Funny Moments at School


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-Two days ago, me and my friend were in gym playing dodge ball, and we planned to only hit Dewill (some ghetto person who says my fav. catch phrase "uhh son") because we wondered what his reaction would be like. I hit him in the face with the ball and he was like "uhhhhhhhhhhhh son" and went to the "out" section. Me and my friend were cracking up.

-Today in P.E., me and my friend were in the locker room, and I had this body spray, and sprayed it a couple times, and we spun around in it, apparently a little too much and we were all dizzy and crashed into the lockers and the bench thing and my other friend saw us and thought we were high.

-Dewill (pimp man guy) was my partner for this chalk board race thing, and he wrote the answer on those little individual chalk boards, and he did it too fast and raised it up and it FLEW out of his hands like a mile and it was so funny. That guy is hilarious.

-Paisley 520

In science, we watched a video about light waves. It was long and incredibly boring, but what we heard about it later was hilarious.

Everybody thought the old dude in the video was like a child molester. xD

"Okay, just think about this... He's old. His name is supposedly 'Mr. Wizard'. He's only with the kids, the only adult... And he seems to turn out the lights a lot, to 'show them how ultraviolet light works'." Common conversations. xDDD

On the bus, Matthew was pretending to be Barney. Only, a gay, child molester Barney. He kept touching my hair. It was funny, to an extent.. Until it got really creepy.

Shane was gone almost the entire hour in study hall, so I just read my book. He finally came back when there was about eight minutes of class left. During those last eight minutes, we started talking about pretty much totally random things. How he accidently stabbed himself with a knife last night, how Nicole is supposedly dating a wimp, how he told Matthew to party boy me and I got mad at him... Yeah.

Then Mattheu and Josiah were making fun of him, and saying he was cheating on Shannon by sitting with me.

Nick and I were both trying to explain to Nicole, since she's been gone, our new song in choir (Snack Attack), and how stupid and humiliating we thought it was. But, we were explaining it at different times, so she got really confused.

( When I went to her house later, we were talking about how we might end up having actions to the song, to make it worse... She said she was planning on breaking a leg if we do, and I asked if I could push her down the stairs. )

Nicole and Renee had free time in keyboarding, and apparently it ended up in Renee saying "Screw you" to Nicole. [We insult eachother and say things like this all the time. It's like our way of hugging eachother.] Mrs. T, though, was walking around to see what site everybody was on, and Nicole thought she saw the "screw you" and didn't want anybody to get a conduct point, so... Nicole, of course, is the one to say "YOU MEANIE!!" and block Renee. xD

In history, Mr. S was talking about how the Industrial Revolution gave people more free time, which sparked ceativity or something. And he goes "People were writing novels. Like Herman Mellville wrote Moby d*** and..." By that point, nobody was listening to him. We were all watching Alec giggle like a little girl. He was the only one laughing, which is kinda what made it funny.

In art, Nicole tried to hit me on the head with her roll of plastic wrap. Then she put it back. And I went to get it, and she got all excited, because we were using the one she had bought for $9.

Nicole had redecorated her binder. But Sofie made William Beckett's face purple. It's kinda funny looking actually.

In art, me and Nicole were randomly yelling "E-YUCKY!"

At lunch, Selena threw an open bottle of chocolate milk (like...5 drops left) and it spilled on my side of the table. And I kept yelling "EEEWWW!" And wiped it with my brown bag. That didn't work to well, so I go to throw it away. But, at Joe's table, someone had spilled water and it was dripping off the table so I go "EEEEWWWW!" again. And Lauren and Kenneth kept going on about how I was scared of water. And Joe flicked some of it at me. But it did look disgusting.

This wasn't at my school, but at my sister's. I thought this was funny, for some reason.

Her friend, Kelly, had a boyfriend. She told Kirsten she planned on moving out of state to marry him when she turned 16, because she hates her dad...

But, apparently, her boyfriend/fiance broke up with her today. This is the funny part. He broke up with her because he has a multiple personality disorder. One personality loves her, and the other can't stand being around her. He was in a bad mood today.

But Kelly was really upset about it, so it didn't turn out so well...

I was scared to go to Band Practice...

Me:OMG. Mr.Hanna! I'm supposed to be here right? Mr.H:Of course! :D

Then Cara and S forgot their folder,music and book... >_> So I had to share! UGH! So annoying... -___-

they are so stupid its funny!

Michael (A Trombonist! I'm jealous! :( ) hit my ankle w/ his slide.

Regan got a Flutist sheet for Air and Capree. Regan is a Oboist.

And Bass Drum banged his drum before everybody.

Issac brought his Cymbals to Mr.H for some reason.

Mr.Hanna:We switched chairs! Class:w00t! Mr.Hanna: See Saxophoneland is there *Points to the end of the stage* and Clarinetland is over here *Points to left end of stage*.

And... Cara embarrased me. In front of the whole band!! OMG! :'(


I thought Senorita C was somebody else.

Senorita C held my Flute she looked like a little kid. XD


I put my Flute next to Scott's Trombone <3

Mrs.Hoffman smacked my desk because we were learning about Education in Middle Ages. I was coloring.


I huggled Colby before I had to leave for BP.

@Notes: That Snack Attack song sounds funny! XD I wish I could do that for band! XD Flutes could play Girl Scout Cookies and Saxophones could play Fries. XD Mike would love that! He says Fries ALOT he plays Saxophone.

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Today at lunch me and Kristin kept saying "May the Swchartz be with you!" (lol,it's from Spaceballs)

In Science,Brennan and Cole kept farting. :D xD It was histarical!! It was all quiet and all of a sudden,one of them would fart and everyone's head would jerk over to him!!! xD

At recess me and my friends were acting like ******* and doing Rocket kicks!!! Oh,and we all got up on this border-thing that keeps all the mulch in and started walking sideways really slow and flapping our arms like chickens!!!! xD

In GR Jillian asked me something I sais "I dunno!" and Rachael's like "Why don't you know?" and I said "Cuz I don't!!!" and that made them crack up!!!!

Brennan did his "dance" in the Computer Lab. I said "Ewww! Oh God Brennan!!!" and goes "It's fun!!!" xD that made my entire row crack up!!! I also got some laughs when I said "Oh God Brennan!" xD


So in art, I taped the other pictures to my folder. And Nicole tried to guess the sexual orentation of everyone in the bands. Well...what she thought they were. Then she moved on to a picture of Ryan Ross and Pete Wentz together and they were like, half-hugging. And Nicole was like "If I had no clue who they were and knew nothing about them I'd say...they were going out." It made me laugh so bad. It was the most awesome slack off from art crap moment in history. Or something.

At lunch, after Sofie left early, Angela and Camille started their own 'band.' They were clapping and singing When The Saints Go Marching In. Camille did the backups, Angela was lead vocalist. And then I clapped too. So did Brenda. We made a little scene. Got a few strange looks, but whatever.

In history, Mr. S was talking about how the legislature is like a bus. Whoever has more control is the driver. The whole time, Marissa is mocking him, opening her mouth and Sam is pretending to drive a bus. Mr. S didn't even notice. Nor did half the class. Mostly me.

Okay ~

So we had a sub for Language Arts a few days ago and I I have a class mate who sits next to me, lets call him J. So the first thing the sub said was ~"You need to be in the moment when I teach!!! You cannot be talking with your neighbor of fiddling with something, because that means you are not in the Classroom! Youre body is but your mind is not!!!". So J was fiddling with his project that was due. Then The sub yelled "You Boy!" and J is all like "huh?" and then the sub said "He is not in this Classroom! He is not iznt he?!?". J was all "wha-what?" and then J said "sorry". Next, the sub shouted "You dont need to say sorry! You did nothing wrong! You no did nothing wrong!!!". Then J said "sorry" again. Then the sub said "Werent you listening! This boy is not in the moment!!!". After that the sub moved on and J whispered queitly "This is scary!" --- It was so Hilarious!

Next, when the sub was taking role, when he called my friends (lets call her K) she raised her her hand half way with a bent elbow. Then the sub said "You got life, dont hold you hand shoot it up!!! You got life! You got life dont you?!?!" K was all "uh yes?".

It was really funny!

Another time, this kid named (J a different J though) forgot to put his name on his paper. When he turned in his paper he said "Wait I forgot to put my name on my paper," and the sub yelled "Do you know who you are?!? Do you know who you are?!?"

J said "Yes, yes I do" - That was really funny too, he was a weird sub.

This wasn't really at school but we went to the Getty Villa and this guy named Micheal or something touched one of the Greek sculptures and these alarms went off x] Then these guys came and told him to leave the exhibit.

This isn't really that funny but I couldn't help cracking up when the teacher gave me a detention slip x] Well my teacher had to leave for an emergency family thing so our class had to go to another teacher's class. Than this guy named Kyle had a coughing fit (I think it was fake) during SSr then the teacher was like "SSR means SSR. You do not have to cough like that in my class. Does everyone understand? And you can go outside if you're going to cough like that." And than I was like "...what a rebel." I guess everyone heard me even though I said it quietly.. Then I got detention. What a harsh teacher..

And during PE we were practicing batting in softball and I had to bat. When I missed the first one this kid named Evan was like "WHOOOO. Nice try Abby!! Go pitch it again!!!!" Then he turned to the guy next to him and was like "Hey you, that's my bff over there~" It was so distracting but on the second one I hit it two feet away xP

The other day, Shane and I were talking. He brought up how I "rode a plane to Nicole's house every day from school to New York, and back". [This was an inside joke. When we sort of first met him, he asked where Nicole lived. I go to her house after school... And we told him New York, and said we had to fly on a plane to get to and from school. I think he took it seriously for a while, and then it became an inside joke.] So, he starts telling me about how he asked his mom if he could go to New York and live in the ghetto. He said he'd be all "Yo dawg", and just the way he said it and the hand motions he did were hilarious. I cracked up.

He punched me in the arm today. D; It hurt, and I was whining about it and asking what was that for, and telling him about how he shouldn't hit girls... Then Nick came up and I blurted out "He hit me!" and pointed at Shane. Then Nick hit Shane and I walked away. xD

There's a thing called Zap going around my grade. Somebody writes somebody's name on the palm of your hand. And, supposedly, if you look at your hand before a set time, you have to hug, kiss, or ask out the person who was written down. So Shane writes my name on Nick's hand, and after I walked away, he caught up with me and asked me out again. "Will you re-go out with me?" - "Sure." - "Great! Ok, see ya." - "Bye." xD

Caitlin and I somehow got on the subject of 1st grade pictures (when we were supposed to be discussing religions, for social studies..) and she's like, "Your picture was all... Peppy and cute and smiley.. And now you're all like, "LIFE IS BAAD!!". I cracked up laughing. Mr. M noticed and had that look on his face like, "What's so funny about Buddhism?..." xD

On March 18th, this boy whispered to everyone on his table, 'Lets go bugger Mrs. ____!'

Then everyone on that tble started shouting bugger.

-For those of you that don't know, bugger is a swear word-

Yesterday I brought my flute to math and I opened it to clean it and Mrs.Zucker came up and said "Ohhh!!!~" Me: =) Mrs.Z: Shiny!! Me: =3 Mrs.Z:Can I touch? Me:Sure. Mrs.Zucker:*Presses keys* Ohh!!~ So fun!

Yesterday the Harlem Wizards came to our school. B-BallPlayer:See this young boy? *Pats Jaymir on the shoulder* Jaymir:*Comes up* BBP: This young boy didn't make it on the basketball team because he is short. Jaymir:*Fake Cries* Then they did some Basketball moves =3.

Today Eric did something funny in LA. Eric had this sweater that had a zipper. So Eric ducked and zippered it up to his head it looked like he had no head! So he fell from his seat and got his binder! I couldn't help but laugh. Then he unzippered it and did his Warm-Up and while he was writing he ducked and zippered his head in his sweater again! So I cracked up! And Mrs.B was next door so we got in trouble.

Me,Thora,Carrie and Katlyn had to go to the MB and Matt and Thomas were in the hallway doing work so we were leaving and Matt and Thomas were waving very slowly. XD

We came back and Thomas was doing this stupid face. XD

Yesterday I saw Eric's shield for Coat of Arms and it was blue and a pinkish-red. Me:ERIC! Why is your shield Pink and Blue? Eric:*Looks at Crayon* ITS VIOLET RED! Me:Its STILL pink! Eric:Its red! Me:pink!

Today we were doing Calcium Chloride and Baking soda in a bag. It was fat! Then Bag#2 was Citric Acid and Baking soda, so Leanne was shaking her bag and it popped in her face. So it was our turn and Kunal shook it and I was near him and it popped and some went on my face. XD

Today Scott forgot his glasses so I was like :ph34r: ' whenever he looked at me. Then Mrs.Matthews came and gave him his glasses... o_O;

During Lunch, someone poked a hole on the top of his water bottle and started squirting water everywhere. He squirted a whole bunch of water on the person behind him, so she threw an apple at him and it hit his face. xD

During Gym, we were playing a game kind of like Dodgeball. when you get hit, you go to the end of the gym and you hit someone to get back in the game. I got hit and Skyler was like "THROW THE BALL TO ALLIE!" At everyone xD

Someone was eating Cheetos during French class, and the teacher flipped out on him. xD

Today Chris dumped some juice on the table.

On Tuesday Chris threw some Apple sauce at Sarzar's face. XD and it looked like Sarzar peed his pants! XD

During Science I was talking to Amanda. Me:Do you want me to call you Squideh? Amanda:YES!

Briana said my Flute's (Christian S.) middle name should be Flutey. So I accected and his name is Christian Flutey Siriano =)

I was telling Colby and Carrie that Amanda lives in her locker. Me: IF YOU LOOK IN AMANDA'S LOCKER YOU'LL SEE A PILLOW,CAN OF SPAM, MINI FRIDGE AND A MINI OVEN STOVE! Amanda:SKADI! Stop! So Mrs.Kovacs was walkin next to me and Carrie. Me: MRS.KOVACS LIVES UNDER HER DESK! IF YOU LOOK, YOU'LL SEE A BED AND CORNNED BEEF AND A CHEAP OVEN!

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Today at lunch Taylor just said "I made my own Trail Mix!" and I started cracking up! xD

During GR,Brennan was on the computer with Paint and he kept showing me stuff and he hit his leg on the table leg twice in the same spot!!! xD You shoulda seen his face!!!!! xD

I was wearing my Rolling Stones shirt and,most of you know what the Rolling Stones' logo is,and it was right on my chest and Brennan says "Your shirt's disgusting." and then I'm like,screaming "WHY WERE YOU LOOKING AT MY SHIRT!?" xD

At recess,me and all my friends were hanging around this one piece of equipment and I started singing " 'He's Rolie Polie Olie. He's short and fat and round.' Oh sorry." xD Then Abby went "OH MY GOD!!! LOOK OVER THERE!!!" and we're like "What?!" and she says "A PIECE OF AIR!!!!!" xD the we all start freaking out "AIR!!! IT'S CLOSING IN ON ME!!!!!" xD Then when Ricky came by,we all started talking about midgets cuz Ricky's really short. xD (oh,I got bellhop service at the end of the day,Ricky carried my viola to the bus for me)

On the bus,Bradley started freaking out cuz he saw Brennan getting off the bus. xD

I started singing the Avril Lavigne song "The Best D*mn Thing" while I was listening to it on the bus and when I got to the chrous part, ("I'm the best d*mn thing that your eyes have ever seen!") I got somme weird looks and somme nods from some guys. 0.o xDDDDDDD

Yesterday was our athletics carnival and my friend Michaela and I were out the front watching the races. The senior girls had to go and race so they asked us to do the cheers. So for like half an hour we were screaming 'How Funky Is Your Chicken' 'Oi, Ole Ole!' and 'You say.' (Not that any of you would know how the war cries go) So after they came back out throats were dead because we were shouting to over 60 girls, so we got a box of lollies to eat.

It was so worth it.

Eric was singing "I Wanna Go To Friendly's". Me: I WANNA GO TO BAND LESSON! =)

ON Thursday I played Ab for Mrs.Z and Briana. It sounded like s**t but Briana clapped :puroperatchi: .

Shane got zapped to Nicole, and looked at his hand before the time given. Apparently he freaked for a minute or two, then went over to her table.. And changed his mind. Instead of asking if she would go out with him, because he had a girlfriend already, he decided to ask her to marry him. xD She said no, and he screamed it at her again in the hallway at the end of the day. She said no again. Then he came up behind us as we were leaving, pushed in between us, and asked if we would both marry him. Shannon got mad at him for that. Haha.

He made me so mad today through email. He said something dirty about Nick and me, and I made him apologize.. Sort of. I told him if he didn't, I would cry, so he said sorry about five times. ^^

Nick's friends in Florida have my cell number. First they asked Nick to give them a picture of me, then they called me. I didn't answer (yay caller ID), but they left a voicemail. Two of them asked if my stomach was okay (I almost got sick... Two weeks ago. A bit late. xD), and called me babe. The third.. I couldn't even understand him, but I do know he can't pronounce my name right. It was actually really funny, for some reason.

[SIZE=7pt] On April Fool's, this guy asked out the Teacher (as a prank), and her reaction was so hilarious. She said: " You're cute and all, just a little young." The guy's face after THAT was so funny, and he finally explained to her that it was a JOKE! [/SIZE]

Gotta love April Fool's Day. ;)

Besides that, too many.

Geez, some of them are just rude also.

On March 18th, this boy whispered to everyone on his table, 'Lets go bugger Mrs. ____!'Then everyone on that tble started shouting bugger.

-For those of you that don't know, bugger is a swear word-
If it is then why did you post it...

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