Funny Moments at School


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I said that Jay was a mental retard in HR. XDD I told Amanda and Thora to pass it on. 8D


Amanda and Ms.Hallahan were caressing my hair. o____o


Me and Amanda were tying, and on MS Word 2000, theres a tool called "Word Check". I was bragging to Amanda, and she was pi**ed. xD


We were eating outside and Amanda was cold and I gave her my jacket and it was HUGE on her. xD


Me and Steve had to work with the retard. Jay. It was so effin annoying, and Steve and Jay kept fighting.

Steve told Jay to shut up, and said "AH!I hate that kid!!" in this Italian voice. 8D


Randomly, we had a firedrill.


I noticed that all firedrills were mostly common around 8th period. o_o


The firedrill went off again. >____> And Mrs.West said "Everyone, do not evacuate the building" *SCREECH* [That was caused by the firedrill ringing and the announcement lady talking.] A few seconds later...*SCREECH*Mrs.W:I'm sorry, everybody please evacuate the building!" >____>

We had a a blackout yesterday night, and that made the fire alarms and clocks odd, so it was a tech. difficulty.


Me and Amanda had to share a chair....And she pushed me and I fell. Not stumble fall, I fell on my knees. xDD


We scared the sixth graders. xDD

End of Band:

I asked Mr.H about the Tuba. Me:You probably hate that word[Tuba]. xD

SC VP and President assemble:

There was this funny boy named Chi. He said "A wise man once told me friendship is like sand it your pants...They sag, and you have to pull them up." xDDD


Drew found a can of Snapple on his stand. o__o

Drew said "NOWAI GEORGE YOU HAVE THE SOLO." in a Nick voice, xD

We have a monkey in our school. Aka, 2nd grader. They were watching us perform and Mr.Hanna was mad.

I saw two monkeys and I showed Manny and Manny told Mr.Hanna and Mr.Hanna said "Go to your class.","Go to your class"..."Must be childwatch...More like ChildWatchNOT.

We saw the monkeys again! xD

Manny said I had an awesome flute cleaner. xD


I asked Mr.Hanna about the Tuba. He said Maybe and totally changed the subject by saying "Hey...You want this band sweater? They've been here for 2 years." xDDD

I accepted it. Its not that great, it just has a marching redbird and it says "BAND". o___o

Johannes,Rachel,Drew and Andrew were going to hunt the monkeys. xDD


Rachel was talking about dancing, and Drew said "BECAUSE YOU CAN'T DANCE!!" xD

APES!!!! We saw Apes[aka, 5th graders].

End of band:

I dropped my flute cleaner and Johannes picked it up and said "Here you go" in a old man's voice. Then, in his normal voice he said "I like helping the crippled. :]" 8D


Miller called me special. xDD Because I do Trombone and Flute. xDD

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I made Taylor jealous with my "Band sweater from 20 Years ago sweater". She wanted one so badly. And she got one. <3


Drew came in to ask Mrs.Larkin for more Ballets for VP/P. <3


I told Amanda that I thought "That boy who came into our homeroom" was cute. She said "Okay". Then I saw Michel...<3 And told Amanda that I like Michel too. She asked "Do you even know him?" Me:Yes. Amanda:What's his name? Me:Michelangelo. Amanda:Michelangelo??? What a funny name!! Me:Thats mean. D< And he plays Horn.

THEN. Andrew came, and I told Amanda that I thought he was cute, and she asked "OKAY!!How many people do you like?!" Me:I like alot of people. Most boys in our grade I don't like. xDDDD

Hallway 2:

I saw Taylor with her band sweater on, and she had a blue t-shirt underneath, so I told her it looked bad. Taylor:SHUT UP!!!! Red and Red looks bad!! Me:Youcereal? Your t-shirt looks bad so shut up. xDDD


Mr.Sacco was singing,Thomas and Zaylin were dancing to this stupid song about American History[Lexington&Concord,etc,.]. xDD

The only thing I can remember is that Nicole and I missed the bus...on purpose.

We got outside, spoke to Khamile and Angela. We went to this guy, told him Khamile said hi, pointed out Khamile, looked for our bus, ran into Brenda (almost literally), asked her if she was coming to the movies, got outside our bus with like a minute to spare, and I go "Do you wanna miss the bus?"

And so...we did.

Yesterday was our Greek Olympics day.. Lucky us, we got to dress up in toga's for the hour. So everybody started a toga chant that was interrupted my Mrs. Hansen telling us to shut up and stay that way.

My team, Athens, got fourth place because they messed up our scores, and the Spartans cheated. D:

Everybody asked me why Nicole was gone all this week with the exception of Monday. I told them she died. Most of them just nodded and walked away. She's sick way too often.. >.>


I haz more Jazz stuff, and Science stuff too.


Once, we were annoucing section leaders, and the Percussion did a drumroll, and Mr.Hanna said "This is the percussion section leader...Drum roll please....TBA." Percussion sect.:AW MAN! D< xD


One of our lights burned out in Dr.B's room, and Peter was all "EVERYONE!!!HAVE A NERVOUS BREAKDOWN!!" xD


Peter wanted to show Manny something. Peter:MANNY! Watch this! I'm gonna jump from this stage, to the floor...Without breaking my leg!! [Four risers] and He succeeded

After school:

Me and Thora went on a trampoline and she was singing "Do I look like a ****?" In Scott version. xDDD [A girly voiced version. <3]

Then we talked about stupid Ryan. Then Thora said he had a peanut head and belonged in the peanut gallery. xDD

Thora said Ryan looked demented[Like that demented pencil Scott broke in 6th grade. .____.] in 2nd grade. And how he had a peanut head, but now he's cute. He has shaggy hair [zomg. HOW CAN YOU THINK HE'S STUPID AND CUTE?! *endrant* ]And he has side bangs. Side bangs=FTW. [i has side bangs too!]


I had a teach last year named Mrs.Hansen. xDD She was a Science teacher though.

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We had to do group Shakespeare productions and I had to wear extreme heels for my roll and I fell over and off the stage.

Later the judges decided on best actress, Supoporting actress, All over group proformance etc and then there was

"And the nomonies for best actress, Grace *Lastname*" (In here theres a dramactic pause), Grace stands up and walks to get her thingie "Grace, get back here" I whisper to her "Loren *Last name*, Georgie *Last name* and Michelle *Last name*"

Grace hurries back to her seat in shame.

"And the winner is *Drum roll* GRACE *LAST NAME*" Exclaims the announcer, "This time you go up Grace" I say.

We'll never let her forget

A few weeks ago Jerrod went to get some books for the teacher to pass out to the class and she told him get two down at a time. Well, he tried to get them all at once and like, the whole book case fell on him xD Then later that week, John went to go get a math book and the same section of books fell on him. We now call it the Haunted Bookcase :huh:

Maggie has this jacket that she wears often, right? So one day she wears a different one and she went up in front of the class for something in math (I think o.o) and Derick went all "OMG You're wearing a different jacket!" Mrs. H: Thank you, Derick for that fashion statement >.> Now, *talks about math*

I swear, we died laughing.

Once, we got onto the subject of out initials and what they could stand for. Our teacher's are T. M. H. and she has been married twice because the first marriage didn't work out. Derick yelled "Too Many Husbands!" xDD

Mrs. H talked about her dad's nickname being FBI. His name was Brownie and he didn't like the name, and she said that he was "chubby" when he was young, so everyone called him FBI. It stood for Fat Brownie *insert last name here* But before she told us what it was, she asked us what we thought it was and Jerrod blurted out "Fat Boy In the house!?" xDDD


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Drew did the ANNOUNCEMENTS!!!! YESH! his voice sounded sexay on the announcements. <3

Lunch: Nicolas was like "MOVE IT, BIGOT!" To Michelangelo. XD

Michelangelo was like "I want to push Kevin. And let him fall to the ground!" Everett: YEAH!

Nicolas threw a cheese wrap in the air to see which person can get it first...



The trumpets were acting bad, and Mr.Hanna said, "If your in a hole...Stop digging!!" It took the trumpets a minute to understand. ;____;

What it means is that if your in trouble, quit getting into more.

Scott played this frickin high note, and it scared me. It sounded like a bomb set off. O_____O

Then Billy did a loud noise and it hurt poor Alex's ears.

Billy is a retard. :]


George went to get something, and when he came back, he said "Crispy Golden Brown." o____o

George said Scott smells. xDDD Because Scott had to play Liza Jane by himself. George:Something smells... Marcus:LIKE....SCOTT! >D George:Yeah! Scott:SHUT UP!! > : O

Griffin[A, sax] was comparing his Alto to Marcus's Tenor, and Marcus was comparing his Tenor to George's Bari. xDDD

Mr.Hanna was humming Super Mario. o__o

George called Marcus a band geek.


Drew said he wants to push little kids whenever there's a fire drill. xDDD


Miller likes to harass Manny.

Scott was unpacking his trombone, and he was looking at me. WTF?

....Scott called George an...a**hole. O____O

I never knew I'd hear that from him. o_o

Then Markus and Mr.Hanna were having and "Saxophone and Bass convo."

Mr.H and Drew were having a "Saxophone Conversation" . Mr.H played some of the Bb scale, and drew did too.

Johannes is a cow.Seriously. He can make Cow noises with his trumpet.

Mr.Hanna said Johannes belongs in a pasture. :3 Ibelonginatubacasei'dbesohappy.

Johannes scares me. Endofstory. :]

But Miller creeps me out and George makes me want to go into a hole. And Marcus makes me want to run away from NJ, specially when he said "BASAMI!!!" xDDD

Mr.Hanna was singing! xDD Mr.H: George here's your solo..~ Softly now...

Scott hates Besame Mucho...Even though there's a special trombone part. o___o

I get to do trombone next week! YEAH! But only for our new music....I'm gonna ask if I can do....


Ain't Misbehavin'

Freddie Freeloader[AKA: AWESOME]


Besame Mucho

New music! YEAH!

Miller didn't call me special because he had to leave early for Piano Lessons. xD

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Today ___ picked up Emily and threw her. xDDD

Naynay was all like 'WTF%#%" and I was like, 'Why are all you short people violent today D8'

and Naynay already pushed her down the stairs before that for saying Obama is like..well I can't say it.

@ redtama: I <3 your stories. I'll try to write like you.


AM Homeroom:

We have announcements on the TV. They are always hokey and/or cheesy. The announcers, weather people, camera man/woman, make up the lamest jokes. Sometimes they're so bad they're funny. Today there was a boy and a girl. They were talking about the Ski Club, so they took a snowboard, propped it up on the desk, and had the boy stand on it. The girl had her head in between his legs, and staring...up there. Everyone was smiling and holding in laughs. The boy was "pretending" to teach her how to snowboard, and at the end, she said, "I sure learned a lot today...*Looks up*" Everyone started laughing hysterically and the teacher told us to quiet down. That was the high-light of Homeroom.


Period 1:

We were in art class and I tripped over a table...D=


Period 2:

Our Math teacher smokes and usually smells like it, too. She was really angry and mean today, and people make up things like she finished her last pack. She is really old, maybe in her 70's or 80's. I wish she'd just retire. She says, "I do NOT accept any rudeness in my classroom. You don't like that rule? Then get out. If you are going to be like that, you're wasting my time, and your time, so I don't need you. Grab a pass for detention. It's on the wall!"


Period 3:

Our Science teacher is pretty much a jock, he could care less about any other sport besides football. He is the 9th grade football coach. He could care less about Science, he's just doing it for the money and to stay close to the football field. When he "teaches" he just reads what's on the worksheet and makes us figure it out. Today we got in our "Lab Groups" and he told us to get a piece of paper and write down stuff about Living Things. We only wrote down 2 words and talked the rest of the period.


Period 4:

Gym was boring. We had to run a mile. I would race my friends once and a while. Most of it was walking and talking. :]



Our lunch table is crowded, so you have to squeeze in to get a seat. I pushed someone by accident and made them spill a little red JELL-O on themselves. We have lunch aids at Lunch, which are just teachers that stand there at lunch watching people and yelling at kids. My Reading teacher was answering a question that one girl asked her, and at the end, she was confused, so she said, "I'm bumped". All of us thought it was so funny, because it meant...something. Lunch Aid #2 is my History teacher. She is Korean, and she speaks okay English. Every once and a while she will make things singular that need to be plural. She spazzes (sp?) out a lot, and makes weird hand motions. She talks really fast. Like this: "Pick up that potato...I mean, peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Let's go, let's go, let's go!" Everyone thinks it's hilarious. There also is a girl who does perverted things when she eats. She takes the spoon, and pushes it in and out of the ice-cream to make it softer. In and out, in and out. She licks it in a weird way...When she eats chips or drinks, she eats/drinks it on the side of her mouth. When she eats a cookie she bounces up and down, up and down.

That is usually my favorite period of the day. Too bad it's only 20 minutes...


Period 5:

This is when I have History. When she comes back from Lunch, she is usually stressed out. She always, and I mean always says m-kay, kay, okay, or m-koy in every sentence. This is how she talks: "Kay, so let's view this map, m-kay? Kay, can anyone tell me anything significant about this map?" I forgot to mention that the only other 2 phrases she says is "Significant" and "And so forth". Occasionally she will say "For example" a lot. She only says that when she is stressed. One time when we were taking notes, I counted how many times she said any forms of okay the whole period, and it added up to 124 times. o_O This class is usually the most boring class ever, because we never do anything. All we do is worksheets, take notes, take quizzes, and tests. She gives 9 projects per semester...:[


Period 6:

I have English/Language Arts this period. My teacher is kind of uptight. She can't laugh, can't make jokes. She makes us do work, and whenever she starts a class, she says, "We have a lot of work today. Let's start by copying down your homework, okay?" I hate her. She gives me bad grades on my writing no matter how hard I try. This period feels the longest. When she is teaching us Grammar, forgeta 'bout it. Usually people act crazy in her class just to get her mad. I found a receipt on the floor for 24 granola bars...Really, could she eat that many?


Period 7:

I have Spanish this period. I hate my Spanish teacher. She can be so boring. I sit in the back, and usually draw pictures on the blackboard in the back. She never notices. She is pretty hot-tempered, so if you do one little thing she pretty much explodes. :[


Period 8:

Finally, the last period of the day. My Reading teacher is probably one of the nicest teachers. She lets us play around, joke around, and even talk. All my friends are in this class. One girl felt me today...O_O


PM Homeroom:

Today we were playing paper football. My friend actually ate the paper football and swallowed it. It was kind of nasty...

There was a group of people who were playing catch with someone's water bottle. Someone threw the bottle out of control, and it hit the teacher in the head. She was so mad at them after that.


I guess that is it. I really don't have exciting days. :) redtama has better stories than me.


I hope something funny happens tomorrow. ;)

@ redtama: I <3 your stories. I'll try to write like you.
redtama has better stories than me.
:) Sometimes I just put random stuff in there... Even if it's not funny. o__o

I just feel like it. 8D

I don't have announcements on TV[We have them through loudspeakers. >| ]. If Drew were on TV I'd be all "ZOMGBBQSAUCE IT'S DREW!!!" :]


Also, today in Band, I coughed in my Trombone while we were playing and it ruined the song. xDD

This wasn't in school but at Metamorpheses practice (its a play I'm in. It was at the high school, so technically after school at a school) I was supposed to walk across the stage and kneel down and pretend to splash water at one point, so I was walking to the part where I kneel down and I was in my socks (we are either barefoot or sockfoot 8D) and I slid and fell. It was so funny.

This beats all tehehe

oh and Bubbles is this really creepy ar*e kid at our old school that plays with thease devil cards and calls himself kill kill. this was in grade nine

i went to talk to hiim cuz i fel bad he was all alone it was too funnyy lol

Me: so do you have any borthers or sisters?

Bubbles: Yeah lots like three sisters and a twin she's my age!

Me: oh really thats awesome dose she go to this school? (really exited)

Bubbles: NO SHES DEAD!! (funniest face ever, and really low and angry)


Me: oh my really, im so sorry about that, was she pretty?(Laughfing so hard its not even funny)

Bubbles: NO! she died at birth! (evil look on his face)

Me: oh jeeze that sucks im sorry about that. (still laughinf so hard but trying to keep it in)


Me: so i heard you like pokemon cards, thas pretty rad! (still laughinf so hard)

Bubbles: ( SO SERIOUS) i love them there my life, im kill kill!!!!

amg, i could not stop laughfing. for the record, that sister dose not and never did exist.

Yesterday I wore torn up jeans that I had written all over because it was disaster day for red ribbon week. Shane was trying to read it because he was walking behind me, and when he got to a certain point and turned around with a dead serious face and told him to stop looking at my butt. Then I stared at him and walked away.

During FACS, he also wrote "Janna Banana" on my paper when we switched, but Mrs. Hargrove made him switch with Tyler, and he gave me a really strange look. I pointed at Shane, but he shook his head and told me that he couldn't be so sure; It may have been my stripper name.

Alex was making fun of me in science because it said 'Joseph + Janna' on his desk. Then the bell rang and Shane force-hugged me in the hallway, even though I was yelling at him to get off of me, and Joseph pulled him off and asked me if I was okay. I said, "If you mean, 'Did he just rape you in the four minutes between 7th and 8th hour?', then no."

Good times.

We had to do group Shakespeare productions and I had to wear extreme heels for my roll and I fell over and off the stage.
Later the judges decided on best actress, Supoporting actress, All over group proformance etc and then there was

"And the nomonies for best actress, Grace *Lastname*" (In here theres a dramactic pause), Grace stands up and walks to get her thingie "Grace, get back here" I whisper to her "Loren *Last name*, Georgie *Last name* and Michelle *Last name*"

Grace hurries back to her seat in shame.

"And the winner is *Drum roll* GRACE *LAST NAME*" Exclaims the announcer, "This time you go up Grace" I say.

We'll never let her forget
Haha =]


Me and Taylor have a handshake. It's like your about to do a high five, but the you shake the hands! xD We did that because I was wearing my band sweater.

I have side bangs, and Taylor tried putting my bangs behind my ear and I went crazy. xDDD


Chi did the announcements. :]


Isaac got hit with a kickball and he fell. xDD

Taylor asked me if I had an extra sock. o____o


Erica and Peter were arguing over the Philles VS the Rays. xD Erica is a philles fan, and Peter likes the Yankees.. :]


I was PO'd because Taylor chose Soccer Practice over our band rehearsal...


Band, I forgot this one!!! D8 :

.Ryan.Asked.ME.if I. did. BAND.LAST.YEAR. I was so pi**ed at him! I sat RIGHT IN FRONT of him. o__o Ryan:Hey Skadi... Did you do band last year. Me:YES. .___. Ryan:Really? What instrument? Me:Er.. Flute. Ryan: Do you still play it? Me:Yes, for Jazz..

And when were were talking about my Flute, I was playing my Trombone wrong. He was talking about Flute, which uses Treble, and Trombone uses Bass. So I was playing Treble. >_____> For the F major scale. *Throws a brick at Ryan.*


I wanted Thomas to put my band folder in my band folder. He said "NO." I was all "AW MAN D<" xD


We had to choose a stall.. #1,#2,or #3.. I chose #1 because I have a fear of toilets that are at the end. o.o;


On the board, there was a question...The question was "WHY?". Just "Why?"

So Peter was all "TRICK QUESTION. WHY?!". xD


I'm readiing "The summer of the swans". And Meg went to look at it and then said "She loves her brother?" Me:Really? Meg:I saw it on TV. Me:This? *Points to book* Meg:Oh no. I was talking about something else.


I had to write something. It was if I supported Obama or McCain's view on Health Care. I choose Obama, and we needed to write 3 sentences. Mr.Sacco: Is this worthy of a check? Me:No..? Meg[Horn] : Don't be so low. xDD

After School band practice:

George,Kyle and Marcus did something disturbing. o__o

They made their Saxophones look like a certain male body part... xP and wanted Scott to do so too and Scott didn't understand.

We listened to the recording of Amazing Grace.. And people were either conducting, mouthing their instruments or throwing a piece of pencil if your George. Then George threw the piece of pencil[George also threw it to Laura and Clare and the percussion section]at Scott. and Scott threw it back...And it landed somewhere. And died.

And Ryan's slide oil is blue[Odd.] and when he emptied his water valve, the spit was blue. And Jake said that looked like his dog's pee on his patio. xD

Ryan and Jake were talking about bus routes. o___o

Ryan was complaining because he was hungry.

The suspended cymbal scared me because we were doing Crescendo and Decrescendo. It sound like there was a tsunami,an earthquake and a thunderstorm happening at the same time. C=

Jaymir was walking VERY slowly, and Scott pointed that out.

Tom was fighting with Jaymir because Tom needed help with the Congas because they were too low for him. xD It was entertaining, C=.

Scott was arguing with his trombone. xD

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Amanda said I should be a Dead Musician for Halloween. xDDD


I saw that pencil that George threw.

Jake gave Scott the middle finger.

Emily attacked Alex with her trumpet.

Tom[<3] was behind us, and Ryan asked "Who's good at percussion in your section?" Tom:Me and Stephen. He's good at bells. Nicholas and Thomas are new and Idk about Jaymir. =\

Ryan was bothering me. D< He told me it's easier to put your foot on the spit valve, instead of reaching with your hand. >_______> It's easier to do it with my hand.[That sounds wrong, right?]

Scott wasn't talking to himself. :]


I wanted Thora to meet Manny and she had a seriously retarded answer. ._____.


We had to leave the classroom for this Election -08 thing.


[Election 2008]

Manny was signing up too, so he waved to me and Peter. :]


I saw Drew. He told Mr.Scaturo that he should be a girl for Halloween. xDD

Drew doesn't know what he's being. <3

Hallway 2:

Me and Taylor went to get our instruments, and she had to bend over. And not on purpose, I accidentally kept hitting her in the head with my trombone. xD

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