Funny Moments at School


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Yesterday was parent confrences. It was like, during class. (We had a sub) the end of the day, Trevor asked our regular teacher, "Did my mommy come?" In a baby voice he always talks in. And the teacher was all, "Yes." And Trevor was acting all excited like, "Yay!!!! My mommy came!! ^^" It was funny.

During Wrting Class, we had a sub. And Trevor was cracking me and Jasmine up. He was all, "I do magic!" (It sounded like, "mahhwwgic" It sounded weird. He was doing it in his baby voice) xD It was funny.

When I was walking by Trevor, he was all, "Ah! Don't hit me!" or "Oh no! She's gonna beat me up!" xD I walked by him just to get my pencil that I "dropped." (Threw)

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Yesterday we had a Harlem Wizards game. XDD

A B-ball player took a woman's handbag(as a joke!) and he started walking like a lady and he went through her purse and found sunglasses XD so he tried them on. And he gave the lady a shirt,her bag and a photo of him. And the lady had to give him a kiss. :p

Then one of the b-ball players were being gay towards our princepal. Basketball player:I LOVE YOU! Do you love me?

Today in Chorus:

Me and Carrie wanted to Square-dance together. Tom(Scott) and Old man Brown(Marcus) wanted to dance together too. XD

Today we saw "Cow" do her dance AKA Happy Dance. Kristy:Happy dance! Happy dannccee! Nobody will chew on me! Happy Dance HappyDannce! Nobody will munch on me!

Catch up Club:

Amanda need to tape something to her head. Amanda:Do you have any tape? Me:No. BUT, I GOT A STAPLER! No,no i'm jking you ;)

Then Amanda got Spring Fever! : D Amanda:I GOT SPRING FEVER! *pokes me* Me:OMG! NOW WE HAVE TO GO TO KOHLS! SPRING SALE EVERYBODY!!!

End of math:

Briana:Oh just to tell you, Scott wasn't annoying today! Me:YAY!! =) *Claps*

Eric:*Makes funny face* Me:ERIC I' BRINGING MY CHILD(My flute :wacko: ) TUESDAY! > : ) I WON'T LET YOU TOUCH MY CHILD!

Social Studies:

Mike: *Starts singing softly towards me* Me: *Giggles* Then Mike stared at me.. o_O;

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I was telling the person sitting beside me about the mooning incident at the park on Saturday, and he said that it was him (Although I know it wasn't him) He was just like "MASON! ME AND YOU WENT BIKING AT A PARK AND MOONED PEOPLE, RIGHT?" xD

At lunch me and Caitlin shoved half of one of those Cosmic Brownies in our mouth and we couldn't talk,so for a few minutes we just kept going "Mph. MmmMmMMMPH!" xD

When we came back from lunch Cody was walking to the trash can and he tripped over Sarah's chair leg and he fell flat on his face!! xD

When we were doing these crappy picture-writing things,John asked Caitlin "What's a period??" (like,in punctuation) and then that got Brennan and Cody talking about the other kind. Brennan's like,asking me and Kristin "It only happens once,right?" and Kristin just doesn't say anything but I shout "HOLY GOD-ON-A-STICK BRENNAN!!!!!!" xD

On the bus,Cody always wants to listen to the "Goofy Goober" song from Spongebob on my iPod,well,I was reading my scary stories book and Cody had my iPod (he listened to "Ricky" and was going "WTF!?") well,I played "Hot" for him and his face get's all screwed up and he shouts "OH MY GOD!!! EWWW!!!!" xD Oh,it was worth having Cody germs on my iPod. xD

At recess,me and my friends were signing "Hakuna Matata" at the top of our lungs!!!!!!!

During Media,we watched a movie from the Revolutionary War and there was this one scene were this person was having a baby!!! They only showed the top third of her but we're all like "WHY IS THIS IN A KID'S MOVIE!?" xD

Hm. On Friday, we got all worked up over an orange. Yeah. The fruit. So, Angela ate a lot of sugar and got hyper, and in fifth period, her teacher gave her two oranges. (Yes. This is my pointless backstory) So at lunch, she ate the normal circular one. The other one looked pear shaped. She didn't want the other one, so I took it and put it on Sara's seat at her table. (Her table's above mine. Her section is raised)

Yeah. This one could take a few paragraphs, so continuing... Sara finds it later and gives it back. Angela gets freaked out because the orange is haunting her and coming back. I throw the orange to Selena, who goes to Joe, Kenneth, and Lauren's table. Somebody there ends up throwing the orange to Chris and Drew's table.

Angela though, is happy, because the orange is gone. I point to a piece of an orange peel behind her, and she freaks. While she gets freaked out, I go and figure out where the orange is. Selena, being Selena, dares me to run up to Drew's tray and grab the orange. Me, being me, actually does it. Yeah, I was having a giggle fit the whole time and got a few WTF looks, but it was so worth it. Angela freaked again. I never realized oranges could be so interesting...


Today, at lunch, we kept telling Selena we could picture her in jail.

In art, first period, our uberly annoying project is over. Downside: We get to work with clay AGAIN. Upside: I get to sit with Nicole, Sara, and Sofie again. XD

Nicole, Renee, Maria and I were just talking in the gym, after lunch. Just standing there. Then Katie comes up, glares at Maria, and starts chasing her, screaming, "YOU MADE ME DROP MY OREO!!!" at the top of her lungs. Maria had accidently run into her about two weeks ago, and Katie dropped her Oreo... She got mad, and held a grudge. xDDD

Math was fun. [Never thought I would say that...] We played math Jeopardy, and got to pick our team names. Evan, Valerie, Matheu and I are... The Froot Loops. Creative, I know.

In social studies, I was messing with my pen that looks like a shot, and the tip is like the needle, and it has red liquid inside (but blue ink, which I never really understood). Anyway. The pen got jammed, and I was trying to click it. I did. But the spring, ink part, and cap flew across the room. xD People were giving it back to me in peices. Caitlin helped me fix it, though, with the help of a paperclip... (She got the spring stuck in the top and we had to get it out again and redo everything with two minutes before the bell rang for 8th hour. xD)

Matthew... Has this thing for my hair. He likes petting it, apparently. I have a locker right next to his, so he's like, always playing with my hair. It's really creepy. Ha.. On the bus, when we got to his stop, he had to pat me on the head and say bye before he got off. Everybody just looked at him like 'WTF..' We shrugged.

Our word of the day was what. Nicole and I were talking, like any other normal morning, but almost everything we said had 'what' in it, and it was all on accident. I told her I needed to put something in my locker, and I was walking away. She turned around and said what, I turned around and said what, then we both said it at the same time and turned around again. xD

So, we had TAKS math testing today. (Boo.) But the good part, was after we were done, the teacher allowed us to talk and play hangman. Chris's first word was TACO. And we guessed it really fast. Emily did that really long word I won't even attempt to spell. It's the disease from breathing in volcano dust. Then, I got OCD because Daniel ruined my eraser. Well, it was white, but he and Chris were throwing it, and it became like...pencilly black. And I cursed...really loud. Everyone was staring at me and I was looking down.

After TAKS, Sarah and I were talking about good books. And somehow, our conversation went on to how when you say somethings, the room gets quiet and how we hate that. A while later I go "The bell should ring...NOW!!!" and right when I yell, everyone gets quiet.

In history, I was writing She Had The World lyrics on my wrist in red pen. So, in math, when our conversationg somehow drifted off to stereotypes...particulary emos, Daniel asks me if I'm emo. I go "What? No." And I'm like, half through my rant when he's like "Let me see your wrist." I'm annoyed at him so I show him my wrist. And he sees the words in red and he's like "You're emo. I don't care what you say. You're emo. You wrote on yourself in blooood." I felt like slapping him so hard.

Daniel needed to borrow a pencil so I gave him one without lead. It was funny watching him struggle. Then he threw it at me. Then, Chris needed a pencil, so I gave him my leadless pencil. And he struggled then...threw it at me. They both missed and I figured it was payback for ruining my eraser.

Chris had the answer sheet to our math homework. He passed it to us. He's awesome like that. :]

In art, we were working with clay. (Boo.) And, yeah, I couldn't roll it out flat and perfect and even, and whatever the crappy requirements are. So Joe had to help me. He almost squished my other peice of already done clay, and Sara, Sofie, Nicole, and I were yelling at him to watch out. My clay was fine though. :]

^ I just realized today wasn't too suckish.

I slapped Timmy on the arm today. He slapped my arm back.

Scott had this adorable outfit! <3 He had red converse,and green and blue and I think yellow polo tee and jeans. :eek: I fell in luff with his outfit he looked like Christian Siriano! OMG <3

For some reason Scott,Geogre, Alex , Marcus and Ben and Steven have no table! XD so They have to sit & some carrots fell on Ben. Me: Allie why don't Scott and Geogre have a table? :| Allie: They're table got taken away. So Now Scott and Geogre and the other boys sit in a circle and eat. XD

Vincent in Gym almost yelled shut up. Vincent: SHUT ! Mr.N:HEY!

Today for some reason Mr.Hanna was at the Annex and he said he had 8th grade band on Wednsday. >_> I wanted to speak to him.

Let's just say Math class turned into a Health lesson, with 'diagrams' of certian things on the board. xD It was very gross.

My friend was new to the school and didn't go to it all her life, but she knew one of the people in my class from her trailer/camp thingy. The person was like "Hey Sam, where did I meet you that one time?" Then she explained abut the camp and that. Then he asked who the other person she was talking about was, then he said "OH! THE PERSON WITH THE FLASHLIGHT?" (I dunno about the flashlight thing xD) Then my friend said "Yeah! And when you were playing manhunt with other people, you were hiding under a blanket barking!" Then we all laughed so hard, while his friend made fun of him. I laughed so hard I cried. xD

My friend B is a self-proclaimed dumb blonde. During lunch somthing weird and disturbing (which should never be revealed to the world) happened, so this guy, L, tried to change the subject. It was very silent, when suddenly he burst out, "Let's talk about B's dumbness!" I nodded and said, "Well, there's a lot to talk about that's for sure!" L agreed and decided to ask B some questions. He picked up a carton of milk and said, "B, do you know what this is?" She laughed and screamed "A MILK CARTON!" "Ooook..." said L. "What's in it?" B looked very proud of herself and announced "Milk! Wait, no. Nothing!" I cracked up and L said, "No B. There's MILK in a MILK CARTON." B just stared and him and said "What?"

L and I and everyone just starerd at her like O.O

And to think B is one of my best friends. xD

In Band Practice, the Trombones were making funny noises.

Brian: *Makes Ambulance noise* Ryan: *Makes Boat noise*

Today I proclaimed that it was Bring your BFFL to work day .

I found out Amanda's real mom.. T_T Her real mom was Lexi.. Then Amanda started calling me mommy again! :ichigotchi: Then I pushed her on the swing REALLY SLOWLY. Then Colby started whining and I had to push both of them.

At the end of Gym, I saw Eric! > : ) So I put up his hoodie, half way. And I was dissing his recorder, Me:EWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A RECORDER!!!

Today in IA,we got to preform our "Rockn' Robin" dances and my group got the most laughs cuz we did Rockett Kicks!!!! xD

At lunch I was tryin gto make Taylor crack up cuz it's funny,her eyes like,turn to X's when she cracks up like Cartman does. I was sanging things like "So watch your mouth,or I'll sit on you." "Candy-coated-poop!" and falling off the bench towards the BBQ Sauce (some ******* splattered BBQ Sauce all over the floor where we were sitting) and saying that Taylor had a "Bag 'O Nuts and Bunny Poop!" (she had rasins and Pistacios) xD

On the bus Cody always wants my iPod and he was grabbing it and so was I and he ripped the headphones out!!!!! I started listening to "Teenagers" right after Bradley gave it back and Cody said "If Bradley put this on,it's cool. If you put it on...uhg..." I slapped him in the face. xD

I got out of first hour for a 4.0 breakfast. Apparently, while I was gone, they had to watch a video about how astronauts go to the bathroom in space. Yay.

After lunch, we were messing around in the gym, as usual. Nick was pushing Payton, Nicole was pushing me towards Nick/using me as a human shield. Then she snapped my finger with the metal part of my own hair tie and made me bleed, so I was whining.

Then Shane came up, grabbed me by the arms and put them behind my back, and shoved me toward Nick to get him to hug me..

Just about everybody on the bus was doing something stupid today. Jacob was screaming "WHAT?!", "OKAY" and "NEVERMIND" and playing with his slime.. Stuff. Matthew was messing with Floam, and Levi was making up stupid games. Our bus was hectic today. xD

I saw Shane go up to Nick and say something. Then I just saw Nick turn kind of red, and I turned around. Next thing I know, I hear Nick screaming, "SHUT UP, I AM NOT PREGNANT!" I had no idea what they were talking about, but I almost cracked up.

I was in the middle of writing something in social studies, and Cameron walked up. All he said was, "That pen looks cool, I like it.. I think I'll take it." (It's the 'blood' pen that broke the other day.) So he just grabbed it and tried to take it out of my hand, but I still had one end. Then it broke again, and I had to fix it. Again.

We were talking about the Intolerable Acts in class. So Mr. M is explaining how soldiers were aloud in everybody's houses, and Alan yells "HE'S USING MY TOILET!!" and the whole class cracks up. Even Mr. M.

So today, in art, I totally failed in life. Like, Mrs. W was firing something and it dried up my clay and now I can't roll it into a freaking cylinder. Sara and Nicole and Sofie were laughing at me because they got their clay today. I got stuck with a lump or dry clay. I'll just steal some more clay tomorrow. With Joe's help. He's master. Or something.

At lunch, Selena was throwing fruit snacks in the air and trying to catch them in her mouth.

In English, I asked Mr. R a question, and he went on for like...5 minutes about the type of TV in Fahrenheit 451. I was giving Mary and Melissa 'will he ever shut up' looks and they were laughing at my misfortune.

In science, Ms. C was all "I have to leave early today because-" but she stopped because Drew goes "YES!" really loudly.

During Lunch, Jacob told Bob to go away as a joke. Then Bob actually jumped out the window and ate his lunch outside on the school wall xD

During Geography, we were talking about how they make manmade lakes. The teahcer said something about a thing used to dig the ground called a 'hi ho' and everyone laughed at the fact he said 'ho' xD

BEFORE school:

I saw Mr.Hanna so I waved at him and he didn't see me... :eek:

Band Lesson:

I had to close my locker so I slid while closing it. I was glad Mr.Hanna wasn't there ._.

Me and Mr.Hanna were talking. Mr.Hanna: Did you think I forgot you? Me: Um... Sorta. Mr.Hanna: I would never forget. :) I had to wait about 2 mins for him.


Today in Full band:

Richie is a trumpeter and his sits behind me so Trumpets had a Solo I wanted to yell "are you trying to make me deaf?!"

Then a Trumpeter made a farting noise.

Vincent's trumpets name is Sexy. Vincent:MY TRUMPET'S NAME IS SEXY.

Ryan was complaining. Ryan: OWW. The percussion hurts my ears!!


During Spanish Ed help :

I had Christian Flutey's bed out and it was hot! Me:OMG!!!!! CHRISTIAN FLUTEY'S BED! ITS HOT!!!! LETS GO INTO THE SHADE. :)

I thought it was Tuesday. ._.

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Today right before lunch,Rachael was commenting on how I decorated the bunny. (in my school,there's a team captain every week that gets all the books and stuff for everyone in the row) Anyways,she said "It looks high!" Then at lunch,Emily A. was acting all high and stuff. Jack walked out of the cafeteria and she goes "HEY!" and points at him and he just gives her a weird look and she says "Ha. He looked all:" : > xD Then she said "I'm goin' downstairs" right by the table and does that thing where you look like you're walking down stairs!!!!! xD

When we switched for Science,we didn't notice that the science teacher's class still hadn't come back from Media so I'm all "Oh crap!" and running towards the door but they already came in and Miss F screams "YOU DO NOT COME INTO MY ROOM WHEN THERE'S NO TEACHER IN!!!! GET OUT!!!!!!" xD It scared the crap out of us!!!!!

On the bus I was doing my homework and Cody's going "WHAT'S 8+3?!" and screaming out all these random math problems.

Our school has a magazine sale every year. The only reason anybody sells magazines is because if you sell enough you get out of school for a day to go to a baseball game. Ten of us were left behind today but we actually had more fun than the people who went to the game did.

During music class our teacher basically let us have a dance party. T started singing karaoke to "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" and skipping. I told him to stop because it was seriously disturbing. A bunch of us were listening to J's MP3 Player and we all started bending our knees and bopping up and down to the beat. We must've looked like freaks. One of my friends suggested that we looked like donkeys (I don't know either xD) and T

said, no, we looked like llamas. I said we weren't ordinary llamas. We were MAN-EATING LLAMAS (we were talking about these during lunch). K reminded us that "llamas don't eat mans".

We have also invented a secret signal that, if one of us uses, the others have to break out into a random dance party. Tomorrow K is going to do this during study hall when it's silent. It is going to be hilarious. The people at the game have no idea, and we can't tell them because it's our secret signal. :]

I was being a crossing guard for a bunch of fourth and third graders (what I do right after school, so fun x.x) when all the people came back from the game. It was cold and POURING rain. My umbrella was going to blow away. D: Anyway, this one guy was showing off the teddy bear he'd won and he said he'd won THREE games. (I said I didn't know he could win things. xD) My friend B (again) said, "Aaaw, he got the teddy bear to give to you!" (This is the guy that she told everyone I was going on a honeymoon with. And marrying. And having twenty kids.) He said I couldn't have the teddy bear and I said I didn't want the stupid teddy bear. (Actually, I shouted that because it was raining so hard he couldn't hear me otherwise!)

I'll let you know how the dance party goes tomorrow.

We were doing a test in humanities and Mrs L was trying to control us.

Gabby: *Fidgeting and looking around the room.*

Mrs L: Gabby! I should put one of those cone things that dogs wear around their necks on you and then maybe you'll focus.

Gabby: Yes Miss.

*5 Mins Later*

Jackson: *Whispering*

Mrs L: Jackson! I don't see why I don't put one on you to.

Jackson: Because I'm not a dog, Miss.

Class: Ooooh!

Gabby: Mrs L! Jackson called me a dog!

Mrs L: Not really. He just implied it.

Gabby: He IMPLIED that I was a dog, Miss!

Mrs L: Well, you've got to admit. It was a pretty good come-back for him.

Class: *Laughs*

It was soo funny.

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