Funny Moments at School


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Today Eric put on Timmy's glasses. LOL.

Today at Recess I was pi**ed because Colby and Amanda wouldn't let poor Matty D play Mangala(I think thats it) .

I wouldn't stop flirting w/ Scott at Recess and then Amanda and Briana and Colby were going crazy... and Scott looked... I was embarassed I wanted to say "Sorry Scott my friends are crazy." But Scott was looking at them for 5 seconds. But he kept staring at me... o_O; Jake:Scott! Do you have a person w/ glasses? (They were playin Guess Who?) Scott:No.

I was going to Gym so Erci was going to Music. Me:*Goes down steps* Eric: Skadi! Thats not the way you do it! *Slides down railing* Me:OMG!!! ERIC!!! :wub: Eric: *Slides down ramp* Me: I'll see you later. Scott: *stares at me* Marcus: *Stares* XD

My March Break last week was boring. But that's good. I would rather listen to music all day than be stuck in school.
Ahh...point. But today half my day was wasted driving around downtown and (wait for it) the JFK museum. Um...I take that back. The museum (which I probs misspelled) was atually interesting. It was about his death and all the investigations. You can sooo tell I miss school. XD

Before my oh-so-boring spring break, in art one day, we were all kinda hanging around in the supply room when we had a sub. It was fun. We had a mini party while Joe helped everyone cut their paper on the really big paper cutter. (Why does it sound so un-funny in words???)

In speech, me and my partner are basically done, so me and my friend, Angie just kinda look up pictures of band members (Pete, Patrick, Ryan, and Brendon. I looked up Gabe too...) when we're supposed to be working. It's kinda fun. And we get a chance to be obsessed!!! I love being obsessed.

Today I was giving Aamda Folders and a notebook I didn't need. She was happy! :ichigotchi: Amanda: WOW! Today must be my lucky day!

Ahh...point. But today half my day was wasted driving around downtown and (wait for it) the JFK museum. Um...I take that back. The museum (which I probs misspelled) was atually interesting. It was about his death and all the investigations. You can sooo tell I miss school. XD
Haha... Last year, we had a fieldtrip to the Eisenhower museum in Abilene.

The busride there was no fun, but the Merry-Go-Round we got to ride once we got there made up for it. xD

1: My weirdish teacher heard someone fart and got the Febreeze out xD

2: A girl in my class is like to the teahcher "You take the spelling test, Ill read the words." He went with it and Took the paper while she read the words. HE put Booger and Snot for th answers xD

When I was 5 I told this joke and many of my old friends still remeber it.

"Goku got killed in a deep fryer in McDonalds and the reason they call Chi-Chi "Chi-Chi" because her Chichis are so big"

It was funny when I was 5 and it was random too.

Also just 2 weeks ago I did something I think the entire grade that I'm in will remeber.I pants some boy and he was wearing Pokemon underwear,he cried then told,then got very severe punishments,both school and home.

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Haha... Last year, we had a fieldtrip to the Eisenhower museum in Abilene.The busride there was no fun, but the Merry-Go-Round we got to ride once we got there made up for it. xD
Gotta love the merry-go-rounds. :]

Um...this wasn't at school. It was today. Yet so funny, and kinda embarassing. Poor me...

I was in WalMart, in the book section...listening to my iPod. And...I thought I was the only one in that section so I started singing "Douse yourself in cheap perfume. It's so fitting, so fitting, of the way you are. Can't cover it up. Can't cover it up." Then, I turn around and there's this old lady looking up from her book. And she's glaring at me. So I kinda just laughed and ran away. It was kinda scary actually.

I was talking to my friend about how I got Rock Band, and this kid went up to me and was like "YOU GOT ROCK BAND? After school I'm gonna call you and I'm going to your place to play Rock Band!" All I said was " about NO?" xD

Yesterday wasn't all that funny. xP

During band, my best friend announced to EVERYONE there (including the band insturctor) that I was going to go on a honeymoon to Canada with this guy (who likes me). I yelled "WHAT?!" but she kept going on about how me and him were going to go to one of those hotels that gives little chocolates on the pillows. o.o

When I asked her if she was planning the wedding too she said, no, there didn't need to be a wedding just a honeymoon.O.O I yelled "WHAT!!!!?" once again embarrassing myself.

Then after school we were in this store by the birthday party supplies and she said, "Hey look! [Guy's Name] can wear this king's crown to the wedding and you can wear this tiara!" xD

I'm afraid that the people at my school can never forget this little incident. I just dread the day we study Canada in geography class. x]

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As anyone who knows me knows, I have jokes all planned out and just try to get someone to lead on a conversation to get to the part where I say a joke. (well acually no one knows. XD)

So one day in 7th period English (teh "smart" class) our teacher , Ms. C. said "Now what should we do for extra credit?" (something like that) and someone mentioned making fake love notes. and I said "Ooh, ooh, can I make a love note to myself?" and the teacher was like "Okay, Zack (my name XD), if you want to write a fake love note to yourself for extra credit that's fine." The conversation on love notes was longer but I can't remember it all.

Well since the person mentioned love notes I had been formulating a plan and I kept the teacher going on the conversation until "Okay, Zack (my name XD), if you want to write a fake love note to yourself for extra credit that's fine." Then I said "FAKE?" in a What the Heck are you talking about? sort of tone and everyone started laughing.

And to milk it longer I said "Wh-what are you guys laughing at?"

Classic. :lol:

EDIT: OOH here is another one-

Heh, I just remembered this. In PE our teacher brought those, er, "baton" things. Anyone who is old enough to understand knows what we called them. XD When we said that everyone started laughing.

We still mock that teacher for that.

(if you ARE old enough but don't understand, think of the SICKEST thing you could think of. Yeah.)

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Two guys in my class were going by each other in a small space to get to their desks, and it looked like they were about to kiss so I said "Oooooh!" Then one of them said "Nah. We're gonna wait untill 9:00pm and build the suspense." xD

When I was walking home, this person in my class was walking with his friends (He doens't normally walk home that way) So he kept yelling over to me, and it was like:

Can I go to your place and play Rock Band?






How about your place at eight?


Okay, sounds good. Where do you live?

*says nothing*

I was probably 30 feet from my driveway when he asked where I lived xD

Today in music we sang this song and half the class would sing the original melody and the other half would sing another short part of the song. My half got to sing the original part and the other part was "Slow,Slow,bang the drum slow" me and Brennan took one look at each other and started cracking up!!!! Geddit? Bang the drum slow? Hardy Har Har!!! lol

My bff Taylor was telling me,Rachel,and Caitlin about what Brennan said when he came back from the bathroom. (ps,Austin,is this little retarded kid in 1st grade) Brennan said "Hey Taylor,you know that little kid Austin,with the red hair? When I was in the bathroom,he was there too and asked if I would stay in there with him." xD that made us crack up!!!!

At recess,Rachel told us that during thier class's GR,this 3rd or 4th grade class walked my and this one kid was going "Duh. Duh. Duh." and he looks in their GR room and goes "DUH!" xD

At the end of the day,Cody said my last name in pig-latin (it was kind of offensive,my last name starts with a G so the lasy part was "gay" like,literally) and I said I'd kick him in the nuts and he starts going on about "I'll protect them" and "Ewww!!" so,yeah. I ended up not kicking him there cuz,well,I didn't exactly wanna try to get past him to touch him in any way,*ahem* there. lol

Today was kinda un-funny. Except for when we were saying the Pledge of Allegiance in art, Nicole poked Sara who screamed. Joe was trying so hard not to crack up. He was next to the teacher, across the room. Me, Sofie, and Nicole were just laughing silently through the whole pledge.

Also, everytime I saw Nicole, I would yell "Sparkles!" because she was wearing a shirt that had a pink glitter peace sign. She hates glitter.


Alec walked in with a pink detention slip to history. Trust him to get detention on the first day back from break.

In PE, me and Sarah were talking about how hyper was a cool word. So...

Me: Hyperactive and hypertension are cool words

Sarah: (nods)

Me: Actually, hyper is a cool word. So put hyper in front of anything. Then you'll get a way cool word.

Sarah: (nods and laughs)

Me: Like hyper-cereal!

At lunch, I came up with hyper-hyper and hyper-sugar.

Well...yeah. But...that doesn't stop it from being a cool word.

In art today, I was like "HAPPY MARCH 25TH!" to all my friends. They kept giving me 'WTF looks' so I had to explain, like 5 times, that "Pretty.Odd. which is Panic at the Disco's new CD comes out today and Fall Out Boy's performing in Antartica." Then Nicole was like "I'm going to kill you." And I was like "Yeah. Whatever."

Yesterday, Nicole admitted to kind of liking Nine in the Afternoon. I was half-dancing. She was like "They've...matured."

So, it's Nick's birthday today. Shane decides to make him a locker-poster. Nice, only it said "You're a big, big boy now! Yay!". And since they are both our friends and Nick and I are together now, Nicole decides to scratch out boy and put girl.

When we got back from lunch, Shane saw it and told Nick. But Nick thought Shane did the girl thing, and got mad at him. Me and Nicole were cracking up. xD

My language arts teacher was telling us why she'd be sitting down a lot today: She woke up at 1 in the morning throwing up. Everybody got up and walking away from her, into the opposite corner of the classroom. Then somebody was like "No! Aww, not all over my binder, come on!" Mrs. D just laughed and told us that she was over it.

Nicole is going to Florida for a week, so she wanted me to give all of our friends who ask a note tomorrow. It involves "Dear Friends, By the time you will have read this, I will be dead. Haha, just kidding. I'm on a boring plane ride. But not so boring, because of those AWESOME COMPLIMENTARY PEANUTS. Even though I won't eat them, they're still awesome... Okay. ♫ GOODBYE ♫ (...suckers...) From, Your bestest friend, Nicole!".

one time during spanish my friend megan didnt get what the spanish teacher was asking her then Micheal whispered to her and all of a sudden she randomly says "i like the pizz a too"

A while ago, our science teacher was getting Rockband (She has it. I don't. WTF!?) and she was like "You'll be addicted to drugs." But, she meant drums.

Today though, in art, me and Nicole were talking about Panic at the Disco. Our conversation:

Nicole: They should all be slaughtered. Except Ryan Ross.

Me: Why not Ryan?

Nicole: Because...well...Ryan should be slaughtered too.

Me: (yelling to Sofie) Oooh. Nicole likes Ryan Ross!!

Nicole: I do not!

Me: Nicole's gonna marry Ryan!

Nicole: Shut up!

Me: (yelling to Joe) Nicole's gonna marry Ryan Ross!

Joe: Ooooh. Who's he?

Then I had to explain. After that, Nicole and Sofie were fighting with me about if Brendon Urie is married...which he is NOT.

In English, I copied and pasted When The Day Met The Night lyrics to Word and printed it out. XD

My friend said that she listened to Nine In The Afternoon, without knowing it was by PATD. She also thought it was called Four In The Afternoon. xD

I was talking about how the JabbaWockeeZ will beat Status Quo in America's Best Dance Crew tomorrow (WOOT.) And my friend was like "Those people scare me! They wear masks and they wear black! They're gonna muder me!"

During Science, we had to mix substances with water. One of the substances was Kool-Aid mix, and one person in my class ate half of the powder. xD Then he was smelling it, and I said that he's gonna be a druggie. xP

At recess, I threw a snowball at my friend and she screamed at the top of her lungs.

^ Four In The Afternoon? XD I swear, you're Angela. She's obsessed with that show and that....Jabba thingy. Haha. I should vote for them like she said...but I don't watch the show. Whatever. You still have snow??

In PE, me and Sarah were making words out of our hands. So we would make our mouths look like and O. She made WOW. I made MOM. She made MOW. I made LOL. Then Peyton made COOL and LOOL. It was really random. So I go up to Natalie and go "I'm COOL. You're LOOL."

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