Funny Moments at School


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This boy and my friend were talking. And my friend was like, "Remember FC (it means flat chested. This girl made it up)?" And he was all, "Yeah. Wasn't that you?" And she said, "Yeah." I was like, "No, it's you Antonio." And he said, "No! I have man ****s." I was cracking up.

I tried to hit Marco's hand. And he put his hand on the guy who sit's next to me's desk so I could hit him. I hit him hard with a book 2 times. And he freaked out.

I went under my desk to Alexx and poked him. He started freaking out. Heather was like, "Woah. Random spazz attack."

I was in Humanities, being bored. I put my hand up because I thought Miss.B said whats the topic's main character. XD Here's how it went:

Miss.B: What's the country this was set on?

Me: *Puts hand up*

Miss.B: Alright, Indy?

Me: His Grandfather.

Everyone: *laughing there heads off*

Me: what?

Miss.B:....Alright, let's ask someone else. Carolyn? (My Friend)

Carolyn: Latvia.

Miss.B: Correct.

I LOOKED LIKE A TOTAL DITZ. XD I sounded so dumb. XD


For the last two classes, we got to go to the music room and play drums and bass :]

Somehow during recess, me and Marlie started talking about Pete Wentz. And Marlie's like "Pete is probably cheating on Ashlee. (WARNING: GROSS CONTENT. xD) He's probably f-ing a hooker right now" xDDDDDDDD

Jacob got clotheslined, and was in some pain for the whole afternoon. He was like "Allie, can you carry me to the classroom? I want you to hold me!" And a whole bunch of stuff like that. Then he tried to hug me xD

Marcus got suspended. AGAIN. o__o

I had to sit beside Skyler's brother in computers. He was being a retard, and told me that a door knob, oatmeal, and fat guy sitting in a chair are musical instruments.

Nav randomly started singing This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race and I was like "ZOMG! YOU'RE SINGING FALL OUT BOY!" And started singing along. xD

Well OMG I HAVE AAAA LOOOTTT!!! Not even kidding but one of them that i do remember is that I started acting all crazy and I said Why do they call candycorn candycorn?? When its not made of corn!! Why do they call a unicorn a unicorn when theres no corn!!! It should be called unihorn. So i was just saying random things like that and all my freinds were staring at me and laughing and saying how weird I was. Then this girl is like, then what does this mean, I dont remember what she said. And this guy is like,"Dont encourage her!!!" So i started again and I was talking reallly fast. Hahah it was hilarious.

There was this one kid who was making fun of another kid during lunch my saying inappropriate words (male and female reproductive organs) and there was a teacher standing right next him, and she heard the whole thing. He didn't even know she was standing there, listening to the whole thing, until he turned around. We were all cracking up and couldn't control ourselves after that in L.A. We were still laughing so hard.

He got in a llllllllllllllllloooooooooooootttttttttttttttttttttttt of trouble after saying those kind of "words".

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For the last two classes, we got to go to the music room and play drums and bass :]
Somehow during recess, me and Marlie started talking about Pete Wentz. And Marlie's like "Pete is probably cheating on Ashlee. (WARNING: GROSS CONTENT. xD) He's probably f-ing a hooker right now" xDDDDDDDD

Jacob got clotheslined, and was in some pain for the whole afternoon. He was like "Allie, can you carry me to the classroom? I want you to hold me!" And a whole bunch of stuff like that. Then he tried to hug me xD

Marcus got suspended. AGAIN. o__o

I had to sit beside Skyler's brother in computers. He was being a retard, and told me that a door knob, oatmeal, and fat guy sitting in a chair are musical instruments.

Nav randomly started singing This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race and I was like "ZOMG! YOU'RE SINGING FALL OUT BOY!" And started singing along. xD
Whoa.. O_O Skyler's bro is weird. xD I would have smacked him in the face (JK). xD

Thats funny me and you have the same classmates names. I have [a] schoolmate named Marcus, Jacob and Allie(Your name is Allie isn't it :? )


I had to leave for trying out the Trombone. Amanda said I was a evil "teacher" O_O;, I thought she was talking about Mr.Hanna! XD



Mr.Hanna told Mrs.Tengood about what we were doing. Mr.H:We're trying out the Trombone! Mrs.T:OH COOL! xD

Mr.Hanna got the Trombone and green stuff came out. O_O xD

Mr.Hanna wanted me to buzz my lips. I couldn't, but he sure could. xD

I tried Buzzing on the mouthpiece... I FINALLY DID IT! Except.... it sounded like a duck. xD

Then... we tried the Trombone. OMG it was soooo fun! I got to do 1st,4th and 6th postition(1st=Bb w/ low buzz,6th=C,4th=D , 6th=F w/ low buzz)And I got to move the slide. VERY Fun! :3

Mr.Hanna got this horrible looking case. xP it was REALLY ugly; It was brown leather, with one dark brown half and the other half was light brown. It looked like a luggage case! xD But the Trombone was nice, excelent slide action. It was a Yamaha. The one before that had a nice black case, but not good slide action, it needed slide oil :lol: . It was a Bundy(Bach). The Yamaha case is the case I want(except w/ the ugly outside xD) because the Trombone bell is rested and the slide is stored inside the case (Theres a slot for the slide). The Bundy one had a nice outside, but it had a slide holder that had to be buttoned, and I didn't want the slide to fall out when I get the case open.

I got confused how to put my hand on the brace. xD

The trombone was heavy compared to the flute. xD

Mr.Hanna said I was doing a Flute breath, and I cannot do that on Trombone.

Mr.Hanna asked me if I did my "Homework" on the slide postitions, I said yes. And he asked me what 7th postition was, I said "Near the end of the slide." He said I was correct. :unsure:

Mr.H wanted me to do Bb,F,D,C. I tried to move the slide fast, but he said that wasn't what he wanted me to do, big oops. So it was like: MrH: Bb. Me:*Moves slide to 1st* MrH: D. Me:*Moves slide to 4th* MrH: C. Me:*Moves to 6th* MrH: F. Me:*Moves slide to 6th*

This is what I did: Me:*Moves to 1st then 6th then 4th, very quickly.*

I asked mr.hanna if I could bring a trombone home to practice. He was thinking about it and said no, but maybe Friday(Tomorrow) I can bring it.

I didn't pull the slide down onto the floor. I held it up infront of me, like how you would hold a Trumpet.

If I did that during band, I would hit someone(Possibly a Flute! xDDD) in the head O_O.

Mr.H wanted me to try 7th position, and I couldn't grip my whole fist so he said I should just use the tips of my fingers and I shouldn't be scared because it won't fall off(Only if you stretch it far enough).

End of Try-out:

Mr.Hanna told me that his WHOLE family plays Trombone except him! Mr.Hanna: My cousin is getting a degree in Trombone. I have a degree in Clarinet. My dad also plays trombone, he's retired so now all he does is play Trombone! Me:No way, your kidding. I never knew there was a degree in instruments! =O

LA: I came back.

I showed amanda my MP(Mouthpiece),she thought it was a awesome "present". xD

Amanda wanted a mouthpiece. Me:Will you join band? Amanda:No, i just want one! xD

Amanda was doing that knuckle to knuckle thing w/ me. Me:Trombone BRACE hand(Left!)! Me:Trombone hand(Right!)! xD


Vinny wouldn;t stop talking. Mr.V : Vinny stop. Vinny:Okay! *Gets tape and tapes mouth shut.* xD So he was all "Mmmhhmhmmm!!HHHH!!" xD

Vinny had to take the tape off so you could hear was "OWWWW!!" xD

Eric has a band(not professional) and he made a cd for Vinny. Vinny:Why is this song called "Supdeep in the back seat"? Eric:Long story. xD


I wanted to ask Mr.H again if I could bring a trombone home. Me:I don;t even care if its that Yamaha one. xD He said he'll think. I also told him I wouldn;t break it or lose it.


Vinny was looking at me.


I told Colby about my mouthpiece, she wanted to see it. I showed her it and she said it was huge. xD (Its a trombone shank(mouthpiece for brass :rolleyes: ) a big one. :3)

Vinny said hi to me in a very quiet voice... o_O;;; Vinny:*Quitely*Hi skadi. Me:??? Vinny:Hi skadi! *Waves* Me:Hey. *Waves*

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Whoa.. O_O Skyler's bro is weird. xD I would have smacked him in the face (JK). xD
Thats funny me and you have the same classmates names. I have [a] schoolmate named Marcus, Jacob and Allie(Your name is Allie isn't it :? )
Yepp. :]

Today at recess me, Marlie, and Sam were sitting on the bike racks. I randomly named the racks in my head, so I'm like "Sam! Stop violating Patrick Stump!" "Marlie! Stop raping Pete Wentz!" So Marlie's like "Allie! What are you doing to Brendon Urie?" xD

We were listening to the radio station in class again, and Nav literally sang along to every single song, and Taylor was very close to smaking him with something xD

Jacob was being a retard, so Taylor and him had a ruler fight xD

When we were working on our Health project, Jacob officially announced me and Pete Wentz's divorce o_O lmfao.

Me, Nav, Taylor, and Kristina were talking and out of nowhere Jacob is like "I HAVE FAT ELBOWS!"

Kristina was talking about Austin and how he styles his hair, and a teahcer waslked up behind her and we all started laughing. So Kristina's like "WHAT? *turns around* Oh. Hi."

Lol. :huh:

All of your stories are funny...

Nothing has happened to me that was funny yet, but I will alert you when something does!


Scott was talking to Briana and then Briana can to my desk and started talking to me, so Scott was looking. xD


Vinny:Hi skadi =) Me:Hello. =3 He always says hi to me...o_O;

I kept picking up Vinny's items that dropped. xD He didn't realize.

Jay(That dwep-dwep, i'm trying to keep my lang. clean. xD) was waiting for Vinny to moved in. I was tying my shoe and forgot what I went near vinny's desk for. Jay:Vinny. Move it. Vinny:NO. Ladies first! Jay:No. Vinny:Lets let Skadi go through first. :3 Me:Thank you~. Then Vinny wouldn;t let Jay pass. xD

Jay did something mean to Vinny =(. He posted a note that said something I couldn't identify. Me;Um... Vinny? Vinny:Yes? Me:Theres a note on your chair that Jay posted. Vinny:*Turns around* YEAH! Mrs.K!!! JAY PUT A NOTE ON MY CHAIR!!! And jay was fibbing, saying he didn't do it, but I saw him. > : (

Colby said something VERY mean about Vinny. Well, lets just say Vinny has some problems(No,he isn't mentally retarded.),maybe ADHD(And i'm not making fun of anybody w/ it because I have ADHD). So he is very Hyper, and Colby said He has issues. Me:COLBY! Thats rude!!! Colby:I'm just saying. So I was mad at her, because every time he said something she would say "Issues" which made me even more P.O.'d.

Colby said she didn't have issues: Me;Sure you don't. I doubt it that this classroom of kids don't have problems. Colby:I didn't say that I didn't have issues! xD Me:I wish I had a tape recorder for that sentence. xD

Trombone pics:

(Yamaha) : This is a expample of the inside of the case, incase any didn't understand(View Fig.#10)Yamaha Trombone,A Bass, Not Tenor.

Trombone: Yamaha

(Bundy) :

Trombone Case, Bundy: W/ Trombone inside. =D

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I sat on the bike rack I named Brendon Urie and my friend was like "GET OFF OF MY HUSBAND!" APparentaly she's married to Brendon Urie, Pete Wentz, and Patrick Stump xD So I'm stuck with Ryan Ross xP

I was at Marlie's for lunch, and we were watching Franny's Feet. We were like "ZOMG! WHERE WILL FRANNY'S FEET FEET TAKE US NOW?" "I betcha we're going to fagland." xD

Me and Jacob were learning drums. Let's just say we thought we were pro after 15 minutes of lessons, and challenged eahc other to drum solo wars xD

All of us were in the music room singing along to No Air. xD

Next to my classroom is a big hole in the fence of the netball and basketball court.

On friday me and my besties (Emily, Rachel and Audrey) were climbing through it!

One day my teacher said something like "Your behaviour is not Year 5 standard" to some

boy (let's call him Richard) and i'm like "oh dear" and my teacher is like "Oh dear is right!!!"

My friend Toby brought fifty dollars to school and my friend Rachel ripped one-sixth of it off an Toby's like


My sisters teacher once started laughing at a very serious assembly and then suddenly our whole school was laughing!!!

I'm wetting my pants as I type this!!

One more though..

When we were marking our homework one day my friend Si Yang said the answer to one of the questions and

shes like "53 dollars" and Im like "good girl!!" cause Si Yand would usually say "53 bucks"!!!


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my funniest moment was when i was in yr 4. on april fools day and me and my friends put a rubber spider on the rim of our teachers coffe mug, but then..... it fell right in!

we waited but we missed out on the verdict coz we had to go somewhere, but a friend told me she had screamed!

take that tecaher!

I sat on the bike rack I named Brendon Urie and my friend was like "GET OFF OF MY HUSBAND!" APparentaly she's married to Brendon Urie, Pete Wentz, and Patrick Stump xD So I'm stuck with Ryan Ross xP
D: Tell her to shoo.

Last day of school! =(


Mr.Hanna wanted to see me.

We got yearbooks!!! =D I got sigs. from Scott,Briana,Thora,Mrs.Hoffman,Mrs.Gramham,Mrs.Hansen,Mr.B,Mrs.B,Allie(No, the Allie from my school, not WG o_O; :lol: ,Michael,Sarzar,Taylor and Carrie and...Just guess. mike.

Thora,my sister, wrote "YOUR MY BFFL!" Me:*Writes: o_O;; Have a good summer? Skadi. (YOUR NOT MY BFFL)".

So she was depressed.

I wrote this to Scott:

Have a Great Summer! I hope your in my class next year! -Skadi

Scott wrote this:

Skadi, Have a great Summer and best of luck next year! -Scott-

Briana said I really deserve a vacation. xD

I looked at the pic of Scott..He looked creppy... o_O Especially Mike O_O he had long hair in Fall so he got a hair cut...He looked creepy.

Scott did Cross Country, and theres a pic of him w/ his team...He looks really weird. They called him Erik...O_O

Sarzar's brother,Safther, had his picture replaced w/ his younger sister! xD So it shows "Safther ____"And its his little sister! xDDD

I saw a picture of Mr.Hanna and the jazz band. He had a beard. Thora:Are you sure they didn't edit it on Photoshop?" xDD


Mr.Hanna pulled me into the office to show me how to put the Trombone together.

I got the ugly trombone!!(Yay?) xD It has rust on the slide and needs more slide oil...o_O;

I got the Bundy case! =) But my Yamaha T-bone bell is too big for the case!! xD


(Again) I had to carry the trombone case... And I nearly owned Mrs.Jedznak w/ the case. xD

And many others... xDDD I think I hit Isaac in the back. Oops... x_x

Everybody was staring at me like I was mentally retarded with my Trombone.. o_O;

Way to gym:

I told Amanda that I get to have the trombone(Until I can rent it.). She was excited. xD She yelled "TROMBONEIO!" xDD

On the way outside:

We had to open our lockers, I had to get the Trombone and lug it.. I think I owned somebody. xD

I nearly dropped it on Scott's foot, I had alot of stuff w/ me.


Reagan thought I had a french Horn w/ me, everybody was correcting her. xD

Taylor asked me why I have a Trombone w/ me.

My Trombone case fell and caused a huge scene. x'D

Amanda was using my Trombone case... as a Bozooka(sp?).. X_x She nearly owned Colby! xD

I kept owning Amanda in the leg w/ my case.

Lexi and Colby were confuzed because I had a Trombone w/ me. xD

I yelled that my case was a weapon. xDDD

My case fell like 1000 times. xD

Thora dislikes George; Thora:There's george... :mimitchi: He's so tall. Me:*Pretends to shoot George* We were cracking up.

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