Funny Moments at School


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1. Once, during P.E., we were playing dodgeball. There was this boy named Matt (the person I like), and he kept aiming his dodgeball at me! He got me out a few times, then he got me and it hurt SO bad right on my back while I was getting a dodgeball. Then I said "'s on!!!!!", when my friend got me back in, I took a ball and threw it SO HARD at Matt at the place you REALLY wouldn't want to be hit in. Then he started rolling on the ground....IT WAS HISTERICAL!!!!!!!!

2. While my teacher was reading aloud to us, 2 boys in my group ( there were 3 people in my group. Megan, Ian, and Alec.) were playing with an eraser putty. I was too! I put my pencil case that looked like a purse on the side of my area so my teacher couldn't see me play with my putty. Ian and Alec didn't have any protection. Then during the story, my teacher said "Throw those putties away." Then Alec and Ian had to throw away their putty. It was pretty funny cause I didn't have to throw mine's away. Lucky for me! Megan and I were laughing so much and gigling. It was to funny!


Do we still have snow? THIS IS CANADA! What do you expect? xD
I dunno. The only time I was in Canada was over summer.

Pssh...Texas snow lasts a grand total of a day. And you can see leftovers the next day and pout.

Well... Nicole left to go to Florida and won't be back for about another week or so.. So I'm lonely. xDD

Before school actually started and we were hanging around in the pod, Renee and I noticed a sign. It said "Quiet Zone. SSHHH." So we were laughing about it, then I stepped in and wouldn't talk to her. Every time she said something and I wanted to talk back, I had to step out, then back in really fast. I almost fell once... We were being stupid, but surprisingly... Had a lot of fun.

Shane never checked out a new book... So today he decided to read the same thing to me in study hall for about the third time now. Nick told me I should have slapped him, because he actually slapped, poked, and almost pulled my hair because I refused to turn around and look at what he was trying to read to me... From a picture book.. xD

Then, after lunch, I felt sick. So Shane is being an idiot, grabs my shoulder to try and pull me backwards to talk to me, and I almost puke on him. I told him to get away from me, and he asked me if I was depressed (making fun of me). Then I just walked off, and later, he asked me if I was mad at him and pretended to almost cry.

Two guys in my language arts class were fighting over a pencil. So, one drops it over the side of his desk on accident. He leans over the side bar to reach for it, but the other tries to get to it first. But he trips, and dives. So P leans a little too far over the desk, and it tips over. With him in it. When they both got up off the floor and everything was fine again, one of them picked the pencil up. The desk had fallen on it and broke it in half anyway. xD

Today, Nicole ripped up a Cobra Starship picture. And I went all bipolar on her. Like, she told me if I touched her binder, she would rip up the picture. And, me thinking she was joking, poked the binder. So she grabs the picture and shreds it and tosses the scarps at me. I was really happy, becuase you could still see Gabe, Victoria, and Ryland. But then Nicole ripped it again. And you could only see half of Victoria's face. So, I half-attacked her. And she was like "I'll bring you another picture tomorrow." So I was happy again.

I just realized I've never told about the crazy things we talk about in the locker rooms... So after PE, we're in the locker room, and all the girls are talking. Except for four of us, who go be isolated. But yeah. On Monday, Sarah and Natalie ended up on the unject of zombies. So I joined in about how my zombies were pink and had feelings. So they all were yelling at me about how zombies don't feel stuff because they're dead and how zombies are not pink. But, they're pink in my mind. So, it all works out.

At lunch today, Selena was flipping Sofie's water bottle while she was in the bathroom. And she flipped it up and it hit her on the head. It was awesome.

Today was picture day, and they had to take mine 4 times, because I kept laughing. And everyone was laughing at me....

In speech, Brenda and I were going on and on about contagious diseases. Don't ask. I think Abby had pink eye and we were freaking out the whole period.

Today in art,Cole who sits right across from me likes to annoy the art teacher. So when she turns around,he gets up on his chair and starts dancing. Then when he sat back down it was like,slow motion falling. It took him like,30 seconds to fall onto the floor cuz he was clutching the table for dear life. xD

Also in art,well,they put these tennis balls on the chair legs so they don't scrape up the floor but they come off alot. Brennan (who is my crush) lost one and he said "I lost one of my balls!" xD that made the whole class crack up!!!!!

We had a 5th grade spelling bee today and this one kid Gannon got the word "Politics" and he says "Politics. Poe-wait!" xD

At recess I was telling my friends about these spelling bee videos on YouTube. The two I was talking about had really funny words that they made me spell. So at recess I was screaming "NIGGERFAGGOT! N-I-G-G-E-R-F-A-G-G-O-T! NIGGERFAGGOT! SARDOODLEDUM! S-A-R-D-O-O-D-L-E-D-U-M! SARDOODLEDUM!!!!!!" xD

We were talking at the end of the day,me Rachael,Emily A,Cody,and Kristin about art. (we made these crappy ceramics) and Emily A was saying "What dyou make in art?" to Rachael and I tell her to shut it. Then she keeps rephrasing it and I just say "There's no way you can say that without it sounding wrong!!!!" then we all crack up!!!

We randomly started talking about eyeliner, so I dared a guy to wear major emo eyeliner then skip down the street yelling "YAY!"

This one is kind of inappropiate (Stoopid health class.) The person beside me asked me this: "Wouldn't you rather date a guy with a huge honker than a guy with a little Tic Tac?" Then I laughed so hard I cried. xD

My friend stole the whiteboard out of my locker, os I attacked her.

This person in my class was running down the street, I don't know why, so I yelled "RUN, FORREST, RUN!"

In the middle of silence, someone in my class was still in a conversation and she was like "BECAUSE SHE'S DUMB!"

This girl was in my group for a fieldtrip thing and we went to the museum. This guy was giving a presentation about trains and she did something and he said, "Hi." And she was all "Hi. I'm Hailey." And The guy was saying something, kind of interuppting her and she was all "I-I'm Hailey." You had to be there to see how funny it was, I couldn't really explain it.

This teacher was talking about homework and this guy said, "I did mine." And the teacher was all "Okay, then." Again, you had to be there to see how funny it was.

On our way to the park for our fieldtrip, (it's all week) we went on a bridge and it kind of felt like a roller coaster because the bud was like tilting kind of. People started screaming out of no where.

We were making faces and this guy, Grant, he drew a "realistic" face. He made himself a nose ring and this one girl, I forgot who, asked, "What's with the nose ring?" (or something like that) Grant said, "It's my invisible nose ring. It's right here.' He pointed to his nose. We started laughing.

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There is a teacher at my school and gis name is Mr. Mangolloulou. He and my teacher are really good friends. Every friday they go out for lunch together. But her is the grads 8 and 7 teacher. Anyway. He was once our supply teacher and one of my BFFS came up with this and almost everyone in my class said this :

`` Hey Mr. Mango wanna do the tango? Hey! HO! say Hey! Ho! we all call him Mr. Mango in my class.


well, a lot of stuff happens.

i was acting really drunk

and i had a water bottle

so in the middle of class i imitated kelly's grandmother (y'know... shoes!?)

and i was like "have some whiskey honey... makes ya feel better!" to the guy i like and started pouring water on his desk

it was really weird

no, i wasn't calling him honey

she really says that

Between 6th and 7th hour, Nick had to go to the nurse, and left his stuff with Shane. So Shane shoves Nick's book off on me and tells me to give it to him, but I didn't know where he was, so I had to put it in my locker. Later, Nick asked Shane where it was, and all he did was point to me and say "She took it." and walked off. He gave me a really weird look as I handed it back to him. xD

Shane decided to call me at the very end of the day, as I was about to walk out the door. But he was walking right behind me. Then, we get outside, and I'm getting in the car and he calls me again. When I answered, he just hung up.

And just a few minutes ago, he called for no reason... He was bored and had nobody else to talk to, so he decided to call me to talk about how dogs are hairy and about a Crisco commercial he was watching on TV. xD Then he went on about how Nick wanted to invite me to the movies with him and his friends, but Shane told him he couldn't because he supposedly knew he was only inviting me so he could make out with me. I would have slapped him, but we were on the phone... (Wasn't really school related, but oh well.)

In our last choir concert, one of our pieces was "Your Mama Don't Dance". But we couldn't sing the optional solo, because it was, well... Dirty. xD So people wanted to know why, and read it, and everybody's eyes got really wide. It was really funny. Then a guy asked Mrs. H why, and she apparently didn't know because she started singing it for us, then just kind of trailed off and set the paper down and went on with the lesson. xDDD

Today in Reading,we got back these papers that don't get graded,but when we read them out loud they,well,sucked. Anyways,I never put punctuation on the setences we write and Rachael (who sits right next to me) said "You missed all your periods!" I just stare at her with a "WHAT THE CRAP?!" look on my face and she goes "Oh my God! You sicko!!!!!" xD

In GR today,one of the 4th grade teachers that left the school came back to visit and during GR,John stood up and the teacher came up behind him and hugged him and he didn't know what the h*ll was going on and when she let go of him,he fell flat on his face. xD

I dunno. The only time I was in Canada was over summer.
Pssh...Texas snow lasts a grand total of a day. And you can see leftovers the next day and pout.
Yeah well in the Arizona it snows every few years. It is more like "Hey it snowed 10 minutes ago. You were asleep" and you pretty much have to say "Dang I missed it" because it melts within an hour.

You are lucky you HAVE leftovers to pout about the next day. All I get to pout about is "I slept through it"

Well my funny school experience for the day is this- My English teacher wanted us to write down a paragraph on our favorite 7th grade experience. Well on mine I wrote about my thermos which I stuck in my locker and let ferment for a week. and then my friend says "Dude, you can't put ferment on there! We could get arrested!" and then I had to quickly get my paper back and change it.

The best part is that my English teacher didn't realize why I had to change ferment. "There's nothing wrong with that." ^_^

Oh, I just remembered. During North Lunch, this teacher came to our table and saw an roange and said, "Is that trash or is that for the community?" (By the way, "For the community" means you didn't eat it and you're going to save it for other people who want it.) And this girl Vanessa was all, "It's for the community." And she put it on this covered cup of salsa and the salsa splattered on the table. The whole table started cracking up.

And during South Lunch, my friend in a different group walked and dumped her water out and walked past my group. I started calling her (not with a phone) and she couldn't hear me. Then Kapryna started calling her. Then Grant and I think Jose started calling her. She didn't hear us. xP

In grade 2 we were putting pom poms on a painted christmas tree then during free time my mom was working on it as a helper then i accidentaly put my arm in the way while she was about to glue a pom pom on the tree with a glue gun and she shot me in the arm by accident then I was about to take the gun and shoot her! Then when i got home from school i hit her in the back XD. I ended up getting locked in my room for like 5 hours XD. Good moments :) :D

In grade 2 we were putting pom poms on a painted christmas tree then during free time my mom was working on it as a helper then i accidentaly put my arm in the way while she was about to glue a pom pom on the tree with a glue gun and she shot me in the arm by accident then I was about to take the gun and shoot her! Then when i got home from school i hit her in the back XD. I ended up getting locked in my room. Good moments :) :D

One time, Kelly started acting drunk and started spitting on everyone. Me and my friends were stepping away, pitifully. =P

I forget other times. x)

In PSE our teacher wasn't there, so we had to go into one of the history classrooms. There was this huge bug on the floor, and Chris picked it up and started trying to flick it at me and Will. Then the teacher sends him out of the classroom, and Will picks up the bug. I tell him to put it inside Chris's pencil case, so he does and then we close it.

You should have seen his face when he tried to get a pen in Science...

On Sports Relief day we'd just finished running and I was doing my Josh imitation, so he starts attacking me. I fall over and Robert comes over and yells at Josh "Leave the love of my life alone, foureyes!" and then tries to hug me. Then Hannah tries to steal from him, Amy grabs my other arm and they both yell "Mine!".

I did not enjoy this.

In GR we were reading and one of the words we came across was "scabies" and we didn't know what it meant so my friend Taylor had to look it up and she yelled over "It's a skin disease caused by mites burrowing under the skin and causing intense itching!!!!!" then we all started cracking up. xD

A month or so ago also in GR,I always lay on the floor on my back and Bradley almost sat on my head!!! xD

Yesterday in math Rachael (who I sit next to) started singing "There was a girl in Mrs.(my teacher)'s class and Rachael was her name-o! R-A-C-H-A-E-L! R-A-C-H-A-E-L! R-A-C-H-A-E-L nad Rachael was her name-o!" xD

We had to do DLP where you correct sentences and one of the names in a sentence was "Melina" and I said to Rachael "I recognise that name but I can't remember where it's from." she thinks for about 15 seconds and then says "The Emperer's New School!" then for the rest of the day we're singing "K-U-Z-C-O, Kuzco Kuzco,GO GO!" xD We got lots of weird looks!!!!

One time in PE, Sam hit his head on the corner of an AC thing. Me and someone else, I think Veronica, thought someone got hit by a school bus. (Because a school bus was passing by)

Nika thought this bulding said "United Buildings of Nachos."

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