We were making "Jumbi". Amanda's was a dinosaur, mine was a polar bear.
AMANDA'S DINOSAUR LOOKED AWESOME!!! Mine looked like a dog. .___.
At Lunch, Michel was talking to Everrett, and squatting doing so. Michel is chubby. <3 So when Nicholas,Kevin and Thora were trying to pass Michel, they all bumped into each other! xDD And Jamin called Michel a fat asss. xD
The trombone section[ME!!! <3],Saxophone section and the Percussion section were all "WTF happended to the Clarinets,Trumpets and Horns?!". They kind of died. The Horn section only had 3 out of four, Same w/ the trumpet section...And Clarinets...Like 3 out of 5. o___o
Our Oboe section is unfortunately dead. *Mourns*
Ryan was playing, and Emily[Trumpet] to him to shut up. xDD
Scott told Alex his 8th grade band grade for the F chromatic Scale. A 6/10, and Alex was all "SCOTT! A 60?!" Scott:SHUT UP!!! D^:<
Scott said he couldn't attend lessons because he had a science test, Ryan too. So I asked a stupid question, "Are you two in the same class?" Ryan:What? No. I'm in Ms.Terrizi's.
Alex told the whole band Scott's 8th grade for that chromatic scale.
Scott was embarrassed.
Brian didn't attend lessons either, so it was just me. xDD
So alone.
Georgia's Baritone Sax like...Broke or somethin...Because Melanie dropped it beofre Jazz. So he needed Mr.H to fix it.
Mr.Hanna told me I could try Tuba.
Ms.Tengood came in randomly to tell Mr.Hanna that Michelangelo's Horn and Ryan's Horn are in need for repairs. One dented their bell, and the other's tuning slide got stuck. The Horns belong to the HS. D=
Mr.Hanna was helping me w/ the value of notes. Instead of a math version, we did a "Dollar" version. xD He ended up writing "$2" on my book. xD
Mr.H asked me if I knew where the Tuba was. I knew, and I was watching him, he was getting something out of the cabinet... IT WAS THIS HUGE, HOLLOW MOUTHPIECE....A tuba mouthpiece. And it scared me. Me:O___O Thats a Tuba MP?? Mr.H:Yep. Wait here, I'll get the Tuba and you Buzz into the mouthpiece.
I waited, he got the tuba. I was kinda confused, because he told me to "HUG" the Tuba. O____o Me: *Puts left hand on valves* Mr.Hanna:Nope. They go through here... Now put the mouthpiece in. Try it. Me:*Plays*

[coughmagicaltubacough] Mr.H:Now, take your fingers OFF the valves... Me:*Takes fingers off valves* *Plays* [coughzomgonemagicaltuba] Mr.Hanna:Thats quite High for a Tuba.....Try playing lower. Me:*Tries* Mr.H:Can you go lower?
It was fun. I wasn't heavy. Mr.H:*Gets late slip* Mr.Hanna and Ms.Tengood both come into the auditorium. Mr.Hanna:Skadi's just testing the Tuba. Ms.T: :3
End of lessons:
Tom asked if he came too early, because I still had the tuba in playing position. xD
Steven was showing off to Jaymir, showing him he could play Indiana Jones on Piano. xD
Jaymir and Isaac were arguing over who's better. Bruce Lee Or Chuck Norris? Isaac said Chuck. xD
I told Amanda that I tried out Tuba. She was so excited. I told her I only know two notes. She said "Thats alot!" xDD