I told Eric that my hammy Lucky is ticklish on his belly. Eric: Does he go like this? *Backs up and laughs, pretends like he is being tickled.*
I asked Briana for the Daily report of SCOTT

. Me:So.... How was science? Briana: Good. Me: What did Scott do? Briana: Tap dancing. Me: YES! (I don't know why I said that XD) Briana: I told him to stop and he said "Oh! I'll keep dancing > : ) "
Today in Math we had this hot sub, Mr.Sacco. So I was being extra nice to him. XD
I saw Scott's older brother because I was walking to school and I saw his car. And I saw Scott (OMG RLY?) But Scott's dad's car was faster.
I saw Scott again!!! (w00t OMG RLY?!) And he was driving w/ his dad (Well duh. XD) and his dad was VERY slow, and he was behind a white truck so the white truck turned right and we were the opposite so was Scott!

so I kept lookin out of the window to see him.
Ihad a dream that I married Joe Jonas. So I told Amanda and she didn't listen. (It wasn't really marriage but this site has little kids and I don't wanna post it. x) )
Scott had another cute outfit on today. He had: Stripe capris'/buermudas (You know the popular stripe bermundas?), a brown jacket, a black polo and red converse.
Yesterday in band practice we have this sheet of music called "Ceremonial Procession" and the composer is Timothy Johnson, next to his name it says (ASCAP) it sounded like a**-cap!
Then I kept apologizing to Scott because yesterday I put my Flute under the table but theres a box of blocks so I pushed it for him so he could put his Trombone there. Me:Oh Scott! I'm so sorry! I really am!

Scott:Its okay, Thanks.

Today I was waiting for Briana and Scott was near me and he was coming over to me. Me:Scott... I'm sorry! Scott: No its okay Skadi. (I told my friend, Amy, that I like Scott so she is like "Scott and Skadi!"

Today we had a esemble(Sp?). It was about Percussion! W00t! And they had.... a MARIMBA!!! WOOT!!!! So I was so in luff with the Marimba. :3