Tuesdya Morning:
My grandma was PO'd at Scott mom because she didn't move her car. So when I was walking to the old main office, Scott saw me[he was in the car..Did stared at me like he was going to assinate somebody! xD] and I was all "[Please Cover your ears kids] TREE! ITS SCOTT! D:"[okay, you may now un-cover your ears,kids] He was probably all "lolwutnow??"
Amanda said she would do percussion, only if she could play Gong and Triangle. :] And Bass Guitar for Jazz.
We had to do this blindfold thing, Amanda was first, then it was my turn, so it felt like I was going into a circle. xDDDD
Mr.L said something gross, we were talking about things that can affect your body and how. The germ is transported when you rub your eye,touch your ear,put your hands in your mouth or your nose. Those are openings. Mr.Leto:Your gential area is one too. o___o I never want to go to health. D= Health is a grade, Grades are Honor Roll, and Honor Roll is money from my dad, Money goes towards a instrument accessory(sp?)and instrument accessory means better playing,better playing means Honor Bands,Honor Bands means A HONOR BAND T-SHIRT, A HB T means more band geekyness,Band Geekyness means more knowledge about music. CONCLUSION: GO TO HEALTH SKADI! [i stole that from Skatergirl. *Gets shot by imaginary Scott*]
Mr.Leto asked us where the "Dark and moist places" of our bodies are. o____o Steve said "Your grion/groin area(Gentials and your bum)?" He was correct. .___.
George and Marcus are Band Managers! O____O Me and Scott: o___o How?
I had to share my stand,music and pencil with Scott WOOT!!! I lurve Scott!! *Gets shot in the chest*Scott forgot his music and his darn pencil. D< *smacks imaginary scott*
Mr.Hanna did the "Band Pyramid"! YAY!! >:^D
Top: Flutes and Bells
Mid:Alto/Tenor Sax,Horns and Clarinet
Low:Trombones and Baritone Sax.
Mr.Hanna left out trumpets. Yay..
We had to do Chromatic Scale for our clef(Clarinets,Flutes,All Sax,Trumpets and Percussion=Treble and Trombones are the only bass clefy users, exception for Timpani.). Somebody pointed it out that it was wrong. Mr.Hanna:My handwriting might be bad, but my music isn't. 83 So true(He owns on the Clarinet)
Scott almost touched my hand, that always happens..(Everybody:Yeah right.. Me:NU! D: I'm telling the truth! )
Scott was looking at me when I was staring into space. xDD
Taylor didn't carry my case to the Trombone seats. ^_^
Carly and Laura are now "Trombones". They said so. So they assembled their flutes at the trombone seats.
Scott almost sat on my lap, no joke. xDD I didn't know where he was sitting, so I was about to sit in his seat and he almost sat on me so I moved and he had "Teh Comfy Horn Seat that makes me jealous, why do HORNS need the comfy seats they use rotary valves and we use slides, we need to protest for comfy seats in the band room for everyone!"
Jake's tuning slide keeps coming off his trumpet at random times.
Mr.Hanna told the Percussion section(Jaymir,Isaac,Steven,Thomas a Nick(Not the autisitic kid).) where to put their mallets and "little thingys". Georgia,Alex and Marcus took it wrong and yelled "Little thinys?!(A perverted joke...Cough)" >___>
End of Band:
I asked Mr.Hanna if I could do Jazz Tuba. He said Maybe! I'm so happy! That wasn't funny, I was imforming everyone.
Mr.H's room:
I had to get a late slip..
I have 3 textbooks and a trapper, I forgot to put my band trapper in my school locker. So Mr.H asked if I had about 30 trappers. I said no. Then I couldn't hold the slip, so Mr.Hanna positioned it towards my mouth! xDD But Then I got a hold of it. :3
I told Amanda I might play Jazz Tuba. She was happy.
We have this electronic lifter for people in wheelchairs and WheelChairBoy went on it. His friends were laughing,because it raised him slowly. xD
I saw Michel. >w< His face was redder than ever. (No, he doesn't have daily fevers nor was he crying or embarrased.)
I brought in Tea bags, because me,Carly,Steven(Not:WheelChairBoy, SKADI~! or percussionist) and Briana are doing the Boston Tea Party. Me and Carly were huffing Peppermint tea bags and Steven told us to stop. We didn't listen to him and I was niffing peppermint tea bag and me and Carl felt like we were gonna sneeze. xD
I made Carly smell EggNog Tea. She hated it. It tastes bad but smells SO GOOD! :3
Then we sniffed Rosehip tea. :|
Then Egyptian Camomile w/ Apple and Dash of cinnamon tea(I LOVE IT!) then Green Tea.
I sniffed too much Peppermint tea, I was about to sneeze. 8D
We had a random firedrill when there was only about 14 mins left. o___o
WheelChairBoy's friends had to wheel WCB out onto the grass it was oddly funny. 8D
Dundundun...SCOTT WAS THERE FOR REDBIRD SINGERS!!! D: Fortunately, I'm not one.*Phew*
Steven was RIGHT, maybe I shouldn't have sniffed those tea bags..I just had a big sneeze. 8D