...Guess who finally found this topic after 13 days of hilarious stuff!?
Anyway, there's this snowball at school that Thomas made. So for a while, me, Jena, Brodie, Kyle, Ashton, and Scott were playing around on it and shoving each other off. So Brodie hugged it last week, and said "It's my ball." then at the same time, me and Jena shouted "YOUR SUCH A CDL!" then we hi-fived.
Then today, Me, Sasha, Indie, and Courtney were playing on the swings and I tipped over and got caught in the swing. I was swinging upside down and my hair was dragging in the snow. It was COLD!!
Oh Yeah. The day that school let out, we had a pot luck for Allison because it was her last day at the school. I took about 10 of everything, even the giant cookies. It took me an hour and a half to eat everything. So after it was over, the teacher had a lot of leftovers, and every time she asked who wants this I said "MEE!" so I got a lot of extra food. It was awesome.