Funny Moments at School


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I put a note on my friends back saying "Tickle me for a dollar"

he was wondering why random people were tickling her and asking for money o_o"

I have a jacket that has kitty ears on the hood. I wore it today, and everybody couldn't help but to mess with them when I was turned around. I showed Shane, and he cracked up laughing, so I threatened to cut them off my hood and superglue them to his head because pink is a good color on him. xD

He ran into me in the pod at the end of the day. But he grabbed my hood, and pulled me backwards and screamed "NICK, DO YOU SEE WHAT YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS WEARING?!" As in the cat ears.

We had such a boring sub in math today.. But it was funny, because he didn't have very good hearing, so we had to practically scream every answer. But he talked the entire time about things we already knew, then gave us our load of homework after the bell for class to end rang. -.-"

Cameron was stalking me when we went to social studies for assessments. He was hanging on to my hood [with the kitty ears... xD] and almost pulled my jacket off.

Renee and I were doing signs to eachother, our inside jokes. People were looking at us weird, thinking we were doing sign language, but they couldn't understand. Then we just cracked up laughing, waved, and walked away.

In art, Mrs. W moved Sara, because we were talking to much, so for the whole period we were signing to each other and giggling.

In art, we were talking when I said something about screaming, and Joe comes up to us and screams.

In PE, we played Poison Ivy (the running across game and you tag people) and when Sarah, Alice, Katie, someone else who I forgot, and I were the its, we tried to tag people and it took us like 10 rounds for the game to be over, when everyone else did it in like, four rounds.

I gave Sarah a high five in PE, and I accidentallt had left my rings on so she hurt her hand and freaked out.

At lunch, we made a list of things to do before we graduate. We have a ton of bands we need to see. And Angela made us put Micheal Jackson on the list. That and Sofie wants to see Jefree Star. I know Nicole wants to too. And I wrote Warped Tour and put exclamation marks after it, till Sofie snatched the pen away from me.

In science we were watching one of the Planet Earth series. The grassland one. Well lets just say there was Wild ***** and Ground peckers! XD

Also It showed a wolf chasing a baby caribou and all you hear across the room is "RUN FORREST! RUN!" :D

In English Stephan tells Alex that he's a loser. Miranda says "Stephan! Stop being mean to people!" He says "But he's not a person!!!" Miranda says "Be nice he has no friends!" I roared! ((Don't worry Alex does have friends...somewhere...))

In the bathroom in the morning Jessica says "Does anyone have a straightener?" Jen says "Yeah cuz everyone brings a straightener to school!" Jessica screams "I DO!"

My teacher calls to kids in my class Ernie and Bert!

...That's all for today I know more will happen tomorrow!

In science we were watching one of the Planet Earth series. The grassland one. Well lets just say there was Wild ***** and Ground peckers! XDAlso It showed a wolf chasing a baby caribou and all you hear across the room is "RUN FORREST! RUN!" :D
xD ^That made me laugh SOOOOO HARD!!! xD


Today at school there was a big crane (machine) out by the portables and the entire 5th grade had to stay in the gym until further notice,well,at about 9:35 we were allowed to go back out but we were in library. We had the Book Fair in library and me and Caitlin spent most of the time drooling over a picture of Prince Caspian! xD

During science,we were reviewing stuff for the Science MSA and John and Brennan were working around where me,Emily A. and Alexa were,and John asked "What's an organism?" but he was kinda mumbling it so it sounded like he said "What's an orgasm?" and me and Brennan look at each other and crack up!!!!! xD

(backround knowlegde: Cody,Brennan,Cole,Bradley,Jack,and Nick are known as "The Monkeys" in my class and me and basically all the girls are "The Squirrels" and the monkeys hate the squirrles) During writing,we were allowed to talk about the stories we were writing and Cody was explaining his to us in the back:"The squirrels invaded the monkey's secret lair in the jungle and steal their bananas. Bam and Cody go all glowy (he likes Avatar) on their squirrel a**es!"" xD

We got the paper of doom today.

On the bus I read "The Paper Of Doom" 'cause Kristin said it was the scariest thing she's ever read. I read it,it was. Cody and Bradley wanted to read it and they were randomly saying things from it:

Bradley: "Physical growth and development?!"

Cody: "Body Changes!? EWWWW!!!!" xD

Ohh, I remember funny moments!

In P.C, We were reading body changes and stuff in our textbook and while someone was reading the Girls side of Puberty, I whispered to myself, "Time to face the strange...CH-CH-Changes...." XDDD (and my friends heard and tried not to laugh and failed miserably.) and EVERYONE started to watch them laugh. xD

I asked my Sex. Ed Program teacher, "Why are we supposed to have babies?" (Grade 5) and someone shouted, "BECAUSE WE'RE FORCED TO GO TO EXTREME MEASURES!" XDDD


Oh! Got another one!

I had this comb from picture day (from back in October O.O) and I was bending it over and over again, trying to break it over and over again! But it wouldn't break! So I took a Sharpie and wrote on the side "UNBREAKABLE" I had almost all of my friends try to break it. None have broken it so far. xD


Mr.Coatee... Shaved his head.... :puroperatchi: SO UGLY! HE HAD GRAY HAIR UNDER THAT BLONDE HAIR!!! XP

Me: *Gets ready for Resource Room LA* Mike: *Stares at me as I pack up* Me: *Tries not to laugh* Mitch: *Looks at me* Mike: *Continues on looking @ me* Me: *Tries not to laugh* Mike: *Stops staring*

Hallway: Haley: Skadi! Your in Flute A now?! Me: No. Hayley:OHHH... You have it 2nd period? Me:Yes.


We had this Warm-up-work and there were two instruemts! Xylophone and Piano. :puroperatchi: Me: PIANO. :puroperatchi: Xylophone :3.

I asked Amanda if she was into Mr.Coatee still she siad no.


(I talked ALOT about Mike being silly but this is a moment to remember!) Mr.Hanna: Whats the opposite of Art? Mike: SCIENCE. Mr.Hanna: He's right! Leanne: Oh my gosh! Jimmy:Good job Mike! Mike: This lil' dude told me (He had a figurine w/ him).

Me and Colby were drawing Treble clefs! Colby made the tiny one.

I saw Scott! EPP! >w< So insted of concentrating on Mr.H I was looking at Scott. But he was only there for a min.

Mr.Hanna asked if we could be qutie for 15 SECONDS (Because this video by Steven Cage (or Scott or something XP) had a piaonist sitting at a Piano for 4 mins and 33 secs!) and Mike did the (excuse my lang.)most f*****g hilarious thing on earth! Mike held his breath for 15 secs and made noises while doing so. Mr.H:What did you hear? Jimmy? Jimmy:Mike suffocating on air! Emily: People laughing.


(This happened yesterday) Casey and Jay have a club called survivors... o_O; And they had to kill each other to survive a bomb attack... Odd yes? Jay was a 46 or 64 year old docotr FEMALE and single. Casey was a Rockstar.

(Survivors is a club in subsitute of Chorus)

In Spanish, Keaton took on a British accent. Geff was supposedly Irish, but Keaton kept telling him he was German, then called him Mary Poppins. Geff threw a pencil at him, and the point hit Keaton in the head and he started bleeding, then just pointed at the blood with that "Look what you did" look.

Cameron took my pen and wouldn't give it back. So he told me he would give it back if I hugged or kissed Nick during break. Then I stole it back anyway when he wasn't looking. He wanted to see it, so I made him promise, and he took it anyway...

Nicole was writing something down, and instead of writing a 2, she wrote an H. We told her she had SADD - Super attention deficit disorder.

Then, she and Noel got in a fight in the gym after lunch over something stupid. So they started screaming insults at eachother, and it ended in them screaming "DEALER!!" At eachother. (Dealer is an inside joke between just us three. It means something bad. Very bad.)

Shane came up to me at lunch and told me Nick was going to dump me for Mrs. Haas, our choir teacher; He could pull the rest of her hair out. I just started laughing hysterically.

We were in the middle of social studies assessments, and on the other side of the wall, I guess they started drilling or something. The wall was vibrating, and it kept sounding like it was about to collapse, so everybody was freaking out.

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During Music class we were talking about recycling and stuff (since it was Earth Day) and then we got into this whole thing about compost heaps. Then the teacher was saying something about this guy that's making millions on worm poop. xD

During math,I was working with Taylor and I accidentally hit myself on the thumb with my pencil and I'm like "OWIE!" and Taylor says "I'll show you owie!" and then starts cracking up. xD

(Fire Drills are fun) We had a random fire drill during math and when the alarm went off,Brennan started screaming,like really high-pitched and Cody said he was crying! xD Mrs. K accidentally dropped her clip-board-thing on Mrs. G's foot,so Mrs. G pushed Mrs. K and she fell on the ground and was cracking up while everyone else was silent. xD Then that got everyone else cracking up!!! xD

At recess,I was sitting on the foot-swing all curled up and I just randomly fell backwards. xD Then Laigh-Anne fell off the stool-thing! xD

On the bus me and Mary started making high-pitched screaming noises and the bus driver didn't even hear us!!!! We had to turn around 'cause the stupid driver missed Cody and Bradley's stop,and there was a farmer spreading manure in a field and Cody just says "Eww! Something stinks!" and I start cracking up and I'm like "CO-DYYYYY!?" xD Me and Bradley were saying that the bus driver would probably miss their stop after she turned around anyways or that she'd forget why she turned around! xD (everyone I know completely loathes 82's bus driver)

EDIT: Oh yeah! We were talking about random scenarios, 'what would you do if this happened kinda thing' Well,Rachel asked me "What would you do if Katie (someone I want to die a horrible,painfull death) fell and broke her leg?" My responce:

" *laughs histarically* VICTORY IS NOW MINE!!!!!!!!" xD

There was also the same question,except it was if Rebeca fell and broke her leg (I don't like Rebeca,but I don't completely hate her)

"Haha! The stupid-a** wh*re just fell!!!!!!"


Taylor was saying something but I couldn't hear her cuz everyone else was talking really loud. I thought she said "Osama Bin Laden ate my dad!" xD I also thought Jack said "So he could he the Horsinator." xD

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BTW this was all today

In Health class we learned about the history of Earth Day. everyone cracked up because the founder of Earth Day was named *Drum roll* GAYLORD NELSON! :kuribotchi: :furawatchi:

In math we are doing Algebra and Mrs. Mackay say 5p-3p=2p! XD also she said "so t + the p equals?...." and some one yells TOLIET PAPER!

My social studies teacher likes to use his hands and feet for actions tO remember words... HE did a monkey dance!

(sorry for the lang. in this)

Tyler: I did not

Cory : Bull******


I was hyper on day then we went outside. A sea gull was flying over us and I scream "ITS A SEAGULL DA NA DA NA!"

My friend Amber kept calling me midget (I'M 4"8 OK??!! :( :huh: )

So in art, we're starting a new project (Oh, joy!) and we got our clay today. Nicole got all annoyed, trying to roll it out, so she said "Clay is the center of all evil." And I go "I thought you said that was mascara..." And she thinks for a second, and then repliies. "Mascara is the center of evil, and clay is evil. So, in the middle of this clay ball is mascara."

In PE, we were playing Twister (not on your hands and feet Twister but untangle yourself Twister). It's with 3+ people and you twist your hands around and grab someone elses and then try to get untwisted and in a circle. We got stuck in the weirdest, Sarah, Natalie, Peyton, and Lena. It was...slightly disturbing.

In science, we had to do this lab that invovled shaking rocks in a coffee can to imitat weathering. And...we were supposed to dance. Well, nobody did, except Cyrus. was strange. But funny.

Oh. And in lunch, Selena flung Jello at me. It almost got my eye.

Today was MSA science and halfway through the first session,my teacher's cell phone went off and I think it was playing "I Like Big Butts" xD (couldn't tell,it was muffled)

I told Rachael what mmy name would've been if I was a boy: Duncan Idaho. She started cracking up!

My teacher told us that we were having a themed Field Day in 2 weeks,and our theme was "A Day At Hogwarts" so I was having spaz attacks! xD (My class' name is "*my teacher's name* 's Death Eaters)

During IA,we were going over the games we'd play at field day,all named after Hogwarts classes. Herbology game sucked. Care of Magical Creatures game sucked. Flying class sucked. Quidditch ROCKED!!!! lol

At lunch I was taking a drink of my water and Taylor just randomly says: "The Leopluradon has spoken!" xD She almost made my water come out my nose! xD Then all day we've been saying "The Leopluradon has spoken!" "Candy Mountain Charlie! Charlie,Chaaaaaarrrlie!" "Shun the nonbeliever! Shuun! Suuuu-uuuuun!" "The land of sweets and joy. and joyness!" xD

Abby fell off the bottom of a tree.

We were talking and Abby says that she heard people saying the following:

"JESUS CHRIST *3 seconds of silence* is my savior."

"YOU BATCH *silence* of cookies."

"YOU d*** *silence* 's Sporting Goods member."

Ricky was going down the slide on his stomach with his feet out and he kicked me in the back! He appologized many times though.

Brennan said he was a she-man! xD I said "I KNEW IT!" xD

On the bus,me,Mary,Bradley,and Cody were spazing out cuz they put in cameras. Caody said "I bet all the cameras are focused on me. Brennan must be driving." and we were saying how the cameras could see through clothes! Me and Mary were "taunting it with our spirit fingers",putting up our pointer fingers and moving it like a worm saying "YOU WILL OBEY!" and we Mary was saying "Yeah,I'm a superhero." and I said "I WANT MY SUPER-NINJA-JESUS POWERS!!!!" xD

today, my friend said.

"i like your balls. they're cute."

and i was like,

"what the heck!?!1"

she was talking about my bracelet

well, we kept going on and on aboput it all day. it was... strange, to say in the least xD

Social Studies!

Mike is in my group for the Kingdom of Coconut(o_O) Jake was King Coco. Mike: Skadi! Were gonna do a jousting tornament! Haley will be horse #1 and Sarzar will be your second horse! Sarzar: NO WAY! XD

At recess,we found all these stickers that I said were "Blue's Clues" and we figured out what they meant!:

They want us to videotape a smiling bee in American Eagle clothes by the death wall at Wal-Mart for 5-12 minutes!!!!! xD

We watched "Fivel Goes West" and everyone start ed cracking up at this one part where Tiger puffs himself up and starts walking and making farting noises. Then he fell of a cliff,still maiing farting noises. xDDDDDDD I took off my shoes through the movie and I had to walk Caitling into the building. I was gonna walk her in barefoot but a stupid teacher was just walking outside.

On the bus I took off my shoes again and was freaking out Cody by putting my feet up by his face. Then he took his sock and threw it at my face!!!!!!

EDIT: Everyone liked this song. (Brennan was blushing like crazy!!!)

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This guy in my class was turned around. Then the teacher threw a teddy bear at him. It was funny. xD


We were talking about our Chivalry Paragraphs. Mrs.B: I slayed a dragon,etc,. Me: I WALK OLD LADIES ACROSS THE STREET! XD



Me: *Holds Amanda's hand* Amanda: Old lady comin through~

Both: Goes to Sci classroom. Amanda: Oh~ What a nice apartment!!~ So big and spacous~!!


Today was bring your child to work day. Mr.Hanna: This band is like Swiss cheese!!! Class: Why?, I LIKE SWISS,etc.,

Mr.H: Some kids are w/ their parents!

My crown(Flutist know what this is) fell off randomly !! :D

Michael, a trombonist, took off his slide and put his MP on where the slide is supposed to be. Michael:*Plays* Marcus:STOP! Thats in my face! It sounded like a fart! XD

Scott: You could play that for the concert! Michael: YEAH!

Scott,Brian and Michael were fighting over which measure they had to play for a seond. Scott: ITS MEASURE 30! Brian:Its measure (something) Michael: YOUR A LIAR!

Scott was right! :wub:

I had to do a A Natural w/ the clarinets. I accidently put my finger like I was doing F natural.... :*( But I played a high A!!! WOOT

Spanish help:

Guess who came to Spanish help~ Scott! <3

Me: Hello! *I did it in a Colby voice o_O* Scott: *Looks at me* I was first in SC's room.

We did this dice rolling game, Scott was first, then me then Senorita C then Amanda. Me: *Tries to roll die* Gets:1 Scott:Aw man! Me: *Rolls* Gets: 5 Scott: So close! Me: *Rolls* Gets: a Six! Scott:YAY! =) Senorita: *Rolls* Gets:3 *Rolls again*Gets a six. Amanda: Gets a 5, Gets a 3 then a six. Scott: *Rolls* Gets a six on his first try! Me:Yay.

Amanda: Theres the lucky paper! Me: O___o Scott let me use his notebook. :3 I wrote extra neat handwriting for Scott.

Amanda saw a bee! SC: AMANDA. DONT POKE IT. XD

Amanda wanted to watch the kiddies run! Amanda: *Covers eyes cause of the sun* SC: Are you okay? Amanda: No. Scott: *Sun burns his eyes too, he has glasses...* X( Metal ones... ;) I have plastic, lucky me.

Then Amanda anted me and Scott to play a game of stop and go spanish verbs ver. And it sounded like Scott was talking spam!!! XD Scott: Habliamos? And when it was my turn, I couldn't hear Scott :3 but its kk.

Scott got scared of a leaf! XDDDDDD He thought it was a bug. Scott: *Jumps* Oh... Just a leaf...

A ladybug was on my trapper.. o_O and I thought it was a bee... :mimitchi:

A Bee went around Scott's trombone and my Flute! Me: :mimitchi: *Ignores the bee. I don't wanna embarass myself! XDD*

Annex, dropping off my flute:

Jay,a fatass dork(no offence), said "OHHH!!! YOU GUYS(Me and Scott) AREN'T ALLOWED IN!!!!" Me: Move it! I gotta- I'm glad that fatass moved.

Me: Hey, Scott, do you mind to move your Trombone? Scott:Sure. Me: Just make a small opening. =) Scott: *Moves TRombone* Is this good? Me:yeah. I'm sorry to cause trouble. Scott:Don't worry! *Low voice but loud enough to be heard as a loud whisper*Thanks Skadi. (IDK why he said Thanks..) O__o;


Senorita C: Please be quiet 20 secs! Class: *Quiet* SC: Wow!!! =) Timmy: *Does 5 dollar FOOT LONG* Vinny: People were doing that in a airport! I wanted to show timmy my 10$ inch long! XD

SC was saying something in spanish towards herself. Mitch: YOUR SO FULL OF YOURSELF! XD


No funny moments guys?

FYI!!! Mike wasn't here!! T_T

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FYI: Mike said that Jake was my dog. XD


Mike: *Stares* Me: *Giggles* Mike: SKADI! WERE DOING A JOUSTING TORNAMENT!! AMELIA IS YOUR HORSE! Me: *Looks at Amelia* Uh... NO. Mike:Amelia is your horse! Amelia: I know, he scares me too. Me: *Nods in agreement*

Sci: (This was on the 22nd)

The class said "HAPPY EARTH DAY!" But it sounded like Happy Birthday! 1/2 of the class: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


Moments w/ Mike!! :lol: :

We were doing castle projects, Mike: *IN MY FACE* OINK!

Mike had these animal figurines! Mike:*Plays w/ Goose fig.*OINK!! *Plays w/ Donkey* MOO! Hayley! This goose's name is Piglet! XD He had this stupid Husky fig intact w/ a tabby cat fig... fighting... Me: (Thinks: That looks like my cats fighting!)

Today: Jake was sharing his Dubbing Ceremony Paragraph. Jake: I am now a minsterl and I play the brass insturment the Trumpet! (Jake really does play Trumpet)

Mrs.Hoffman was taking pics!

Our group said "DWEP DWEP!" and Sarzar said "DWEPdwepdwepdwepdwep" when Mrs.Hoffman took the picy!!! XD Sarzar: Oh. Oops....


(Like last week..)

The trumpets were fighting over valve oil... YES VALVE OIL.

Ok, yesterday this little kid comes up to my freind and says: "whats gay mean?" so he say it means happy. and then the kid ran around YELLING: IM GAY IM GAY! and then we broke down laughing. it was LMAO funny.

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