Funny Moments at School


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Marcus was trying to educate me in the library. He got out this huge book and dropped it on the floor, and went on about how you can make the English language sound all bullshetty and get good marks in school. xD

And it was even funnier at lunch. Finn was eating this fruit thing and he finished it so he threw the pit over his shoulder and it went really high and over these railings and into this huge pile of dirt and leaves up against the wall. And this teacher was watching, so Lauren and I were laughing so hard and Finn smiles at us, then turns around and sees the teacher. She told him to go pick it up and throw it in the bin.

I haven't had such a good day in so long. I love my friends <3

Uhm, so, in Art, Lawra and I were listening to Sway Sway on my iPod :) Then Jordan comes along and steals my headphones which were for some reason lying on the floor, and asks if he can listen to Replay once on my iPod. I agree. For ONCE. Next thing I know, he won't give it back. He ends up having it for the second half of the lesson. LOL so the bell for Lunch goes, and he dashes off .. with my iPod .. so Lawra and I go after him. We gave up for like five minutes but then saw him again so we went on an epic chase. Eventually when we caught up to him, he SHOVED THE IPOD DOWN HIS SHIRT, RUBBED IT ON HIS CHEST, and gave it back |:

In Engliiiish, Mehak handed up her book review.

She hadn't even read a WORD of the book but got 10/10 on the review.

Technically she cheated (from blurb on the back of the book!) and got full marks. o:

In PE both Year 8 PE classes combined and we played Volleyball.


How could I forget my science test?

I set this piece of wood on fire by accident and then dropped a test tube full of chemicals, swore out loud and got the whole class laughing.

i walk into the computer lab and marcus goes ewww black ppl i was like Mr. JAMES HES RACEST marcus is all black and everything.

in gymnastics calss at school good old me decides to take on the responsibility to teach 5 year old gymnastics. i started with a kartweel. i was so focused on doing perfect i messed up adn im like one of the best at the gym lol a lil girl was all - mellena is her name- im tired of ur mistakes mrs. whatever ur last name is do it right i laughed so hard me and Elijah talked about Paranormal Activity, closets, mirrors, and much more.

Samantha tried one of my blueberries in Ashleigh's chocolate yoghurt. And we stole food.

TThe other day, in assembly, the drama group were performing this thingymajig.One of the people went up to this girl and was all "I am a skirt inspector, may I look up your skirt?" .Everyone just cracked up.It was funny : D

Every week or so we have a raffle.

So yesterday Matthew got a harmonica.

Mr. P. gave him lessons and it was the most funniest thing in the world.

In maths we did nothing. Our teacher had a headache so left us alone and what we achieved was having 'Pants On The Ground' sung in scremo and in several other variations.

We made out school into an epic game of Where's Wally. We have 7 hidden around the school, there is more to come :) We've heard several people talk about finding Wally and say how who ever did it was epic.

Miss Scott helped us put some up, she's amazing.

A girl in my class asked to go to the toilet and Mr Sadler said no. She complained that she really needed to go and Mr Sadler was like "I need to go to the toilet too, but I have to hold it in" And she's like "Sir, we really didn't want to know you needed to pee" and he's like "Who said it was a pee?" Most girls were like EEEEWWWW but I just laughed. He's an awesome teacher.


'You bloody moron!' - Mr Fischer, when he got mad at William in Fortunae.

'That's how you get LEAP YEAR. Okay?' - Mrs Woodhouse, explaining the earth's rotation.

'WASH OFF THE GLUE.' - Mr Fraser, getting mad at a kid who put glue all over his wood.

'The world is going to fall down.' - Mrs Woodhouse, again explaining the earth's rotation.

'WHERE'S THE BRAKES?' - Me, riding a scooter down the huge ramp/bridge.

'Is that seriously all?' - Catherine, after she got her Hepatitis B vaccine.

In detention, the window was open. Someone outside shouted. "STOP DRINKING MILK, DRINK ORANGE JUICE."

Only to be replied with, from someone inside, "OJ HURTS MY BOTTOM."

Today at school, there was a shuffle-off at lunchtime and all these guys who think they're top dogs were trying to be heaps good at it and I was like LOL FAIL.

Some of them were actually pretty good but it was just heaps fun laughing at them. :)

And after it was finished, two girls from my year ran out into the circle and broke out in stupid crazy dance moves. LOL I love my year. :D


There's this guy called Mitchell in some of my classes, and whenever something happens, for example if the teacher drops something everyone in the class will groan heaps loud and be like 'MITCHELL!!!' Or if someone threw something to get in the bin but it missed, they would be like 'Aw, MITCHEEE!!!' And they always blame everything on him lol it's so funny.

On school photo day, The photographer had us all in a group and was about to take the pic, and he was like 'Say CHEESE!' and everyone went 'MITCHELL!' and then he was like 'Say *I forgot what word he said that time lol*' and we were all like 'MITCHEEE!' and then he was like 'Fine, say Mitchell!' and we all went 'CHEESE!'



LOL :)

Ahahh, we were talking in class, and I'm like "Sam, you know your facebook relationship status is widowed" and he's like "Yeah, I know. I changed it. I only put it as that cause I thought it said 'window'" xDD

Um... hadn't had school in 5 days because of march break... but I have things from last week:

On Tuesday, Alix and I were being complete idiots. There's these wooden posts that separates the school from the community hall. So I hopped on the one closest to the parking lot, and made a goal to make it to the one closest to the field without falling. I made it up to six without the help of Alix, and she could only get to five. So then I hopped on the post again and grabbed onto her shoulder for help. I got to 23 that way, and she got to 16. So I tried it again and got to thirty, which is the chopped down, pointy post. So I stood on twenty nine, double-taked with Alix and the post, then looked at her and said "How am I supposed to land on that one, now!?" and she said "JUMP IT!" so I leaped over the destroyed post in hopes of making the jump... and I fell on the snow...

And it hurt.


Then on Friday, our English teacher told the class to open our book to page 75. Then Riley walks into the classroom, and asks "what page?" and I shouted "SEVENTY-FIVE, YOU DINGALING!" and wrote that in the book. [75 you dingaling] the teacher just laughed.

Well, we where playing soccer, me and the guy I like where on the same team, so I got a goal, and he wanted to give me a high five, I missed, tripped on his foot, and fell face first. x) Totally embarrassing, but soooo funny. :)

It was class time, and my teacher left for a while, so I starting singing 'Peanut Butter Jelly Time...' and everyone started singing along, I was kinda hungry at that time x), the teacher came in and the boys where on their desks dancing, the girls where in the corner, I was on the teachers desk. x) We all got in trouble, and had to clean the classroom. xD

Ahah, so we had to write these group stories, and my group's story was really messed up. Everyone was like "can I read it?" and every time they got to where it says "homosexual boyfriend" they started laughing xD

Another group wrote their story about time travel, so someone asked me if I believed time travel was possible, and then this other guy said "My brother believes EVERYTHING is possible !" So I'm like "Does he believe in Santa?" and then he said yes, so I said "Does he believe in dinosaurs?" and my friend's like "wtf?" and then this other guy comes and he's like "I dont believe in dinosaurs."

We were picking teams for basketball, so this guy picked me, then I picked his friend, and then he told his friend to pick this girl, Emma, then he was like "he told me to pick you" to her, and then to me he said "Don't worry, he's not cheating on you" xD

At basketball yesterday, I was playing my friend's school, we won 47-1. My friend was point guard, so she was dribbling it down, then I got the the ball, and had a breakaway, and then she was like yelling "DAMNIT WEIWEI!" and then I shot, she blocked it, then hit it out, and I'm like "HA OUT ON YOU" and the refs were like " -.-" "

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We were presenting our history projects in class today. This one guy wrote the name "Denis Diderot" on the board, because that was his topic. Except, his D didn't exactly look like a D. Catch my drift?

So this one girl was all, "Does that say....." Everybody looked up and finally figured it out. I started dying.

I'm mature. -thumbsup-

^Oh god.... Knowing me i would be the only one not laughing. Yeah, I'm a lot more mature than all my friends are.

Today in SOSE, Jen and I were trying to figure out a name for her country (we had to make up our own countries and draw maps of them), so we were using the things around us as inspiration. There was a magazine on the shelf closest to me called ''St Valentines Day'' so I yelled out ''VALENTINES LAND!'' .. just as Dylan walked past. His face expression was in fact priceless.

In ESL, it was all silent, then Neha just goes up to Mrs Kouts and like shouts "DOMINIC'S ANNOYING ME!" Gosh it was the funniest thing at the time. 'Cause it was completely random and unexpected. Mehak and I died of lol'ter.

In band today, Mr Smith was banging on the stage to show us how to do the clapping pattern for one part, then suddenly Riley's like


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