I forgot to post this... This happened two weeks ago at Nationals...
We watched bride wars and elf. XD
"Old Coun Buff" (Old Country Buffet. The letters missing were burned out XD) :
Ally kept putting sugar in my purse and pockets. XD
Raquela and Kristen made a ice cream soup for me. ._.'
It was nasty. It was chocolate ice cream with multicolored sprinkles mixed in. (I didn't eat it. XD)
Ally forced me to wear the creepy bee hat. XD
Ally,Corrine and Kimm kept talking about sexual stuff. XD
Ally and Kimm were gone, so it was me and Corrine, and she asks "Where's Ally and Kimm?" I said "They died." XDDD
We got stuck in a elevator for like a minute and it made all these beeping noises and the door kept opening and shutting. XDDD epic.
Me and Corrine sat on the floor.
We gave the staff some gifts and Care Bear got a green glittery bouncey ball and he acted like he had a seizsure(spelling failure. D: ) . o____o'
Mr. P got a "Poop Bagel" book or something like that. XD
Ally got a mini desk gong O: (seniors got gifts too).
I was trying to sleep, and all the sudden Ally talks about anal sex. I start laughing and she thought I was asleep. XDDDD
Me and Corrine sit on the floor. Again.
Elevator back from breakfast:
Me and Corrine wanted to go on the 7th floor (roof?) but we were afraid we'd get in trouble...
We had those creepy bee hats. And I had a idea. I told Corrine to hide mine in the shower, and she hide her's in the safe. XDDD
It would scare the person who went in our room. XD
There was white spots and claw marks on the chair, and there was this survey thing and Corrine filled out "There was odd white stuff on the chair and claw marks. Gross." You had to be there!!! XD
I got myself some coffee.
Circle Time:
I had my coffee cup in my jacket pocket. .___. It wasn't full fyi.
Raquela spoke for me because I am the quietest member there. XD
Care Bear brought the micro phone and he said "Most of you aren't loud enough -cackle-." and everyone says "Skadiiiii. >_>" XD
Bus ride:
My DS ran out of batteries...
Nationals : Warm Up:
Ally wanted me to go with Evy to do something, and I thought she was good alone for a minute and I kinda got in trouble for leaving her. :I
Nationals : Bring Pit equipment to the gate:
This sousaphone player walked by me and I yelled "SOUSAFAIL!!" and he looked at me. Oops? I HATE sousaphones! Their fake tubas!
I asked Mr.P what color Care Bear's shirt was (I can't tell colors that well. I guess I'm partially color blind?). XD
Nationals : Waiting:
This HOT guy from Georgia was like, around me the whole time. ;o
These those sousaphone players (they had black metal sousaphones o_o) walked by. D<
At the place we were playing at had a steep hill and a guitar player was bringing his amp up (he was scrawny) and couldn't,so Care Bear helped. Then giggled or cackled. XDDD
Nationals : Playing:
I was about to cry.

This was our last competition of the season. At the beginning of the closer I thought I felt tears.
Waiting outside to get changed:
Rhiannon randomly tickled me with her plume. o_o'
Me, Rhiannon,Lexi,Ally,Noelle and some other people had a group hug
These sousaphone players were near me and Noelle (we're both tuba players) and we were disgusted.
Noelle let me wear her purple hat O:
I got a papa john's single slice pizza, and it had a small slice inbetween. WTF?
I was freezing my a** off. I STILL had my coffee cup in my pocket. -headdesk-
We watched elf. Again.
Pit stop:
This band that won first place had their trophy right outside of their bus. -____-'
I was gonna buy cough drops (I had a bad cough) and Raquela comes up to me, and asks "Are you buying condoms?" I was like "Why would I buy those???" and she says "Because you would." XDDDD
The cough drops did not work. Tyler wasn't so happy because of that. (He said he was gonna beat the cough out of me. XD)