Funny Moments at School


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yesterday this kid named gary put chewed gum down a guy named coltons shirt HAHA

i was dared to poke a guy in the stomach and i think the guy is cute so i went up to him and said really loud in his ear " HEY SEXY THIS IS A DARE" then pocked his belly and he laughed and kissed my cheek cuz i kalled him sexy

I have the funniest school in existence.


Ms Harper: What's your name?

Linda: Linda... why?

Ms Harper: Shut up.

We had to do this stuff with cups representing different beat things. There were juice cups, short black cups, clear cups and milk serving cups. Linda held two different ones at her chest and said 'I have different sized cups!' and Ms Harper was like 'You wish!'

Math Quotes;

'If you don't know it, Google it!'

'Someone borrowed my year seven textbook... for good.'

-Mrs Woodhouse.

English Literacy;

Mr Gillespie was telling us about verbs, and there was this example on the sheet.

I left out all the important words in one sentence just to annoy him. So I was just like 'He living in jail, Mr Gillespie. He living in jail long time now.'

Denis kept slamming his diary shut. He must have done it about 20 times, and Mr Gillespie didn't even notice.


Zoë ran up to me and we just hugged, and it was so funny. I was like 'I wanted to rape you this morning, but I didn't have enough courage.' She found it funny xD

And before History, Daniel was walking up the first set of stairs which are half outside.

And I was on the third floor, with a can of diet coke in my hand. So I poured half of it on him.

And he had absolutely no idea. xD

I saw Chris before school, he was walking around the hall.

I screamed and ran. </3 I love him.

so im in gymnastics. the school has a gym there so that what i and my friend have to do a routine together so we decided to do some pretty hard stuff to show off so what we did was we ran did a cartweel then a round off then a back tuck and then a back layout. then we do a lil dance and go to either side of the floor. running as hard as we could we did an arabian. As i landed it she fell on her back and goes SORRY CAN WE PRACTICE THIS TOMOROW WHEN I DONT HAVE SO MUCH GAS ITLL BLOW ME AWAY cuz shes super tiny and messed up in mid air. Ahhhhhhhhh i love her

me and my friend samw one as im in gymnastics at my school with love 50 first dates. we watch it twice every weekend. any way we love the part were there golfing so my friend walked up to our single teacher and well this is how we did it ill show u the convo

my friend is playing as ula im henry and then theres my teacher

ula -*goes up to front of the room durnig drama we had to do a skit with the teacher in it* i met this sexy blonde tax eterny at starbucks the other day! *sniffs paper * u want her number

Henry- ULA are u pimping tourists for ms. Jamel again?

ula - yes u have to remeber my life sux. do it for ula.

henry- no shes staying in tonight,

ula- give her the whikikiki between the cheeky that way i can pretend like i did it and get threw another weekend

henry- no thanks

ms, james- Girls this is inapproprait go sit back down

ula- come on get some assy some ****y to put on ur boyboy.

henry- 8laughing really hard *


at this time the princible comes in and looks at her and me and ula copy that gay guy on the beach

ula and henry- UR IN TROUBLE i gotta go tinkle - they sit back down-

oh i gotta tell ya it was awesome

Lucas and Dan. OH MY GOSH SO FUNNY.

In English, we were talking and Lucas started telling this story about how he tried to cut his cats whiskers off and our teacher goes, "Maybe you should see a counsellor, Lucas." and so he started singing Therapy, by All Time Low. I had no idea.

At break, Dan and Lucas were being idiots and dancing around and stuff, so we all went for a walk to the oval and they started spinning around and then trying to jump over things. They were falling on each other and on everyone else. When they got bored with trying to jump over things, they got Luke's ball and started spinning and kicking it LOL. Oh my gosh they looked like they were drunk : D

In PE, Katie had to do like a flippy thing and then I had to grab her feet and pull them up, and because I'm so short, it was REALLY hard to do.. She kept kicking me in the face and in the chest and stuff. It was hilarious.

In French, I didn't do my homework so my teacher made me stand up and speak for five minutes, about myself, all in French. Everyone cheered because I went for like ten minutes and we didn't have as much class time : D /Heroic.

more about the gymnastics gym at school

* i run and do to cartwheels and get hit tin the hed * WHAT WAS THAT i kept screaming and i looked arund turns out gary hit me with a grpaefruit YA A WHOLE GRAPEFRUIT IN THE HEAD WHILE I WAS CARTWHEELING AROUND.

warning- kids dont try this at home

on the ballance beam were working on our partner routines still and i did a back layout step out onto it then hurt my pinky to on my dismount and gary comes to me and kissed my toe and says DEAR LORD PLEASE HELP THIS BLSSED TOE TO THRIVE FURTHER MORE FOR JUSTICE didnt make sence still cracked me up cause he ha chalk all over his lip

Ailsa was complaining about her math book. I was complaining about Chris.

She says 'Stupid dumb fricking bisecting angles.' I say 'Stupid dumb fricking year nine boys!'

Lauren makes the best cookies. I had one yesterday, and it was amazing.

I was looking at Zoë (the girl I like) and I turned around and saw Lauren eating a cookie.

I started shouting for a cookie and she gave me one, and I ate it like a toddler. I was making faces and standing funny and saying childish stuff xD 'Lauren give meh cookie wookie!'

OMG, DRAMA. I was sitting on this box and rocking it back and forth and it was so funny. xD

xD, In class, these boys were waiting to go out for lunch.They started counting down until the bell rang and when it rang (right on time o_O), everyone ran out yelling, so I was all "EVERYBODY LIKES PRETZELS! 8D" .It was funny xD.

Ah yesterday, Katie started sending me all these abusive texts during maths, because we're in different classes, and she was saying things like "OMG. IMMA STAB YOU IN THE EYE WITH A RUSTY PENCIL SHARPENER AND THEN WATERBOARD YOU. GRR. WHERE IS YOUR TEACHER?!". Then she called me, and I listened to an entire lecture about why we need to know long division. My teacher wasn't there so we just did nothing for a whole lesson : D

People were like hiding under desks, and the coolest teacher ever, Mr Singh, was like, "If I don't see it, it never happened, so I'm just gonna look at this book the whole lesson... Because I have no work to give you." so we all went nuts yay : D

Yesterday during Spelling...

Ryan: "I can't do it!"

Our teacher: "Good!"

Yesterday during Spelling...

Sol: "I need a precious pig under my precious feet, a pig. A pig!" (It was HILARIOUS)

Okay, so, today Matthew was randomly sitting with me and my friends during Social Studies / SOSE / whatever you wanna call it. Simone (this rather overweight girl whom nobody likes), turned around and asked me what the time was. Matthew interrupted with ''MACCAS TIME!'' She said ''Mmmm ..'' and ACTUALLY DROOLED CAUSE SHE WANTED MCDONALD'S. Gosh it was funny.

The rest of the day wasn't that funny.

It was actually rather frightening.

again during gymnastics at my school me and my friend were rehearsing our routine which is gonna be presented tomoro we did a 1.5 arabian and i landed on the line. i was so mad i screamed SCREW U MOVING LINE MY FOOT DIDNT LAND ON U U WENT UNDER MY FOOT and my friend goes AHAHAH laughing histerically. it was funny at the time and i go dangit

in english my friend has to were an eyepatch. and she walks in the class and goes " nobody better make fun of me " i go " ARGG MATEY WE WONT. ANOBODY SEEN MY PARATE " it was funny

My maths teacher walked past just as I said "I'd just get my penis out and ****" -yeahyoudunwannaknowwhatwetalkabout- now she can't look straight at me.

I helped Mr Sadler find his boomerang. He'd lost it and it was like a child to him. He was so sad, I found it in a bush and he was so happy.

I also scored a A2 complete periodic table and it was the highlight of my life. Everyone was like "That's so nerdy, Michelle"

Ailsa and Yilian fell down the stairs in Kilgour today. Oh my god, I couldn't stop laughing.

In Science we had this sheet and it had drawing of things and we had to label them from the words in the box. I drew a stick figure, and wrote 'Finn' beside it. I did that in Music too. Finn is one of my best friends btw. I draw him everywhere.

It looked like Sam was masturbating in English from where I was sitting, I was just like 'HEY EVERYONE LOOK AT SAM!' He was scratching a mosquito bite on him ankle. xD

Albert was reading Twilight yesterday. I told him to read page 69. And we're all like 'Oh Albert, why are you reading Twilight? It's not sexy enough for you.' I was married to Albert briefly. He always shouts 'I'M SEXY!' That makes me sexy too, seeing as I'm his ex-wife.

Councillor (sp?) speeches.

Today Liam stood up, and he had no speech. So he just said whatever came to his head.

"I am confident at speaking in front of a cloud... Sorry, crowd." And everyone cracked up.

And then some girl comes up.

"Hi. My name's Ashley but everyone calls me Bob." And we all cracked up.


Luke and I stole Rosie's umbrella and ran around with it trying to fly :) It was so windy so it bent backwards and died ): Then we all started singing Umbrella : D

In drama, we were doing mask performances and my mask fell over my face and I couldn't breathe and freaked out and Lucas started yelling "HER FACE IS FALLING OFF. OH MY GOD HELP HER!" and he threw me onto the floor and was yelling "SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE. HELP!" and then he took the mask off, and was all "Oh, yeah, no worries, false alarm... *Cough*" It was so funny lol.

Then Jordan had to go out of drama, and we had the lights off, and he got called up to the office to go home, but he couldn't find his shoe, so we turned on all the lights and then someone went "... Is that it behind you...?" and he was all "Oh, right." so everyone started clapping as he went outside : D

Then of course on the bus I was next to Lukeeeeeeeh, and these kids from another school got on the bus and had this bit of paper. It was folded this way so when you flung it, it made a snapping noise, and Luke and I were sitting right next to them going, "How long do you think until they get bored?" and yeah anyway, everytime they did it, we'd just look at each other and crack up laughing. Then it broke and we laughed so hard I nearly died lmao. Gosh I love him LOL.

Today was a sad day |:

Only funny moment was when I was waiting to bat in cricket, and I was sitting behind the stumps. Jordan was bowling the ball (Matt was batting) and he threw the ball like really hard and it hit me straight in the face. It went numb for a while but surprisingly the bruise is barely noticeable :) Everyone LOL'd D:

We started our "Survivor" unit in Phys. Ed. Our first "challenge" is thinking of a team name and designing our flag. I suggested we be "Sparta" so when people ask us "What's your team name?" we can shout "THIS... IS... SPARTA!" But the only other person who got it was Riley, so that was out. I also suggested we be:

The Elmos >> Too stupid

Pointy Icicles >> The teacher wouldn't approve

Leftover spaghetti sauce >> Too long

I'mma little teapot >> Another class already chose it

So then Lexy suggested "Doodle bops" and I screamed "POP TARTZ!" so we're going with pop tartz. But now our opponents (the ducky dippers) keep on saying "we're toast" .__.

Mr. Acorn was handing out jellybeans to everyone in the hall yesterday. I got a black one. I hate the black ones, so I ran around screaming "IT'S POISONOUS! AHHHHHH!" and waving it in their faces.

Science fair was yesterday. I had a sample of Moldy chocolate milk with dead flies in it. It wasn't even brown... it was green. So every time a little kid came near, I waved the bottle in their face and shouted "HEY KID! YOU WANNA LOOK AT MILK!?" I attracted 50 elementary students, 7 kindergarteners, 3 middle schoolers, and 13 parents. I bet you 99% of those people won't touch milk now. :)

3 people asked me "which milk out of those would you drink?" (I had 5 different types of milk) and they were all beyond the safe drinking point. But I suppose one was more safe then the others?

^^ I get the Sparta thing ahahahaha.

Today, all day, Luke and I spoke on third person. In an interview, Jack Barakat did it and the interviewer was laughing so he was like, "Jack thinks this is very unprofessional." I kept saying that in social studies and Katie kept laughing. Then I had to read and I read in third person, and in a stupid voice.

"ALICE SAYS, blah blah..." It was so funny :)

Then Luke listened to Shake It and we both yelled "SHAKE IT BY METRO STATION" the second it came on :)

In PE, poor Rosie got her period, so she went to the toilet and came back crying because she got it for the first time ): Anyway our teacher is SO STUPID (We were all sitting out) and she was trying to explain to him that she had to go back and stuff and he was just straight out saying no, so I came over and was like, "SIR. IT'S AN EMERGENCY." and he was all, "Oh, right. Go." and yeah, I went with her and we laughed about it :) Good times.

: D

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