Funny Moments at School


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Well, school's cancelled today!

But things from yesterday:

We have to write a persuasive essay. We never got to start it, our teacher just wants an idea before Monday. After class in the hallway to french, I was walking with Indie. I said "Licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets" then she's like "Is that your essay?" then I'm like "OMG that would be awesome... but...... INDIANNA WANTS TO LICK DAVID, JAYCEE, AND ANTHONY'S DOORKNOB!" Even though we literally talking about doorknobs, it sounded wrong, then shortly after I yelled that, we hear the grade 3 teacher go "That's what she said!"

That doorknob thing went on all day. So at lunch break, Me, Indie, and Sasha went over to Austin and Daniel and I said. "Licking Doorknobs is illegal on other planets." then Daniel's like "You know this how?" then I shrugged and said "You want to lick Austin's doorknob." Then Indie's like "And Austin wants to lick Daniel's doorknob." then I smiled and said "You can have doorknob sex that way!"

^Oh isn't it great when you say something random completely without realizing it sounds totally wrong? xD that happens to me and my friends a lot.

Well, today at recess, I held up my bag of mini wheat cereal and wanted to say Courtney "Want a mini wheat?" but it ended up saying "Mant a wini wheat?"

And she couldn't stop laughing, so to change the subject, I shouted "Hey, look! A condom!" which got so many awkward stares, but it was worth it.

Also at recess, Courtney, Sasha, and I were pxssing off Austin and Daniel, when Brodie comes over. Courtney pushed Brodie into Sasha, making her fall into the 4ft deep snow, and she couldn't get up. So then Brodie shoves me on top of Sasha, which I get immediately get up and start swearing him stupid.

In the midst of my rant, I stop yelling when I notice Courtney go up to Austin with a smile on her face and says in a little kid voice "Where does **** come from?" and Austin stared oddly. Needless to say, I couldn't stop laughing.

A few minutes later, I looked at Austin and randomly said "Mexican Stand off" and Austin's like "I'm not a Mexican" then I'm like "Oh, but only a true Mexican can grow such a mustache" then he ran away from me.

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Some quotes from yesterday and some from today

'Lilyyy! I'm PREGNANT!' - me at Maths because I had cramps xD

'I HAD ECSTASY FOR BREAKFAST!' - me from walking back from Library.

'Mr. Prissy!' - me from English. xD (Mr. prees is our teacher)

'Can I do mine on Iggle Piggle?' me from English (we had to do an "imaginative information report...we do such easy stuff!)

'Barney.' - me 'and friends!' Lily 'Iggle Piggle' me 'Upsy Daisy' lily 'Makka Pakka' me.

Our swimming carnival is coming up, and when Jimmy, my house captain was reading out the timetable for it, he was like "Breaststroke for seniors is first." and everyone laughed and I went "Oh God he said breast. Shut up." And yeah, everyone laughed at me and then Jimmy walked down the aisle of seats clapping at people and telling them to stand up. It was reeeeeeally random 0_0

Also at break today we were discussing Miley Cyrus and Hannah Montana, and I was like "HANNAH MONTANA IS REAL!" and Rosie was like "Then why are they never seen together?" and I'm like "They're best friends but everytime they see each other they fight so they can only talk on the phone." And somehow we got into how Miley Cyrus was two-faced and how Hannah was on the back of her head and it was so creepy but funny. Then listening to my iPod, Daniel goes "She sounds like a man." And Rosie goes "A really sexy man."


EDIT: In drama we were telling funny stories and one girl was telling a joke about a fart, and my teacher goes "Yeah because girls don't fart..." one girl was like "... Anna..." and everyone laughed :)

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In Art today, I took out my giant yellow eraser to erase something. Now my eraser is giaaaaant. So like, Jovan was all ''OMG IS THAT AN ERASER?!'' I nodded. Then Jordan came up to me and asked to use it so I said sure :) BUUUUT, he didn't use it, he just threw it around and such. For some reason, earlier last year, I stuck pins in it. Jordan took all the pins out and then put them back in but the other way 'round so the pointy bit was facing outwards. He then offered to give it back, but threw it across the other side of the room. Lawra was all ''JORDAN, KSENIA WANTS HER ERASER BACK NOOOW!'' So he picked up the eraser and gave it back properly. Ever since that eraser incident, Jordan, Jovan and Matt have been all weird and scary to me. They want my eraser, but it be miiine! MWAHAHAH.

Well Simone's being a mean bum. So at Lunch Georgia, Lawra, Jen, Mehak and myself started running away from her and stuff :D I do realize that's a bit childish buuut no one wants a mean person as a friend. After Lunch, Jen and Georgia had Chinese where Simone was in the same class.. I still wonder how they coped, hahah!

OMG. Stuff happened on the bus.. but that's not at school D:

If you have Facebook you'll know what I mean.

In English some kid was in the corner of the room talking to himself, so Ms MacDonald asked him if he was talking to himself. He said no. Then he started talking again, and Ms MacDonald thought he was retarded so she stops the lesson and walks to the corner of the room and continues talking. xD
Oh, and in science I turned on the tap full blast when Ms Griffin was out getting some books for us. And Linda and I scratched stuff into the tables with out scissors. She drew a heart and I wrote 'MARSHY IS SO COOL'.

And during assembly we had to sing one of our school songs. And after we finished all these kids laughed. We had no idea why, but it was just so funny.

Lauren and I call this guy 'Purplehead', because he has purple hair. He's in year ten or something. But when we were walking in and out of assembly Purplehead looked at us. I think it's because I have red-purple hair too. And Lauren and I both have side fringes and layers. Then we saw Purplehead again at lunch and he looked at us again, and we just started laughing.

Also, in sport we were doing volleyball, so Linda and I were mucking around with the ball. She hit it and it hit the ceiling, I hit it and it hit the ceiling again, and Linda hit it to the ceiling AGAIN. And then it hit the wall and then some kid's butt. And I was spinning around and someone threw a ball at me and it hit my butt. It bounced off and Lauren was watching. She was literally peeing herself laughing.

There's so much more, but I can't be bothered typing it all.

We have a guy at school called Everywhere Guy (We name any guys we see; Drama Guy, Teddy Bear James, Music Guy OMG WHO WAS ORIGINALLY LUKE <3, Shaant Guy, etc etc). Anyway, he's fully got purple hair! When we see him we're like "OH MY GOD EVERYWHERE GUY WTF!" and it's really funny.

Yeah, he's like our stalker or something 0__0

^ That reminds meee.. xD

There's these three girls who're in like, Year 10, and they're all fake and look like Barbie and all.

Only Jen and I get this, but we call them the ''Sarah Girls''. We knew a girl called Sarah and yeaaah.

Then there's Reese man. He looks like Reese from Malcolm In The Middle.



And Midget Man.

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Aha, randomly in class today, me and Riley aka Blonde Justin Bieber started singing pants on the ground, and then John, who sits infront of us was like "JE M'EN FICHE QUE MES PANTALONS SONT PAR TERRE." [Translation - I dont care that my pants are on the ground]... xD

Well one time i fell while i was holding my saxophone(BTW i was on my way to band)and i tripped and fell.It was so FUNNY XD.Me and my friend were laughing our heads off . Oh,and one time i was running really fast because I was being chased by my friend and i slipped and fell on my hip...and my pants got muddy. Oh,and once i was on ice and i slipped because me and my friend were standing on it and she kind of pushed me and i fell and hurt my hip on the ROCK SOLID ICE.I got wet from the ice D: , but it was still funny XD.

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First day of school and there's already a girl in my class who wants to beat me up. Man I'm amazing.

I got the form teacher I wanted so I'm happy. He was reading out the uniform rules and one was 'Hair must be of a natrual colour' and everyone looks at me and he goes 'What did you do these holidays Michelle? That's not natrual' and I'm like 'Purples natrual. I've seen purple flowers!' And he accepted that.

We had to do introductions, say our name and cool things that happened in the holidays. Mine was 'Hi, I'm Michelle, in the holidays I watched my neightbours house get raided, dyed my hair, got bitten by a spider on my forehead, saw my friend Ksenia, got a job and got my belly button pierced' I, by far, had the most eventful holidays. That makes everyone elses rather lack luster.

Our dean, Miss Spence announced she'd gotten married and is now Mrs Hitchcock. We all laughed, I saw a strict teacher laugh too.

In assembly we sat in the front and Mr Sadler, my form teacher/favourite teacher gave us cookies, those amazing tasty ones and everyone else was like 'Wheres ours?' and he's like 'Cool kids sit in the front row, cool kids get cookies'

Aha, randomly in class today, me and Riley aka Blonde Justin Bieber started singing pants on the ground, and then John, who sits infront of us was like "JE M'EN FICHE QUE MES PANTALONS SONT PAR TERRE." [Translation - I dont care that my pants are on the ground]... xD
During lunch today I told everyone 'Je m'appelle Toiletttt.' Lololol. And in French on Friday, Ms Manson made us practise what we learnt but Lauren and I turned to each other and said stupid things. xD

Oh, this is the funniest thing that's ever happened. I was going up to Maths and Finn was coming down from something and he said 'Hey, how you doing?' and hit me on the head with a ruler.

Finn's just so funny xD

+ Purplehead's name is Miles.

Miles is cool too. :) <3

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First day of school and there's already a girl in my class who wants to beat me up. Man I'm amazing.
I got the form teacher I wanted so I'm happy. He was reading out the uniform rules and one was 'Hair must be of a natrual colour' and everyone looks at me and he goes 'What did you do these holidays Michelle? That's not natrual' and I'm like 'Purples natrual. I've seen purple flowers!' And he accepted that.

We had to do introductions, say our name and cool things that happened in the holidays. Mine was 'Hi, I'm Michelle, in the holidays I watched my neightbours house get raided, dyed my hair, got bitten by a spider on my forehead, saw my friend Ksenia, got a job and got my belly button pierced' I, by far, had the most eventful holidays. That makes everyone elses rather lack luster.

Our dean, Miss Spence announced she'd gotten married and is now Mrs Hitchcock. We all laughed, I saw a strict teacher laugh too.

In assembly we sat in the front and Mr Sadler, my form teacher/favourite teacher gave us cookies, those amazing tasty ones and everyone else was like 'Wheres ours?' and he's like 'Cool kids sit in the front row, cool kids get cookies'
I love you, Michelle.

Your teachers are cool too.


Ahahaha, on the way back from school, I was walking home from the bus stop and there was this guy behind me but I never noticed so like, I was singing 'Love Me' by Justin Bieber cause it was stuck in my head. He thought I was a bit weird, passed me, and gave me a frighteningly odd stare.

Well uh, today wasn't as funny as yesterday.

But Mehak is the absolute FUNNIEST person I know.

In Maths, Jen gave Simone the funniest nickname.

''The Storm'' Now we can talk about The Storm with no one knowing who it is :)

OHYEAH. Tech was cool and kinda funny. It's the only class where it's only Lawra, me, the guys, and the silent girls. Matt had to demonstrate how to cut a piece of metal. He struggled. I found it funny.

LAST THING! There's a girl in the Home Group next to mine,

We call her the 'Weiwei Girl'. She looks too much like Weiweiii.


That's all I can say.

Everyone think Chris (year nine) and I are going out.

It's so funny. All the older kids know who I am, and I've only been at FSHS for a week.



Ahahaha, Jordan went to Lawra's old school.. they were going out at one stage.. so whenever they talk it gets awkward. Again in Art, Jordan asked Lawra for a purple texta. She didn't have one. He went to the texta tin and it didn't have a purple. So he went over to Lawra and told her ''if you don't have a purple texta, you're getting a hug'' He went over to her and patted her on the back three times and walked off. LOLROFL.


Mehak was like the funniest person yet again. In the middle of her English folder it has this random pattern thing (idk how to describe it |: ) but whenever she scrapes it, it sounds funny. We lol'd at that for the whole lesson. Also, she like breathed weirdly all the time.

Every lunch I eat Mehak's peanuts <3

Anddd, at PE, we were practicing basketball skills and such, and we had to do some shooting. This Indian girl I yet have to learn the name of, threw her ball and it missed the hoop, so it hit me straight on the back. It hurt. But Kirsty laughed.

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Today was the swimming carnival!

It's not really school but imma post anyway!

Anyway it was so funny. A bag rolled down the stairs and then off the edge and into the pool. It was like "omg is someone gonna stop it? 0__0 what's gonna happen?!" and everyone laughed :)

Then all my friends were sitting around and Katie had her water bottle and next thing I know she's squirted it all down my back and all in my hair, so I got my waterbottle out and started squirting everyone and then Dan squirted water all down my front 0_0 Then in the 'Mad Minute' (Everyone from each sports house swiming laps of the pool for a minute and each lap gets a point) we all swam fully clothed. We all dressed up too so it was really cool :)

And Jimmy had a trumpet today which he was playing in the war cries to mess up the other teams, and anyway he was behind a tent thing and we could see his legs and out of no where Kelsey goes "I can see his trumpet!" and Rosie goes "I wanna blow his trumpet!"

Then Rosie had her little bottle of Dettol sanitiser and no one could say 'hand sanitiser' so we called it 'hond sonitizar', so yeah we were all yelling "I HAVE HOND SONITIZAR!" and Luke goes "I have hond sonitizar on maaaaaa FANGERS!"

It was generally quite excellent.

Then Scott, Tall Guy and Everywhere Guy smiled at me : D So cute lol.

Today we had a choice of Tennis or computers.

Me, Lily and Dean and heaps of others chose computers.

I was showing Dean this picture of a girl on Mibba, stating that she was pretty, and he's like "She's not as pretty as you." and I'm like "YOU PERV!" and slapped him. Me and Lily were laughing, me being the hardest.

Then we were watching the Tik Tok music video and Dean and Lily were bribing me to get up and dance for they will give me a dollar. So I got up and danced.

Mr Sadler asked if we had any questions and Amanda asks:

"If we are late to form because we were grabbing some maccas will you let us away with it if we bring you a bagel?"

He goes "No, I'm a responsible teacher and I prefer hotcakes"

Josh ordered a rose for Naomi and he was trying to figure out what to write on the card.

We waited twenty minutes, only for him to just write

'Dear Naomi,

Happy Valentines day.

From Josh.

P.S I love you.'

And we had missed the whole of recess. D:

+Chris is going to buy me a rose ;]

Pajama day.

I got dared the night before pajama day to wear footie pajamas. I did, I ran to the back of the classroom later on in the say and flipped backwards, and landed on the table with our valcanos and crushed them all.

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