Funny Moments at School


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Well, there was this one time where I was taking off my sweatshirt and my tee shirt under it came off too! I didn't notice it for about a second, but once I did I put my shirt back on as quick as I could... ;) Hopefully no one saw anything...
I've done that, only I was unbuttoning my shirt, and I didn't have one on under it (I didn't realize that) and I was walking around the room with my shirt half unbuttoned.

O__o -twitch-

In first hour, Tara looked at me and said, "Are you my Janna?" She told me it was a trick question, so I said no.. Then she told me if I would be her Janna, she would give me one of her special mints. "Okay! 8D"

We were all talking about what God or Goddess we had to do research on during lunch. I said I had Aphrodite, and Nicole gave me a weird look and pointed out that the name sounded like an STD. Then I told her that she had six kids with five different men, and all she said was, "No wonder," and went back to eating her Trix yogurt. It's funny to walk past our lunch table, because today we discussed what God/Goddesses cheated on who [this conversation was centered mostly around mine D:] and to hear,

"Aphrodite cheated on Hephaestus with his brother, Ares.."

"Wait, I thought Ares was her brother.."

"Iunno. Maybe. o_o"

"Didn't she have a kid with him?"

"I know she had a kid with Zeus.."

"But this one article said Zeus was her dad."

-awkward silence-

^ Didn't Zeus force Aphrodite to marry him? O:


Khamile has this really bad habit of kicking me whenever my back is turned to her. D:

On the bus, going home, some kid passed his trombone case to the front of the bus. And our bus driver was waving it around and asking who' it was. And then the two kids at the front passed it back to the back.

And everyday on the bus ride home, Nicole and I count the number of Obama signs (because we ever see McCain ones) on this one street. I swear, that whole street is like "OBAMA!" And we were talking about how sucky it would be to be the only McCain supporter on that street.

We got a seat change in math, but Alec is still so close to me. 2 seats away. So our stupid discussions continue. :]

No, from what I heard, Zeus forced Aphrodite to marry Hephaestus so the Gods wouldn't argue over her.

There are too many different stories. D:

No, from what I heard, Zeus forced Aphrodite to marry Hephaestus so the Gods wouldn't argue over her.There are too many different stories. D:
You guys are confusing me with Gods/Godesses D:

Nothing is worth posting here... my school is boring. But if something nabs my attention, it'll go in here.

Cecib ;)

Mr Perre (our science teacher): Now is the time to start a rock collection...


(everyone cracks up for 10 minutes)

Mr Perre: I don't understand what was so funny. What wasn't funny was when I said "now is the time to start a rock collection"

(everyone cracks up for 10 more minues)

Once this term, our class came back from gym and we had to sit at our desk and finish our maths. I was sitting next to this guy (who i wont name) and he was sorta late from gym. So i accidentally confused my seat with his so i sat down in his seat and opened his maths book and started writing in it. When he came back, he didnt say anything and all he did was just stand there waiting for me to get out of his seat. i didnt notice him and i just kept on writing in his maths book for about 5 mins. After that i suddenly noticed him and it was extremely embarassing!!!

And once when i was in grade 2, i went to the toilet and cuz my mum told me that the seat gets dirty so i shouldnt sit on it, i stood on the toilet and suddenly my foot slipped. I came out of the toilet with a wet shoe and wet foot and wet sock. And everyone was asking me why i got wet and eventually i just ran away crying. Very similiar stuff happened several times.

(PM me if you wanna know more stories cuz ive got WAY to many to name!!)

No, from what I heard, Zeus forced Aphrodite to marry Hephaestus so the Gods wouldn't argue over her.There are too many different stories. D:
Wuhh...? From what I read in 6th grade, Zeus forced her to him. Because Cupid is their son, if I remember correctly.

Anywhom. I tripped over a random shoe today.

Brenda and I were walking to science and I tripped. So, we turned around, and there's a random, gray Converse lying in the middle of the hall. It was so...strange.

On the bus, Nicole threw a pen at the uber talkative guys who never shut up. And they freaked out. And we were like...trying not to laugh.


I told Amanda I would find out if I made it to Jazz or not. We were so excited. =3


Amanda wanted me to go as Hello Kitty for Halloween. o__o


After spanish, me and Amanda RUSHED to the Jazz Board. Amanda:*Rushes before me* OMFG!!! SKADI YOU MADE IT!!!! Me:NOWAI YOU CEREAL?! I did! :]


I told Amanda that i'm going to look like a nerd to the dance. xD She rofl'd

Me,Tall amanda,Amanda,Taylor and Katie were talking about our fears. Me:Mine's Jay. Everybody:xD

I saw Drew in the lunch line..He did/does Football. I wonder if he gets squashed like my Nerd does... :?

I was sharing the awesome news w/ everyone. :]

I was special at lunch time. :3 Because I made it to Jazz. <3


We had a game...It was "The battle of Beaker Hill" or something... ;\ It wasn't as fun as the Boston Massacre. :3


Manny[That Flute boy] and Drew made it to Jazz too! :]

I saw Drew at church last Saturday..<3 Thora thought he was kyoot, I spotted him first. D:<


I saw MICHELANGELO!!! In jeans... ;]

Michel's face was so red. >w< [He always looks like he's blushing :Q]

Me, Amanda and Thora requested Mr.Roboto...And the retarded DJ didn't say yes. >___> We called him stupid. 8]

Thora said DJ Henry was obese, xDDDD

The 8th graders were doing the Cotton-Eye-Joe...AND IT WAS SCARY. They were ALL dancing AT THE SAME TIME!!! D:

Michel and his friends were circling around a garbage can. o__o

I was singing "I kicked a squirrel"[i kissed a girl].Amanda was laughing

I DARED Thora to dance w/ Michel. She said no because he's fat. >|

Regan thought Marcus wanted to dance w/ her. Marcus: I WILL NEVA DANCE WITH ANYONE IN MY WHOLE LIFE! D;

Thora and Nick were dancing. xDD Me and Amanda were doing heart symbols.

I wanted to request "I'm Fat"[i'm bad] xD Because the DJ was fat. xDDDD

DJ Harvey[or henry] DOESN'T HAVE...DANCE FLOOR ANTHEM!!! D= Nor I'm not gonna teach your boyfriend how to dance with you by Black Kids.

Michel kept drinking. I was all WTF.

Me and Amanda slow danced.

DJ Harvey had a tech. difficulty, so the speaker sounded like it blew out and it scred everyone.

DJH was talking too low, and I thought he said slow dance. Me:Wuhhh? Speak louder. What? *Cocks head* Slow dance? What??? Thora was rofling. xD

DJ H said good night to us. I said "YOU ROCK!!Coughsarcasmcough"

AFTER the dance:

Me and Amanda won't dance w/ each other at the Snowflake dance. She's gonna try asking Zane or Thomas out, and I'm GONNA TRY asking Michelangelo out. <3

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No, from what I heard, Zeus forced Aphrodite to marry Hephaestus so the Gods wouldn't argue over her.There are too many different stories. D:
Zeus is married to Hera and um had some fun with a ton of other mortal woman.

Aphrodite was forced to be married to Heph whatever I cant spell his name so the gods wouldn't fight over her.

And way too many to list. Jeanne in english wrote a sign for KK to see. Apparantly it was an inside thing and it said "Underwear Challenge" and some other things and george was like "JEANNE IS HOLDING UP A SIGN!" and our teacher read it xDDD it was funneh!

Oh and in the dead silence yesterday in 7th period I did this tongue noise. Everybody cracked up. (If you've seen Charlie the Unicorn 2, you'll know what tongue noise)

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FTW? I decided to crawl across the desks in Mrs. McGregor's room and there like two tables in four rows and I was crawling and Federico's liek "wtf?" and I'm laughing at him and I freaking fell. It was hilarious and erryonne was liek laughing at me and I was laughing so hard.
I know I probably sound like a noob, but what does FTW mean?

Well, there was this one time where I was taking off my sweatshirt and my tee shirt under it came off too! I didn't notice it for about a second, but once I did I put my shirt back on as quick as I could...  :) Hopefully no one saw anything...
My lord! That's EXACTLY what happened to Dave :(

Photo Day.
This guy named Dave was wearing a really baggy T-Shirt to get his photo taken in. He was wearing a sweatshirt over it. In the hallway, he tried to take off his sweatshirt, but he ended up taking off his sweatshirt and his T-Shirt underneith. So he was shirtless in the hallway. The quickly put back his sweatshirt and his T-Shirt on JUST as the teacher walked around the corner. What's funnier? There was about 6 girls behind him. Including me. I saw that XD

Now whenever I see him, I yell "Hey Dave! No stripping in the hallway!" and his face turns all pink.
How scary :eek:

Edit: FTW means 'For The Win', redtama ;D

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My lord! That's EXACTLY what happened to Dave  ;)
Photo Day.
This guy named Dave was wearing a really baggy T-Shirt to get his photo taken in. He was wearing a sweatshirt over it. In the hallway, he tried to take off his sweatshirt, but he ended up taking off his sweatshirt and his T-Shirt underneith. So he was shirtless in the hallway. The quickly put back his sweatshirt and his T-Shirt on JUST as the teacher walked around the corner. What's funnier? There was about 6 girls behind him. Including me. I saw that XD

Now whenever I see him, I yell "Hey Dave! No stripping in the hallway!" and his face turns all pink.
How scary :eek:

Edit: FTW means 'For The Win', redtama ;D
Thanks. 8D I've been wondering what that meant.



Mr.Hanna called me,Scott,Ryan and Georgia kindergartners. xD


Scott played the wrong song...George wasn't playing the right notes...Just kidding guys.

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It was me and Scott. <3

Me and Scott were pretty fast on one song, so Mr.Hanna called Scott "Mr.Speedy" and me, Mrs.Speedy. xD

Mr.Hanna told us that his old school[This was when he was in 8th grade] was a ghetto school. O___o I never knew I'd hear those words come out of his mouth.

Mr.Hanna told us that Amazing grace is slow,steady and kinda romantic. xDD


Drew came out of the lunch line w/ a spoon in his mouth. xD


Well Ryan was unsure of a note. Ryan:Whats Fb? Scott:E. Ryan:Fb. Scott:E!!! > :D Me:2nd position. Scott:No.. Me: :| Scott:*Checks paper* Oh Skadi! Sorry! *Puts his hand on my arm* It was kinda scary.

Taylor had this windwill thing, and she was playing w/ it during band. We probably looked like ******* because we were trying to mouth words. C:

Scott yelled that Brass was awesome. xDD

Ryan gets easily confused. He thougt Wind meant just woodwinds. Wind means EVERYBODY that uses their mouth.

Math: I asked Colby what facial cleanser she uses. She told me it was morning burst. I told her I once used it at night. .___.

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Me and Katelyn are supposedly 'mature and responsible' so we got to help out with Picture Day. A kid in grade three sneezed on her hand. xD

We have also figured out Sam's class tree.

Adam is her Dad, Travis is her Mom, Andrew is her grandpa, and Cully her her uncle. xD

Me and Katelyn are supposedly 'mature and responsible' so we got to help out with Picture Day. A kid in grade three sneezed on her hand. xD
We have also figured out Sam's class tree.

Adam is her Dad, Travis is her Mom, Andrew is her grandpa, and Cully her her uncle. xD
Travis...travis. Isn't that a guys name? o_o


When the morning announcement was about to come on, instead of that, it made it a big screeching noise. It sounded like nails against a chalkboard. D: it was funny.


Amanda called me her enenmine[i know thats not how you spell enemy] just because I kicked her purse.. xD


Jay got in trouble. :]

In our health text book, it has a boy playing a trombone. <3


I apologized to Amanda. she was a happy.


For our Winter concert for Chorus/Band, the chorus sings this song in Swahili, called Chapua Kali Decemba. And theres some percussion instruments, so Ms.T chose Dan to try the guiro,and he was making funny movements. xD


Dr.Battisti said this.... "Me and Timmy are physically attracted." He was talking about mass or something. XD


I was walking to Mr.S's room, and Mrs/Ms.Devine's door almost hit me in the face. xDD I saw Drew too. <3



Carly:I wanna get a french manicure.

Steven:Men can get them in black.

Carly: Omg, I can imagine you[As in Steven] getting your nails done.

Steven: I HAVE been to a salon.

Me:OMG.You got your nails done?!

Steven:NO! To get my hair cuts.

Carly:Do you get your eyebrows waxed?


Steven: Men can shave their legs.

Me:No. o___o

Steven: I mean waxed.

Carly:Oh my god, I can imagine Steven getting his legs waxed..!

Me:*Cracks up*

Steven:You need your back waxed. -___-

Carly: MAYBE YOU need to!

Steven:Oh yeah.? *Flashes back to Briana*

Briana:EW!!! I don't wanna see your back!

Carly: Steven wants her to see his back.


Steven:SHUT UP.

Me:You started it!

Steven:Men get their back,chest and arms waxed.

Me:Ew. Didn't need to know that.

Carly:You can't wax your arms...

Steven:YES! YOU CAN!


Steven is bother by the word "Cereal". Used in sentences such as.... "You cereal?"

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In science, the teacher was telling us about time and stuff, so then she asked, "What is a short way of writing seconds?" someone said S. She said it was good, then Ryan said "Isn't it secs?" and the teacher was all, "There is no secs in science. Disappointing, I know." We all burst out laughing.

Then, the next day, Dylan said, "What did Michael Jackson say when he was drowning?" The teacher was like, "Nuu, eet's feeltheeey!"(Yes, she emphasised her i's so it sounded like ee) Then Dylan said, "THROW ME A BOY!"(like, the drowning aid, but, also, a boy) And the teacher was all, "NUUU FILTHINESS D:<"

Also, the science teacher I get on a friday goes, "Aiight?" after every sentence. o.o'


Amanda said she might not run for VP. I told her to "Run for VP.No. Seriously.RUN!" xD


Ryan randomly said "Jesus" in band. No reason whatsoever. He just said "Jesus" outloud. o____o

Scott,Brian and Ryan were fighting. I was SO annoyed. >___>

Ryan and Brian call Scott, "Scotti". So I thought they were talking to me the whole time. xD

Brian is running for student council vice pres. so his motto is "A vote for me, is a vote for ice cream". o___o

Billy reversed the motto. Billy:A VOTE FOR BRIAN IS A VOTE FOR ME! o__o

Georgia and Marcus got mad at Scott for some reason..And Georgia scared me again. T_T Just by smiling at me.

Scott tried holding Jake's trumpet. Scott didn't understand..

Mr.H was ready to conduct..And he looked as if he was gonna hug somebody so Billy said "He needs a hug!"


Thomas showed me this creepy pic he drew of Eric. o__o

I sit next to Steve. So I have this eraser that looks like a block of cheese....And Steve thought it was cheese. .___.

Peter sits a table away from me. Thats when I realized, he's a band nerd. He wears his Summer Band Tee to ShopRite[Yes, I saw him a few times] and today, he wore his Jazz Band tee.


I found a Saxophone/Bb Clarinet reed...On the floor. o__o

I gave it to Mr.Hanna and I think he said "Thanks! I'll use it!"

Scott was complaining because Andrew got the lower notes and he got the higher notes. Scott DID tell me he liked higher notes. >_<

Drew was complaining too. D: On February 3rd, we[Jazz kids] have to go to school AT 7:00 AM. BEFORE SCHOOL. AND PRACTICE. And have donuts and possibly coffee. <3

Manny's flute almost broke. O__O

There was this guy, and he had this black jacket on, so it looked blurry, so I thought it was this super fat dude. I was all "O______________________O". xD

I asked Mr.Hanna about doing Tuba for 7th grade band. He said maybe.

Peter plays the keyboard instead of the big piano. So he left it on the techno part, and Mr.Hanna wanted Peter to play his Solo for "Ain't misbehavin'"...And there was a space noise. xD

Mr.Hanna wanted the rhythm people [Peter,Markus,Dan,Jaymir and Andy] to play w/ the Saxs[Tenor:Some girl,Marcus. Alto:Georgia and Drew. Bari:Melanie]...BUT. The Saxophones FORGOT to play...So Mr.Hanna said "Great job Saxophones!!" xD

Rachel[trumpet] was putting a clarinet reed in her mouth. o___o

We have older and younger brothers in Jazz. Johannes and Markus are brothers, so everybody calls Markus, lil Jo.

Marcus and Everett are brothers too. Marcus is Little Everett.

We were about to play "Besame Mucho" [pronunciation: Bey-sa-mei] BUT Marcus pronounced it Ba-se-meh.. xD

[PS: I'm gonna ask Mr.Hanna if Thora can come to Jazz on February 3rd and have donuts and possibly coffee.....And check out Drew![Rawr, he's mine] > : D]

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