Funny Moments at School


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I got knee'd in the head today.. Somehow I found it funny, my being tripped, running into the guy who always seems to cause my injuries in PE, and lying on the football field holding my head in my hands. To me, this ended up being hilarious, so I started laughing.

Nothing else really happened today, that could be considered funny. I had to get an x-ray this morning, which included drinking 3 cups of barium, so I felt sick most of the day.

Not much happened today that was funny. Ricky ran into me twice today from not paying attention.

At recess,me,Abby,Rachel,Caitlin,Leigh-Anne,and Taylor were "swimming for our lives" and randomly falling and yelling "OW! MY SPLEEN!", "I CAN'T FEEL MY SPLEEN!" or "MY ZORCH IS ON FIRE!!!!!" xD

Today we had Hoops For Heart, and all we do is play some 3 on 3 half-court basketball for the afternoon.

I was sitting on the stage watching one of the games, and I heard Nav yelling "STUMPY! ALISON WENTZ!" at me. So I went over to where he was and threatened to beat him up xD Then he started calling Braeden Stumpy, and he gave us the weirdest/most hilarious look in the world.

After it, Austin raised his arm, and started showing people the sweat on his shirt like "LOOK AT THESE HOGS!"

Jacob called me Alison Wentz, then he asks me how that name started so I told him to go ask Skyler. Skyler's explanation is: Allie listens to Fall Out Boy becuase she thinks Pete wentz is hot. And she loves it when Pete calls her Alison. And now she's Alison Wentz-House MD, FYI. xD


(Wed.) I had Mike's chair. Mike: You stole my chair.....! (2x) to Amelia: she stole my chaiiiirrrrrrrrr.

But he got his chair back. XP


We had a spelling test and we have bonus words. Me: *Raises hand* Mrs.B: Yes? Me: CAN I SAY THE BONUS WORD?! Mrs.B: SURE! Me: Hm..... Bassoon! (I got to choose the word)

I told Amanda and Eric that I had to say something important. Me:Eric... I gotta tell you something important....ICE KANGAWOO!(in a british accesent)


Jay has this Runescape cheat book. Timmy:OMG!!! HERES SOME RUNSCAPE CHEATS! me:OMGOMGOMG!LOLOLOLOL!!!!



(Wed.) Mrs.Hansen: What did we learn today? Michelle? Michelle: Sugar makes gas. *Covers mouth* XD


Mike was talking about cheese. Mike: Cheesecheesecheese!

Somebody said Trumpet was a easy instrument! XD

There was this girl w/ a bass saxophone or something but it was HUGE!

Catch up club:

Eric saw Jay. Eric: Hi Hobo! Have a good day at work Hobo!

Before Art:

Me and Scott had to put our instruments in Mrs.Hoffman's room. Me: Scott, do you mind to move your Trombone? Scott: Sure. Me: Thanks! Sorry to cause trouble. Scott: DON'T WORRY! =)


We had seperated rows due to the ASK test on Monday(next). Mike: Skadi, since you have glasses you should sit up front. Me:No its okay.

We were doing Gargoles(sp?). Mike: *Draws some sort of Lady bug w/ a wing and a smile* Me: *Laughs* Mike: *Gets up* MRS.K!!! *shows everybody his pics* XD I CAN'T DRAW A GARGOLE!!!!!!!! Mike called that Ladybug a whale so I died of laughter. XD

It was hard not to laugh at Mikes artwork.

Briana's Sci class:

Scott is in her class. I wanted to give Scott the Black death! So I made it into a note, and asked Briana to give it to him. She told me he didn't like it. (In math now)Me: Oh... Tell him i'm sorry.

After math:

Briana: This is what Scott asked me: Scott: *To Briana* Does she(me) like me? Briana: I don't know(i think she said that) Scott: Oh. But I'll just like her as a friend.

Play(Thursday) :

Mike was a native american. The squaws were singing "Its raining men". Mike: ITS RAINING CHEESE! its raining cheese!

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Hmm... This happened the other day. There is this boy in my class, let's call him by his name, Diego.

Diego often falls asleep in class, so one day someone wrote "Diego likes sleeping in class" and "Diego ZZZZ" and "Look at Diego! He's sleeping!"

Well, Diego got to class, and didn't notice any of this and he was probably just about to doze off when the pompous maths teacher came in and read this off the board and looked at Diego - nearly asleep - so he called his name. Poor Diego probably sprung about 3 inches in the air, but I think everyone took it as a joke. :)

Today's schedule was all messed up so I had English first. Sam, Gregory, and Cooper played this chipmunk-sounding song on one of their phones. We had a sub and half the class heard it. The sub didn't seem to care, though. So they played like, three more times.
I wrote all over myself today. My feet, my arms, my hands. It was fun. I even white-outed my fingernails. Then we attempted writing curses on our planner covers with Wite-Out. We over Wite-Outed them later.

In PE, some random guy who looked like he was froman African Safari came to the gym. And we were just hanging out today, so Peyton was like "We should go ask Coach why the safari guy is here..." And then Safari guy started examining a volleyball and playing basketball with the volleyball... And Peyton was like "We should go tell him that it's against the rules to play basketball with a volleyball or soccer ball."

In art, which was two periods after lunch, Sara, Sofie, Nicole, and I had this random group hug.
OMG!!! X'D A safari guy?! Mike would've asked if he liked... Cheese,Chicken Fingers,Fries.

I love the part where the safari guy examined the Volleyball and play b-ball w/ it! XD


We were running laps during Gym (Lucky us e.e) and Jacob went up to me and the conversation was like this: "DO YOU ALLIE TAKE PETE WENTZ AS YOUR HUSBAND?" "I don't." OH WELL. DO YOU PETE WENTZ TAKE ALLIE AS YOUR WIFE? HE SAID I DO. YOU MAY NOW KISS THE BRIDE" I used caps, becuase he was literally yelling it xD

Mason was flinging peices of fruit around the room, and one peice hit the lights and fell to the floor. For some reason we found it funny.

Mason threw his half eaten sandwich at Jacob, then Jacob threw it at me. I took my pen that happened to me in my hand and swatted at it xD

Me and Jessica were playing fire in the barnyard. She chose to save Ryan Ross, stab Spencer Smith, and leave Brendon Urie to burn. Then I was like "OMG HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO BRENDON? YOU BARBARIAN!"xD

A few cops were hanging around outside our school this morning, and I told Renee there was probably going to be a drug bust, as a joke. She gave me this weird look, and I told her that it didn't involve me, because she had previously made me sound, coincidentially, like a drug dealer in front of our science teacher, who hasn't seemed to talk to me as much as she used to ever since.

Nicole's brother zapped her this morning. Only, whenever her name was said, she had to sing the Spongebob "Fun" song. And she did. Much fun.

Shane was being weird in study hall... He had to sign the back of my binder in huge letters, because Noel and Renee got to sign it last year and he wasn't there to. Then he marked all over my arm with a Sharpie [which I am still unable to get off..].

Then we got in trouble for passing a note, because our study hall teacher is strict about finding work to do and not talking until the last 3 minutes of class. Garr.

Near the very end of lunch period, anybody who wanted to try out for cheerleading was called to the FACS room. About 3/4 of the girls left, and most of the guys jumped up and headed for it too, most of them acting excited or skipping. The lunch aid made them all sit back down.

Noel was wearing a "Go Green" shirt today, with a checklist of things to help the Earth on the front. One of the things on the list was "Plant a Tree", so I asked Noel if she had planted a tree. She turned around, looked at me, and goes, "Tree?!" and we both crack up, so everybody around us thought we were out of it.. It was a (very stupid) inside joke from last year, when we all found the word tree just hilarious to the point of laughing so hard we cried and our sides.. dying. Then we both just shrugged, because we didn't want to explain it, and walked off.

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Scott was sitting next to my sis. Me: MOVE! Sis: No. Scott(>w<) : *Looks at me* Scott looked cute(and sexy XD) today.


Scott tripped on the way to recess! T________T

I had to push Amanda on the swing... infront of Scott....

Amanda: LETS GO TORTURE SCOTT !!! Me: Ok. BUT I'M COMING W/ YOU. Amanda: SCOTT!!!!!!! SCOTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amanda: HI SCOTT! HI HI HI HI SCOTT!!!! Scott: Ugh! (Thats hot XD) Amanda: DO YOU LIKE PIE. Scott: *Stares at us* Me: Amanda! Amanda: Somebody(=me) likes you! Me: SHUT UP! > : O I told her to shut up as a joke and for a cause. Poor Scott.. U_U

Amanda: I HATE TOM TELEGRAPH(Scott T_T) Me: I HATE MOTHER! (Amanda was a mom in the play)

Amanda attacked me w/ her jacket sleeve. XD


Me: ME. YOU. ENEMIES Amanda: What?

(We finished running laps) Me: ENEMY. Amanda: Enemenie? Me:Yes, enemenie.


LA: Me: Amanda.... Why do you like to torture Scott?

Amanda: Its fun.

Me: Why did you harass Scott? Amanda: Its fun. Somebody likes Scott! Me: Stop! Timmy: You(=Amanda) like Scott? Me: Your mom. Timmy: Your face.


(This was Friday)

Timmy: Skadi, do you know Scott? Me: Yes. Timmy: Some people call him Scotty. (Skadi sounds like Scotty XP) I think spelt Scotti or Scotty. Me: Oh. Thats too bad.

I was Marcus's new Priest and a Nurse too. Timmy: Is it hard to be a nurse and a Priest? Me: Its really hard because I have to heal people and like be a priest too.


@ Wildcat gal 101:

I had a 4th grade teacher named Ms.Wentz. XD

Well one of my funny moments at school was....

When I was having a really fun time at social studies but just tripped in class. Then I walked over to my friend and I said, "Save me the embarassment. Kill me with a big rock." and then a guy named Ryan Hanchett oinked and it made me laugh but then the teacher made us stay in for recess....

Last Friday, we had 2nd period when we would normally have 6th period, so Mrs. N wasn't there. Our sub didn't care what we did so after a while, Jay takes out his camera. Then, Chris, Wesley, and Steven turn on the fan in the front of the room and pose in front of it like male models while Jay takes pictures.

Today, nothing really happened. Except that in science I wrote a song and was singing it the whole period.

I destroyed my hand with song lyrics...AGAIN. The back of my hand says Thnk Fr Th Mmrs, my wrist says When I Say Shotgun You Say Wedding, and up the side of my hand/thumb it says I Swear I'd Burn The City Down To Show You The LIGHT. xD

I made my friend a music list, and she has to download every single song I wrote, and there was a page and a half of songs. She also made me write down sayings for her MSN names xD

I got to sprint in Gym class today...wearing VANS. It was horrible. xD

Today, Nicole claimed she was Swiper the Fox, Renee was Dora, I was Boots, Maria was Backpack, and Noel was Map. It was interesting, because Nicole tried to steal Noel the Map, and we were all screaming "SWIPER NO SWIPING!!".. Gaining a few weird looks. This really came from nowhere...

I told Nicole to stop breaking into my locker, or flipping my lock. So I left, and when I came back, she told me she lied to me. She actually did break into my locker, and committed the crime of all great crimes.. She took a colored pencil, put it in a different spot in the box, upside-down. I just gasped and told her I wasn't her friend anymore.

Cameron stole my checkered wristband, and wouldn't give it back. I had to grab it to get it back, and in fighting over it, he accidently cut my finger with his pencil [somehow] and it started bleeding. Then he was yelling that I was "Finger Emo", and I yelled back that it was his fault, and Blake actually got mad like, "What did you do to her?!" and almost pushed him up against the desk. It was very amusing..

Nick was in line at the very end of choir, and he was like, "I just want to be left alone.." So I went up to him to see if something was wrong, and he said the same thing, apparently without thinking. So I nodded, thinking I'd ask him later. He had kind of a weird look for a second, then just started talking about baseball. It was strange.

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I found out Scott has Seasonal Allegies (T_T)and has to use a inhaler(sp) Amanda would've laughed.


We got to write on the board! Me: *finds a 7th & 8th grade band booklet, a winter one* :chohimetchi: *Writes "The 6th Grade band is better. *Finds January 2007-08* *Writes Open doors* Carrie: LOL. Me: *On Sept. 2009: PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!! * Carrie: *Writes: The school tacos need sourcream!* Me: *On Sept. 2010(o_O): PARTY @ THE NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL! 9:00AM ON THURSDAY!!*

We got a b-room break. Me: Lets act like ******* around these little kids! Carrie:YEAH! Me:*Skips* Carrie:*Skips* Me:*Acts Gangsta* Carrie:*Waves Hi* Me:*To a 2nd grader*: YO WUZUP HOMECAT?! YO! STAY IN SCHOOL!

After ASK:


Me: AMANDA! PARTY AT THE NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL IN 2010! Amanda: My enemy contract is being writen! Me:Okay.

Before Lunch:

Hayley: S.C.O.T.T.I.S.A.D.O.R.K! (Scott is a dork)> : O

George: Scott officially has a stalker! (I thought he meant me, but it could be Amanda... I hope.. :puroperatchi: )


Me: Who's writing your contract? amanda:Gabby. Me:AMI WILL YOU BE MY LAWYER(sp)?! Ami:No.


Mr.Hanna: Were doing a composer project! Jay: Can we do Briteny Spears? Timmy:Jay likes Briteny S! Mike: Can we do Chuck Norris???

I chose:

1)Scott Joplin

2)Clare S.

3)Ant. Dvorak

Brennan leaned back and said something to Taylor (I didn't catch what it was) and Taylor just says in a loud voice "DON'T YOU START NOW!" lol

In SS,the other class just left and Caitlin sat down and she says "This seat's warm!" xDDDDDDD That made me practically DIE! xDD

Brennan said this morning "Don't touch my stuff" and I'm like "Brennan! That didn't sound right!" and he blushes like,alot and says "I didn't mean it like that!" xD

Taylor's yogurt exploded at lunch and she just went "Ahhaa-ha!" like she was sobbing! xD

We found out about our FD t-shirts at lunch and when we were walking back to the room,Mrs. K says "I'll tell you about it in class" and Taylor's like "But we already-" and Mrs. K looks back all annoyed and Taylor turns back looking offended and she's like "You didn't have to bbe so rude!" xDDD

Abby and Rachel came out to recess today singing "Tommy the friendlt toast!" lol

I was being accused of using a calculator on a test and I say "No! Well,yes." lol

On the bus,this kid's pants nearly fell down! Cody leans back and says "Hey,Elizabeth. Look at his pants!" xDDDDD

I had to chase Brennan around the playground to get my Shuriken back!

I got to sprint in Gym class today...wearing VANS. It was horrible. xD
Try running in half a size too big for you Converse.

I prefer my snug Vans anyday.

My friend ran in oversize flats xD And the girl that got the fastest time in all the guys and girls in my class and the grade 7 class was wearing flats.

we figured out in PE that "lacrosse" was just french for "the stick". you would'nt beleive how many penis joke there were that day.

and we came up with names for everyone. the beginner of that was "sexy rhino" and we were all "sexy insertnameofsomeoddanimalhere" s.

my friend, in PE, was'nt cradleing the lacrosse ball right, or something. so the teacher waddled up to her and yelled


i laughed at her all day xDD

HR:I found out Scott has Seasonal Allegies (T_T)and has to use a inhaler(sp) Amanda would've laughed.


We got to write on the board! Me: *finds a 7th & 8th grade band booklet, a winter one* :furawatchi: *Writes "The 6th Grade band is better. *Finds January 2007-08* *Writes Open doors* Carrie: LOL. Me: *On Sept. 2009: PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!! * Carrie: *Writes: The school tacos need sourcream!* Me: *On Sept. 2010(o_O): PARTY @ THE NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL! 9:00AM ON THURSDAY!!*

We got a b-room break. Me: Lets act like ******* around these little kids! Carrie:YEAH! Me:*Skips* Carrie:*Skips* Me:*Acts Gangsta* Carrie:*Waves Hi* Me:*To a 2nd grader*: YO WUZUP HOMECAT?! YO! STAY IN SCHOOL!

After ASK:


Me: AMANDA! PARTY AT THE NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL IN 2010! Amanda: My enemy contract is being writen! Me:Okay.

Before Lunch:

Hayley: S.C.O.T.T.I.S.A.D.O.R.K! (Scott is a dork)> : O

George: Scott officially has a stalker! (I thought he meant me, but it could be Amanda... I hope.. :furawatchi: )


Me: Who's writing your contract? amanda:Gabby. Me:AMI WILL YOU BE MY LAWYER(sp)?! Ami:No.


Mr.Hanna: Were doing a composer project! Jay: Can we do Briteny Spears? Timmy:Jay likes Briteny S! Mike: Can we do Chuck Norris???

I chose:

1)Scott Joplin

2)Clare S.

3)Ant. Dvorak
I swear, your school is FREAKING awesume. I WANNA GO THERE! ;.; Then we could be retard buddies! :)

I was at school and on my iPod we were watching Charlie the Unicorn 2. XD "1000 years of darkness! NOOO DARKNESS!" XD

My friend and I was skipping to the lockers singing, "WE"RE OFF TO SEE THE WIZARD the WONdeRFuL WIZARD OF OZ!" (REALLY off pitch. XD)

Me and Jess kept singing "Put a banana in your ear!" and we kept saying "Your the bonana king Charlie!" "No I'm not! that doesnt even make sense!" XD


and we came up with names for everyone. the beginner of that was "sexy rhino" and we were all "sexy insertnameofsomeoddanimalhere" s.
I would be sexy llama xD

I destroyed my desk with marker drawings, so I had to stay in after school to wash desks...WITH SKYLER. AGAIN. He let me do the easy job (YESS. ^.^) but that whole time we argued over FOB being emo or not emo and all of that xD

During Music, he have to take Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and make our own versions of it on the keyboard. Jacob plays the song, and I'm the drummer. It's like a techno Twinkle Twinkle Little Star xD

Me and Sam were playing Ham Man at recess. It's Hangman, but we put as much crap as we feel like. One time I put 'When I Say Shotgun You Say Wedding' And she couldn't figure it out xD

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