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It's good to have a blend, to keep things somewhat... sane xD

I'm so glad you guys didn't have food poisoning! That would have been awful!!!

Prudence started bawling at that point, the amount of emotion and love in his words striking right in her heart. She felt the exact same way about him, but she couldn't find the right words to tell him. So she kissed him, and then held him close to herself. "Come away with me?" She whispered. "I'm frightened, Evander. I'm frightened, and I don't want to go the rest of my days without you."

Mikey kept holding her for a while longer, then got the soap and started washing himself off. "Well, what do you think we should do today, Angie? Honestly, I feel completely tense and crappy, so nothing too physically demanding, if you please." He chuckled weakly, a tired look on his face. "I'm sorry to seem like such a party pooper."


I know. I just remember one time that my uncle had it so badly.. And we also watched a video about it in Biology and that's enough to put you off anything that can give you food poisoning!

"I'll come. I'll come to Asia with you," Evander told her softly, kissing her passionately and holding onto her as tightly as he could, not wanting to let her slip away as he knew it was so easy now. "I can't live without you with me."

"I think.. That you need to rest and recuperate. And that's absolutely fine with me. We have plenty of time to do all the exciting things we want," Angie said to him, planting a gentle kiss on his lips before reaching for the shampoo.

My old roomie was a viola player. She never played for me though D:

*shudder* My friend got it one time, and she had to miss school... ewww....

Prudence said, "Then we need to go home, and get some things for the trip. Not much, though. Also, we need to tell the others what's going on. I can't bear to keep another secret from them... especially one this big." She took his hand and pulled him toward the house, so happy that he decided to go with her. They could start a new life together, live happily, even though they would have to work hard for it. "Evander... I love you so much..."

Mikey nodded, then playfully took the shampoo from her, and started washing her hair. He growled in her ear and said, "You look so pretty right now, Angie. I swear, you make me look bad!" He chuckled, then kept washing her hair, running his fingers through it gently. "Your hair is so soft... did you ever have it grown out long, or has it always been short?" He cupped some water in his hands and started rinsing out the shampoo, humming softly.

Aww man. Elena plays the violin but she would never play, either.

It sounds awful. Ugh, I hope I'm never that unfortunate.

"I agree. There's no danger, now that the rest of the world believes you're no longer a threat," Evander agreed. They ran as fast as they could back to the house. At first, noone noticed anything because everyone was staying in different rooms, but eventually, Brandon felt a familiar presence, yet it was one he hadn't felt for a while. He stepped out onto the landing and smiled as he spotted Prudence and Evander just in through the front door. "I knew it," he murmured, his smiled spreading to a grin.

"I could never make you look bad. You're gorgeous all the time," Angie murmured in the return, planting a kiss on his neck. She nodded a bit at his question. "When I was young, yes, it was long and curly. I take a lot after my father, hence the slightly Spanish looks," she replied. "Then, when I was a model, the Twenties hit, and short hair was the in thing. I mean, I've switched between, but right now I like it as it is." She suited shorter hair, because of her beautiful, pixie like features and delicate bone structure. She was, in every sense, a model.

Man, I want to play violin soooo bad xD It's such a beautiful instrument!

I have it when viruses go around. It's just so... ugh...

Prudence looked up at Brandon and smiled. "The law can't get rid of me that easily," she said, laughing. Sadie came out and grinned, and when Cosette saw Prudence she squealed with delight.

"I knew it! I knew that they couldn't get you!!" Sadie exclaimed, beaming. She went down the stairs to meet Prudence and Evander by the door, giving each of them a hug. "So now what are your plans?"

"Well, we're immigrating to Asia. I have a friend who owns a small plane, and can fly us into Mongolia without us being noticed. Then we'll probably be going to China. I might try to see if I have any family left there."

Mikey chuckled and held Angie close and said, "Oh you. And, personally, I like your hair better this way. You look like... a fairy goddess or something. Besides, it takes a very special look to be able to pull off short hair, and you have it. But, if you ever grew it out, I guess I wouldn't complain..." He laughed and added, "You know I don't care about that stuff. All that matters is that you're mine." He kissed her, then turned off the water in the shower, feeling a bit better about everything.

It's a tedious instrument to learn. Because the sound is all in the fingers, similar to guitar, only even harder. I mean, to get a good sound from a violin, you have to be really good at it.

Oh, nasty ):

"I should have guessed," Brandon chuckled in response, quickly heading downstairs to greet them. The others all flooded into the hallway, as well, and soon the family was together again, aside from Angie and Mikey, of course. There were cheers and cries of, "Thank goodness!" and, "We knew it'd be fine!" from various people.

"So.. You've decided, just like that?" Brandon asked of their plans.

"It was easy for me to agree," Evander replied. "I'll miss it here, but I'd miss her more." He paused before he said, "So, I guess that means that all of this.. It has to belong to somebody. Brandon, you've been here almost as long as I have. You and I are great friends. You have a family, and I trust you can take care of the others. I want you and Sadie to have it."

"Thank you. I know it's not exactly run-your fingers-through-it, but I do like it this way," Angie replied. She finished washing off and rinsing out her hair, and then stepped out of the shower with him, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around her middle. "And the same for you being mine, too. You are perfect just the way you are, my love."

But it'd be sooo worth it to become a master at it! *determined face*

There's a stomach virus going around. Luckily, I haven't been hit yet. *knock on wood* xD

Of course, there were hugs all around, tearful hellos and goodbyes, and a baby squeaking as loudly as she could. "I already knew I would be leaving the country, so it was really his choice to make, not mine. I didn't force him into it," she said, playfully defending yourself.

When hearing that Brandon was getting Evander's possessions, Sadie's jaw dropped. "Evander... surely you'll come back though!... Won't you?"

Prudence smiled sadly and said, "If we return, it won't be for a very long time." She placed a hand on Sadie's shoulder and said, "I have to lay low for a long time, to ensure that nobody will think it possible for me to be... well... Prudence. In fact, I won't be going by Prudence anymore. I'm Shang Mei-- well, just Mei, really."

When Mikey got out of the shower, he wrapped a towel around his hips, then scooped Angie into his arms bridal style, spinning around and taking her out of the bathroom. "Well, still, I say I have the lower hand; you're this tempting, beautiful woman, and you have me wrapped around your finger!" He chuckled, then placed her on the bed, kissing her passionately. "I swear, I'm a slave for you, even though you don't realize it!"

Well, definitely. When I have time later in life, I shall try.

There's a lot of things going round lately. But, touch wood, it's very rare for me to get ill. Unfortunately, when I do, it's usually really bad.

"Certainly, we have to wait until noone else is here that could possibly associate Prudence with anything," Evander replied. "Someday, maybe, but until then, we'll just have to make a new life for ourselves. And it's not worth my keeping all of this considering it will not be mine to live in anymore."

"I.. I can't thank you enough, Evander. Really, you shouldn't have. But I'll accept it because I know you want me to," Brandon replied, giving his friend a tight hug and a handshake, too.

"There's no need. Prudence and I can be happy elsewhere. All I can say is, while I'm giving up so much here.. Having her with me again as made me happy beyond belief."

"Oh, and you think I'm not equally wrapped around yours?" Angie challenged him. "You have no idea." She smiled and wrapped her arms around him, pulling him down next to her. "I thought we said we were recuperating," she giggled, returning his kiss.

Same here. Well, when I have more money... xD

Same here. I remember I got pneumonia in the summer one time... so I couldn't go swimming or anything.

Prudence smiled up at Evander, then looked at Sadie. "Don't worry about us. You two need to worry about catching up on your lost plans. I'm so sorry that what happened occurred on your birthday."

Sadie shook her head and said, "Don't worry. Everything is all right now, and I'm very very happy. But... uh... why did you chop your hair off?"

"Well... the electric chair basically ruined the ends of my hair, so I cut it off. Besides, I don't want to be recognizable."

Mikey laughed and said, "Maybe recuperating for me is just cuddling up with you, like this." He nibbled her ear delicately, then pulled her towel off and threw it to the side. He kissed along her collar bone, then started moving down, looking up at her as if asking for permission. He didn't want to push her too far.

Agreed. Violins are so expensive!

Ouch! That's not good. I've not really had anything that bad before.

"That's okay. It's better now that we waited.. We can breathe easily now we know you're okay, and I think we can pick it up some other time," Brandon replied, waving off her apology dismissively, with a friendly smile.

Evander ran his fingers through Prudence's hair at her mentioning it. "I miss it all, you know, you have such gorgeous hair. But you're still beautiful to me. Even if you'd shaved it all off." He smiled and pecked her on the cheek.

"Cuddling is not the word I'd used to describe this, Michael Watson," Angie said, playfully stern, but in such a way that it was seductive, and spurring him on. She tugged at the edge of the towel around his waist before slipping it off and tossing it somewhere onto the floor.

I'll have to work forever to be able to buy one, lol. It'll be worth it, anyway.

Yeah, it wasn't fun. But normally I don't get sick. *knock on wood*

Prudence smiled at the family she had gained, and she said, "I'm going to miss all of you so much. Life is going to be very different from now on, but... Everything happens for a reason. And this isn't goodbye... it's see you later." She grabbed her things, then said to Evander, "Whenever you're ready, love." She smiled at him, glad that he would be there, to be her foundation for the new life she would have to live. And she hoped she would be his anchor as well.

Mikey chuckled and slid his teeth along her skin, before plating butterfly kisses along her chest. "Well," he said playfully, "if you want me to stop, I'll gladly release you... But... I don't think you want me to stop, actually. You like this, we both know it."

Save a little very once in a while and you might be surprised :)

How're you?

"Definitely. Besides.. What's a few decades to a vampire?" Evander replied with a smile. He hugged each one of his family, and stopped at Cosette. "And the next time we see you, little one, you'll be the gorgeous woman I know you're going to be," he told her, before going to grab everything he needed and then to bid them all farewell. "Until we meet again," he said, waving to them, smiling broadly but somehow sadly, because of how long it would be before they would see each other again, before taking Prudence's hand in his own.

"As if I'd do that," Angie half snorted - it was amazing how graceful and attractive a snort could sound coming from the right person. "If you're happy, I'm happy. Besides, now is good. Since we didn't have the energy or the right mood for it last night, 'm more fired up than usual."

XD I'm terrible at that. But I'll have to try!!!!

Pretty good! Finishing the rest of the college apps. Woot woot! How about you?

Prudence smiled and gave everyone hugs and kisses, and then kissed Cosette on the forehead. She then whispered something unintelligible, but Cosette just looked up at her with understanding, giving a soft coo in response. And then Prudence looked at Sadie. "Until we meet again, friend. You and I have a bond that can't be broken. I'll always be with you." She kissed Sadie on the cheek, and smiled reassuringly. Sadie smiled tearfully, and then watched as Prudence and Evander went outside, to go into a brave new world.


Mikey rolled onto his back with a loud grunt, a smile plastered on his face. "Wow... that was..." He stopped short, unable to think of the right word for it. All he could manage to say was, "Awesome!" He chuckled weakly, then moved onto his side, pulling Angie into his arms. "You're all warm now," he murmured, kissing up and down her jawline. "I love you so much..."

Take a few lessons from my cousin. She's sly, actually, about it. She's got tons of money saved away but her dad doesn't know that and always lends her money for stuff. Don't do that, obviously, but she's definitely great at saving money.

Awesome! Well, good news, my grandpa's coming home tomorrow, I'm going ice skating tomorrow, and I had an inset day today, so no school =D

"Yeah. And you also have a bond with Brandon. He's my buddy, you know, so you'd better take care of him for me," Evander chimed in, smiling at Sadie, then shaking Brandon's hand, who pulled him into one last hug. While they embraced, he murmured in Brandon's ear, "Congratulations, by the way."

"What for?" Brandon whispered.

"You'll see." And with that, Evander broke away, and waved at his family before turning his back on them all and walking beside Prudence as they made their first steps towards their new life, and a new adventure for them both. He smiled at the woman he loved and said, "Well, this is it."

Angie laid on her side, her back pressed tightly against his chest. She wrapped her arms over his and smiled as best as she could while she tried to gain composer. "Couldn't have said it any better myself, baby," she breathed. "I love you, too." Of course, it had hardly been relaxing and good for recuperating, but it made her feel inexplicably elated, but also somehow energised, probably running from all the adrenaline. Every time felt as amazing as the first. That it always left her astonished and breathless by the end just showed how strong their relationship was.

I'll definitely have to try!

All of that sounds like so much fun!! Lucky ducky!

How are you? How's the family doing? Is grandpa okay?

Sadie looked over at Brandon, a hint of suspicion in her eyes. "What did he say to you," she asked softly, sitting down on the couch with Cosette in her lap. She hated it when the family kept little secrets from her, even if they were minor things, and ESPECIALLY if they were big ones. Obviously, she didn't like feeling out of the loop, and it just made her anxious and uncertain. Cosette simply looked up at her mother, before cuddling close to her and resting there.


"Yup, pretty much... everything will be completely different from here on out. The family will grow and change, the house will change, the world will change... We'll change..." Shaking her head slightly, she tried not to mourn the things that had been. She had Evander, and for a while, she had been completely safe and completely happy. And she knew that the family would always look out for each other, and they weren't leaving each others' lives for good. Smiling up at Evander, she kissed his cheek, then darted toward her motorcycle, laughing in a carefree manner.


Mikey kissed her hair, then chuckled and said, "We just showered, and it seems like we're already trying to get messy again. Oh well, that's just one of the many reasons I love our relationship-- we're not afraid to get a little crazy every once in a while. And you know what? I would never want a normal relationship anyway. This is amazing and wonderful." He held her closer, resting his head on the pillow, letting one of his hands trail along her skin.

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It was fun =D

I'm doing better, thank you. I had a little moment at the weekend where I felt a little lost. Kinda like, I was restless and was frustrated with everything, not knowing what to do with myself and being scared of it because that's not like me at all. But I had the moment where I let it all out, and I'm so much better again. Things at school are also better, and Grandpa got home on Saturday, and he's really happy and it all looks good. All in all, things are looking a whole lot better now, for the whole family, I think. I actually know that I feel happy for the first time in a while :)

And how about you? How'd you get on at your college interview?

Brandon hesitated at Sadie's question, pursing his lips and looking thoughtful. He allowed himself a soft chuckled before he told her, "Well, it was rather enigmatic, really. There are a couple of things I know of that it could apply to, and probably a whole load of other things that I don't. However, because I am aware of some of these things, I'm afraid I can't tell you." He offered her a coy, amused smile, before looking at her with an apologetic spark in his eyes. "If I knew I could for sure, I'd tell you. We'll find out soon enough."

Evander nodded. Had this have occurred even a little while ago, he'd be petrified of what was to come. In fact, more than likely, he'd have run away from it in an instant. He'd been afraid of change for a very long time; after all, it hadn't really been kind to him recently. That said, now... Now, things were so different; he had Prudence with him, and the idea of a new life with her in it would be enough for him to have to change everything he knew in this world just to have it. He followed her to the motorcycles-- yes, plural; after they'd been together for a while, Evander had gone and bought himself one again. He'd taken to it again like a duck to water-- literally like riding a bike, and how never forgets. He stashed his luggage in the cases around the back wheel arch, and took one last look at the house before turning his back on it for the last time and sitting on the bike.

Angie giggled, knowing that what he'd said was completely true. "Definitely. I'm quite content to get a little crazy with you." His words meant more to her than even he'd tried to convey when he said them. "You had to give up a lot to be with me, you know. It means so much when you tell me that I can make you happy, because I realise just how much I must mean to you for you to be content with me, having lost a lot in the process."

I'm so super happy things are going better for you! I really get worried about you when things aren't going so well! But now that things are looking up, I can relax a bit XD

Does your grandpa have to get surgery to get the cancer out, or has it already happened?

It went really well! I got to stay the night with a friend, and hung out with some old friends I hadn't seen in a while-- and I managed to make new friends too. We did some hard core yoga, though, so now 'm really sore. Oh well, it was good for me to break a sweat!

Sadie pouted, then got a look of impish delight on her face. "I bet I can guess!!! Hold Cosette for me!" She placed Cosette in Brandon's arms, then darted upstairs to her room, hope and happiness flooding through her. It had to be that! It just had to! She grabbed the box of pregnancy tests she kept in her drawer-- although there was only one left, since she had been regularly checking herself recently. She then went into the bathroom, slamming the door loudly behind her. A few minutes later, a piercing shriek rang through the house. "Brandooooooooon!" She yelled from upstairs. "Come here!!!"

Prudence got on the bike, putting on her helmet so that people wouldn't clearly be able to see her face. It was very important, after all, to keep a low profile. Once Evander had gotten on, she sped forward, driving out toward the countryside. The scenery looked beautiful under the light of the full moon, flushed and radiant and glowing. Prudence as practically beaming, just knowing that she was alive, and Evander was there with her. Uncertainty would creep into her mind, but she tried to push it away as best as she could. She didn't know what would happen, but one thing was certain: her and Evander would be together for the rest of their days. She had a gut feeling about it. She kept the luggage between her legs, seeing as she and Evander hadn't brought much with them.

Mikey moved Angie so she was facing him, and looked at her with total seriousness. "Angie," he said to her, "you listen to me. I made no sacrifice in being turned. I wasn't with anyone, I was lonely, i knew I probably wouldn't get married or have kids, despite the fact that I had wanted to at one point. You saved my life, Angie, and at that point, being alive was all I wanted, nothing else. Besides you. Because you changed me, I can have you, and keep you with me. So don't call it a sacrifice. Don't say I gave up a lot. Because I'm the same person I used to be, and I have everything I could ever want."

Thanks :) Things are better, although I do worry about my lack of writing on here. It's just not like me xD But, definitely, you can relax. I'd like to, but while I'm feeling better I have a maths exam to revise for, an art sketchbook to complete and a piece of music to write :)

It was kinda scary during the week, though. I woke up with the most horrific pain in my abs and we thought it was appendicitis, which is exactly what I don't need right now. But it's all good now. Don't know what it was, but I felt like I'd been stabbed xD

Oh, when he went last Tuesday, that was actually to take it out. He'd told us that they didn't think it was anything, but really they knew it was cancer, but dad didn't find out until he was actually in the theatre getting it taken out! Bless him, he was trying to make sure we weren't worrying about him. But, at least it's out, and he's recovering at home.

Wow, sounds like a lot of fun to me =D Are you hoping to study a similar course to the one you were doing at Capital?

Brandon had already handed Cosette to Blaise; Sadie had obviously read in Evander's words what he had thought he'd meant, too. He smiled as he heard her call out to him. Darting up the stairs, he was there in a matter of mere seconds, and he didn't even wait to hear what she wanted to tell him, because he already knew. He picked her up and kissed her with such love and excitement, it left him exasperated for a long moment afterwards. "We're having a baby, aren't we?" he breathed, grinning at her.

Evander followed on behind her as they rode through the countryside. He'd tried going on a ride the other day to release himself from all the hurt and worry he'd been feeling; afterwards, he didn't think he'd ride again, he was so upset by the memory of the first evening she took him out, with him sat on the back seat of her motorcycle that he couldn't face doing it again. Now it was all he wanted to do. Now he felt free as a bird. Now she was here with him and that was all he needed.

Angie smiled softly at him, planting a gentle, brief kiss on his lips. "Even so, you're still my knight in shining armour for letting it happen. I appreciate absolutely everything that you do for me; and I appreciate the fact that you appreciate me, too. I never thought I could be so lucky as to have you in my life, and that you could also be anything like I imagine you would be if this ever happened. I always wondered if you would really be as lovely as you seemed after a while; I'm cautious, you see, that's happened before."

XD it's no big deal, I promise!! But oh gosh, you're always so busy!!

Owch! That doesn't sound good! I was in pain from Tuesday on, but that was because of the yoga that was in one of the classes at the university I visited. XD I also fell on some stairs...

Phew! It's good they took it out when they did! If they had left it, things could have been much worse!

Well, I plan on majoring in theater, and minoring in music, instead of doing a music major.

Sadie nodded her head quickly, tears welling up in her eyes. She was so incredibly happy, dizzy, breathless, all at once. "I can't believe it! And so soon after my birthday! I just... I don''t know what to do! I feel so happy... I feel like bawling my eyes out, that's how happy I am. Our family is growing, and even though the baby isn't born, it just feels so... complete. I wonder how long he knew before he gave us that hint... I don't care, I'm just so excited!!!" She kissed him passionately, seeming to just glow from the inside with pure joy.

Prudence drove out to a field, where they would need to wait for the plane to arrive. She couldn't contain her excitement as she looked at Evander, love and affection in her eyes. She climbed off the bike with a sigh and said, "I'll have to leave it here... but that's okay." She took Evander's hand, beaming up at him proudly. "You're all I need, my darling," she murmured, planting a kiss on his forehead.

Mikey shook his head slightly and said, "Any man who's ever hurt you is a fool. They don't know the loving, beautiful, kind woman they gave up-- that they didn't deserve. You deserve to be treated like the princess you are, and I plan on doing it for the rest of our days." He cuddled close to her, pulling the covers over the pair delicately. "Now... after we rest up a little bit, maybe I'll call room service to get us something to eat. How does that sound?"

Tell me about it. Dad and I were just saying how it feels like we're just rushing everywhere, all the time. I can't wait to have a break next week <3

I heard about the stairs! xD Only you, Becca, only you.

Well, they definitely wouldn't have left it there, since they knew it was there. It was luckier that he decided to see a doctor not long after he started getting a stomach ache.

Ah, I see. I'm not really sure how it all works over there, really, our degrees work differently to yours. Clearly very differently. To study Music as your big subject at university here, you have to be grade eight in your main instrument, have at least grade five theory and have good piano skills, as well as a good A Level music grade. So, you see, I shan't be doing a Music masters at Uni.

Brandon nodded throughout what Sadie was saying, sharing her exact thoughts and excitement to the same high degree. He couldn't believe that it had really happened, that they were going to be able to have another baby for certain, and that he could change her without worrying if they should wait just a little longer until they knew. He held her so tightly that nothing could have had any hope of prying her away from him, and he buried his nose in her neck, nuzzling her skin affectionately while he waited to find the words. "I... I just can't believe it," he murmured. "After everything had felt so awful recently, this has just made everything perfect again."

"Hey, if you're that worried, I'm sure there are bikes in Asia, too," Evander reassured her as he hopped off of his bike, chuckling and taking his hand in hers. "But I'm not going to find another you, so you couldn't leave me here, nor could I let you go without me," he said softly, returning the kiss briefly to her lips. "Besides, it's an adventure, and now that you've taught me how to have fun, I think it's exciting."

Angie cuddled up to him and smiled to herself first before looking up at him with such adoration in her eyes. "Thank you," she whispered, finding his hand and squeezing it momentarily before wrapping her arms around him again. "That sounds like a wonderful idea," she replied to his question, patting his chest. "But definitely rest first; I am so tired."

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