Funny Moments at School


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Today, I found out Maria happens to be in my class. It's a small world!

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' date='March 19, 2010 04:30 pm'] Today, I found out Maria happens to be in my class. It's a small world!

Then in cross country practice we just walked slowly talking.

I love you <3

Yeah. <3

Anyway, Catherine and Jennifer and Gayithri cut the course. They got caught and had to run another lap of the oval xD

Today was the shizz; <3

In French some kid was trying to say 'merci' but they said it like 'mer-kee'.

Mr Fischer said if some rapist came at us then we should kick their balls and punch their nose.

Nobody sat behind Jasmine in sport so I went and hug-raped her from behind. <3

^ Haha, **** bear.

And these year 10s were like, we hate Richard.

Maria, the Tik Tok parody is funneh! I forgot how half of it goes, though. xD

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The year tens hate Richard?

Wake up in the morning feeling like Denis He,

got my bag I'm out the door I'm gonna hit Fort Street.

Before I leave, brush my teeth with a can of coke,

'cause when I'm shouting in PE you're gonna wanna choke.


I'm talkin' bout pxssing off Mrs Woodhouse,

she wants me to be quiet like a dead mouse,

and I forgot to bring my homework.

And now there's art in period three,

and we're all yelling over Ms V,

Woodhouse kept me in at lunch,

wh-a-a-a-at the ****.


Don't stop, pxss 'em off.

Mr Osland can't stop-

my bad attitude.

Now I'm stealing canteen food.

Don't stop, pxss 'em off

'cause now Moxham's given u-up,

oh-whoa-ohoh, oh-whoa-ohoh, x2


Ain't got a care in the school,

but got plenty of nerve.

I ain't got now homework in my bag,

and I'm such a big perv.

And now Maria's so pxssed off,

'cause I'm yelling at Chris.

I don't get why she likes him, him...


Now, now I'm running 'round in W3-3,

Griffin can't hear me-e,

Griffin can't hear me, yeah

Griffin can't hear me.


Don't stop, pxss 'em off.

Mr Osland can't stop-

my bad attitude.

Now I'm stealing canteen food.

Don't stop, pxss 'em off

'cause now Moxham's given u-up,

oh-whoa-ohoh, oh-whoa-ohoh, x2


You laugh at me,

you keep me in,

Ms Miniutti, I really hate you.

With your smile wide,

my brain is dead

You haven't taught me nothing yet.

You laugh at me,

you keep me in,

Ms Miniutti, I really hate you.

With your smile wide,

my brain is dead

You haven't taught me nothing yet.


Now the fun don't start til I say shxt,


Don't stop, pxss 'em off.

Mr Osland can't stop-

my bad attitude.

Now I'm stealing canteen food.

Don't stop, pxss 'em off

'cause now Moxham's given u-up,

oh-whoa-ohoh, oh-whoa-ohoh, x2


I apologise for anything you might find offensive or rude, that's just how our song goes though 8D

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My science teacher rides her bike to school, so this kid, Matt, asks "If your at a funeral, following the hershe(sp?), do you ride your bike?" XDDDD

Today Rhiannon poked my ribs ;_;

I was in the bathroom, and Hannah came randomly. Her ss class is all the way on the third floor, and my math class is in the basement. o; So yeah, we talked and stuff.

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I love you, Maria.

Mrs Woodhouse: Is this an incursion?

Us: ...The note says we're going there by bus...

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Jazzyyy. I love Mrs Woodhouse.

'Do we wear full school uniform, Miss?'

'What's full school uniform?'

'With the tie.'

'Then wear it.'

'It's an incursion!'

'But Miss, it's a writers festival.'

'What's the problem, Matthew?'

'Miss, that's a rhombus, not a trapezium.'

'Same thing, the trapezium's just more annoying.'

'Linda, be quiet.'




'Miss, what's an orgasm?'

'Haha, you're very funny.'

And with Ms Andres-Chunnnn.


'I didn't quite catch that miss, could you repeat it?'





xD I love Fort Street.

Miss Woodhouse: Who's making that noise? STOP IT!

Linda: It's a bird, Miss.

And I think Denis has EXPLOSIVE verbal diarrhea. xD

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Woodhouse: Have you got your library cards yet?

7F: No.

Woodhouse: SHHHH!

Oh my god, ENL last week<3




Me; -hides under folder-

Sam: Miss, can I go to the toilet?

Miss Woodhouse: Okay, but you have to stay in for detention.

Linda: Miss, he's already staying in!

Miss Woodhouse: Linda! Five minutes added to your detention!

Richard: Sam, there's only 7 minutes till the bell.

Miss Woodhouse: Richard! Ten minutes detention!

Sam: Rate Raymond out of 10.

Linda: Okay....Raymond!

Raymond: (turns around) What?

Linda: ...Oh, he's ugly. 3/10!

Mrs MacDonald: You have the intelligence of a... of a shoe!!

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Ms Harper: 'You, what's your name?'

Linda: 'Who, me?'

'Yes, you.'


'Linda, shut up.'

Harper: Six nine, they can be a threesome, haha!

Jazzy, you wouldn't know this one, but it's so funny.

Finn in year eight was eating this nectarine and he had finished it so he threw the stone over his shoulder and this teacher was watchng him and she came over, Finn turned around and she was all like 'I SAW YOU DO THAT SO GO AND PICK IT UP AND THROW IT IN TE BIN!'

Finn went all red :)

some kid named Zack in my class we had to write this poem and this is what he shared with the class!

Once Mario And Luigi Were On The Bus And They Were Making Fun Of Toon Link Because Hes So Short and toon link said "Your A waste Of Air!" Mario And Luigi Were laughing at that then toon link said "Shut up you pigs or ill kick your bahookie" then they laughed at that too. Toon Link almost cryed and told the bus driver but he didnt do anything so mario said "No toon link were sorry your hairs lame and said the word bahookie and you called us pigs. and you almost got your face ran over because sonic ran almost missed the bus and ran into the bus too fast and ran into you!" Then Sonic Came over and said "Hey Mario, Luigi....TOON LINK." Then Sonic Kissed Toon Link then...THE END!!!!!!

Weird Story he wrote huh? his mark was a 90% :) :( :(

History was ace today.

Mrs Miniutti: If you can't analyse, you're screwed.

Class: -laughs-

Miniutti: If you can't write, you're screwed.

Class: -laughs-

Me: -turns to Jasmine- THIS IS GOING ON TAMATALK!

The teachers at my school have an obsession with throwing stuff out windows.

Mr Scovell threw a chair out the window once.

Ms Macdonald made examples of herself comitting suicide where she threw herself out the window.

And today she taught us about 'defenistration' ; the act of throwing something out the window, where she used Denis as an example.

And in French, Chun Fung only got 2.5 out of 6 in his test. He shouts out his score to the teacher then I shout 'LITTLE BOY, LITTLE MARKS.'

I love the people at my school <3


In Fortunae, I tripped over. Bloooooody... But I got lollies. <3

And, after that, we had leftover time in the period so Mr. Fischer let us watch this bodybuilding video. xD

And after that, the 1992 Olympics. o.o

^When did you have Fortunae?

Denis kept whistling in art and Ms Dadour got annoyed.

She finds a reason to be mad at everyone x_x

But she never got mad at me :'3

How could I forget? I almost fell off the balcony of Wilkins before period six.

Chris was there, hanging. So I go up to him and I say 'Hey, what's up?'

He says, 'Nothing much, I'm just... hanging!' so I was hanging over it with him and I almost fell. xD

Then we talked a bit more and then we went different ways and yeah.

I love him so much :) <3

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this happened in tutorials in AVID class.

cesar: so you're in cheerleading?

me: ya.

cesar: are you on pep squad?

me: there is no pep squad.

cesar: yes there is.

me: how would you know? you aren't in cheerleading.

cesar: yes I am.

me: you want to be in cheerleading?

cesar: yes.

my friend: (turns and looks at cesar) you're gay.

and once, one of the boys (who has long hair, apparently it's a big trend at school for long hair) walked in class with a ponytail. xD

Ahaha.... first day back to school after March Break :)

Well, Sam came over to Sasha, Courtney, Alex, and I, looks at me and says "You're Germany!" Then he looks at Alex and says "You're Russia!" Then he looks at Sasha and says "You're Italy!" And he said nothing about Courtney. So Courtney asked "What about me?" Then Sam went from hyper to calm, and said. "You? You're Russia and France with a bit of Sweden." Then he ran off.

I was the only one who got the Hetalia reference. I laughed, while Sasha, Courtney, and Alex stood around awkwardly.

Then in Phys Ed, we were doing the "medicine ball challenge" where you have one team on one side of the mat, and the other team on the other side, with a medicine ball in the center. You had a partner, and you were teams. So then my number was called, and Indie and I raced for the medicine ball. Then Lexi's number was called, and we were fighting over the ball for at least five minutes. After a lot of tiredness, bruises and feeling dead, Lexi and I finally managed to get the ball to our side. I used the last bit of strength I had to punch Indie in the face.

Aand.. at recess, Sasha, Courtney, Alex, and I were sitting on the fence poles. Then from a distance, Austin, Daniel, Anthony, Sam, Brett, and some other random kid started chucking snowballs at us. I dodged every one, but Anthony got me in the face with a big chunk of ice. ._.

Then before recess ended, I got nicked in the ear by a big ball of snow D:

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