of playing music. It's always good to train yourself however you can, and it usually works best with the important, but really challenging things. Though, if I say that, I should probably practise scales a little more..!

Mmkay, so I think Evander will get it much better if you explain the whole picture. I think I know what's going on, but this is not the time to assume wrong, haha.

Evander had stood in the kitchen, staring blankly out of the window from pure thoughtfulness until a noise from behind aroused him, hurling him back into the real world with a bump. He turned, and though he was hardly doing okay, he couldn't help but at the sight of Sadie and Brandon's beautiful baby peering into the kitchen after him. "Hey, you- you little troublemaker!" he said, scooping her up, much to her delight. "Troublemaker turned explorer of uncharted territories, it seems. Traveller, extraordinaire! And that goes for you, too, Ysi." He took Ysi's hand in his own, leading them all back to the living room, where the others all watched him expectantly. He took a deep breath, and tried to be brave as he softly announced, "She told me it's happening tonight.. They're putting her in the chair."

Angie nodded mutely. "Of course. I always want you to be here to protect me. And I you, Mikey- know that, too. I want to take care of you, as well," she told him.

XD hahahahaha! Well, that makes perfect sense!

Oh great! I have no upper arm strength, so that's definitely going to be a challenge for me xP Oh well, I'll figure it out somehow. And I definitely want to get the bang for my buck, so splurging on a high quality guitar is okay.

Scales <3 I love singing scales, honestly. (then again, it's easier to sing them than to skillfully play them on an instrument)

Hahaha, okay. Prudence wants him to meet her at midnight Saturday night/sunday morning at the beach.

Sadie got to her feet and went over to Evander, resting a hand on his shoulder. "Oh... Evander, I'm so sorry. I only wish there was something we could do... even just to make the pain more bearable." She gave him a hug with one of her arms, then took Cosette and said, "Did you go exploring with Ysi, baby?" She honestly had no idea what to say in this situation. She looked at Brandon helplessly, giving a slight shake of her head.

Mikey nodded solemnly, then kissed Angie's forehead, his appetite completely gone. He suddenly felt very old, and drained of his energy. He just wanted to sleep, to get away from the unpleasant feelings he had at that moment. He felt unhappy, he felt confused and lost. He wished everything would make sense.

It's also your back that feels it. So, get some weights or something! xD

Meh. I don't mind them so much on guitar, because you play them the same way whatever key you play them on, but with the piano there's all sorts of different ways depending on which scale you're playing.

Aha. Gotcha. Thought so :)

"That's okay, just thinking about the good times is enough to keep it bearable," Evander replied. "Thank you for your support, Sadie." He returned the hug, handing the baby back to her very gently. "She also said she wants you guys to carry on with your plans for tonight. She didn't want it to get in the way of things. And I don't blame her, you guys deserve some time with each other."

Angie signalled to the waiter with a small gesture of the hand for the bill. Neither of them really felt like eating anymore, and frankly she just wanted to get out of the crowded restaurant to get some time to think. She put down enough money for the food, and when the waiter looked concerned about their lack of eating, she told him, "The food was excellent. We just.. Can't finish it. Thank you." She had always been self sufficient, and so when for once she felt as though Mikey needed to rely on her for support for a change, she offered it readily, taking his hands and leading him out.

Greaaaaat. Now I have to start a whole workout regimen just to be able to hold it!!! XD

Yup, pretty much. I like minor scales myself.

I figured you probably had the right notion.

Sadie looked over at Brandon, and gave him a questioning look, as if whether or not they should actually go on with their birthday plans. "Well... I really don't know. Brandon, what do you think?" Cosette looked at Evander and babbled something, a solemn look on her face. She then looked at Brandon and said, "Dada!"

Mikey left the restaurant with Angie, sighing softly and shaking his head. "Angie... I just don't know what to do about all this. A part of me wants to go home, but I know the others wanted us to stay here and complete our honeymoon. I'm so torn, you know? It's frustrating, having to sit back and just let it happen, with no say in the matter at all!" A look of anger crossed his face at the cruelty of fate.

Well, you never know. Now that I've tried some other, less heavier ones, I could make some more unbiased suggestions pick a PRS, you know you want to. Because, well, I'm not quite sure how to tell you this, but in general terms, you have to be careful with Epiphones. When I was on the hunt for a guitar, I talked about them generally with my guitar teacher, and he says it's hit and miss with them. There's around a half chance that something's not quite right with it. Of course, if you try one out and you love it, then that's cool, but since I suggested one without knowing this at the time, I thought I should at least let you know.

I love the sound of harmonic minors <3 Modes are cool, too, but less so for singing.

Brandon sighed and said, "I don't know.. It's just.. I'm afraid that if we do, we can't enjoy it as we might have, with this lingering in the back of our minds all of the time." He ran a hand through his hair, and despite everything he was feeling, he smiled at hearing his daughter call out to him. "Hey, darling," he said, getting out of his seat to give her a cuddle. Continuing with their conversation, he said, "It's up to you, really. I'll just.. Save it all for another time." His dismay was more obvious than he'd wanted it to be, but at the same time he wasn't sure whether carrying on as if nothing had happened was the right thing.

Angie stopped in a quiet corner, taking both of his hands in hers, squeezing them comfortingly- or at least, she was trying to be, anyway. "Oh, Mikey.. I don't know, either. I mean, we just got started, and that doesn't help because on the one hand, we still have so much to do, but on the other, that means it'd be a really long time before we were home again." She said, "It's all terrible as it is.. And the timing on top of it all.." She broke off, not quiet sure what else to say. "But if this is going to keep bothering you like this, then we can't enjoy ourselves the way we'd really want to, so if you really want to go back, then that's okay."

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Oh, well... darnit! Thanks for letting me know, though! I'll just have to be really careful when I look around, then. =)

Gotta love harmonic minors! You can definitely make some interesting melodies.

Sadie sighed softly and said, "Maybe once all of this has blown over a bit, we can go through with our plans. I just don't think I would be able to have fun with a clear conscience, knowing that she's facing the chair for most of the time. And then knowing she'll be gone... I just...." She sat down on the couch with a forlorn groan, then shook her head and said, "I can't believe this is happening. It's horrible..."

(we could probably go ahead and skip to the part where Prudence and Evander meet. xD )

Mikey shook his head and said, "No... we planned this for a very long time. It's one of our dreams, and Prudence wouldn't want us to throw it away. She would want us to be strong, for her, and for ourselves, too. Come, let's go back to the hotel and try to find some sense of calm... what little we can find, anyway." He kissed her hand, then started walking down the sidewalk, not wanting to be on a crowded bus full of people. It would just make him feel more anxious, he knew.

Yeah. If I were you I'd ask a staff member somewhere to help you out with it.

They just sound lovely on the ears, much nicer than natural minors.

Sure thing! -skip-

On the Saturday evening following Sadie's birthday, the others in the house were busy still being upset by the events of the past few days. Okay, maybe he'd totally misinterpreted what Prudence had said, and then he'd feel all the worse for not grieving as he would have, but he wanted to believe that what he thought she'd implied when she called him. He'd just come of out of the shower and finished changing, and was about to go to the beach. As he announced it to the others in the living room downstairs, they all assumed it was because he needed some time alone, particularly because that was where he and Prudence had spent time with each other, which was exactly what he wanted. "I'll see you all later," he said, before heading out the door, and running, as fast as he could, to the coastline.

It wasn't all too far to the hotel anyway, and the walk gave Mikey and Angie space and time to think, and absorb everything that had happened. When they got back, she took her shoes off and simply fell back onto the bed, heaving a sigh and running a hand over her delicate features.

Most definitely! Although... I might just raise up tons of money and buy a violin instead xD

Natural minors are so... blah. Melodic and harmonic minors are where it's at!

The midnight at the beach was a cold one, but that didn't stop her from waiting. From behind, she might not have been recognizable, her luxuriously long hair having been cut to above her shoulders, with spiky layers added in. She stared out at the horizon, wondering what she should do at this point. She didn't want to ask him to go with her-- but she didn't want to leave him. Turning, she saw a figure quickly approaching, and immediately recognized Evander's scent.

Mikey flopped down on the bed next to her, his face buried in a pillow. "I feel so exhausted right now," he groaned, sounding obviously drained. "That call just... knocked all of the wind out of me, not mention any energy I had left in me..." It made him sad, thinking about what could-- and would-- happen in the lives of their family back home.

Well, there's that, too. I can play a scale on a violin. I'm proud of myself =D It was going to be my original instrument, actually, believe it or not.

Well, they're okay. They're also known as the Aeolian mode, great in guitar music, of course, but otherwise... It's just less common now I guess. Besides, you can't say anything sounds more blah than a Lydian scale.

Evander stopped running just short of the beach, and he stopped, just to take it all in. Someone was there, but for an instant he almost didn't want it to believe it could be Prudence.. As though he new it shouldn't be, and he'd get his hopes up, only to find it wasn't her. It didn't look like her, either, from where she was standing. But he could smell her.. The scent of the woman he loved. And he could feel her mind, and he knew it belonged to the one he was searching for. He approached her slowly, the walls of his throat constricting to the point at which he could no longer call out to her, even if he had tried.

Angie rolled over onto her side, facing him, though he was obviously face down and couldn't see her. She massaged his back lovingly with one of her hands and murmured, "Things will all make better sense tomorrow, when you've had some sleep. Just relax for now, and we'll face what we must in the morning, when we have the strength to." She gently planted a kiss to his temple, continuing to massage him just to ease the tension she could feel in his back and shoulders. She couldn't make what was happening any easier, she knew that, but she would try to make everything else seem bearable.

Awesome!! And really? That's interesting to know!

Well,for music theory we had to learn the different modes, and it was interesting to see the different characteristics of each

Prudence stared at him, before running forward and throwing her arms around him, sobbing into his shirt. She was never the one to cry or get emotional, but now she couldn't help it. "Evander... I love you so much!" She whispered, her words strangled amongst sobs. She gripped him tightly, planting kisses on his face.

Mikey sighed with pleasure when she did that, thankful for the slight release of the tension that had been building up in his body. "Thank you," he groaned into the pillow, relaxing under her touch. He began to drift off, murmuring an, "I love you," under his breath, his mind starting to slip away as he entered unconsciousness.

Yeah. Somehow I don't feel like I'd be elegant enough to play it, looking back on it all. Well, maybe now so, but for the other six years of my musical life? No xD

We haven't covered them much in class, only mentioned in passing, and the names made people's faces a picture, haha. I learned about them with Simon a few months ago because they're more important to guitarists than most other modern musicians, I suppose.

At first, Evander was almost numbed by it all. For a moment, he wondered if he was dreaming, but his senses told him otherwise. Even though she'd been through the walls, he could still smell her edgy sweetness that he loved, and he could feel her beautifully soft skin beneath his fingers as he caressed her face. "Oh, Prudence.." he whispered, "I love you, too." Tears welled in his eyes while he returned her kisses with all the passion, love and tenderness he had in him.

"I love you, too," Angie told him as he drifted off. She kept kneading his muscles gently until she knew he was in such a deep sleep that her other movements would no longer disturb him. She sighed softly and shifted close to her husband, cuddling up to him before turning the lamp off and allowing herself to find comfort in Mikey's side, which felt warm to her, and drift off, slowly but surely.

I would be one of those insanely hyper, emotional violinists.

Yeah. It's really about determining which note is lowered, which is raised, etc. Definitely helpful in terms of melodies.

Prudence buried her face in his shirt, trembling with emotion. "E-Evander... I thought I had lost you.... I was so afraid the plan would fail, and I would die without seeing you again..." Sobbing, she gave him another kiss, before embracing him as tightly as she could.

The next morning, Mikey woke up feeling somewhat stiff, and his head felt like someone had dropped a ton of bricks on it. Groaning, he pulled himself out of bed and climbed into the shower, fatigue slowing down his movements. He turned the water on so it was scalding hot, and it didn't even bother him in the slightest. It seemed to help his muscles loosen and relax, something he sorely needed. He didn't call out to wake Angie, knowing she had needed her rest as well.

Haha. I'd be the subdued, yet passionate kind. Like, you know, closing my eyes and big strokes with my bow and all. I've vowed to teach myself lots of instruments when I have time as an adult, violin being one of them, as well as the drums, because they're important in rock music.

Exactly. Simon quizzed me about one today, because we're playing a song he wrote and he asked me what mode it was in. I was going to say Mixolydian, didn't and instead told him I didn't know, and then it was. I'm a fail xD

Evander enveloped her as tightly as he possibly could in his arms, swaying her a little bit while he planted a few more kisses on her lips between reassuring and loving whispers. "I thought that.. I thought that I'd read too much into everything you'd said. I was.. so afraid that when I got here.. I'd be wrong, and then you really would be dead.. How did you.. How did you make it?" He murmured between sniffles and sobs of varying degrees.

Angie stirred some time later, hearing the sound of the shower going in the bathroom, she rolled over and wondered if what had happened last night was a dream. She ached, and as she looked down at herself, still wearing the dress from the evening before, she sighed heavily when she realised everything was exactly as it had seemed. She took a moment to finish waking herself before strolling into the bathroom to bid her husband good morning.

I have the same goal, and violin will probably be the first (or the flute)

You should have gone with your gut! It can be right a lot of times xD

Prudence said, "Well, after the electric chair, I played dead. Wasn't hard to do, since vampire hearts don't really beat, and we don't need to breathe. Since nobody really came to claim me, they buried me in a really crappy graveyard. I forced my way out, and then went to my old apartment. I chopped off my hair and cleaned up, packed a little bit too. After that I cleaned up around my grave, and then I came here. I wanted to see you again, because... well, I'm leaving the states. I have my fake documents ready, and I'm going to Asia."

Mikey stuck his head out of the shower and offered Angie a tired smile. "Hey baby," he said softly, leaning out to kiss her. "Morning. Did you sleep okay?" He himself hadn't slept very well, scary dreams plaguing his mind. Most of them involved something bad happening to Angie, and he was unable to stop it. Still, he was happy that they were just dreams-- and that she could, in reality, take care of herself if need be.

I'd like to learn to play the saxophone <3

I think so. I'm not making the same mistake twice! Though my gut's not quite sure what to think right now.. Something I ate xD

Evander absorbed her words silently, letting everything she was telling him wash over him while his still somewhat far away mind mulled it over. "You're... Leaving?" Evander repeated softly, feeling his throat close up and an ache in his chest. He didn't know what it meant for them, or if in another scenario, what it meant for everyone else he knew.

Angie returned Mikey's kiss gently, noting how tired he looked as his head appeared from within the shower. She smiled sadly and said, "Well, I've slept better, but not too awfully, thanks for asking." She reached out to touch his face, stroking his cheek gently. "You look tired, love. I could tell you were dreaming last night." A couple of times she'd woken up, and heard him, or felt it coming from his mind as he'd slept with difficulty.

It's the sexyphone!!!!

XD Aww! What did you eat, if you don't mind me asking?

Prudence said, "Well... yes. I can't stay here. It poses too much danger to myself and to the rest of the family. I want to ask you to come with me, but I can't pull you away without it being a decision you know you can risk making." She stroked his face gently, then kissed him. "Perhaps, if I leave for a while, and you decide to join me, that can be arranged. I want you to make the decision for yourself. Not for me, not for anyone else. Just you."

Mikey gently reached his hand out and said, "Angie... can you join me in here? I don't want to be alone..." He felt embarrassed about that, but thinking about Evander being alone made him feel like he could lose Angie at any second. He kissed her hand, then her wrist. "I love you so much, Angie."

Definitely! xD

Lasagne. But usually, as you know, I make it. But I didn't today because I was at school. And.. Well.. I dunno, it was different and Mum was saying she's not feeling good, either.

"How can I not make it without you in mind? It's not possible for me," Evander said. "How could I possibly decide to stay here, knowing you want me to be there?" Of course, he knew it meant leaving behind everything he knew, except for Prudence, and everything he'd striven for since he'd moved to there, but that hardly seemed to mean anything to him now, knowing she wouldn't be there. The thought scared him, and he still wasn't entirely sure what else he could possibly say. "I don't want you to think I'm hesitating because I don't love you enough to leave it all.." he told her, wanting her to know it was not the reason for his uncertainty. He himself couldn't put his finger on that.

"Well, of course," Angie replied. She slipped out of her dress, then her underwear and then stepped into the shower, taking a hold of him again. She understood why he was worried. After last night, something had shook them both.. If something like that could really happen to Evander and Prudence, then somehow it was hard to believe that separation was impossible. Still, she didn't want to think like that. No matter how much things had worried her, she wanted to believe that eternity was theirs, and that he would never have to unwillingly go a day without her. "I love you, too, Mikey. More than anything," she told him.

The saxophone players at my old school were the crazy people xD In a good way

Let's hope you don't have food poisoning!!! D: That would be awfully awful!!

Prudence said, "Evander, you have a life here.. you have more than just me. You're all I have, but I know I can't stay. And it's selfish of me to beg you to come with me, to pull you from what you've worked so hard for. I've been alone before, Evander... true, it wasn't awesome, but I can force myself through it, just knowing you're safe." Tears filled her eyes again, and she turned away from him, not wanting him to see her cry.

Mikey held her close, placing a hand on the back of her head, kissing lightly at the back of her neck. "Angie... I never want to be away from you for a long time. Even one day sounds like too much to me, but... if we were ever separated permanently, I would lose my mind... I couldn't live without you." He nuzzled her skin with his face, letting out a sigh.

We've got a mix of crazy and quiet saxophonists :)

No, it's fine. Mum had the same thing, and we think the tomatoes she used in it made the sauce too rich, you see. It's all good now, though.

Evander sighed and pulled her close to him, tilting her face up towards his so that their eyes met, and he held her to his gaze. "Prudence, I have an awful lot of things, you're right. And while they were important to me at the time.. The material things don't mean anything if you're not there to share them with me. I used to think that they were a part of me, you know? But when you weren't here, I didn't want any of it. I wanted you. And if you leave, I'll never stop wishing I could trade it all to have you back. You're not all I have, but you're all that matters to me."

"I know, Mikey. I know, baby. And I would never want to be away from you, either. I wouldn't want to waste a single hour that I could be with you," Angie told him. "But rather than worrying.. Have faith that you and I.. Have faith that fate won't tear us apart."

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