Funny Moments at School


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Yesteday. I died laughing.

The year nines were playing tips around lower Kilgour quad, and the year sevens were just watching. I went into the bathroom and one year nine girl came in after me to hide. Chris was in, so he ran into the girl's toilet as I was walking out.

Awkard. Hilarious. Love him <33

This was a few days ago at lunch:

Me: -eating a Dorito-

Bob: Hey. Krystal. Wanna share?

Me: These aren't even mine; they're T's.

T: Want some? -offers-

Bob: Nahh, Doritos give me gas.


I love my guy friends. c3

Today at lunch:

V: Z, you know you an idiot?

Z: Say any word, I'll sing about it.



V: Z, you know your an idiot?

Me: *sighs*


Me: Why don't you scrape it across my WASHBOARD ABS.

-total silence-

Megan: Uh yeah. How about no.

And me and Danielle were telling racist jokes in Social Studies. I shouldn't repeat any, but they were so funny.

Okay, so it's the very last class, everyone is pretty much milling around the room waiting for them to call seventh grade busriders, and Michael keeps coming up behind Sam and burping right in her ear, and I just burp really loud, point, and say, "Leave."

He just starts cracking up.

Hey, you fight fire with fire in this situation.

Me, Jack, Jess, Chris and Amy had a sort of water fight at dinner.

Well, Jack and Chris chased us with their water bottles. They went for me more and I was soaking. xD Jess was kinda wet. But somehow Amy didn't get wet at all. o;

We tried to get them back, but we didn't have squeezy bottles so it wasn't as good.

My hair was dripping and I was completely soaked. I had a maths test next and my test sheet was soaked by the end... -stupid dripping wet hair-

It was horrible but funny at the same time. xD

I got told off for talking to myself.

'-mutters away to myself-'

'Michelle, eschuchas, por favor'

'Sorry, I was talking to myself'

'Well next time, don't respond to the voices in your head, it's not acceptable behavior'

"Why are you in the nets?"

"Because... I just am"

"You can't... you're a girl"

"Yeah? And you're an abnormal guy"

"Well, you can't be in the nets, anyway"

"Why not?"

"You could get hurt by a soccer ball"

-soccer ball flies this way-

"See? You could have gotten hurt"

"Yeah, but I didn't"

"I want someone to get hit by a soccer ball"

"I hope Scott does"

"-sigh- Just get out of the nets, okay?"

"Jack-a**" -leaves-

xDD Stupid whatshisface.

Jeanna: "Only Brodie can be here!"

Samuel: "What about me?"

Jeanna: "Yeah, and Sam, too"


Jeanna: "NOOO! You're the likable a**hole of the group. You stay"


This guy was writing an acrostic with his mom's name and was like "What can I write for N?"

and then this guy's like "Nerdy."

And the teacher's like "Have you met his mom? She is not nerdy at all."

Then we all start thinking.

And then, I'm like "Noodles."

And everyone's like "Wtf."

Threw both shoes off top floor of Wilkins.

Linda had a baby.

Quoted Mychonny a million times.

Sang The States Of Matter song a million more.

Got told a story about three men with missing arms by Mr Brown.

Shouted 'SANTA CLAUS' in PE and got applause.

Filmed The Epic Leaf Drop.

Got injections.

Legally changed name to Josh Thomas during French.

Met Oli Sykes and Justin Bieber in French too.

My school is average.

My funny moments

1. During spanish class I yelled "I am a nice shark, not a mindless eating machine. If I am to change this image, I must first change myself. Fish are friends, not food!!"

Yesterday we did an experiment in Science with balloons filled with water.

M: -holding a balloon and shaking it- Is this how implants feel?

TR: I don't know, Teri might.

Me: Do I seriously look like I have implants?

TR: -joking- Sure, if you look from this way.

M: Do you want me to tell the truth or lie? Lie? Okay. Um... Yes

We had to like pick our future careers for some project thing, and this is kinda related to inside jokes xD

Melissa - "I'm gonna be a gift wrapper. Like one of those elves at Christmas time."

Me - "Well, I'm gonna be a pro pencil spinner. Stephen can be a deaf guy."

Melissa - "Stephen, did you hear that?"

Stephen - "What..?"

Melissa - "Point proven."



Riley: "Hey, you have really nice writing."

Me: "Is that sarcasm..?"

Riley: "Nope."


Ahah, I love how the teacher never notices that I speak english...

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Me and Jay were back to back "because he wanted to see how much taller than me he was". More like he wanted to annoy me about it later. xD

Jack: You like standing against her like that, don't you?

Jay: I'm seeing how much taller I am than her...

Jack: Don't try to hide it.

Me: Awkward moment... -walks away-

Aha, it was very awkward but they way Jack said it was just laughable.

I haven't been in this topic for ages D:

Ohmygod, badminton today (for PE) was hilariousss! Haha so I got the gold racket 'cause it's the awesome racket. That's the one Matt usually uses so he sent Jordan after me to get the racket off me for him. Jordan grabbed the racket while I was still hanging onto it and tried to get it off me. He was like ''pfffffft Ksenia don't do this to me, I can't let this relationship end" and after like two minutes I gave up and gave the racket to him since he was like sticking his head in racket and yeaaaah.

Also in badminton, Kirsty kept dropping the shuttlecock and it was fudging funny as. I think I collapsed from laughter about five times. Literally fell on the floor 'cause of how funny it was. She's amazing ♥

Multimedia was coooooool (Y)

I stole some purple plasticine >;D

And Matthew touched the brown plasticine and then gave it back to me.

Kirsty was like "TOUCH IT! IT'S STILL WARM!"

Today, we were doing literacy and Briendon went to open a laptop. When he opened it, 'Ridin' Solo' by Jason Derülo blasted from the speakers. Then everyone was all "IT WAS ALLISON"!. He got into trouble though.

Lately Cristina has been getting all angry at nothing. I know she's my friend and all but Kirsty and I find it so funny when she just storms off for nothing! Today in Badminton it was me, Kirsty and Cristina and we were versing Heaven, Adiyam and Hayat. Cristina kept not hitting the shuttle so then Kirsty and I started to get a bit in her way to hit it so we end up winning. Whenever Cristina dropped it we'd laugh (mean I know, but we couldn't help it!) anddd then she just stormed off into the change room. We came in and apologised and all was better--but it was funny as, how she was getting so angry D;

In ESL Mehak was talking to me in Indian and I was trying to imitate every word she said. Cristina cracked up, so I did too.

Today we had P.E in school, and us girls were playing baseball on the same field (or whatever you call it) as boys. It was really hot and one of the boys took his shirt off. So much for playing baseball... Lol.

LOL, we were looking at a photocopy of a counterfeit bill, and a real bill today with a substitute teacher, and I'm like "On the counterfeit, the numbers dont match" and the teacher thought I meant the numbers are different on the counterfeit and the real, then later he's like "If you look closely at the numbers on the counterfeit bill, the one on the left and the one on the right are different" and I'm like "Yeah, that's the first thing I said" and he's like "Oh, that's what you meant. And I thought I was really smart figuring that out." I bet that teacher thinks I'm like a know-it-all xD

A few days ago, me and my friends were in the dell at school. It had been a rainy day, and we were on the top of a steep, and slippery hill. My friends were asking each other to run down, and in the middle of this, I started running down the hill, after one of my friends, who didn't slip. Near the end of the hill, I slipped and landed on my side. I stayed still, although I was laughing. My friend, Bailey, was all "Are you crying", and I was like 'No O_O ". Then afterwards, my face was party muddy, and the right sleeve of my school shirt was all dirty. And I forgot my jersey. D: .But, that was fun x3

At recess, it was freezing cold. So me and my friends were dressed up in sweaters and ran around the soccer field. Then Jeanna walks by and gives us a dirty look. So Sasha's all "Oh, okay then. Just be that way, why don't you?" So Jeanna walks away and says "YOU'RE ACTING LIKE SLUTS!" And I'm all "YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT A SLU...." But Courtney interrupts me and goes "TALK OFF YOUR SWEATERS AND START ACTING SLUTTY!" And we did.

See, this is why I love my friends. Even when they have slutty suggestions.

And in Health class, Ms.LeClair was talking about our health test. Then she's all "Don't get upset. It's not going to be long and hard, and it won't take long"

The only person who said "That's what she said"? Mr. Acorn, who was passing by at the right time.

And at recess, Mr. Acorn, who was supervising, was swinging on the swings. :3

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