Funny Moments at School


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The grade six's chase the six's acround the classroom, Alex and Michael.

The seven's chase the seven's around the room. Anita and Jonathan.

Me and Sam were talking about the story I'm writing. I told him all the blood on the white carpet in the hotel room. Then he said "They should tell room service that 'It's supposed to be like that'" xD

Today Thomas threw my social studies homework in the garbage. After retrieving it, I chased him around the classroom with a sharp pencil. O:

My mouthpiece got stuck in my trumpet at band today D: Me, the teacher, and Indie had to go track down Mr. Acorn. We found him in the tech lab. Since he was teacher the grade eight's tech, Austin was there. So me and Indie tortured him, and he said "You're making me feel uncomfortable..." then Indie smiled and said "that's the point!"

Me, Indie, and Sam were torturing Austin-Mayer-Wiener and Pansy (aka Austin and Daniel) today. Daniel punched me in the nose D: and when I fell down and refused to get up, Indie kicked me, so I bit her xD

I was being slightly perverted in Social Studies today. We were looking through magazines with our group for our collage. I was laughing at the crotches in the sports illustrated magazines. And since Thomas was in the group, I kicked him and whacked him with magazines while screaming "REVENGE!!!!"

In Language Arts, I was writing my story, and Mr. Maq came over and asked "Is that the story you're writing?" then I'm like .____. and I slowly put it away. Just because it was on a part that Mr. Maq would give me a detention if he knew I was writing about it.

This story was when we were walking home, so it can still count.

So, yesterday me and my friends were walking and I was talking about how this girl in two of my classes has these giant hickeys on her neck, and she isn't decent enough to cover them with a scarf. My friends looked at the scarf I was wearing, and started accusing me of having one. (I don't.) So they were all "Awwww, who are you going out with?" And they think I "have a thing" for a few guys, so they asked names. Eventually, one of them said "Oh my God! It was Adam that gave you the hickey, wasn't it?" But apparently he was right behind me, so he walks up to me and starts acting like we've been dating and whatever. He just whispers in my ear "Play along with it. I want to see how weirded out they can get." They believed it. So now my friends think I'm dating him and he gave me a hickey. XDDDDD

Then today, me and Marlie went to the variety store to satisfy my Skittles craving, and she goes on and on about how cute we are together and blah blah blah. I'm just gonna wait and see how long they actually believe this. I love having ditzy best friends and perverted guy friends.

Stuff from yesterday I forgot:

Mr. Acorn, Mr. T, and Ms. Pottie were out in the hallway chanting "Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!" then Mr. Acorn shouted "It's the Jerry Maq show!" then they all burst out laughing. Then Mr. Acorn came in and closed the door and said "I know you're not doing anything right now, but outside it's going to get a little loud and immature"

In L.A. Mr. Maq announced to the entire class that I'm writing a novel that I'm going to try to get published. It was imbarassing...

In math, I finished the big sheet in 5 minutes. Since it was partners, I said to indie. "I'm done. Ding dang done!" and It was a whisper. Then the teacher said "Did I just hear someone say they're done?" then everyone looks at me. then I sunk real low in my chair... ._.

Parade on sunday:

this girl decided to throw her hat in the middle of where I was walking. D<


this weird old lady came up to us. o_o

Care Bear started giggling and eatting and started choking. XDDDD

Me and Noelle are fat friends <3


Me and Noelle had to pee. Very badly.


Me and Noelle ran off the bus, and the door was locked, and Care Bear gets off the bus and said 'it would help if you got the key!'

You kind of need to know about canadian confederation to get this.

but my teacher was talking about how really early in the 1800's, the colonies of british north america had a lot of men, and they wanted to expand so they needed to make children. And she said, "so.. who did they send in to make the children?" and someone said "John A MacDonald." and he was actually serious x]

Social studies:

I was explaining "how is babby formed" to Rhiannon. XD


I was telling my table about 'how is babby formed'. :)

In 7th period, I was talking to my friend, and another friend calls me a cute chipmunk. My first friend Rachel, said, and you're a big hippo. (Not meaning it bad) And Jamie goes, "I said that because she's cute and skinny." Rachel replies with, "I'm just not gonna say anything now." LOL

Everyone now thinks Jenna's pregnant with Brodie's baby...

For English, we have to research a Mystery or Wonder of the world. Me and Indie took some of them and changed them to funny things (Statue of Libertree; Area 69 (or Malaria 51); Peeing tower of Pizza; Niagara Fools)


In french, we have an assignment with a partner with which a crime was committed, and someone is the detective and some one's the suspect. I got paired up with Danielle, and she's like "What should our crime be?" and I responded "I stole a cat named fluffy, microwaved him, tried to feed him to the dog but he didn't want it, so we made the cat into a soup and sold it off e-bay."

But then we decided that was too random, so I said "How about I ran around asking people their sexual orientations!?" then Danielle's like "Kyle's homosexual!" then Kyle- who was sitting in front of us- turned around and said "Y'know you're not aloud to do rape as a crime?" then I said "Yeah..." then he's like "Well, I heard you say the S-E-X word." then Danielle and Me laughed our heads off.

After that, we decided to go with "cheating on a math test" then Danielle said "we need a name for the teacher." then I said "How 'bout Dumbledore?" then she looked at me and said "HELP ME, HARRY POTTER! DUMBLEDORE IS AFTER ME!"


We all made a huge snowman. After deciding it was too big to lift it up, we all got together and smashed it.

My Geometry teacher was playing Text Twist. She needed the biggest word, and I'm sitting there staring at the screen (the computer is hooked up to a projector), and then I'm all like "KOSHER!"

I was so proud of myself. xD

Tuesday. Afternoon. Just before we left for the formal.

Ms Conry comes out in front of the class and shouts

"PANIC! AT THE DISCO." And I was like "WOOO!"

Well today wasn't all that funny, but it's the last post I can make here for a while since school's out for the year and High School next year so everything'll be heaps different.

All Year 7's got these random white shirts for everyone to sign.

Kirk signed mine like, thousands of times.

And Chris wrote ''Chris is hot''. Hahaaa.

Jen, Emily, and myself were on the computers. We did this.


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Male teachers in drag singing Rocky Horror songs.

A over weight teacher in a midrift bearing out fit singing Tina Turner.

The teachers doing a p!sstake of Twilight.

Teacher's doing ballet.

An old teacher proclaiming "I'M SO HOT"

And many other funny as stuff. One and a half hours of teachers fun sides making fools of themselves.

Purely amazing. I have newfound respect for these teachers.

Ms Conry thinks she has a Master's Degree in Short Stack.

Her exact words:

"I think Andy and Shaun pick on Bradie alot..."

OMG, and wet ourselves laughing at this one.

Brock and Luke are on the stage auditioning for the talent show.

Peter's sitting on the bottom step of the stage.

Luke turns to Brock and says 'Hey Peter!'

Peter just sits there and grunts 'What?'

And all of year six and the teachers laughed for ages.


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Today at Lunch, it was only me, Indie, Allison, Riley, Brett, and Anthony in the classroom, no teacher. So then Anthony comes and keeps whacking me with his gym shirt. So I took my hair band out of my hair and flung it at him. Then since he gets hold of it, I hid under Mrs. Yeo's desk. Then in the process of Anthony trying to fling my hair band at me, he knocks down Mrs. Yeo's water bottle and dish of jellybeans. xD

Me and Indie kept talking during the Christmas concert, so Ms. Brake comes and stands behind us (me and Indie were in the back row) and me and Indie looked at each other like wtf-it's-not-like-we're-the-only-ones-talking- and every time Ms. Brake left to tell off someone else, we laughed our heads off.

It's like:

Ms. Brake's there: Me and Indie are all serious

Ms. Brake's gone: We're laughing our heads off

Today at lunch, Indie told me something, and I'm like "O_O WTF THOMAS IS PREGNANT!!??"

well on a field trip i got all wet and my friend was like "hahah you got wet" and one time me and my friend were giving each other piggy backs at school and she dropped me and i wanted revenge so i dropped her on purpose and we both just laughed XD LOL and at a christmas concert i fell of the risers because i was wearing high shoes and i was like 'im ok' and every body laughed XD LOL :gozarutchi: :D :( :D and one time a guy in my class shouted out "BEANS" during band and i laughed XD LOL

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LOL I had a test today in Science.

One question was like, where do you find a cell, and thinking fast, I put:In the middle of the garden.

Another one was, what cell is this and I put, Onion Ring, because it was ring shpaed!

And another one was:What musten't a baby eat before beign born?:FRIES!

The teacher did say to put an educated guess if we didn't know.......

In Language Arts, we were rehearsing "A Christmas Carol" play with our groups, and the group next to us shouts, "HEY WAIT! Who's going to be Bob Marley?!"

About half the class volunteered.

Oh, and the Scrooge in our group went and told the teacher that he had to put Tiny Tim on his shoulders at the end. The Tiny Tim in our group is bigger than Scrooge.

It was so funny to watch them try.

Oh, something that happened on Monday, we had a fire drill in gym, and we all had to stand in our roll call lines, and when it was all quiet and everything, some guy in the back of my line just yells, "My water broke!"

Needless to say, the kids were amused; the gym teachers weren't.

Brock said he was going to kiss me after school. So we were walking everywhere and he wouldn't and then I was jumping up and down telling him to. Then he started jumping up and down saying he didn't want to.

But he kissed me on the cheek anyway.

From yesterday:

There was an attempted break in at our school Wednesday night. Nobody got inside the school, actually, but every time we had a new subject, someone in my class would shout "THEY STOLE MY TEXTBOOK!"

Indoor big recess :D Me, Kaylee, Riley, Jenna, Samantha, Lexy, David, Anthony, and Brett all got in a circle to play "Would you rather" Kaylee kept fixing her shirt, and every time she did, Brett said "Kaylee's playing with her ****s again!"

David got asked "Would you Rather make out with Kay, or with Alex?" then he's like O_O "I'm not answering."

From Today:

We went to the mall to buy stuff for "Secret Santa". We had to go in pairs, and I went with Indie. Since we each had 50 dollars, we blew 5 or 10 of that on candy for the bus.

Me and Indie met up with Kyle and Riley at the clothes store. I took bright yellow leg warmers and went up to Kyle and said "Me and Indie both agree that this would be the perfect gift for you!"

Around lunch time, we caught up with Courtney and Asher, and we went to McDonalds. Asher took her chicken out of her burger and said "This burger is Kyle, watch this." then she ate it really fast while making dog growling noises. And I was drinking Pepsi when she did that, and I spat it out all over the table cause I was laughing so hard.

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