Today was all play, and no work, due to half of our class working the Halloween gym.
In L.A., we did a Sherlock Holmes play, and I nearly drop-kicked Riley to China for stealing the role as Sherlock. But fortunately, I got two parts instead ^.^
And when we were working on our projects (also L.A.) I went into the backroom to work. The funny thing is, the overhead projector was in the way, so I squeezed threw the door frame, which could only open 3 inches. xD
And then at Halloween Gym, In the boys' changing room, a girl dropped dead as part of the act. Then David grabbed her leg, pulled her shoe off, and screamed "I GOT HER SHOE!" Then he threw the shoe at the murderer. Then Derek "came to the rescue" (he was part of the act, FYI) and I jumped up on the bench and yelled "DEREK TO THE RESCUE!" and I got pushed off the bench by the murderer, so then I kicked him in the crotch. Then when the play was over, the girl screamed "GET OUT BEFORE HE KILLS YOU!" But then me and the boys stayed and watched, just because we could
And then in the attic play (The Grudge in the Attic), this guy was behind the curtains and he kept on tugging my hair. Then I punched him xD. And every time the guy behind the curtains reached his hands out to tug on mine or my friend's hair, the plastic wrap shook. So I shook the curtain and my friend screamed, then slapped me. xD Then this guy came running in and squirted us with a spray bottle. O.O
Then at S.S. we were doing a Halloween word search. Me and Anthony were partners, and he pointed out all the accidental dirty words to me (dirty as in "sexual" and "swear") then I screamed "HOLEY FRIK! I FOUND EDWARDCULLEN IN THE WORD SEARCH" then all the girls screamed and they looked at me and were like "OMG WHERE!?" then me and Anthony laughed like idiots xD