Funny Moments at School


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LOL in Tech, Mr K kept telling me to fix my project design thinggy and to make everything perfect and everything. I stayed with Kirsty for that lesson and whenever he came up to me to check if everything was perfect we'd just look at eachother and laugh.

Yesterday I came to school with Sharpie on my face. I didn't know it was there.

It was very awkward talking to people and them just staring at my cheek.

Eventually I went to the bathroom, found it, and washed it off.

For SOSE we went into one of the computer rooms. So like, it was silent, and we were doing stuff on Google Maps. Since that computer room has those awesome rolly computer chairs, I rolled myself over on mine to Jen (who was on the other side of the room at the time) to tell her somethiiing. On the way back to my computer I completely lost control of the chair and fell. While it was silent. I heard laughter all around me D: Hahah.

The Weiwei Girl's name is actually Sharon. Well yeah, Sharon won an award at assembly for being like the smartest Year 7 last year. IF YOU KNOW WEIWEI, YOU'LL KNOW SHE'S SMART, AND THIS GIRL IS EXACTLY LIKE WEIWEI IN EVERY WAY. Oh the irony.

At Lunch Georgia and I were having a discussion about how disgusting sucking on an iceblock (popsicle for you non-Aussies) is so disgusting-looking. She accidentally said ''GR! IT JUST KEEPS GOING IN AND OUT, IN AND OUT, IN AND OUT!'' and we both craaacked up laughing. Immaturity, yes.


This is rather mean but today's Science sub teacher's accent was insane. We're learning about solutes and solvents and all that, so she goes all ''so, dey mix to mek a sol-youuuu-tion, and today's experement vill be blah blah blah'' Georgia and I lost ourselves at one point, xD

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My classroom is behind the water fountain, so the plumbing and stuff is in our wall. And whenever someone presses the button on the fountain, it makes a weird noise in our wall. So one day we were writing a test and one of the fifth graders went to go get a drink. And the fifth graders LOVE pressing the button, and they take drinks like forever, and they love watching the water go on, and off, and on, and off and .. yeah, they're obsessed with pressing the button. And one of them went to take a drink, and he would not stop pressing the button. ;P We were in our classroom writing our history test and we could hear the noises in the wall go on and off & on & off.. And we could tell he was trying to play happy birthday, with sounds of the fountain xD so our teacher finally decided to go tell him to stop playing with the fountain, because it disrupts our classroom but he decided to take a broom with him and threaten him, as a joke. So he walked out the door making a 'stabbing' motion with the broom, but when he opened the door there was a little 3rd grader walking by, and he scared him. And the look on the kid's face was so scared, and he like ran away, and it was sad.. but we were laughing after.


Well, in Social Studies, we had a substitute who only read from the book for 5 minutes. Then she gave us a worksheet that we finished 15 minutes before class was over. Since we had nothing to do, we managed to have a 5 minute conversation about ketchup. Off topic? Yes. Amusing? Very.

Then in band, me and Indie were fighting over a paperclip that I found on the ground and made into the letter "S"

She hid it in a desk, and I never found it. While looking, I never found the paperclip. But I found several love notes from someone named "Destiny" to Brett, a half eaten granola bar, 3 pencils, A ripped-in-two dictionary, and a blue calculator. All in the same desk.

Then people were watching me write my story during my free time in math. After math, lunch time, I had three people crowding around my desk asking to read my story. I gave it to Keisha. Then her and Rachael started to fight over who got it during the weekend. Awesome...


"There are 50 eighth graders who haven't turned in their dipolma papers. Come on eighth graders! Show some spirit. Get your dipolmas signed so you can go to the dance on friday. There is a dance on friday, tickets can be bought." Confused? Me too XD


We were looking at pictures of the moon, and one picture comes up, and it's a moon near a pier. So this jersey shore obessed guy yells "JERSEY SHORE". Perfect timing too XD


Hannah was making impressions of the social worker on the sims 2 when your kid is trapped in a room XD


We stayed two minutes late :lol: Best day everrr.

Walking home:

There's this REALLY cute guy named Dan, so I saw him in his dad's car, freaked out and told my sister. We were talking about how cute he was, then I saw him again. She said it wasn't him ; she mistook him for my friend who's a senior.... ._.

one time i was walking down the hollway and oops i spelt that wrong oh well and then this kid slapped my but and goes I LIKE BIG BUTTS AND I CANNOT LIE then ran away giggling.

We were sitting at lunch and talking about twilight and all the sudden i got hit with sala i was like WTF and he got it on my 80 DOLLAR JACKET. that i got the day before and it had ranch all over it

i was like skipping with my friend and she like ducked then jumped i was like WTH and then i got hit with a hockey puck? i was like WHERE THE HELL DID THAT COME FROM and the guy behind me had been slingshotting hockey pucks

i saw a guy with a rubber ball. he started to chase me and my friend so i ran and she looked at me like HUH? why are u running>? the he hit her head and was like PIPER U COULDA WARNED ME

so me and my bff are on the bus and we were making fun of this lil irls hair and shes like " ur a waist of air" and we lauged and made fun f that to do then she goes " shut up pigs ill kick ur bahookie" so then we mocked that too. she almost cried and told the bus driver but then we were like " no cassy were sorry ur hairs lame an u said bahookie and that u almost got ur face messed up cuz u called us pigs. " she smiled hugged us and goes " you no what i think we can be friends we were like laughing so hard cuz she didnt like get that we were insulting er.

luike LMAO

Quotes From 'The Fort';


'-laughs- Stop dancing, I'm trying to talk to Maria!' -Chris.

'HEY b-FACE!' -Me and Linda.

'The Communist Ants have come to eat the school.' -Mr Fischer.



'I'm supposed to get sh-tty, and call him the d-head.' -Ms Griffin.

'RAWWR.' ; 'b-!' -Josh, Me.

'I hate you.' -Me.

'I love you, Marc. Talk.' -Me.

'Don't turn on the gas!' -Linda.

and the best;


Note: All [letter, dash] things mean obvious swears :)

Well like, Dominic got three detentions in the same day.

But that's not exactly 'funny'.

In tech we watched Harry Potter and had free time on the computers since doing anything Tech-y in this heat wouldn't be tolerable. We also handed in our assignments. I got 29/30, but Kirsty got 29.5/30. I was all ''HAH IN YOUR FACE PEOPLEEEE'' then Kirsty comes in showing me her mark and pointing at the .5 .. it was funny at the time haha. ALSO DURING TECH; While I was on the computererer, I wrote a love story about Jordan and Lawra :) Lawra was ever so happy.

In Mathsss, Jovan asked me for my giant eraser cause he 'didn't have any eraser at all' I said no and chucked him my little eraser but he chucked it back and asked for my big one. Eventually I threw him the big one, but when he threw it back, I didn't catch it, unfortunately, and it hit the teacher in the back of the head LOL. Ohboywasshemaaaad.

At Lunch, Georgia, me, and Lawra sat on top of those heater thinggymabobees but since the window's right next to them, this lady that walked past saw us and knocked on the window and screamed really bad. She told us to get off |: Also at Lunch, Lawra used Georgia's 'LOL' cans as shoes and ran to class in them. She lost one on the way, came into class and said, ''Man, now I'm Cinderella''. I love herrrr :)

Ah I dunno if you guys have seen the video where the guy kills the other guy with the spoon, but everyone at my school is like "...Ew." about it, so we all went around today hitting people with spoons :)

Then I was in the office waiting to see a teacher and Lucas, Emma and Rosie came in, and Emma and a hurt foot atm, and Rosie stood on it, and anyway, they'd just dropped me off at the office, then they dropped Em off, and Lucas and Rosie had to come back to get a late note. I was like hey I know I'm hot but go to class :) Good times.


lol little kids are so rude to me sometimes.

today waas when the grade 5's where visiting the school to see how it feels like to be in grade 6. so me and my bff are on the bus and we were making fun of this lil girls hair and shes like "ur a waist of air" and we laughed and made fun of that to do then she goes "shut up pigs ill kick ur bahookie" so then we mocked that too. she almost cried and told the bus driver but then we were like "no cassy were sorry ur hairs lame an u said bahookie and that u almost got ur face messed up cuz u called us pigs. " she smiled hugged us and goes " you no what i think we can be friends we were like laughing so hard cuz she didnt like get that we were insulting er. then we got bullied for weeks bye her older sister who is in grade 7!


Josh ate seven pancakes and then he went on the giant swing and threw up in a bush.

Shame I wasn't there to see.

I turned up Lauren's iPod really loud so Slipknot was echoing through the forest, so I ran into a bush and jumped out at some girls on the path.

Ligaya and I thought Jemima was pretending to sleep so we just said so much stuff to her, but she never said anything. Then we realised she actually was asleep.

So much more to say, but I can't remember.

Oh my God. Today we met our school Librarian. She's just hilarious. So. We were in the Fiction area and she was telling us about all the rules of the Library and all that. Jovan was standing behind Matt and they kept fidgeting so Mrs Symmonds (Librariaaaan!) was all ''Jovan, are you playing with Matt's butt?!'' It was hilarious haha.

Then, we were in the Non-Fiction area and Mrs Symmonds picked up this Madonna book and talked about it. At the end, she added ''Soon enough all the boys will dying over this (;'' and Corey was like ''mmm, yummaaay!''

Mrs Symmonds showed us a photo of her when she was like twenty.

Dominic randomly yelled out ''gorgeous ..''

He's now her favourite student.


I did my performance in drama and we had to ask a question and I had to disagree with the other person's answer and believe it or not, my answer was right. That probably makes no sense but it was pretty funny 0_0

Lucas and Emma got sent to opposite sides of the school because they hugged each other so everyone started sitting on each other and hugging and stuff. It was really cool : D

Then on the bus, all the year 8 kids started saving seats for other kids and all that and Luke and I sat down and we were like "GOSH THAT'S SO YEAR 7, YOU'RE SO CHILDISH." and yeah they were like "Shut up -___- "

Garret and Eric were determined he get me to recite these long general names they made up.

"General Mister Sir (lastnamehere) Garret of the 1st Armoured Platoon"

"Lieunatant Boss Sir (lastnamehere) Eric of the 1,500th Armoured Air Forces"

Yesterday : D I made up a big long story about Gerard Way, Alex Gaskarth and Jack Barakat and how they were all getting diseases and it all started with me throwing a sharpie at Gerard Way. Right at the end I was like "Hey. I want my sharpie back." And yeah 0_0 That was in english and my teacher had NO idea what I was on about.

In social studies, I think it was Jake, had his water bottle up to his eye and Miss Blake was like "Do you have to have that there..?" and he was all "I just want to see how blind people see!" and Katie was like "... Blind people don't see through water... They're blind.."

LOL ^-^

So. Matt always does this weird disgusting nipple rubbing thing to freak me and Lawra out. Whenever he does that Lawra usually says ''MAAAAN!'' in a sad, sad voice. So today Matt did it and Lawra said it and Matt was like ''cookie''. MAN COOKIE. COOKIE MAN.

Maths was really funny cause Georgia and I were just exploring through my scientific calculator. We learned to write ''log in''. When we discovered that I just leaned back in my chair, sighed, and said ''aaaah, maths..'' It was really funny at the time haha. Also in Maths, Mitchell asked me if Dominic could use my giant eraser and I was like ''nooooo hjgfyhjfrtfyuh DDD:'' and then we pretty much kept on arguing about how he needs the eraser so bad for about fifteen minutes. I never gave in :)

In English, Mehak and I 'finished' our work so we read MAD Magazines.

While everyone was walking in the hallway, this kid named chris knocks down this poster in a frame XD

In science, the teacher chucked a "squishy" ball at Brett, hoping he'd catch it. Well, he wasn't even looking, and the ball hit him in the eye. It bounced off his eye, and I caught it in my hand. The teacher then looked at me and yelled "NAME A GAS!" then I replied "FARTING!" then she laughed and agreed.

Oh. We were learning about Liquids, Solids, and Gasses. The teacher threw the ball at Brett as an example of a solid.

Me and Alex were discussing cantaloupes in band. I said "Candle" then she's like "Camel?" then I thought she said "Cantaloupe" so then I'm like "David's stuck in a cantaloupe." then right on cue, the loudspeaker called David to the office. Alex and I couldn't shut up for 10 minutes, and the band teacher had to separate us. It was worth it, though.

After band, Mrs. McLellan ran in, played her Michael Jackson CD on the stereo, then ran out. Everyone kind of stood around awkwardly, a few danced, but I screamed out "THRILLER!!" and went on to sing and dance to the song. I made Alex join in with me... just because she hurt me 10 times during lunch.

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