Funny Moments at School


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Bella is like Jules's mum, lmao!

And everyone was talking about Otis when they said the homophobic stuff in the survey.

Am I missing something?

It's really weird because whenever I walk past the year nines under the tree they all hit Chris and laugh at me.


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Well, I didn't really have "school" today.

Provincial Science Fair. O:

Well, out in the hall during lunch, there was a game where you could win stickers. It showed the stickers you could win. Amongst them, was a "Pepsi" sticker. Though instead of the logo saying "Pepsi" it said "Sexi" O:

Then Taylor's pop exploded all over the counter when she opened it...

And I got extra change when my money came out of the vending machine.

And I put my hand in a dish of cold water during the tour of the University. It was cooollddd.

Yesterday in algebra, out whole side ofthe room was recount Mark Antony's speech. Ahah.

A while ago, Melissa and I realized that we have the exact same seat in English. I have English the period after her so we have started writing notes to each other. It's so awesome. And so sending get in trouble, we have Harry Potter code names. She's "She Who Shall Not Be Named" and I'm "The Half-Blood Princess". And then, Samantha wanted one so she's "The Girl Who Lived". We are cool kids.

On last Friday, in WHAP we did a Harry Potter World and Nazi Germany comparison. Best day in WHAP.

Today, in French, we were doing a speaking practice and my group had no clue what to do so we wasted time with lengthy introductions. I go "Bonjour. Je m'appelle Diva et je suis Sister A!" and Nicole repeats me and she didn't realize what we were doing with the sisters so she pauses before the letter. Then I loudly whisper "B". We played it back and it was hilarious.

2 things, both about this idiot who sits behind me, Jack. -.-

Well, today was April Fools Day, and Jack was playing a joke on me. He kept touching my shoulder and was all like "i love you" and i said "ew, gtfo noob" and as he tried to hug me I dodged and his face went straight into a cream pavalova and his face looked like an abominable snowman. The whole class cracked up. XD

Also, Jack asked me how to spell 'Retard' and I replied "J-A-C-K"

At recess, it started raining. So Sasha, Courtney, and I skipped around near the soccer field singing "Raining Men" at the top of our lungs.

Then Jeanna got hit by a baseball today at recess. So then I overheard Brodie and Samuel saying that Ashton hurt her. So then I kept trying to get past Sam so I could [literally] maul Ashton. Not that I like Jeanna, but still...

So then I finally got past and kicked Ashton in the head.

Epic win for me.

[No, don't be scared. I'm quite sane when you get to know me.]

Then Sasha, Courtney, and I were sitting on the fence posts. We seen Kyle, Austin, and Daniel talking. So I'm like. "HEY KYLE! YOUR DOCTOR CALLED! HE SAID HE'S GOING TO PATCH THAT HOLE IN YOUR AxS UP NEXT FRIDAY!"


Thomas got punched in the face and therefore missed Science class.

How is this funny? I dunno, but I find it hilarious.

-double post... kill me- >.>


We had a substitute, so nobody got any work done. We were too busy talking about things completely irrelevant to Science, and it was hilarious. Then Brett's like "A duck's quack doesn't echo" then David's like "Brett, even I know that's complete BS." Then Ms. Taylor told him "Actually, it's true" then David got out of his chair, kicked the wall, then walked out of the classroom. He didn't come back for twenty minutes.


We had a test. So five minutes into it, David stood up and said "THAT WAS EASY!" then passed it in. The test was seven pages long so we knew he didn't do any work.

Then after math was over, Ms. Yeo said "Everybody look at this" and she passed around David's test. And all he did was write "The chicken is watching you. Be cautious, or Chuck Norris will come" at the top, then drew a picture of a chicken.

Need I say that he failed?


While we were writing out notes, Hillary just started crawling around on the floor. Then Mr. Perry looked at her then said "Hill, what are you doing?" then she's like "I DROPPED THEN BROKE MY MATH COMPASS! AND I'M LOOKING FOR THAT BOLT THAT HOLDS THE PENCIL IN PLACE" Then Anthony's like "Why do you have it in Health class, anyway?" So Hillary's all "I just do!"

She never found it, and nobody helped her. Because Grade 7B is nice like that.


I showed Courtney my drawing of the obstacle course. Then she's like "That's terrible..." so then I pulled out another copy and said "This is the good copy" Then Courtney's like "THAT'S EVEN WORSE!"


During Red-Rover, My team said "Red Rover, red rover, we call Loser over!" then Jaycee ran, and it was like "" xD

in american history we were learning about habeas corpus (which translates to "show me the body") and we had to do a skit on it. so one of the boys took his jacket off and started dancing when someone said it. now whenever our teacher says habeas corpus, it always follows with "also known as tyler's dance" XD

Well, I come in late to the school. Them Mrs. Yeo's all "Did you sleep in or what, Kristin? Well, did you?" Then I'm like "Piano recital..." Then she looks disappointed and goes "Oh... so you're saying I can't destroy your alarm clock?" I nodded and say "Yeah... it's a shame, really." Then she gave me the last of her gummy bears.

Then during lunch, Alix ripped my English assignment. Then I'm all "ALLY-EX YOU UNGRATEFUL BIOTCH FOR MOTHER-FREAKING SHAME!" Then everyone laughs, while Alix is there like "DD:" practically pissing herself. Then I just started to laugh, and I fall off my chair. Then Alix looks at me, passes me her orange, then says "Want this?"

Then at the end of the day, Courtney runs over to me and goes "DAUGHTER!" And I'm like "Mommy!" Meanwhile, Alix is just there like "...uhhh" And Sasha's like "Hi child..." and I'm like "Hi dad! -wave-"

Wow... I love my friends. xD

today in PE, we were playing basketball, and the teacher was explaining "the yellow balls are for the girls, because those balls are smaller and girls have smaller hands, so these are girls balls." and everyone was LAUGHING! (8th graders are so perverted XD)

in american history, we were doing analizing pictures to figure out what's going on. the teacher pointed to mules and said "what are these?" we replied "mules." and he said "yes, jack-*****."

I kept on singing the "Campfire Song Song" from Spongebob during lunch. So Alix looks at Anthony and says "Can you make her shut up!?" Then Anthony pulls the chair out from under me, and I hit him with my lunch bag. Then I start singing it again. So Anthony's all "OH YOU'RE SING THE CAMFIRE SONG!" And He hits Aix and says "Don't make me do that to her again when she's singing an epic song!" and starts singing along with me. xD

Ferret girl. Oh my god.

There's this year 9 girl who hates us. Once we fed a duck and it was a stupid, mentally challenged duck and it choked on the bread and she went nuts at us for trying to kill a duck and the next day we saw her feeding the retarded duck [He's very identifiable] a banana.

Once she came over and had a go at all of us for staring at her, but none of us were even looking her way. We were just like 'Stop flattering yourself, sweetie'

Yesterday at school we saw a tragedy, her short, like only just able to be put up in a pony tail, hair, dyed bleach blonde, 3 cm of black regrowth and just horrible.

She'd put in tacky, cheap, obviously plastic extenstions. Hair tied up, it looked really really tacky, and at our school, tacky is something we have learnt to deal with, but this was beyond any tacky we'd seen before.

Jessie walked past her and said 'Oh god, don't freak out, but I think you have a dead ferret stuck in your pony tail' and it was just so funny.

She had a go at my other friend, who threw it right back and shut her up "The dog house is over there"- FG. "Then why are you not in there"-Mate. -Girlshutsup-

We talked about Justin Bieber, social networking, MSN and turbans at lunch.

Rather amusing.

Ligaya said something about a turban, so I jumped up and down shouting. Not the best way to react when they 'stupid dumb fricking year nine boy' is within fifty metres of you.

You wouldn't understand this boy thing. xD

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Adam and I started discussing pirates two days ago.

I finally made Anita shut up. This is more of an accomplishment, though.

Sofia and I were discussing things that apprently suck, TV Show wise. ("Don't you just HATE it when your cancer patient dies?!")

today is pajama day, so everyone (including the teachers) came in thier pajamas and brought a little stuffed friend XD

in 1st period, our science teacher brought a purple hippo, and she WOULD NOT put it down. so at the end of class, I said "ms. lai, you've been holding the hippo the entire class!" then she says "because it's my hippo, and nobody can touch it!" then I touch it and she says "YOU TOUCHED MY HIPPO! D:" (the teachers at this school are hillarious XD) and she was teaching us about stars, and said that when you wish on a star, you're really saying "oh giant flaming ball of gas, please grant me my wish!"

in 2nd period, we saw cloudy with a chance of meatballs in the locker room (it was raining) and we basically cad a sleepover in there XD (kiana kept saying perverted stuff about the movie, mostly with baby brent XD)

then in 3rd period, jeremy called alex a 4th grader (she's REALLY short) and he got in TROUBLE! (and, I was totally falling asleep... it's the PJs!)

next in 4th period, we took a test, me and JP had our ususal cursing war, the teacher explained that we were gonna be doing 6th and 7th grade history. then he made us clean up the room, armani saw a piece of a candy wrapper and asked me to get it. I threw it on JP's desk, and said "here, you're a big basketball player, you can throw it away!" and it folowed up with another cursing war.

next was lunch, and one girl had a HUGE bunny, so I went over to talk to her because I had a bunny too (but,it's only, like, a foot tall.) my sis told me that she saw her avid teacher in PJs, and it creeped her out. then I pictured him in spandex and a cape D: and then I saw mr. rogers (not from the TV show) with a blanket and called him super rogers, and he did a muscle thing XD

now it's 5th period, and we saw a video about unschooling (which is where kids do whatever they want) we had a discussion, saw another video about it, and then the teacher stopped the video and said "oh my god, I can't stand these parents."

EDIT: in 6th period, we played jeopardy language arts style, and one of the questions was "what is the theme of an ode?" so vanessa was freaking out and said "OH I'LL JUST PUT ANYTHING" (which, anything is the answer) and she wrote puppy. XD another was "write a haiku about butterflies" and when she read one she was like but-ter-flies-are-sweet-it-sits-on-the-nice-flo-wer-it--flies-a-way-now. and she counted as she read it. (I'm wondering why she chose butterflies...)

in 7th period, I forgot my tutorial again (avid) but I got put at a table. isaiah threw the roo doll to gracie, but it hit kevin on the head, and jinelle went insane again, as usual.

wow, it was a GREAT day. XD

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Today, we had a band concert at an amusement park. We got a really big trophy :D (well, everyone did...)

After the preformence, we basically played all day. I went on so many rides. Some made me feel all sick...stupid Octopus ride!! However, the Scrambler and the Swings didn't bother me. Now my legs hurt really horribly because 1) I played tennis yesterday, 2) We did leg excersises (er, however you spell it) in P.E., and 3) my legs were shoved way under the seat on the swing ride because I was spazzing out. I STILL feel like I'm swinging from that ride!!!

On the way back to school, I was sitting next to my BFF and she had an almost empty water bottle. So, this is basically what happened:

Her: He's so hot!!

Me: What? Ugh, *different guy* is totally hotter!

Her: He may have hot abs, but he has an ugly face.

Me: But *her dude* has like, no abs at all!

Her: What?! *points water bottle at me and squirts* Take it back! *now notices I'm wet* Oh, I'm sorry *lol*!!

When she squirted, it went all over my binder and my arms and my FLUTIE CASE!! I was like "Ugh! I already got wet once today!!" (I had gotten splashed on the pattle boats by this jerk of a person... -.-)

So that's basically how my day went. lol

Every morning now, Richard and Matthew have war with the year elevens. We threw stuff over the hole above the door and they threw apples back at us. Me Maria, we called it the apple runway. x3 And Maria's taking photos of everyone. There's this one of Jianshi with his poofy hair. We were like, 'look at his hair.'

And Richard, he sat on the handrail of the balcony to try and get through the door, which was pretty dangerous as we were on the second floor.

In maths, there was this HUGE spider above me on the ceiling, and it kept moving. Freaky.

Ohh and cross country. I came 9th in the 12 yr old girls but there WERE only about 9 girls. I still made it to zone, though. ;_;

In history, Lucas said that he stole Red Bull off his dad and Maria's just like, "I want some!" And he was like, "yeah but my dad will get angry." We were just like "If you stole it off him, wouldn't he already be angry?" And he just shrugged. xD

And Maria was keeping her can of coke under her table. I moved and accidentally hit the can and some went onto the carpet. She used her sock to wipe it up. I was just like, oops.

Yeah. Good times, good times.

^XD I think someone's been watching too much Lord of the Rings, lol.

I don't know if this counts since it's outside of school, but I went to go get a manicure yesterday (my prom is tonight ^o^) and one of my colorguard mates was at the same place and we ended up sitting right by each other getting our nails done. We were laughing cause the people running the place were all Chinese and we were trying to figure out what they were saying. All they did was talk amongst themselves the whole time. I couldn't help but wonder if they were talking about me. XD

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' date='April 24, 2010 08:32 pm'] Every morning now, Richard and Matthew have war with the year elevens. We threw stuff over the hole above the door and they threw apples back at us. Me Maria, we called it the apple runway. x3 And Maria's taking photos of everyone. There's this one of Jianshi with his poofy hair. We were like, 'look at his hair.'And Richard, he sat on the handrail of the balcony to try and get through the door, which was pretty dangerous as we were on the second floor.

In maths, there was this HUGE spider above me on the ceiling, and it kept moving. Freaky.

Ohh and cross country. I came 9th in the 12 yr old girls but there WERE only about 9 girls. I still made it to zone, though. ;_;

In history, Lucas said that he stole Red Bull off his dad and Maria's just like, "I want some!" And he was like, "yeah but my dad will get angry." We were just like "If you stole it off him, wouldn't he already be angry?" And he just shrugged. xD

And Maria was keeping her can of coke under her table. I moved and accidentally hit the can and some went onto the carpet. She used her sock to wipe it up. I was just like, oops.

Yeah. Good times, good times.
My sock was wet for the rest of the day.

We were in the computer lab with Mrs Andres-Chun last week.

I wasn't working, I was on Twitter on my phone.

I googled 'Max Wilkinson' on the computer and showed Linda and Jazzy.

Linda said he was ugly.

I told Max: My class likes you :)

He goes: awah well tell them i say hi :)

Best ever.

haha well my teacher was mad at the class because a lot of people were copying eachother on a fill-in-the-blank sheet. [i was not one of those people btw!] it was on a book we were reading in French class, about these people who stole a bunch of cows, pigs, horses and stuff from a barn. So the words we had to fill in were "voleurs de bétail", which means "cattle thieves" in French. But instead, somebody wrote "violeurs de bétail", and in French, violeurs means rapist. xD And since almost everyone copied off of eachother, pretty much half the class handed in cattle rapist as one of their answers. ;p

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