Funny Moments at School


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At lunch I was taking a drink of my water and Taylor just randomly says: "The Leopluradon has spoken!" xD She almost made my water come out my nose! xD Then all day we've been saying "The Leopluradon has spoken!" "Candy Mountain Charlie! Charlie,Chaaaaaarrrlie!" "Shun the nonbeliever! Shuun! Suuuu-uuuuun!" "The land of sweets and joy. and joyness!" xD
^ OMG I LOVE THAT <3 THAT YOUTUBE VIDEO!!! (They stole my kidney! XD)

Science/Health everything happens in this class!

agian athor video!

Tree frogs mating. It was like rape! the girl was climbing the tree and like 12 frogs jump on her!

Penguins mating. The boy couldn't stay on top! :eek:

Squid Breeding. Out of no where the boy sneaks up and wraps him self around her! Cody says "Whoa that is INTENSE!

Fish Spawning. The female layed her eggs and the boys sprayed sperm all over them. It showed a bird's eye view of the ocean and there was a huge white patch! ewwwww!

a fox was "skipping" across the snow and someone says "Tee-hee I'm gay!"


Our teacher said Ok if 378+P=400 what is P? *pause* You look like your in deep thought! (Your in -Urine!)

Outside class

Ryan pretended to beat up his friend because he was wearing a Montreal Canadians jersey (Go Leafs Go!) and he got sent to the office!

My friend's Kelsie and Amber were hugging me then fought over me Amber:NO my midget *pulls on me* Kelsie:MY SISTER!(not really but..) *big tug* Me: TOO MUCH LOVE!

Well,this wasn't at school but it was right outside of it. Today Amanda,Caitlin,Kristin,and Amanda's mom were driving me home and Kristin did that Subway thing:

"5. 5. 5 dollar foot-long." and I say "Foot-long what?" xD


This happened on Wednesday.

Teacher: Okay, girls, as we're going to the field center next week, I might as well show you some pictures of the place.

Aimee: It's a lovely scenery

Kat: Bad grammar, dude.

Aimee: So you say. Anyway, what time is it.

Teacher: Sshh. Vivienne, what do you think of it? [to me]

Me: Where's the field?

Teacher: Huh?

Me: FIELLLLLD centre. Anyway, where are the cows?

Teacher: Cows?

Me: Where is the person holding the cameras thumb?

Teacher: They must have been a good photographer.

Me: But where is it?

Teacher: Do your sums *shakes head*

Me: *whistles the tune of Sugar We're Goin Down*

Some old moments I forgot!


Richie asked "AFTER THE CONCERT CAN WE BURN OUR INSTRUMENTS?!" Vinny: NO! *Holds up Trumpet*This was 1000$! I would be the only one in band...

Allie was singing "Row your boat" in Alvin and the Chipmunks ver.... XP Allie: A&C are so annoying! Theyre like *CM Voice*Row row your boat gently down the stream! Merryly Merryly Life is like a dream.

Michael was holding Alex's earlobe! XO and pulling him to lunch.


Amanda was sitting at a dif. table than me. Me: Ammmanndddaaa. *Does 10$ 1in. long*

After band:

I needed to talk to Mr.Hanna after band. There was this technician that had a black coat and had black hair like Mr.H. Me:Mr.Hanna? Tech.:*Looks at me* Carrie:Thats not Mr.Hanna. Mr.Hanna: *Looks* Me: OH! There you are~

In LA I was saying "ORCH DORK!!!!!" which stands for Orchestra Dork, clearly suits me...! :eek:

Once Scott was confuzed!!! XD Scott: *To me* Are you Skadi or Thora? (Thora=my sis, has brunette hair,blue eyes. Me=Blonde hair and green eyes) Me: I'm... Skadi. o_O; Scott: Oh! I always get you two confuzed! Me: Oh =)

Scott: Yeah =3 *Laughs*

Timmy was coughing. me: Don't DIE!!! Timmy:WHAT?! Mrs.B:SHES JUST JOKING!



A smiling bee? XD And I don't think AE clothes would be at WM. XD Thats.. ODD! XD

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Ryan pretended to beat up his friend because he was wearing a Montreal Canadians jersey (Go Leafs Go!) and he got sent to the office!
WOOT! Go Leafs!

I'm suprised this topic stayed alive, I was in Florida all week xD

My school was very strict, but there was this girl who was obsessed with animals. She saw this mouse and picked it up going all cutesy with it. It jumped straight into her mouth and everyone was going "Don't swallow" and "Don't chew". I swear that she fainted.

[SIZE=7pt]ChiannaPanda ahh!! That must have been horrible... mouse for dinner..?[/SIZE]
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Ok this is proble my favorit,....i dont no wat you call it : D lol

Me and My bff Molly were outside in Career Decisions, and we made up a hand sake.

Well at the end we mis hands and hit thin hit hands, you get it? Anyways, instead, i moved

alittle, and she hit my butt : D lolololololololol ! It was SOOO funny!

I had like,....five more, but i just forgot! lol

ok at recess i got hit in da hed wit a baskettball 5 times... and on the way home i spilled pop between my legs and we were 2 hours away from home with my bff in the car!

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Today was ok,except for the fact that it rained like h*ll all day!!!! In Media we had the Book Fair and I only got 3 books, (apparently they had little kid stuff this time) I got Magyk,How to Draw Avatar,and..........SKIPPYJON JONES!!! lol That Avatar book is harder than it sounds. I think they just put Skippyjon in 'cause everyone loves him! lol

At lunch,Tessa and Emily A. were reading us stuff out of their "Stupid School Jokes" book and I liked the "Top 10 Gross Books" lol "Barnicles of Narnia" "Dear Dumb Diariah" (sp?) xD

Then when we went to Guided Reading,me and John got into this whole fight of who's cooler. (John is one day older than me!) xD We found this one book (Challenge reading is in the library) that had "Virgin" in big letters across the front. xD

In Social Studies,we were talking about the Revolution,and King George and all that crap. Well,I was so sleepy that my eyes were all fogged up,so I thought the teacher wrote on the board in the "King George" catagory "Yeah,he f*cked the colonists up real nice" xDDDDDD

Then later me and Cody figured out how to open iTunes at recess so we were listening to that. Brennan was standing right behind me when I was sitting in the chair and I flung my head back and almost hit him in the b*als!!!!! xD He was being weird again,he kept searching "One" and I kept clicking the Metallica version (he typed while I clicked) and he's like "No! It's they wrong song! It's by Slayer!" "That's 'Raining Blood' you ***!" "Oh yeah. Thanks b*tch!" *rolls eyes* then I kept searching my favorite songs. Cody leaned in to type in some Alvin and the Chipmunks crap but my hands were in my lap and he was leaning right over me,so,not very bright. (if you see where I'm going)

We were taking our spelling test and Mrs.K said "duties" and we all started cracking up! We were going over a word,I forget what it was but the definition was "........ruler of a country" so I grabbed my ruler.

My bus was late *again* so we had to wait on the front porch *again* and me and Ricky were talking and we fell into puddles

Sorry 'bout double-posting,but,oh well.

Today was Slipper Day!!! The only guy in my class that was wearing slippers was Daniel,big Spongebob ones. Ricky was wearing these HUUUGE bear ones!! xD You should've seen it,midget boy,wearing bear slippers bigger than his head!!! xD

In Computer thingy,I wanted to play Math Splat,but apparently the computer didn't have the Adobe Flash Plug-In thing,so I logged in under Brennan,and the Taylor and Taylor's worked! The directions were "Save the bugs before they go splat!" xD and Taylor says "It's funny when the bugs go splat!" xD

When we were doing DLP,one of the sentences had the word "Frequentlier" xD

This lady teaching us a math game thought we were 4 year olds. She had a freaky sing-song voice. It was irritating.

In GR,we were reading "The Giver" and we're in the first chapters of it (you won't get this unless you read the book) we were talking about the Naming Ceremony and Ones and John says "Where do the babys come from!" and I kicked him. xD Then at the end I got my foot stuck in a desk.

We had to do a story-map and (this did really happen!) I wrote as an event:

"Pablo fell into a ravine and later died"

xDDDDD I've been cracking up about that all day! This one kid outside yelled "WWHHHAAAAAAOOOOOOWWWWWW!!!!!!" and me and Brennan turn to each other and Brennan says "Wonder what he's doin'." xDD

On the bus,Kolt hit this kid Michael 2 years younger than him with an elastic band for no reason and him,Alex,and George were all fighting and Alex says "AT LEAST I'M NOT MICHAEL JACKSON!!!!!!!!!" then me and Bradley start cracking up!!!! xD

Today at a rehearsal:

Scene 1:

The Townspeople of NJ: GASPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS JOHNNY DELEADER!!!! XD

Scott, has a telegraph store called (His name is Tom in the play)Tom's radio shack. So Danny played the bells, and the townspeople have to say "WHERES THAT COMING FROM?!,whats that noise?!" and Sam said "I'M SCARED!!!!!!!!!" Mr.Sulyok: Take one good look at Mike! (Mike in the play is in California, in the play!! :p ) All: HI!!!!


Scene 2:

Michael has this song called "I'm talented". So Allie "Yes he's talented!" Michael: *Drops hat and sticks* Mr.S: Allie, just pretend he's being clumsy!

Emily had to do her teacher song. Then she said "Breaking up fights" so the square dancers fight. XD

I had to be gentleman, so Carrie teased me. ;)

Scene 3:

Theres this song called the wedding song. So it was Taylor and Alex's turn to get married. Jaymir: Now, Megan do you promise to love Malcom all your life? Megan(Taylor) : I do! I do! Jaymir: Now, Malcom do you promise to love Megan all your life? Malcom(Alex) : *Thinks it over* All: *Hopes he says yes* Malcom: I do. I do. All:phew!

Scene 5:

The travlers, Emily,Allie,Jason,Alex,Taylor,Michael and the indians saw each other! I:AHHH! T:AHHH! I:AHHHHH! T:AHHHHHH! Steven: HELLO. XD

Scott,Marcus and Mike were indians! Scott looked kinda funny.... he looked like he was wearing a canvas nightgown! XD

All the non-travelers made to wait behind the curtain. Me:*Has cell. in pocket and looks at it* Scott: *Looks at my hand in my pocket, looks up at me* Me: *Looks at Scott, smiles* He was staring at me alot at the play... o_O

Scene 6:

Marcus is a old man in the play so he has a cane. Mike:*Takes Marcus's cane, waves it in the air* Marcus:*Takes cane, waves it in the air* Scott: *Pretends to slap Marcus, shakes Marcus* Mrs.J: HEY! You young mister! *forcefully taps his shoulder* Scott: *Is still laughing* Okay. XD

On Friday, for some reason, Sofie, Nicole, and I ended up talking about what Ryan Ross's and Pete Wentz's kids would look like. (If it were possible. Not that they can have kids. ...You know what I mean) And Nicole goes on about how their kids would be gay and random stuff. And I sit there and say "If Ryan Ross and Pete Wentz had kids, they would be hot kids." And Sofie nods and agrees with me. Then we started fighting about how they would look...

Today, we didn't have first period(looong story) so Joe, Sara, Sofie, Nicole, and I were in the library for art, as were the other 8th graders. So, we were all talking in the library, 'studying' for our history test, flipping through World Books... And Joe and I start fighting over Academy Awards as listed in the World Book. After that, Sofie and I planned out our lives. It was actually really interesting.

In PE, the kids from Health joined us and we all hung around outside. So a whole bunch of us sit in a circle and start playing "I've Never..." and after I got out, I picked up Mary's shoe and started reading it. She has the randomest stuff on there, like Brian's and Mark's autographs from Scenes And Sirens, album titles, and song lyrics. And then I threw her shoe, but she was wearing it...

My school had this career fair thingy, where you go around to different stations with people talking about their job.

Sam asked a funeral director if they looked at dead people and it it was scary. She also asked if they had birght pink caskets xD

Skyler got a latex glove from a surgical nurse and blew it up like a balloon, and it was twice the size of his head! xD

I got all excited and hyper becuase I got to go in an ambulance.

I was hyper becuase one person brought a jar of candy, and one of the pharmacy technicians made fake pill bottles with Smarties in it, and the label said for Harry Potter, from Dr. Dumbeldore. I was like "OMG I'M HARRY PLOPPER!"

Today's schedule was all messed up so I had English first. Sam, Gregory, and Cooper played this chipmunk-sounding song on one of their phones. We had a sub and half the class heard it. The sub didn't seem to care, though. So they played like, three more times.

I wrote all over myself today. My feet, my arms, my hands. It was fun. I even white-outed my fingernails. Then we attempted writing curses on our planner covers with Wite-Out. We over Wite-Outed them later.

In PE, some random guy who looked like he was froman African Safari came to the gym. And we were just hanging out today, so Peyton was like "We should go ask Coach why the safari guy is here..." And then Safari guy started examining a volleyball and playing basketball with the volleyball... And Peyton was like "We should go tell him that it's against the rules to play basketball with a volleyball or soccer ball."

In art, which was two periods after lunch, Sara, Sofie, Nicole, and I had this random group hug.

Hayley is a mom in the play so for some reason she had a blow-up toilet! XD

Scott was in his "Canvas nightgown" or indian suit. XD he looked stupidly cute! :lol:

Michael is in my square (I'm a square dancer in the play, my sis isn't) so we have to say "Lou, Lou, skip to my Lou, Skip to my Lou my darling!" and Michael is the loudest... o_O Michael has a lead part. Even if your not square-dancing, and on the right riser, all the way at the end, you could hear Michael's british voice. XD

Mr.Hanna was watching us rehears(sp) ! But he left BEFORE I square danced. Meaner. > : ( JK

Plus we probably looked like ******* to the non-square dancers, becuase we have to a clockwise-group hand hold, then half-way a counterclockwise-group hand hold, then we did that locked arms thing, then we did this grouphand hold, and goes back and forth, then promade(sp) the the grouphand hold.then as a ending we have to stand on one knee and hold of a hand. XD We were skipping during the locked arms thing.

I did a finger clap. The travlers were staring.

Scott had to set up his radio shack. Mr.S: FREEZE! Scott: *freezes in a weird motion* Mr.S: *Puts down hands* Scott: *Gets off stage*

Samuel and his bro took some cookies! AND THEY ARE NOT IN THE PLAY!!! Mr.S: *Very SUPER angry* WHY DID YOU BOYS DO THAT?! Sam: a kid gave them to us. MR.S:YEAH?! YOU GUYS GO TO MR.G'S OFFICE! NOW! Bro:I DON'T GO TO THIS SCHOOL!!!!! Mr.S: I'LL TELL THE HS PRINCEPAL! BRO:I DON'T GO TO THIS HS!!! MR.S:YOU GUYS BETTER BUY ME A PACKAGE OF COOKIES! (they were the CHEAP kind XD) BOTH:OKAY. Mr.S: THESE KIDS HAVE BEEN WORKING FOR 4 MONTHS! YOU GUYS DID NOTHING! GET OUT!!!!!!!NOW!!!!! Both: *Leave* Mr.S: *Very calm* Did you guys(chorus kids) get cookies? Class: *Laugh/giggle* Yes/no. XD

Alex(AKA Malcom) is a very snotty,rich man. So Allie (Holly) says "Isn't there a 7-11?" Alex: I HAVE MONEY. Travelers: *Grabs Alex* Somebody grabbed his shirt,they looked like they were groping him! XD

I saw Scott w/o his glasses. I died. :F

I wrote all over myself today. My feet, my arms, my hands. It was fun. I even white-outed my fingernails. Then we attempted writing curses on our planner covers with Wite-Out. We over Wite-Outed them later.
I destroyed my hand today xD It has random smiley faces and hearts all over it.

I started singing Thnks Fr Th Mmrs, and Sam sang along then out of nowhere she asks me what song we're singing xD

When I was coming in for recess, I had to hack into Skyler's locker becuase Sam took my lock and put it in his locker. >.<

Sam called me 'Alison Pete Wentz House' and I'm like "Yeah, I sure have a thing for 60 year old cripples" Then Sam said "What if it's THAT kind of house?" and pointed at some house. I said I hoped so, because *points* that house is just oh so smexy. xD

^ Yeah? I remember when I wrote song lyrics all over my hand. I had FOB, PATD, Cobra Starship, and Paramore on my hand. But it rubbed off.

After TAKS testing, we got to talk again. And Amy and Marissa were looking at Sarah's book (L8R, G8R. From the series when TTYL series). And they would read aloud random phrases. And since the whole book is written as IM conversations, they would be like "Wazzup!?" and they would read random lines like "I went out with Logan yesterday."

Amy wrote 'flip this over' on both sides of an index card. We gave it to Laura, Chris, and Gabi. Gabi didn't keep flipping. It took Laura a while to get it, and Chris was doing it because...he's Chris.

In English, Claire and I played MASHBIT. I had to tell her what the BIT was, but I ended up marrying Pete Wentz and I'm a musician who earns a cent.

so there is this kid at school named hunter that i hate, so i dared him to drink out of a water fountain that somone puked in ( he did not know, it was mostly washed away, not to noticable ) and he did it and im like "somone puked in that" and then he just walks to the boys bathroom and gos like BLEHA!!!!! and throws up XD

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