Funny Moments at School


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The other day, we were waiting for our study hall teacher to show up and let us in her room. So I was standing next to Shane while we waited, and we were both kind of staring off into space. And all the sudden he says, "It would be really funny if somebody got shot right now. Not like really shot, but fake shot. Y'know?" I just gave him a weird look and cracked up laughing. Then he turned around and looked at the people in our class, and goes "Hey, Gabby... Will you get shot? Please?" And she said "What?!". I told him to take that as a no. It was really funny for some reason. xD

In spanish, we had to pick out spanish names to use in conversation. So Nick picks Santiago, I pick Ana, a lot of people pick Pedro (and were screaming 'Vote for Pedro!' in the pod later), and Diego. So people start singing the Go Diego Go song, some are screaming VOTE FOR PEDRO!! and everybody else is just sitting there like "Oh my god, we're surrounded on all sides by morons..." xD

Apparently, Lindsey cut her own hair, but her mom didn't know. She had been wearing her hair up when she was at home. So we're at the lunch table, and she was telling us about this when Katlyn says, "Lindsey, it's your mom!" She wouldn't believe it, she thought we were lying to try and scare her. So she turns around to check, and her mom is waving at her from across the commons. xD She freaked out. But her mom actually didn't notice. It was funny.

In choir, we're being introduced to three of our new songs for the next concert this quarter. One of them happens to be 'Family' by the Dream Girls. So the teacher goes into a lecture about how a choir has a different bond than just any other class, and it's like we're family.. Wether we like it or not. So everybody's looking around at everybody else, and you can just read the thoughts... "I got the looks of the family.." -- "But I don't like any of you people..." -- "I LOVE YOU!! *HUGZ*" xD

Yesterday was actually...pretty funny. I just didn't feel like typing.

Like in art, when we were wrapping each other in plastic wrap (it's for a project...I know. I know), me and Nicole were having this weird conversation about bands. I was looking at her shoes and it said Drop Dead Gorgeous on them and I was like "They suck. All they do is scream. And I don't think they're screaming words. I can handle the sceaming. But, there's a limit." Nicole was like "You weren't listening to the lyrics, stupid! They sing. Like really."

Me and Joe were fighting with saran wrap in art. And we were dancing by the door. But...all of us were dancing. All of us being me, Nicole, Joe, Sofie, and Sara.

In history, Sarah and I slacked off again, changing the color of our Powerpoint slides and writing notes to each other through Paint.

After school, for GS, Becky, Brenda, and I had to go to Hobby Lobby (along with Maddie and Mikayla). But, the three of us were goofing off, taking pictures. There's a shot of Becky with a huge boquet of fake flowers, me with a really big boquet, and Brenda with this really tiny flower. And another one of us sticking our faces through the flowers. And I have a shot of two of them spelling something out with iron on letters.

Today I learned that writing on desks is not good. xD I got stuck washing desks with another person who wrote on his desk. The bad part is that he's the person who is all "Fall Out Boy is emo! You're emo becuase you listen to FOB! Allie Wentz!" It was...interesting. out conversation was like

FOB is emo!

No they're not!

Yes they are!




I need that sponge. Someone wrote on this desk with pen.

No, you suck!

I know I suck, thankyouverymuch.

Then more ranting on about how FOB isn't emo. And he dumped water on someone's desk, to find out it wasn't mine. Then I dumped water on his desk. And he kept flinging water at me. It was very interesting. xD

I was eating one of those Juicy Drop Pops, or whatever and my friend stole it from me, so I attacked her. Then she gave me the sucker, and she dumped all of the juice stuff on it.

This one person was singing some random song, so I told him to shut up. Then I accidentaly elbowed him. xD Then I siad "GO SING TO JACOB!"

During music, the grade 8's were being told about thier project and the sevens were on the kayboards. The person sitting across from me was pressing random keys and he had this weird look on his face, and all the grade eights and the other grade sevens were laughing at him. xD

Amanda had this pendant and it was in a box like a ring. So Amanda first proposed to Colby. LOL. Me: AMANDA!!! YOU DON'T LOVE ME!!! UGH! YOU CHEATED ON ME! I'M NEVER SPEAKING TO YOU AGAIN!!!! Then Amanda tried proposing to Mr.Nemo (he's married XD) I said "Mr. Nemo! Amanda wants to tell you something! Amanda: WILL YOU MARRY ME, Jerry? (Jerry isn't his name, its matt. XD) Then at Gym amanda said she wanted to propose to Mrs.Hansen... o_O;

At Gym we did sit and reach. So we took off our shoes and Colby put on Amanda's shoes, Amanda put on Colby's. Me: Why don't you wear my shoes?! They didn't like them...(Mine are Ethines ) Timmy: Your shoes are ugly. Me: No! YOURS ARE UGLIER!

At gym (again) Vincent was so stupid. Mr.N: If you want to start the game be quiet. Vincent: Shut up everybody! Class:How mean,etc., Vincent: Shut your pie holes! Mr.N: Thats not nice Vinny!

Once in Music we were listening to Bach. One of the songs were called "By the Brooke" or something. Amanda has a litttle sister named Brooke. Mr.Hanna:Yes Amanda? Amanda: Here are some sounds: Ammmmandddaaaa.... Giiivvveee mmmmmeeee thhhatttt bacckkk. Mr.Hanna: Okay... Not what I was looking for.

In LA I was acting like Christian Siriano! ( :mellow: ) Me: Fierce! Fiercely tall! Fiercely odd! Then I was saying things like OMGZ and LOLZ!

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Shane went to the library during study hall and came back with a new picture book to read to me. It was about boats this time, though... So he pretty much just giggled and pointed out the words 'poop deck' from the very beginning.

Then he was bugging me and told me Nick's lock combination. So I told him mine, even though he has no idea where my locker is. xD

After lunch in the gym, I was telling Renee about this. Then I told her that he was joking around, making fun of me liking My Chemical Romance, and asked if they were gay. So I was like, "No!" and he started saying "Janna likes gay guys?", Really loud. I was telling Renee this, and right as I was saying "He said I liked gay guys", Tara came up, and all she caught in the sentence was "I like gay guys", and cracked up because she knows my boyfriend, and all of my guy friends... And went off to go tell them what I said.

I had to stop her, or she would have...

[Not that I'm against gay. I didn't want my guy friends, or Nick, mad at me when she tried to tell them... -.-"]

In my English class we were just randomly mucking around, one of the girls Catlin grabbed her dictionary and opened it to a random page. Then we all started reading our dictionaries. So when our teacher came in he saw us reading and let us go out to lunch early. We have decided that if we read our dictionaries we will always be able to go out early. Dont really think that it will work, though..

In LA we were writing about Spring break. Mine was ; I had to wake up early still. I went to my mom's work it was boring. I got my Flute (AKA BFFL!) . I went to Russo Music Center on Monday. I got a few noted but my best is A Flat(Easy Note BTW!) My Flute is my BFFL! (Yes I wrote My flute is my BFFL.)

Today in Math I decided to name my flute Christian Siriano. =)

Today Mike wasn't here T_T so I was somewhat upset.

Today during morning greeting Mr.B reconized what a thick book I had.. o_O;

So in art, Nicole tries to mock me. Her topic is, predictablly, how I like PATD. And she goes "You would be like: Ehmagawd! It's Brendon Urie! He's so hot. With two T's!" And I just sit there laughing. That only happened because she ripped my Cobra Starship picture...AGAIN. And it was the cool one, with Gabe in the checkered jeans. But yeah. And she was like "Give me a list of bands that you want pictures of. It's probabaly gonna be all like Fall Out Boy and Panic At The Disco..."

I wrote TAI... on the list and Nicole was like "They're so old! They suck!" And I go "I thought you like The Academy Is...?" And she just goes "Oh. Yeah. I mean...yeah."

And Joe was annoying me so I stuck tape in his hair. It was awesome because it got stuck. When he pulled it out, you could see his hair stuck to it.

In English, Mr. R was talking about his printer and goes "It's jamming again." Then this one guy at my table goes "IT'S JAMMIN'" And we all crack up.


today in science, my friend Luke was so confused.. he didn't know what 'orgasm' is

so in science, he raises his hand near the end of class, my teahcer calls on him..

"What's orgasm?" He said, we laughed so hard. My teahcre waslaughing too, she was like.. smiling and explained what it was

i tripped over a desk trying to get a piece of paper.....everybody laughed at me and i laughed at my still laughing now...

At the end of the day,Emily P. was leaving abd Brennan said "You goy big boots." and,well,you can bet what it sounded like. xD

Everyone likes to try to make their chair tip over backwards,and Cody turned around backwards in his,like,with his legs around the back and started trying to tip it and it looked like he was humping the chair!!!!!!!

My bus was late so we had to wait on the front porch and Ricky and me were talking and I forget how we got intot this converstaion but Ricky said like,8 times "I've been to her house like a billion times!" I got some weird looks from that. xD

On the busride home I was blasting "Rock You Like a Hurricane" on my iPod and singing and banging my head and I got weird looks from everyone when I sang the chorus!!!! xD

Brennan was acting like a retard and making me laugh and he ran into a table. xD

At recess,me,Ricky and a few other kids were going down all these slides cuz it was raining. Our pants didn't dry for the rest of the day!!!! xD

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In the middle of Religion today we were bored(as usual) so I decided to break the silence, I was like, "Do you know, eight sneezes releases the same amount of endorphins(spelling?) as an orgasm?" And everyone stared at me, especially as it was Religion..

Today we were talking about how 10% of your weight is from your blood. Someone in my class said "So that's why emo people are so skinny!"

During Health, we were being weird and showing off our muscles. This one person in my class was like "OMG! LOOK AT ALLIE'S PIPES!" xD

During French, the person beside me said "I love French class! APRIL FOOOOOLS!" Then the techer said "You're my favourtie student. April Fools!"

Me and my friend were singing along to This Is Why I'm Hot. It was interesting xD

We were talking about how we will fail Turn Off The Screens Week, and I said "Turn off the screens? For a week? EPIC FAIL."

For this writing thing, me and a group of people are going to write a script for a Deal Or No Deal Parody, then present it. xD I'm supposedly the #1 model.

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Today in LA I brought my Flute because of band lesson. So at the end of LA I showed Eric my flute and he wanted to press a key: Eric: I WANNA PRESS TEH KEY!!! > : O

Then in LA we were talking about chatspeak...o_O; Me: Eric! Say PLZ!

Eric: Peelezzzz! (Plzzz or Pleaseee) Then I wanted Erci to say THX so Mrs.B thought I said DNX. LOL

Then it was band lesson time and it was raining.... :/ Mr.Hanna:Lets wait til the rain is slow. We waited a min and then Mr.H went to get his flute and his jacket.

Then we went to the Highschool but it was still raining so Laura,Carly and Cara ran to the HS and me and Mr.Hanna walked because we didn't have hoods.

Then in the HS I had to dry off my glasses. While walking. So I kept putting them on and off and they were foggy so I had to stop and clean them.

Then we went into this SCARY Band hall. It was painted white, white floors and walls... X_x; Then we went into the band room and then this Mini band room.... T_T I started to play but it made me dizzy. Mr.H started talking about his baby and how big he is. Mr.Hanna: My baby is the size of a toddler! He'll be 10FT when he's five!

Cara was ANNOYING today in BL! :furawatchi: She asked Mr.H TWICE to go to the B-room. Then she played a high note when Mr.H was talking to me... Mr.Hanna: Fine! You can go BUT you better not come out with a soda. Then Cara got yelled at by Mr.H because she was eating.(food+Instrument=Not good... XP )

During Music: Vincent:So Mike. How did your Madonna hairpiece go(Hey he got a haircut! =D) ? Mike:I got 15$! Vincent:I'll say my hair is Michael Jackson. and sell it.

Then Mr.H(Mr.H does Band and Music) showed the class a pic of Liszt when he was old and everybody was creeped out. LOL. Mike:HE HAS A BOIL! A BOIL WITH PIMPLES AND WARTS! Vincent:EWW! *Hides in hoodie* Is it gone yet? Emily:Yes. Vincent:*Comes out* AHH! *Goes back* Is it gone NOW? Emily:No. Vinny:Now? Emily:Yes.

In LA I had a Electronic Dictonary. So on the EleD (Electronic Dictonary) said "Hey Sammy. " Me: Aww! This isn't my Chowder on (It said Hey Chowder) *Changes name to BFFL Soup and turns off EleD* *Turns back on* *shows Amanda* Amanda: BFFL SOUP! Me:*Shows Thora* Thora:LOL Me:*Shows Eric* Eric: Bffl soup? Campbells BFFL Soup! POSSIBLITES! I erased it and put Mr. Hanna. EleD: Whats up,Mr Hanna? Once the EleD scared everybody because the volume was high and I didn't use it and left it so it randomly shut down and said "Good-Bye!" In this nerdy voice. XD

I was going to Mrs.Hansen's room to get my book. Scott:*Walks by Briana's desk* *Takes Briana's posterboard* Briana: Hey... (to Scott) I was gonna say Scott but Briana's name came out of my mouth. Me:Briana.... Briana:Hey Skadi! Me:Hi Briana~*Gets book*

When I got up to get my flute(It had my only pencil in its case!) Amanda proposed to Mr.Hanna.Amanda: WILL YOU MARRY ME, JARED?(His name is Steve / Steven)

At the end of band, me Carly,Laura and Cara were waiting for Mr.Hanna. So they all zipped up they're jackets. Mr.Hanna: *comes in room* Carly,Laura and Cara: APRIL FOOLS! Mr.Hanna: Oh-no. I left the Umberala in the room. APRIL FOOLS.

Since today we had MSA testing,we got 30 minutes of inside recess cuz it was raining after the test was over. My and my friends were on the computers and the "Monkeys" were playing with Legos and they kept throwing Legos at us. I flinged my hair-tie and Brennan and he just goes "AH EWWWW!!!" (he's scared of my hair. lol) I started playing "New Soul" on GarageBand but the Monkeys made me mess up.

When we were walking into lunch,I swear to God,Bradley slapped my butt!!!!!!!!

At recess me and Ricky were hurting ourselves on the monkey bars. We would jump on one and swing around and just fall. xD I cracked my back and Ricky cracked his elbow. xD

Also at recess Kristin was about to go down the slide sideways and she said "I'm scaredicle." (don't ask) and I shouted "DID SHE SAY SHE WAS SANTA CLAUS?!" cuz with all the screaming and people all around us it sounded like that and I started singing the song from Futurama "Satnta Claus is Gunning You Down" xD Then I said "Ho Ho Ho and a bottle of rum! Oh wait that's pirates." xD I made the pitcher in the kickball game mess up cuz he was laughing so hard!!!!!

Cody and Brennan played the lollipop game again. And Cody humped the chair. Oh,and Brennan was doing that thing where you turn around and start running your hands all over your back while hugging yourself. You know,[SIZE=7pt]it looked like he was snogging.[/SIZE]

Cody was hatin' on my headbanger skills on the bus. I was listening to "Slow Ride" on the way home and singing and doing air guitar and banging my head and he goes "What the crap is that?" lolz

In art, Nicole gave me my pictures. Yay. But she had to make fun of FOB and PATD first. And then she was like "We ran over a dog on the way here." I was all "April fools?" Then she tried "My dad died last night." "My mom is diagnosed with cancer." and "My dog died." She's a terrible liar. Like...yeah.

In math, Daniel told me that I'm a boring and mean person to sit by. I took it as a compliment.

In PE, we got new lights installed, so when you walk in the gym it's like BAM bright. And the locker rooms now look yellow and disgusting.

Natalie showed me her homewok list. It goes something like 'Prog report math science history. Blah. Math hw on wrist.' And her wrist has all the page numbes and stuff.

At lunch, Coach told us we had to sit by our fifth period classes from now on at lunch. I was the only one at my table who remembered it was April Fool's. So, I was the only one laughing. And the dean tried that over the announcements about how school was longer by an extra day because of this snow day....which we never got.

In English, this guy was trying to throw crumpled paper in the trash. He misses and it lands next to Mr.R, who's on the computer. So he goes, on his knees to pick it up. Mr. R turns around and asks him if he got his progress report signed, as if seeing kids behind you on their knees is completely normal. I think that was a run-on....

We now have this really... Interesting, peice in choir, called Snack Attack. So in the beginning, the girls have to say 'Girl scout cookies'. But we have to say really... Ditsy. So, we did... The guys cracked up, because we did it a bit too ditsy, on purpose. But they had to say "FRIES!" 'hungrily'.. So they pretty much growled it.

( Later, I was on Gmail with Nick. So I went, "Hey, Nick... Girl scout cookies!!" and he says "Fries. :]". )

Noel got mad at me and cornered me today in the gym after lunch. She was trying to get me to tell her what Nicole bought for her while she was in Disney World. xD

At Gym Mike and Marcus were examples for PFT:push Ups (PFT: Presidential Fitness Test) so we have Polo-sticks and Mike was hold it for Marcus. Mr.N: You can sit in any postion. Mike:*Lays down* Mr.N: Now, put the polo-stick near the black line. Mike:*Puts Polo stick near black line* Mr.N: Now Marcus, put your hands behind the line. Mike: YEA TSANG > :D Mr.N: Hey. Then Timmy did 130 push-ups (i'm not kidding!) and me Amanda and Colby were saying stuff like he was gonna colpase.

Today I declared Eric and Bffl Homecat =). Me: Eric, your a BFFLH-CAT. Eric:Yay! Campbells Chicken Noodle Possiblites!! Me: ITS BFFL SOUP!

me: OBOE! (Really...Random <3)

in Science something kinda-funny happened. Eric(not the Eric in LA) : My desk is too short! *Slaps hand on desk* Leanne:*Falls* It was so random!

Out of nowhere, the person beside me was like "I'M A TERRIFYING TERRORIST!"

During music, we had Pepperoni War II. Someone took the moudly pepperoni and it almost went in his friend's mouth! xD

That's it. Today wasn't really that funny.

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