Funny Moments at School


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During PE, I was waiting for my team's turn at soccer. And Allison and Destiny were looking out the window, when Allison fell on me. And I was like ' O_O WTF are you doing?' and, so Allison's all "Raping you', and then I yell "NOOOOOOOOOO I'M BEING RAPEED D:"

And Allison stole Gyra's spot, and Gyra wanted my chocolate bar.

me and my friend same one as im in gymnastics at my school with love 50 first dates. we watch it twice every weekend. any way we love the part were there golfing so my friend walked up to our single teacher and well this is how we did it ill show u the convo

my friend is playing as kyle im henry and then theres my teacher

kyle-*goes up to front of the room durnig drama we had to do a skit with the teacher in it* i met this sexy blonde tax eterny at starbucks the other day! *sniffs paper * u want her number

Henry- ULA are u pimping tourists for ms. Jamel again?

kyle - yes u have to remeber my life sux. do it for ula.

henry- no shes staying in tonight,

kyle- give her the whikikiki between the cheeky that way i can pretend like i did it and get threw another weekend

henry- no thanks

ms, marsh- Girls this is inapproprait go sit back down

kyle- come on get some assy some ****y to put on ur boyboy.

henry- 8laughing really hard *


at this time the princible comes in and looks at her and me and ula copy that gay guy on the beach

kyle and henry- UR IN TROUBLE i gotta go tinkle - they sit back down-

oh i gotta tell ya it was awesome

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one time i was walking down the hollway and oops i spelt that wrong oh well and then this kid slapped my but and goes I LIKE BIG BUTTS AND I CANNOT LIE then ran away giggling.

We were sitting at lunch and talking about south park and all the sudden i got hit with sala i was like WTF and he got it on my 80 DOLLAR JACKET. that i got the day before and it had ranch all over it

i was like skipping with my friend and she like ducked then jumped i was like WTH and then i got hit with a hockey puck? i was like WHERE THE HELL DID THAT COME FROM and the guy behind me had been slingshotting hockey pucks

i saw a guy with a rubber ball. he started to chase me and my friend so i ran and she looked at me like HUH? why are u running>? the he hit her head and was like PIPER U COULDA WARNED ME

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The other day, in class, we had to abbreviate our desk group names, and our name is 'I Don't Know', right? Well, our abbreviation was IDK, and then a burst out laghing, and people were all "WTF?" so I said, "LOLOLIDK"

So me, Raychel, Brett, and David were in the gym practicing our dance routines. And we were working on where we were going to stand, and I point to the green line, look and David, and say. "This is your line. You love the line. You make love to the line. You marry the line. And lastly, you masturbate over the line."

I regret nothing.

Also, we seen Taylor and Sasha giving Kyle make-up. YAY~!

This was yesterday in Drama. We were in gropus doing small plays and here's part of it?

Me: Why can't you just keep quiet?

J: Why are you so ugly? -stops--laughs- Kaycee should be Alison.

Me: -awkward silence-

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The other day, me and my friend.

Her -joking around-: What's 18 minus 9? Uhhh.

Us: 7?! -stare at each other-

Her: Dude. Get outta my head. O____o

Me: Laugh.


Me: -insertnamehere!!!!!!!!-



Us: What's up?


Me: loolol. I win.

I just remembered one from two years ago.

S: Cube the square of the second positive integer

Me and L are randomly guessing numbers for a while, then the good part happens:

L: 65?

S: Lower.

Me: 64?

S: Correct!

L: That's not fair, she knows more maths than I do!

in 7th pd. AVID:

jinell: Ms. Ramirez! there's a cockroach on the sink!

Ms. Ramirez: jinell! stop bringing your pet to school!


(during a test)

jinell: (shouts) Ms. Ramirez I gotta pee!

ms. ramirez: then go to the bathroom!

jinell: I can't move! (then she's going on about "this test is my future!" it was the geometry ready test to see if we'll to geometry in high school. eventually she got kicked out of the class)


there's a substitute teacher, and she's spending all day drawing a box. then the next day the sub was still there, and she was crying all day because she lost it. then the next day, ms. ramirez was back, and...

ms. ramirez: the substitute teacher gave you a bad grade!

kimberly: she wasn't even paying attention to us! the first day she was drawing a box, and then the next day she was crying because she lost her box!


(I told trevor that he looks like justin bieber, and at the time I hate justin bieber, then next week I'm all into justin bieber, and...)

trevor: will you go out with me?

me: no.

trevor:...but you said I look like justin bieber!


(this wasn't at school, but she's in my 7th pd. AVID class. we were on a tour of the UCLA college campus, we went to get lunch, and...)

me: (to the carls jr. clerk) I'll get a small chocolate shake, please.

carls jr. clerk: sorry, the milk shake machine doesn't work. (there are signs everywhere that says "milk shakes here! get your milk shakes! 3 flavors! only $2.00!")

jackie: (my friend) sarah, can you get me a milk shake?

me: they don't have them.

jackie: (looks at signs) yes they do!

me: no they don't.

jackie: they do!

me: no, the milk shake machine doesn't work.

jackie: they don't have shakes?

jackie: oh...


(this one is slightly mature, so only hilight if you're 12 or older.)

me, kimberly, trevor, jackie, isaiah, cesar and anna were talking about sex, and in the past I've told them I'm not allowed to have a boyfriend, we were laughing so hard, and then cesar said...

cesar: you're not allowed to have a boyfriend, but you're allowed to listen to this conversation!?

me: I read it in a book.

cesar: wow...

and then kimberly was saying that it's kinda messed up for a guy to see a girl naked, so I said:

me: then don't they do it in the dark? (but they thought I said "doesn't it glow in the dark?")

kimberly: WTF!?!? IT GLOWS IN THE DARK!?!? O.O

and then jackie was laughing harder than she ever has. XD


(this wasn't in the class either, it was a bus ride for a college campus tour. but the classmates were still there. some of us were playing pull out, a game where two people play, and you both go in for a kiss, and whoever pulls away first loses. if you kiss eachother, you both win. Isaiah played it with a girl he barely knew, and they both won. everyone said "isaiah, your first kiss was with a girl you didn't even know on a bus playing pull out!", then I told him...)

me: so isaiah, what are you gonna tell gracie? (everyone always jokes that isaiah and gracie are a couple because they always sit together)

isaiah: screw you. (then the next day I told gracie XD)

and there were 3 girls playing it, and they all won. (but they kept explaining "our lips didn't touch! it just made a triangle! only our cheeks touched!!!")

I just explained probably every inside joke in my signature...

Today after band lesson, Ben put a staple in his mouth (To pretend it's a lip piercing... :) ), and some 7th grader said "Holy crap. That guy has his lip pierced!!!" me and Rhiannon laughed so hard. xD

Oh yeah, and when I say he put a staple in his mouth, I don't mean he STAPLED it to his mouth! D: He bent the staple to look like a piercing.

In "Sex Ed", we were learning the parts of the reproductive system. And when the class concluded that testicle's were a male's part, Anthony goes "Wait... don't girls have testicles, too?"

Oh. Dear. God.

After band, Mrs. MacLellan found a first grade girl's sweater on the desk. So she looks at Tanner and goes "Tanner, I found your sweater!" So Tanner grabs it and puts it on. And it barely fit him, so the sleeves were at his elbows and the bottom of the shirt was above his belly button. And if that wasn't hilarious enough, he walks out in the hall with it and Mrs. MacLellan's all "TANNER! -laugh- GET BACK IN HERE! -laugh- I WAS JUST JOKING!"

During french class, someone's computer starting blasting the song "Thriller" really loud. So we all look at Jaycee and he goes "Oh, don't act like nobody's ever done this before!"

And then a few minutes later [after he stopped the song], Jaycee started tossing his hair around and putting his hands on his hips and shakes them around. >.>

We had a fire drill during math. And it scared Brodie so hard that he fell out of his chair.

I can't edit my last post, so STFU.


In Art class, Mr. McQuaid leaves the class room and Jeanna runs in with a "Happy Retirement, Mr. McQuaid!" poster and gets us to sign it. Since Mr. McQuaid told us to stay in our seats, I get up and start running around the classroom and beg Madison to give me her skittles.

And after Mr. McQuaid came back, he took us to the gym since we had nothing better to do. Kyle, Jaycee, Jason, Samuel, and I took out scooters [square plastic platforms with handles and wheels] and a giant stretchy rope. They looped the rope around me when I sat down on the scooter and dragged me across the gym really fast. And when I fell off, I got dragged halfway across the gym and got several rashes. Mr. McQuaid made us put the rope back, but they still dragged me around the gym on the scooter [we held hands]

I came up with the genius idea of lying on the scooter while Kyle grabs my ankles and drags me across the gym. So.dang.Fun.

After that, Kaylee, Samantha, Jeanna, and I ran back to Ms. LeClair's room. So Ms. LeClair sent us to get Popsicles out of the home-ec room. Ms. Brake was busy teacher her sewing class, so we stood at the door. Ms. Brake says "Well what do you want? I'll get it for you." Then Samantha responded "Popsicles" Then Ms. Brake says "...Is it really that urgent?" so I'm all "Yes." Then it was five seconds of awkward silence before Ms. Brake says "Go back to class. I'm busy right now"

(OMG topic is not 3 months old, I am a winner.)

in middle school...

(everyone's talking at table 1)

isaiah: (walks over) hey what are you guys talking about?

kimberly: *removed* <---highlight to read

isaiah: okay. (leaves)

now, moving on to high school...

(FRESHMEN class is watching mythbusters, the episode about if talking to plants helps them grow)

carrie (from mythbusters): I hate you! plants are SO stupid! you're such a stupid little freshman!!!

adam: (from mythbusters) you called the plant a freshman?

everyone laughed.

and, my buddies from middle school captured me and took me into thier secret organization. (the freshman float parade) then we kept trying to get more freshmen to join, and I shouted "go capture some innocent football players! we need some strong people!" and we captured some, but they wrecked havoc and escaped. XD

then, to get some people to join, gracie shouted through the door "FREE AIR CONDITIONING!!!" (it's been over 105 degrees for DAYS.)

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I can't edit my last post either. >:[

cesar was kicking the soccer ball all over the classroom, and almost hit the computer. (gracie was typing up the yearbook) so then:

me: careful, don't break gracie's computer.

cesar: what? don't break gracie's ______?

me: o_O WHAT!?

cesar: hey what does that mean?

me: I'm not telling you.

cesar: why not!?

me: go look it up.

so cesar goes to look up the word on another computer. meanwhile, I'm telling jackie what happened. then he clicks a picture on google images and says "oh..." XD

In Social Studies, Mr. Acorn was telling us the story of people going to jail and marrying people while they were in jail. And Kyle raised his hand and Mr. Acorn said "Kyle, do you have a story of a time you went to jail?"

And Kyle just kind of sunk down in his seat and stayed quiet. xD

And in book buddies, Riley had books buddies with a kindergartner named Alex. And then Alex looked at Riley, and then ran away and hid behind her teacher. Erin were all "YOU SCARED A LITTLE KID. SHAME ON YOU!"

Today at lunch some short little freshman with glasses came over to my table where I was sitting with a bunch of my friends. He walks over holding an opened, squashed Reeses cup, and asks "Did this come from your table?" and I'm like "Err.. no. Did someone throw it at you?" and he's like "yeah.... i was wondering if i should eat it." and i'm like "uh, that's your call." and as he's walking away my friend Vanessa's chanting "eat it! eat it!" and then my friend Sammy's like "wow, that's one cool kid" xD

I can still remember a funny thing that happened about four years ago when I was in primary school. Back then, if a teacher was away you didn't always get a supply teacher, so the class without a teacher were split up into different groups and sent off to other classes. One time I was sent off to a nursery class. (Kindergarten, for the Americans out there.) I was doing my work when I yawned and said to my friends. "I'm tired." A little girl in the nursery class walked up to me and said "I'm Isabelle. It's nice to meet you, Tired!" The poor kid was so confused when everyone burst into laughter.

There's also this boy in my History class who seems to fall over every History lesson. If he doesn't, everyone tries to help him by sticking out their legs when he walks past.

Okay, so there's this guy in my PE block that my friend really hates, and she was telling me about him, his name is Frank. So, he has like no idea who I am, and then he walks up to me and my friend, and he's like "Hi girlies !" and I'm like "HI FRANK : D" and he's like "OMG HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME?! IM SO SCARED NOW." It was hilarious xD

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